Something About Nothing............ #14

Oh and I take two pairs of my well worn sneakers, and my very comfy flip flops. That’s it. I feel like wherever I go, I’m fine with my sneakers. I do bring a nice pair of slacks and blouse, if I decide to dine at a nicer restaurant. Otherwise, I stay in my casual clothes. I tend to want to be very comfy when I’m on vacation.
Good evening everyone. Another busy day today. I stayed at work almost 2 hours past my normal time. I probably spent half the day dealing with a Medicare/Medicaid issue. Tomorrow we have an informational meeting about the new phone system, Yay!

Heading to do some shopping with a friend this morning, she asked me to join her and look for some new clothes. I don`t usually like clothes shopping especially for someone else, but it`ll be fun. And she`s quite decisive, not one to keep going back and forward.
I used to enjoy shopping for B when she was little, It's not so fun now that she has her own opinions. Dh tends to be an indecisive shopper. I don't like shopping with him.

Good morning! Pre-trip excitement must have set it because I was up at 5:30am today, almost two hours before my alarm.
I often wake up too early even when I am not going on a trip. 7:30 is my usual wake up time too.

we skipped the disney store last trip as line waaay too long.
We went to the big Disney store in Disney Springs. The line was too long and the store too crowded. I will give them credit for keeping the checkout lime moving well though.

Still toying with do I do Disney or stay the next week at SF. The AP rate at SF is good right now, for that week. I really like SF. But haven’t been to Disney in 2 years, and can get a military ticket, though have an AP at the Dark Side. Hmm, have to see how much the mouse hotel is.
If you decide on SF you can drop by and see me if you are there from October 1-4.

I couldn't find another place to post this so I figured I'd throw it out here.

How many pairs of sneakers do people pack for Disney? I was just going to pack one but now second guessing myself over here LOL
I usually take 2 so I can switch out. This last time I got a blister has couldn't wear the sneakers. I cam home with a pair of Crocs.

Picture fail....cannot figure it out on my phone.
What kind of phone do you have?

A bit more shopping...had to get an ornament (or two) to commemorate the trip. A must every time.
I have a bit of an ornament addiction. I managed not to buy any on this last trip. I think that's a first for me.

I need to find something to do. Dh has found football on TV. I think it's called a spring league. I think he would watch Pop Warner if they televised it.
One, plus pair of keen & croc sandals along with a pair of dress sandals :rolleyes1 if water parks, then a pair of keen’s version makes the trip. That cement gets hot!

Don’t ask how many purses & Fanny packs I take

in all seriousness IMO it’s best to trade off shoes every day

Good question, curious, who’s up next to share?

I haven`t seen Keens anywhere to give them a try, I could just order a pair and give them a go, but I do like to try shoes/sandals on.

We can`t try clothes on yet in stores but places like Skechers do let you try on consistency in the rules it seems.

I couldn't find another place to post this so I figured I'd throw it out here.

How many pairs of sneakers do people pack for Disney? I was just going to pack one but now second guessing myself over here LOL

2 pairs of trainers (sneakers) 3 pairs of sandals and a dressy pair of shoes. We do stay for longer visits though. Like Janet suggested, I do change my footwear often for comfort.

Palm was wonderful as always! Will put details on bottom of this post.

You can purchase them here at UO if you decide you need them.
Lines at food/beverage carts have been unlike anything I’ve seen in prior trips. So long that they spill into the crowded foot traffic.

New trucks are the best! DH is also a truck lover.
Best of luck with the grad party!

Picture fail....cannot figure it out on my phone. But sadly heading home tomorrow. A picture will then follow!


Nice of you to help a friend out! You’re a good sport Carole!

Yay for you!!!

We leave for home tomorrow, boo hoo for us!

According to my DH, we will be bringing Florida temps back to WI. Big warm up and will likely take the boat out on Sunday

New shoes are as nice as a new purse! Even better if you get both!!

Great time! Thanks for the shout out! Will add details below.

Girls are tanning well!
picture fail for me...

I tried several times last night and cannot figure out how to post a picture with my phone. Sadly we leave tomorrow, so I will get a purse pix up soon.
And a few other as well.

Also, the girls each got a cute purse too! DD found one at Michael Kors and friend got one at Kate Spade. We were showing them off at the Palm restaurant last night.

