Small minded people

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You run and tell the mods on wally and have him removed from the Dis and Knowing that most people here DO NOT LIKE YOU AT ALL So much so that you had to change your name on here many times.
You were even asked to step down as a mod because this board was not going like you wanted it.
Than why oh who did you not delete your account?
No you want to sit there and police our board and make us hate you more, and let me tell you honey it did not take rocket science to know who was reporting us.
I will say this to you again, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE US OR LIKE WHAT WE SAY THAT STAY OFF OF THIS BOARD. You will not be missed at all.

And good one getting someone kicked off thinking it was wally, Made yourself look real smart there.:rotfl2:
I would have been publically polite and "held the poster's hand"

Sure you would have! That's why you gave your condolences when Rob passed away. Oh wait, that's right you didn't because YOU didn't like him. Well a lot of us on this board did like him! How about being publicly polite and holding the hand of everyone else in this community when we lost a fellow member?! I think it's more that it wasn't about YOU and didn't affect YOU so you don't care! Just remember that if you lose someone, don't come here looking for someone to hold your hand. Karma's a ....

As for Wally, he knows how to liven this place up! When I first joined the DIS and the LGBT board it was Wally's posts that pulled me in. He's always able to bring a smile to my face and a hearty laugh. For a while this place hasn't been the same, which is why I haven't been visiting the board much. I miss the sense of family that we had. I've formed many great friendships as a result of this board. It's a shame to see that being killed off.

A bad apple spoils the bunch. It's just a shame the wrong apple was tossed out!!!

I'd go on but I don't want any fangs digging in to my neck. After all, I am Team Wally!
So, let me be sure I have this straight. YOU, Maggie are the explanation? YOU are the one who has caused so much trouble? Is that why you sent warning PMs to me, because YOU knew that YOU were running to whatever Mod would listen to YOU?

Seriously? After all the support this particular board has given YOU and your partner and the little child? YOU suck us dry, and then turn on one of the single most decent people on this entire site? If YOU had one small amount of knowlege regarding Walter, YOU would have the decency to be ashamed of yourself.

I am so utterly disgusted that someone of our "community" would turn out to be the biggest gay basher here.

So, YOU had several people banned all because YOU thought they were all Walter? SERIOUSLY???

Too bad the Mods fell for your line.

YOU didn't like Rob so lacked the common decency to even express a simple condolence when you felt the pain, and read the heartache that we all had when he died so suddenly and tragically. Simple manners dictate that a person can simply say, I'm sorry. YOU don't like a man so YOU can't simply say, I'm sorry he's dead???? YOU disliked him that much???

Rob (oh and for the cesspool people over there on that other place, Rob and Wally although close friends, they were not "partners" ) and Wally brought some of the best threads and pure humor to this board when they would get on one of their famous rolls. Laughter, and joy. That's what their banter was about. Too bad YOU didn't get that.

Oh, and try to keep your stories straight will ya'? Protecting your great niece? SHE'S A BABY. What is she doing surfing the net? Work from home? What happened to your working in a physician's office? Oh and you report ALL rule breaking posts except for those rules that you don't agree with? You accuse a Mod of impropriety when you don't have one speck of ground to stand on? YOU who couldn't cut it as a moderator here and have gone out of YOUR way to make problems for everyone here ever since?

You make me sick.
Wow. Talk about a cluster frack. :sad2:

People who weren't even involved in any of this have been painted with the same broad brush as people who were, this board has showed it's butt (and probably managed to alienate) new posters, and no good has come from any of it. Nice.

The petty personal vendettas never should have spilled over to the users at large. In fact, there shouldn't really have BEEN petty personal vendettas IN THE FIRST PLACE. It's a freaking MESSAGE BOARD! Christ on a pony! GROW UP! Don't like a person? BLOCK THEM! Don't go on some sort of spree to get rid of them!

Was this the end result that was intended? I mean, really?

I have had far too many occasions to say this lately, but here it is again. WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?

I really had no part in this initially, but NOW I do. And now I am pissed. :mad:
Maggie, I’ll give you credit for coming out and facing us when you knew so many people were enraged by your actions.
The way I see it we were once a community. We had a forum that supported one another, welcomed new faces, and brought laughter into the daily grind. YOU were part of that community! Then, you decided you wanted to change the landscape and when no one else agreed with your vision you took it personally and developed a me vs them attitude.
Well, we moved along, found a place that wasn’t censored and our bonds grew. Many, many of us have met face to face and our friendships are very real. Again, you were once a part of this community and YOU chose to alienate yourself from it.
So, time passes, and we decide to come back to visit old haunts. A place where you hardly ever post to anymore because as you say you don’t have time, yet…..
You report a cartoon figure that only the most priggish, puritan could possibly take offense to.

