Something About Nothing ... #12

:wave2: Robo. Nice you also have a sunny day, even if our temperatures are 40 or so degrees apart. Keep that good coffee flowing.

Keisha I have not upgraded as I forgot my pw


It’s 1:30
Where’s Waldo?

Wait, I mean where’s Charlie...

How was dinner out?

KFed Heck i’m impressed the boys are color coordinated, bonus points for Star Wars :)

Yesterday was awful weather wise here. Like Tink we lost power, multiple times. Longest for an hour plus = to no heat. Layers of ice/snow/ice etc brought down power lines. Light snow now & bulk of next system supposed to just ding us on this weekend. Stay north!

Started sniffling & tummy issues tuesday. Zicam’d myself silly, just seems to be a bug vs the dreaded flu, phew!

Thrilled my back has completely healed, now no worries hitting the pool/DC up next week. Know they keep a good eye on them as to chemicals but have heard my share of creepy stories things people catch.

Glad to hear the bad weather missed you MonyK, safe travels.

I think I read Wrinkle in Time long ago, not sure if I want to see the movie of it or not. I'm trying to get little one to come with me to see any movie. No current ones seem to interest her. Older one is waiting to see Black Panther. I may go to see that one too.

More tea. Later.

Have the boxed set awaiting me. Figure an easy enough read as young adult books.

Good morning everyone :coffee:

Glad to hear our Carole is on the mend and hope buck and everyone else who is feeling puny gets better soon.

I'm just sitting here in the candlelight waiting for our power to be restored after thunderstorms came through this morning. Yesterday it hit 70 so this is the price we pay for the beautiful day.

I think I might read a wrinkle in time before we see the movie...I may or may not have read it in the past old brain plays tricks on me sometimes :crazy:

Happy camel day to all :flower1:

Never heard of it before the movie, the excerpt i read on amazon was good though.
Glad to hear the bad weather missed you MonyK, safe travels.

I think I read Wrinkle in Time long ago, not sure if I want to see the movie of it or not. I'm trying to get little one to come with me to see any movie. No current ones seem to interest her. Older one is waiting to see Black Panther. I may go to see that one too.

More tea. Later.

Yeah...I am looking forward to Black Panther, which looks awesome...not so much Wrinkle in Time...I'm sure I will watch it, so may be surprised.
We're being warned of "the biggest Winter storm of the season" for tomorrow. Of course this is the same station that predicted a dusting last Sunday and then we got a foot of snow.

Yeah, it's gotta be nice to have a job, where you can be wrong 100% of the time, and still have the job.
You mean she isn’t?
Maybe not the wine, but she has helped herself to apple juice kids leave in cups. and she has been known to sneak in open doors (door on lower level screen door doesn't always shut all the way), hop up stairs and settle herself in sunny patch in front of TV-happened a few times this summer and no one even realized she was inside. She doesn't usually poo in house though. I think if we had a box with kitty litter we could train her...

Yeah...I am looking forward to Black Panther, which looks awesome...not so much Wrinkle in Time...I'm sure I will watch it, so may be surprised.
Ditto. I love WiT book but just can't see how that will translate to book. We will see. Reminds me we need to get Black Panther tickets to fancy theater so we can get good seats!

Flu has quarantined a 1/3 of building of NH I am in today. Mask on when I have to leave office. This season is far from over!
That is a crowd Lynne!! Hope she’s wrapped up warm.......

MonyK........I’d walk about wearing a mask to avoid all the germs folks are coughing many bugs going around here........Aussie flu is still being talked about.......any kind of flu is not great.

Feeling so much better tonight........thank goodness! Had a lovely glass of wine from a bottle one of our groups sent us to taste was ok.

It is so cold still here.........not America cold, but cold for us........pretty miserable outside, but lovely and cozy in the house. Watching Lethal Weapon on tv........still such a good movie!

Won’t be up late tonight........but do plan to go out in the morning for a few things.......but planning a quiet weekend..........

Nearly bedtime here.........
Much better today THANKS!...(Good thing...I'm kind getting tired of watching "Monk" and "Psych"...)

Morning Lynne!

Now I understand why your spouse slept at his office last night!

Though you two had a spat yesterday so he stayed there

Hah...When we have a spat, sleeping at "The Office" doesn't create any NEAR enuff of a barrier! It's 15 feet from my my shop! :mad: Saves on gas though!

So... The house leveling folks just finished getting Cuz's house "squared up" on its foundation...Even raised it a little bit. Wrote them a big fat check, all-the-while thinkin'.."Dang, I could do a really nice week or two in O-Town for this $!"