The Palm restaurant was a great meal!!
We all had the lobster bisque for starters. And each ordered a filet for our entrees. Added the green beans with pancetta and pine nuts for a side. Yum!!!
I had noted the grad celebration when making the reservation, so our sever made sure to bring the girls a fun dessert to celebrate!

We decided to head over to Citywalk after to walk off a few thousand calories, lol!
I wanted to get my mom a thank you gift for pup sitting. And the girls wanted to soak up some nightlife.

Today was spent at both parks, finishing the few rides we hadn’t gotten on yet. We also managed another ride on Hagrids and Velocicoaster too! So incredibly fun!!!!
We had lunch at Finnegans. Shepard’s pie, Reuben sandwich and fish n chips. We all left quite satisfied and ready to hit more rides.

A bit more shopping...had to get an ornament (or two) to commemorate the trip. A must every time.
Then back to the hotel to chill and shower.

Going over to Sapphire Falls for drinks and apps at Strong Water Tabern soon!!!!!!!

Yes, I got extra bonus friend points as she knows I hate shopping for others, but she asked so purses sound like they were a big success too....did you get anything per chance Lori.......

I`m so glad The Palm was as good as it usually is! And hope you all enjoyed Strong Water.....well, I know you did for sure!!!

Enjoy your last hours, can`t believe you go home today! But, so happy it`s been such a wonderful trip and hope you got your mum something she`ll love.

Good evening everyone. Another busy day today. I stayed at work almost 2 hours past my normal time. I probably spent half the day dealing with a Medicare/Medicaid issue. Tomorrow we have an informational meeting about the new phone system, Yay!

I used to enjoy shopping for B when she was little, It's not so fun now that she has her own opinions. Dh tends to be an indecisive shopper. I don't like shopping with him.

I often wake up too early even when I am not going on a trip. 7:30 is my usual wake up time too.

We went to the big Disney store in Disney Springs. The line was too long and the store too crowded. I will give them credit for keeping the checkout lime moving well though.

If you decide on SF you can drop by and see me if you are there from October 1-4.

I usually take 2 so I can switch out. This last time I got a blister has couldn't wear the sneakers. I cam home with a pair of Crocs.

What kind of phone do you have?

I have a bit of an ornament addiction. I managed not to buy any on this last trip. I think that's a first for me.

I need to find something to do. Dh has found football on TV. I think it's called a spring league. I think he would watch Pop Warner if they televised it.

My two were always easy to shop for .....that`ll be fine were words I heard often. I was so glad we had a son who was never into designer labels nor fussy with clothes.

Hope the new phone system meeting is a success. And hope the blister is healed now.

The most annoying thing is he will turn on the TV and then promptly fall asleep. He wakes up if I try to change the channel.

Oh no! Not in this house.....if you fall asleep and something is on the other doesn`t gets changed, no arguments. Although we do have a load of tv`s in this house, but still the same rule applies.......

The one tv no one else ever looks at never mind touches, is in the laundry room. It`s just a small one, about 25" I think and I don`t think anyone else has ever even switched it on surprisingly enough...I think it`s where it is!!

Fish and chips were so good last night. It`s national fish and chip day today, so everywhere will be mobbed, especially the ones along the seafront with weather being decent, so thought best to avoid tonight.

Car is going in for it`s non essential, in between services service...... Yep, money grab as far as I can see, but hey play the game. Hoping it`s a nice courtesy car we get......don`t want a little 2 seater, which I know are really cool.....yep, regular one will do fine.

And while we`re at that showroom, will pop into a few places we haven`t been to since we were last there.

Weather looks ok today, but next week looks evern warmer and sunnier.

Thinking bbq tonight again, just the two of us so everything can be spicy!

Bacon up in a couple of hours though, bit too early yet for food.




Have a wonderful and happy Friday


Ooh am I in time for bacon, Schumi? Nice you have good weather, and enjoy trip to car garage, and hope you received a nice loaner while yours is being worked on.

Ah yes, that last day of still no bright start to our day. But you know the heat wave is coming soon, as already 70 degrees out. Morning weather news guy said we will be doing that rocking and rolling in the late afternoon, and will be oh so muggy, with so moist air, so no wonder it will fire up a thunderstorm. Though with an 80 degree high today, no start of the heat wave. But a big WOOT, as Saturday, Sunday and Monday will all have highs above 90. Heat wave, hello! Saturday will be the winner, with low humidity and lots of sun. Sunday will have such sticky weather, the feel like will be in the high 90’s. Should be a good pool day, and I need to ask sister if I okay to swing by on Sunday.