Things devolved from there.
Now, you have a vendetta against WallyB AND anyone who dares share his name!!! Can’t you see how ridiculous that is? Don’t you realize that you yourself are responsible for the pariah you’ve become.
I am glad you have someone in your life who loves you but I also know that friends are what buoy us through the hard times. It takes respect to cultivate such friendships….you should bone up on that.
So, let me be sure I have this straight. YOU, Maggie are the explanation? YOU are the one who has caused so much trouble? Is that why you sent warning PMs to me, because YOU knew that YOU were running to whatever Mod would listen to YOU?

Seriously? After all the support this particular board has given YOU and your partner and the little child? YOU suck us dry, and then turn on one of the single most decent people on this entire site? If YOU had one small amount of knowlege regarding Walter, YOU would have the decency to be ashamed of yourself.

I am so utterly disgusted that someone of our "community" would turn out to be the biggest gay basher here.

So, YOU had several people banned all because YOU thought they were all Walter? SERIOUSLY???

Too bad the Mods fell for your line.

YOU didn't like Rob so lacked the common decency to even express a simple condolence when you felt the pain, and read the heartache that we all had when he died so suddenly and tragically. Simple manners dictate that a person can simply say, I'm sorry. YOU don't like a man so YOU can't simply say, I'm sorry he's dead???? YOU disliked him that much???

Rob (oh and for the cesspool people over there on that other place, Rob and Wally although close friends, they were not "partners" ) and Wally brought some of the best threads and pure humor to this board when they would get on one of their famous rolls. Laughter, and joy. That's what their banter was about. Too bad YOU didn't get that.

Oh, and try to keep your stories straight will ya'? Protecting your great niece? SHE'S A BABY. What is she doing surfing the net? Work from home? What happened to your working in a physician's office? Oh and you report ALL rule breaking posts except for those rules that you don't agree with? You accuse a Mod of impropriety when you don't have one speck of ground to stand on? YOU who couldn't cut it as a moderator here and have gone out of YOUR way to make problems for everyone here ever since?

You make me sick.

Yes, apparently, I am the one that is behind everyone losing their minds. I am the megavillain. I am single handedly responsible for making another poster post something that was a filter violation. Yep, that's me, with all sorts of crazy powers. :rolleyes1 Yes, I made one report. One little report that went out to the private moderator board and to OrlandoMike's email, that should have gotten Wallyb a few points. If memory serves, he had admitted to having points in the past, so this was nothing new for him. The point value would not have been enough to have gotten him suspended or even banned. OrlandoMike had the option to issue him a warning, if he had wished to have done so, but I guess he issued him points instead.

That one report was followed by others when there was a personal attack made against me. I guess those crazy powers of mine made him do that too. :rolleyes1

Yes, I reported some posts made by several newbies to the board this week. Most of which were fairly obviously either him, an alter ego, someone trying to pull my chain by baiting me into thinking that she/he was an alter ego, or potentially (and the jury is still out on this one) a real honest to goodness new poster, who had really bad timing. Those reports should have again have gone to the moderator board and an email should have gone to OrlandoMike. If a moderator wanted to check to see if it was Wallyb, all they had to do is look to see if it had a matching ISP address. Regular posters can't see that stuff, but mods can and webmasters can see even more. So, yep, again, I am evil like that. I post my suspicions and boom, they are banned, because I am the evil megavillian of the board. :rolleyes1

Yep, I sent you a PM warning you of a rule on the DIS that doesn't allow for people to question moderator decisions on the open boards. I was attempting to do you a favor, because I have no idea what all is going on behind the scenes. You have been nice in the past and just in case someone other than Mike became involved here, I didn't want you to get smacked with a warning or points. Simple enough. Oh wait, I guess that warning you of the rules was not evil....or was, it wasn't, which is so against the character that I am being painted as being, afterall I am the evil megavillian.

Yeah, that's me, suck everyone dry of support, friendship and prayers for my evil causes. That's why I stay on the DIS, to feed on the friendly. :rolleyes1 I am not ashamed of myself, because I never posted here with any evil intent towards anyone. I have never attacked anyone here. I have no blood lust. If you or anyone here really knew me, you would know that is just not in me.

I don't personally know Wally. I don't want to know Wally. I am sure that to many of you he is a great fella. I am happy for you. I am doing my best to be nice and not get points for myself. I think it was Thumper that said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all." Well apply it here, because after his behavior this week, that was directed at me and my child, publically, I have nothing nice to say about his behavior or character.