Gonna give it a "few weeks" to settle in the ground and then start working on the inside. Also, gonna need to figure out how-in-the-world I'm gonna put the siding back on...:rolleyes2

Fried "Fresh" Tilapia and "Lobster Cakes" for supper. (I like to use ""s and ()s...) :p
If you lived closer we could do the barn raising event with you

Supper at Buckeev’s tonight

From little one. Took her over an hour to board the train home.

All are glad tomorrow is Friday.
Talked to son who lives in Chicago
More snow has started and all together total could be 14” for him

Told him he could always move south

Getting closer to Charlie time
Hi everyone. Looks like I’ve fallen nearly a week behind. Trying to juggle B’s activities is making me tired. I will be glad when Barnum is over. Earlier this week I thought I was gettting sick, but I think it was just something I ate. Right now I can hear B coughing and sneezing. She insists that she feels fine. I can’t help but feel concerned. It seems like every day someone I know has been diagnosed with flu.
This weekend she is supposed to participate in what her band teacher calls Concert assessment boot camp. Friday from 4-8 and Saturday 9-3 the bands practice their music for district assessment which is held in March.

I have a busy day tomorrow. Dh and I are trading cars for the day so I can take his to get his state inspection. Then I’m driving out to our Girl Scout shop (an hour away) to purchase some items. B has some cookie money (in the form of a voucher) that expires at the end of march. There is nothing in the council shop that she wants and no upcoming events to pay for. If she does’t spend the money it goes back to council. She decided she would rather use the money to buy some supplies for some scouts who are in financial need. I’m going to pick up some uniform pieces and drop them off with a troop leader. While in Roanoke I may do a little shopping too.

I am starting to doze off. I will see you all in the morning.
Charade, you have raised a caring and fine daughter !
That has to touch your heart (and ours) for wanting to help the other scouts with the uniform pieces
You deserve a real treat really do, you`ve been a real star with the help you've been giving.....

Lynne hope daughter made it home safely......eventually!!!! That looks far too cold for me........

We have rain.......lots of rain. And it`s cold out there......sea looks incredibly rough too.

So, waiting till this afternoon before going out......but we spent the morning so far ordering wine from different companies!!! Nice way to pass the morning....think we`re going to need a bigger wine room :D (big walk in store room really)

Need to think about lunch soon.......

Have a great Friday...........
Glad to hear you are feeling better Buckeev. Also happy to read Cuz's house is starting to come back to life. Very nice of you to open your checkbook for family. Heck, around here, we have a barn raising. Put out the call, and have a house raising. At least you can per-build the walls, and then stand them up. Dry wall can be quick if lots of hands.

:umbrella: Afternoon Schumi. Yep, little one came home safely. Took her over 2 hours, that generally takes around 45 minutes. She looked like an Eskimo. Don't blame her, it was cold, and brisk wind all day. Nice you ordered more wine, and had a lovely lunch. Hopefully you are feeling better too, and had more than soup for lunch today. Hope you don't get too wet going out later today.

Per miss weather lady, will be warmer today. Yeah, 24 out is not warmer to me. Well, I guess since the wind has died down, it's not as cold. Sigh. Yes it is. We get some more sun, then the clouds come dashing in this afternoon, and give us a rainy, and very rainy week-end.

Mac, I am lucky, that clipper giving snow to the lake areas didn't slide South enough, so no snow for us. Rain is coming from the South, so, no icy rain, almost tropical. Close to 50 by Sunday.

Charade, you have been busy. See, that's why little one hopefully gets her license next month. No more mom taxi. I hope B does well at the Concert Boot Camp. Spring soccer is slowly coming to life. Now, paying for gym time that's in addition to club fee, though carpoooling helps the mom taxi, so there's that. At least practices are close, though the one is a little over a half hour away. I hate week day evening stuff.

Aww, Kfish, hope little guppy is getting a bigger stomach to let you sleep some more. Hope you get a nice mid-day nap. Just think, at the end of summer, you'll have one is school. House may be slightly less noisy when Chris is in class.

With that, :dancer:. The week-end is so ready to be here, even if it's weather for ducks. I think DH has to work early morning, I may sleep in. I'm feeling a soreness in my throat again, and nose seems to be getting congested. Older one said his chest hurts. Sick bay I think. Drugs and more drugs. I hope he took something. Sometimes a cold sets off his asthma, so he's even more miserable if it does. I'm already drugged up. I do not want to be sick. And yes, Charade, the flu is still prevalent around here. I hope none of what we are feeling is the flu.


:surfweb: :music:


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