And so, up before the sunrise, as DH did not have a good sleep the night before, so went to bed early last night. Yeah, we were up 1/2 hour before the alarm went off. Sigh. He wanted to be screen viewing for a few hours this morning, as his schedule is so much more flexible then I could do in my place. Then he’s going to mow his mom’s grass this afternoon, hoping to beat the rain. He mowed our grass last afternoon, and yep, the grass got a good watering a few hours after that. Hehe, little one texted me, from her bedroom, did you hear the thunder? Why yes I did. While West of our City got a lightning show, we had some booming thunder, some heavy downpours, but no light show for us. The last night’s storm poured 2 to 2 and a half inches of rain, an hour. Very wet streets as the downpours gave the storm drains a workout. That’s what the most chance of threat from that storm line that roared through. Flooding. While did hear the fire whistle blow not much after the storm moved on, did not smell smoke, and nothing was on the last late night local news, so I guess it was nothing newsworthy. And that’s a good thing.

As older one was is now up, a working kid now. Yay! Told him he needs to take a rain coat, as won’t need it until later in the day, but he’s working a full day, so a late dinner we will have. I will wait to start dinner when I hear he’s done and waking to his car. I know he will be hungry, as while they provide lunch, it will be a long after lunch time for him.

And so, as DH got me up early, decided to make eggs, this time with almost stale matzo I found in the pantry. Enjoyed a matzo fry, and fried up a ham steak that was sitting in the refrigerator. And yes, the tea pot was the first on the stove. Just means I’ll be ready for brunch or a late breakfast with little one. She wants to go out for breakfast, but I know that means closer to lunch time, so the early breakfast will have been many hours before she’s ready to go. I will certainly be hungry, and look forward to tasty pancakes with lemon curd and good coffee. Mid day carbs, oh yes, please. Then some more grocery shopping, as with a short week coming up, stocking the pantry, so lots will be available that the men can eat while we are gone. I will do some produce and meat shopping just before we leave. And both have no issue grocery shopping if they need to. Plus, more that I’m hoping some will be left as we will be back around dinner time. Nice to be able to grocery shop on a week day. Should be less crowded this afternoon. Hope we come home before the rain starts. Thus, the mom alarm will start in a few hours.

Finally, yay, yay, yay. Fabulous Friday to the homies. And a big Woot! The weekend starts soon, today for me. :dancer:
Starting to wonder if I missed a national holiday yesterday, no mail delivery or garbage pickup.

Funny last evening, live on dead end street. Accordingly, very little traffic. Other than the night before trash day, when the pickers go thru our garbage. Don’t mind except for when they are sloppy about it. Many seem to go for the heavy, recycling stuff. We aren’t expected sort our garbage here as so rural.

Anyway, My security system kept going off re traffic every 5 or 10 minutes, finally got up to investigate. Was an old, beat truck that had a man & woman inside who were intrigued by the multiple xtra large dumpsters up & down the street.

They are in place for the demo of the haunted house across the way. Taking forever, as they found asbestos. New demo team was called in to comply with regulations, including using different sort of dumpsters.

Slow going, everything gets sprayed down. Guys in hazmat suits, etc. Appears they stack very small layers of materials in the larger dumpsters. (Thank you to my cameras for the view lol). Whole thing covered in large plastic sheets, then secured with large tie downs while it awaits to be hauled away.

The idiots eventually decided to climb upon an ancient refrigerator sitting in their truck bed that they must’ve picked up somewhere. Let the dumpster diving commence. Meanwhile, everything is prominently posted hazardous waste, no trespassing, violators will be prosecuted etc.

911, what is your emergency? Interesting explaining that one. Not happy they likely caused the asbestos to go airborne o_O After finding out the site will sit vacant for a week, along with dumpster.

probably spent half the day dealing with a Medicare/Medicaid issue. Tomorrow we have an informational meeting about the new phone system, Yay!

Isn’t it great to come back to work to a full desk
We went to the big Disney store in Disney Springs. The line was too long and the store too crowded. I will give them credit for keeping the checkout lime moving well though.