Oh, yes, right, I am a gay basher......a fat, mobility scooter riding, lesbian, female, gay bashing megavillian....can you feel the power? :rolleyes1

Rob died last year at the time when we were moving to FL. Life was crazy here. I don't even know if I was on the DIS at that time. I was trying to figure out how to juggle caring for a baby, more or less full time, and work my from home, which was a new experience being that I had never done my job from home before, get unpacked, continue to attempt to help my partner be there for her mother's care needs, deal with bills for two houses in two different states, and so on. The passing of Rob is not something that escaped me completely. I don't remember if I posted when he passed or not. I didn't post to the rememberance thread, I do know that. Again, I wasn't Rob's friend. I hate it that his partner lost his husband. I am sorry that you guys lost a friend. If I had posted to that thread, acting like he was my buddy, you guys would have rolled your eyes and thought me to be two faced, so what's the difference? Oh wait, I forgot, I conveniently arranged for Rob to die when I was moving! That's it, it's those crazy powers of mine at work again. I knew his number was up months before you did and I made sure that the reaper stayed away until I had a great excuse to not be here! :rolleyes1

As for protecting the baby, you most likely did not see the stuff that was posted. It was pointed at me and made reference to the fact that the little one was born to a drug addicted mother. It was not nice and very uncalled for. It was done by one of those many alter egos that have popped up over the past few days. Using her for fodder for his commentary to try to get under my skin is going way too far. I won't tolerate it. Ah, you found my megavillian weakness, it's the baby! Curses! :headache:

As for my job, yes, I am still working for the same doctor's office that I have been working for for almost 16+ years now. No story to keep straight there. I am very thankful to have the job that I have. I am honored to be a part of the practice and to have been a part of so many lives over the years. The first child that I ever did a PKU or newborn metabolic screening test on so many years ago before I started with my current employer is now 19 years old. She is a wonderful person and I am proud to say that I was there for her and her family. Oh, um, I went all human there, what? Did someone find megavillian antedote and shoot it at me? Am I really a nice person, in person? Did I do things for children's charities, like Bert's Big Adventure? Did I support and will I continue to support Deb Wills in her Avon Breast Cancer Walks? What? Wait, the evil is wearing off! NOOOOOOO!!!! :rolleyes1

As for not cutting it as a mod, I should have never accepted the role. It was bad timing for me and as it turns out a few of you too. ;) I had several health issues going on that made me a bit on the over zealous side. I believe that I came here and apologized for my behavior after I became medicated. My thyroid being wacko and the turbulent stuff with the little one's drama made me into a person who was human and flawed. Stuff happens. It's been a couple of years since that happened. I have no idea why you folks can't build a bridge and get over it. I am not out to get anyone......oh wait, or am I? :rolleyes1

Maggie the Megavillian

PS. The only thing that I regret out of this entire mess is that I am not sure what my status is with Elizabeth. She did a really nice thing for us once many years ago and for a few years I returned the favor when we would go to WDW. I actually got to meet her and her family at WDW last and she couldn't have been sweeter. I have enjoyed watching her son grow up. I would like to think that maybe she knows me a bit better than most of you would ever even bother trying to and it pains me that I felt the need to unfriend her tonight, but it wasn't because I don't want to be her friend, it's because you guys are her friends and if there is anything that I post that friends of friends can see, then I just don't want you in my business anymore than you already have been. Elizabeth, I love ya'! Sorry.
Maggie, I’ll give you credit for coming out and facing us when you knew so many people were enraged by your actions.
The way I see it we were once a community. We had a forum that supported one another, welcomed new faces, and brought laughter into the daily grind. YOU were part of that community! Then, you decided you wanted to change the landscape and when no one else agreed with your vision you took it personally and developed a me vs them attitude.
Well, we moved along, found a place that wasn’t censored and our bonds grew. Many, many of us have met face to face and our friendships are very real. Again, you were once a part of this community and YOU chose to alienate yourself from it.
So, time passes, and we decide to come back to visit old haunts. A place where you hardly ever post to anymore because as you say you don’t have time, yet…..
You report a cartoon figure that only the most priggish, puritan could possibly take offense to.

Things devolved from there.
Now, you have a vendetta against WallyB AND anyone who dares share his name!!! Can’t you see how ridiculous that is? Don’t you realize that you yourself are responsible for the pariah you’ve become.
I am glad you have someone in your life who loves you but I also know that friends are what buoy us through the hard times. It takes respect to cultivate such friendships….you should bone up on that.

Rosie, I stand corrected, I do think that I did report that butt wiggling graphic. Again, it's the mod's choice to give points vs a warning. I am not the total bad guy on this one. Someone else must have thought it to be inappropriate too or else points would not have been issued. Oh wait, I must edit this to say that I am the evil megavillian. :)
Oh wait, I forgot, I conveniently arranged for Rob to die when I was moving! That's it, it's those crazy powers of mine at work again. I knew his number was up months before you did and I made sure that the reaper stayed away until I had a great excuse to not be here! :rolleyes1

Just stop.

You're now bordering on truly disturbing.
Yeah, that was a bit much. lol

And yet you still find it appropriate to "lol" about it when in reality what you posted is simply mortifying to read.

Your posts here have made me cringe. I feel sad for the people involved and I feel embarrassed for you.

You've stated that you don't like it here and yet you still feel the need to lurk around and report posts. This speaks of an angry and resentful person.
When it gets to that point, just walk away. :confused3
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