Soda, Pop or Coke? Or something else?


DIS Veteran
Feb 26, 2008
Ok, you all want to debate?

Here in Texas they call it Coke. No matter what kind it is. You go to the restaurant, you'll hear people saying, "What kind of coke do you want?" They say, "Oh, Dr. Pepper is fine". What the heck?

I'm from Nebraska, where everything is called Pop. Not Soda, not coke, not even Soda Pop. Just POP.


Now, I can understand calling it Soda, but these people in the south that call all of it Coke, I want to strangle.

In a nice, non threatening, full of love sort of way.....
Well some people say Tonic. :eek:

I say soda
Us brits say "fizzy drink", although I do know some who say "pop" (mainly grandparents)
I have heard of Tonic before, but mainly in the East Coast. Now Fizzy Drink is a new one on me.

Just like I heard that people in Minnesota call a drinking fountain a Bubbler.....don't even get me started on THAT.
This is very interesting to me.

My dad was in the soft drink industry for pretty much my whole life until he retired two years ago. He worked for Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Seven-Up, and then Dr.Pepper.

Growing up, my dad was "the pop man" to all of my friends. In Southern Colorado, when I was really small it was "pop".

In our house though, it was none of the above. Growing up in the industry made us VERY conscious of brands and product names. If dad referred to "product" he usually meant what they had out at the Pepsi plant. On a day to day basis, everything was called by it's brand name. Would you like a "Pepsi, or a Bubble up? Or I think we might have a can of DrWells in the other fridge . . ."

I'm still that way now. Each is a separate entity called by it's prduct name. Though I will sometimes refer to a "carbonated caffinated beverage".

Interstingly enough. I'm still bitter enough about how badly Pepsi treated my dad that in restaurants I'll ask for a coke. When they ask "is a Pepsi okay", I'll order an iced tea.

And don't EVEN get me started on the atrocity that is Mr. Pibb" :headache:
Just how I think that Mello Yello is an atrosity. How can you EVER top the lucious goodness that is Mountain Dew???!!!
Just how I think that Mello Yello is an atrosity. How can you EVER top the lucious goodness that is Mountain Dew???!!!

Frankly, I've always thought that BOTH of them were vile!:rotfl2:
Just how I think that Mello Yello is an atrosity. How can you EVER top the lucious goodness that is Mountain Dew???!!!

Ooooo I do the dew! :banana:
I love the radioactive chartreuse glow of it!
I' a loss for words..............

Would you like me to make some up for you?

I'd be really good at it, and make you sound VERY witty.

Like Bruce Vilanch only more svelt! ::yes::
In my area the term pop is mostly used but by bff is from new york and uses soda and i always use that term now, too. SODA is fun to say.
I call my nephews in jersey just to get them to use correct terms!! LOL

Speaking of POP anyone try the new "natural" Pepsi? I give it that it does not have HFCS in it but....yuck!! I iwll stick with my Jones, POP!!!
I seem to call everything a coke.
Then again I call it a Kleenex and not a tissue.
Guess marketing has worked well on me..
DH has lived his ENTIRE life in TX. His mom was from Arkansas, I think his dad was from TX.

DH calls it "Cold drink", but he says it like it is one word "Coldrink". This word applies to all brands and varieties. He will tell me he is going to the store to buy coldrinks. That means Coke, Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper,whichever one is on sale.

I call it soda, or I say the actual brand name.

My cousins in Kansas all call it pop.


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