True, the other times there since the pandemic, once inside the store, plenty of registers staffed
I haven`t seen Keens anywhere to give them a try, I could just order a pair and give them a go, but I do like to try shoes/sandals on.
Absolutely. They several styles available. I go with the clunky ones. Will say, the most comfortable shoes I’ve worn but, oh so ugly. There make a more refined mary-jane type style that appears to have a good amount of support too
And so, as DH got me up early, decided to make eggs, this time with almost stale matzo I found in the pantry. Enjoyed a matzo fry,
Don’t think i’ve eaten matzo, not even crushed version for breading. Am i correct in assuming it’s unseasoned?
Keisha, it’s like an unleavened salted cracker. I do only buy matzo that is salted. And rarely make matzo balls, just eat it with soft butter smeared on it. Salted butter, too. That’s the only seasoning. I’ve also been known to dip it in chocolate too. Matzo fry is what you usually do with the matzo that tends to get stale after awhile. Don’t grind it, just chop into smallish pieces. When I open the box, I put the matzo sheets in a zip plastic bag. Does help with the freshness. Eeek to your dumper divers. Who wants that kind of garbage. Yeah, the issue is once broken into, airborne is the threat. Hehe, haunted house. All our houses on our cul de sac are exactly the same, or at least mostly the same. Some have additions, and a few have different front windows. The effect of quick building in the suburbs for the world war ll military men coming home and then having families. I guess you will some day have a new house neighbor.

Hehe, DH asked little one if she is moving off her bed yet. I didn’t hear a response. I assume that is good, as foul language or annoyance sounds usually is the response. He really thinks she will get up and make coffee for him. Fat chance. LoL So off I go to make some coffee. And refill my tea cup.
Keisha, you are right, those Mickey prices are scary, let alone with my military discount not being any better. So sigh, a skip this coming trip. May do in January, as both kids don’t start back for weeks after the new year start. Off to hope SF still priced good or even better.
Starting to wonder if I missed a national holiday yesterday, no mail delivery or garbage pickup.

Funny last evening, live on dead end street. Accordingly, very little traffic. Other than the night before trash day, when the pickers go thru our garbage. Don’t mind except for when they are sloppy about it. Many seem to go for the heavy, recycling stuff. We aren’t expected sort our garbage here as so rural.

Anyway, My security system kept going off re traffic every 5 or 10 minutes, finally got up to investigate. Was an old, beat truck that had a man & woman inside who were intrigued by the multiple xtra large dumpsters up & down the street.

They are in place for the demo of the haunted house across the way. Taking forever, as they found asbestos. New demo team was called in to comply with regulations, including using different sort of dumpsters.

Slow going, everything gets sprayed down. Guys in hazmat suits, etc. Appears they stack very small layers of materials in the larger dumpsters. (Thank you to my cameras for the view lol). Whole thing covered in large plastic sheets, then secured with large tie downs while it awaits to be hauled away.

The idiots eventually decided to climb upon an ancient refrigerator sitting in their truck bed that they must’ve picked up somewhere. Let the dumpster diving commence. Meanwhile, everything is prominently posted hazardous waste, no trespassing, violators will be prosecuted etc.

911, what is your emergency? Interesting explaining that one. Not happy they likely caused the asbestos to go airborne o_O After finding out the site will sit vacant for a week, along with dumpster.

Isn’t it great to come back to work to a full desk

True, the other times there since the pandemic, once inside the store, plenty of registers staffed

Absolutely. They several styles available. I go with the clunky ones. Will say, the most comfortable shoes I’ve worn but, oh so ugly. There make a more refined mary-jane type style that appears to have a good amount of support too

Don’t think i’ve eaten matzo, not even crushed version for breading. Am i correct in assuming it’s unseasoned?

Crikey! What a weird incident. Although when I read it I wondered why you had a demonstration going on in your quiet street......then I read it again!

I had a look at the Keens site and did have a giggle at the design of a couple of the sandals........


Yep, I`m happy now to be NOT wearing 6" heels and still be able to smile....... :rotfl:

You were right about the Skechers sandals, I ended up with a smaller size on both pairs than I usually wear. I was surprised.

Car got clean bill of health, as expected.....I think they glanced at it, and said it was fine and charged us for the experience. Would have been shocked if there was anything wrong with a 2 year old Porsche that gets looked after like it`s a Princess.

Popped into a few places we haven`t been to for a while, and did manage to make a few purchases.

