SmallWorld - New build is online!

I don't play much either, but I will say it wouldnt take much to get me back in there. They really just need an earning credit method and maybe different items for sale at different times or something.

Of course they would have to keep the quests moving as well.

I think they have an incredible idea and implementation happening, they just need to polish it up a bit now :)
I finished my last missions (the dance party and the one after it) last weekend, and now there's really nothing to do anymore. I like the arcade games, but not enough to play them without getting some kind of reward, and there are no missions left to do. My brother and I put our rooms together and we already have all the furniture we want.

I like the game and I'm looking forward to when they add new stuff and officially release it. But until then, I probably won't play much because there's not enough to do.

By the way, I was amazed at how quickly I got the dance party mission done. I just went to another mission room, asked for help, opened my room, and I was done in just a few minutes. Then I helped other people do theirs. It was really fun.
I finished my last missions (the dance party and the one after it) last weekend, and now there's really nothing to do anymore. I like the arcade games, but not enough to play them without getting some kind of reward, and there are no missions left to do. My brother and I put our rooms together and we already have all the furniture we want.

I like the game and I'm looking forward to when they add new stuff and officially release it. But until then, I probably won't play much because there's not enough to do.

By the way, I was amazed at how quickly I got the dance party mission done. I just went to another mission room, asked for help, opened my room, and I was done in just a few minutes. Then I helped other people do theirs. It was really fun.

yes at first the dance mission seemed like it would be a nightmare, but when you can find a group thats willing to help, it can be quite fun going room to room helping people out and getting some help in return :)
Has anyone tried signing on to SW today? I cant even load the homepage but got in the forum. Someone said theres an update going on. Sure would be nice if they posted this!!
Here's the notice from SW:

SmallWorlds is currently unavailable

Smallworlds is currently unavailable due to a service interruption at our storage provider Amazon.

Normal service will be resumed as sooon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.
Mitch posted an update:

Hey folks. Man have we been slack about keeping you guys posted with whats coming up. Its been on my to-do list for a while now but always keeps getting bumped by what seems like more important stuff at the time. My apologies.

Anyway - I am going to post a preview on our blog next week on our upcoming release due late August. We were originally planning to have a release due out this month but we decided for a number of reasons to add more content into the next release, and delay it a few weeks.

One of the biggest features in the next release is 3-fold enhancements to the mission system - that is (i) enhancements to the basic mission system, so that for instance puzzles and quizzes can be incorporated into them; (ii) more mission content, including repeatable missions, & (iii) user-creatable missions! Thats right - you will be able to create your own missions and share them with your friends and other users.

Some of the other new features coming up include;

* a new set of game arcade machines and heaps more casual games
* spells & potions (this is very cool - I'll pop a video up previewing this next week too)
* food & drink
* more items of clothing
* web page embeddability - ability to embed a simple Room-based IM Chat or the whole "player" in any web page

Beyond the August release, we are planning on our release after that being in late October at which point we will be exiting beta. Between August and October you'll also see a few more bits and pieces too including some Facebook applications.

Again I thank you for your patience, and we promise to be in better communication with you all in the future.

Warm regards

Mitch Olson
that sounds great @_@

the user created missions and the repeatable missions sound like ways to earn $$$ consistantly. Exactly what we need. Hope we can also get multiple spaces
Thanks for posting that, Rob! I haven't been to the forums there in quite some time. I seem to have been bitten by the Wizarding bug... I can't wait for new missions! CLOTHES! Woot! Sounds great, and I'll have to log in soon to check the new upgrades out.
Woot! Happy to hear there's some updates coming up. And possibly new ways to earn money. :goodvibes
that sounds great @_@

the user created missions and the repeatable missions sound like ways to earn $$$ consistantly. Exactly what we need. Hope we can also get multiple spaces
Your Right! (wow, did I just say Aengus was right?) That does sound great.

Ah.. this game moves too slow for me (not patient as you can tell).. I give up, I quit smallworlds! Not like it matters to anyone LOL


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