And change of dinner plans, made Thai shredded chicken lettuce parcels and did use a deli bought plum and ginger sauce to go with it, and some crab cakes as we bought some more crab on the way home. They were gorgeous. Doesn`t sound very filling, but they were.

Bottle of red will be enjoyed later........and fancy watching Don`t mess with the Zohan, the only Adam Sandler movie I like or will watch.....don`t find him funny at all, but this is a funny film. Those with delicate dispositions won`t enjoy it......but it`s so funny!

Gorgeous weather is still going on....and will last longer than we thought :sunny:
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Yay, Charde, I’ll be at SF, checking out on the second. And woot! Just reserved that next week, as a wee bit cheaper than first saw. First time today, 20 dollars higher a night. Just now, a few dollars cheaper then first saw a couple weeks ago. You bet I booked. Will always check, as have some time to do so. Pool view room. Yay! I like SF as much as the other 3 premier ones.
Yeah, wish it had the included express pass Keisha, but with a week of having that pass with my RPR, don’t mind not having it for next 5 nights. I can use single rider, and go to SW, Aquadica, and BGT too, as well as Disney Springs for some Mickey fun. Have that Platinum SW pass for this year, so might as well take use of it during my SF stay. Still kinda salty the Disney resorts out of my price point. But we may try in January, if kids want to go. We’re just not ready to cruise book yet. And KW will be next year too, as oh my, little one will be 21 next August.

Ooh nice thunderstorm just rolled by. Quite the downpour and still can hear thunder. At least the old and new bird crap washed off my car. :)
Hi everybody :wave2:

I had a long post typed out and started to quote a few peeps then my post went poof :headache:

Anyhoo, I'm enjoying a rare 3 days off before a 7 day stretch at work.

After consulting with Danielle, we decided to add 2 days to our trip (one on both ends) since the airfare was so high it would save us money even with the cost of one night at Pop and HRH. It was only $123 extra for HRH over SF plus we get 2 days of Express... so it's a win, win in my book :cool1:

Our new dates are 9/18 - 9/28...10 glorious nights and I'm happy that we can now possibly meet up with mac since we were going to miss each other this time.

I sent DH to the store yesterday for some lettuce and he came back with a 12 pack of White Claw :) Never had one and now I see why folks like them so much. Low calories and low carbs and 5% alcohol... whew! When we were at Islands of Adventure last month we past this middle aged couple who were wearing matching tank tops. The tank tops said "Ain't no laws when you're drinking claws". :rotfl2:
What flavor did you like the best? I saw mango, black cherry and raspberry when I looked at the store and couldn't decide which to get...I'm leaning towards mango.

I'm not going to try to restore my other quotes as I'm afraid my post will disappear again....

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend :flower1:
Hi everybody :wave2:

I had a long post typed out and started to quote a few peeps then my post went poof :headache:

Anyhoo, I'm enjoying a rare 3 days off before a 7 day stretch at work.

After consulting with Danielle, we decided to add 2 days to our trip (one on both ends) since the airfare was so high it would save us money even with the cost of one night at Pop and HRH. It was only $123 extra for HRH over SF plus we get 2 days of Express... so it's a win, win in my book :cool1:

Our new dates are 9/18 - 9/28...10 glorious nights and I'm happy that we can now possibly meet up with mac since we were going to miss each other this time.

What flavor did you like the best? I saw mango, black cherry and raspberry when I looked at the store and couldn't decide which to get...I'm leaning towards mango.

I'm not going to try to restore my other quotes as I'm afraid my post will disappear again....

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend :flower1:

Excellent news on extending your trip Vicki. If we do make it in September, we do hope to see you all again, Sept 19 seems forever and a day away since we last met up with you and Trey.

Enjoy your days off......and enjoy those white claws!!

Didn‘t watch the movie in the end, keeping it for tomorrow night unless we have a game night.

My friends granddaughter Elise, appeared with her dad earlier, was so good to see her. She lives with her dad most of the time and he is still quite close to his ex mother in law, who is my friend. She is the most adorable little girl who loves minions! Made plans to spend time with them soon.

Trying to watch a Netflix movie The Woman in the Window.....Gary Oldman, Julianne Moore and Amy Adams, but it’s like a remake of Rear Window without the suspense. Might fast forward to the end.

Another glass of wine being poured........


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