Something About Nothing............ #14

:wave2: Quick sop n before bed

Lynne...i'm glad you got the gas running again. I don't know if wold be o patient.

Charade...I hope that the storm clouds passed without much happening. I'm not a storm fan.

Sue...I hope you get a good nights sleep. I rarely have that problem. My hubby on the other hand, doesn't sleep well. I have had to teach myself to sleep through his getting up, tossing and turning, then turning on the tv :crazy2: . When I can't sleep, it's usually because of a new moon or something like that.

Had a busy day. Registered the youngest for Gr 11, paid school fees, got locker and some of those basic school supplies. Whipped up a quick supper. grilled chicken, pasta and cesear salad. Nothing great...but it filled our tummies. Did a little cleaning, gave the dog a bath, and now just watching some Grey's Anatomy.
I see the days are getting shorter. I had to turn on the lamps around 9:00. Oh well, I'll enjoy the daylight while we can.

I hope everyone had a good sleep tonight.
Hello Homies!

Ready to curl up in my room and relax since Thursday is my one day of work in my semi-retirement. Lightening knocked out our phone system and made our computers weird and everything was a cluster. I am too old for this.

It was a gorgeous day here weather wise. 73 and not humid. Of course I was single handedly had to man the office today. Sigh.....

Lynn I look forward to more pics to get me excited for my trip.

Bethany- I can so relate. I was a working mom for with young kids for 23 years. Balancing everything nearly requires a bit of “magic” and a wand would have been very helpful at the time.

Charade, good for you encouraging DD to pursue new friendships.

Schumi, I wish I could have take you up on the Thursday rum deal but had to work. Also, If you ever have a chance to taste Travelers One barrel or Three Barrel rum from Belize, give it a try. It is a dark , caremelly rum made in the Caribbean and not found many places. Our eclectic liquor store in small town WI does carry it.

RAPstar...sleep is underrated. I love sleep.Melatonin is my friend.

Monykalyn....having spent some serious time reading another message board to which I belong under another name...did I see YOU liking a particular post?

Happy Anniversary Pumpkin!

Charade..what became of that ominous storm cloud?

The whirlpool tub will feel really good tonight. Any SANS people awake I suspect I”lol be awake a little longer.

Weather sounds lovely...….apart from lightning of course...anything that knocks out phones or internet isn't good!!!!

Will look out for those rums....always like a good recommendation...….we have some very unusual ones in our stock now, most we got in America, but this last year my wonderful husband has discovered searching the internet for the more unusual varieties!!!!

Yes, sleep is good!!!!!

It’s too early to go to bed

I’m waiting for the night crew to come in.... or until Schumi wakes up and checks in here

:wave2: I`m up and wide awake...…..watched the later sunrise this morning with a cup of lemon and ginger tea...….beautiful. The sea looked incredibly calm and almost

:wave2: Quick sop n before bed

Sue...I hope you get a good nights sleep. I rarely have that problem. My hubby on the other hand, doesn't sleep well. I have had to teach myself to sleep through his getting up, tossing and turning, then turning on the tv :crazy2: . When I can't sleep, it's usually because of a new moon or something like that.

Had a busy day. Registered the youngest for Gr 11, paid school fees, got locker and some of those basic school supplies. Whipped up a quick supper. grilled chicken, pasta and cesear salad. Nothing great...but it filled our tummies. Did a little cleaning, gave the dog a bath, and now just watching some Grey's Anatomy.
I see the days are getting shorter. I had to turn on the lamps around 9:00. Oh well, I'll enjoy the daylight while we can.

I hope everyone had a good sleep tonight.

Yep, the days are certainly getting shorter...….by the time we get back in October it`ll be full on dark nights.

I sleep like a baby usually too Pumpkin......we both sleep well I guess, except for that odd occasion......and the few nights before we go away on our trips....but that's kinda normal......who sleeps the night before a vacation!!!

So, yes.....another fabulous sleep.....I love waking up thinking, boy I slept fabulously!!!

Breakfast is something simple this morning......maybe just have toast and marmalade......meeting a friend for quick coffee then pop into the big town for a few things.

Love a Friday feeling...….it must stem from when we used to work.....Friday`s were something to look forward to......just another day now, but don't forget that it`s the weekend feeling!!!!

Have a great weekend :wave2:

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428412 Uh huh. Yep, I'm still in the yay! It's Friday, last day of the work week homie group. Even nicer, as the back to work is a one day week, then a 4 day one to follow it, with a bonus, longer holiday week-end after next week.

And yeah, nothing says Fall like the back to school routine starting. Both kids will be back to school on Monday. And now I can say, I have both kids in college. So weird, to not have that late summer fun before school starts after Labor Day. Well, we had that not quite, quick summer fun anyway. May do that again next year, but not sure. This year's AP night, while fun, was more than twice as crowded as last year, with lines for rides that should never be. But, still, was a warmer than last year one, and was still a fun night for us.

With that, a very happy Friday to you all. And, 428413 and hope those that had a bad day, 428414 - It's a Friday!

Charade, I hope you did get a good sleep. And yep, I am a tosser and turner, but I go back to sleep quick. And, I do wake up more, just before vacation too. That excitement tends to creep into sleep time too.

I so need that tea, have a fabulous Friday homies, and yay! Even Schumi, having that Friday feeling, and popping into town for some things.
Good morning :coffee:

Hope everyone got a good night's sleep...I dozed off after taking a nice bubble bath while listening to the Braves game (since dish decided to cut Fox Sports >:() and woke up at 7:30 still wrapped in my bath towel ...Danielle said she peeked in to check on me and I was dead to the world :faint::cat: Guess I was worn out by the heat yesterday. Glad a cool front is coming to lower the temperature to the 80s this weekend.

Belated happy anniversary to Pumpkin 💑

We got our magic bands yesterday and I realized that the trip is less than 3 weeks away...I still haven't lost the 20 lbs I needed to so I'll just be fat and happy. I looked at my work schedule for the week of our vacation and realized that I will have 13 days off since I got the day before the trip starts off too!

Time to get ready for work...

Hi to Carole, mac, keisha, Lynne, monyk, Sue, pumpkin, Robo, Robbie, Charade, disxuni, agavegirl, kfish and anyone else who is reading along....Have a wonderful weekend everyone :flower1:
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Good morning :coffee:

Hope everyone got a good night's sleep...I dozed off after taking a nice bubble bath while listening to the Braves game (since dish decided to cut Fox Sports >:() and woke up at 7:30 still wrapped in my bath towel ...Danielle said she peeked in to check on me and I was dead to the world :faint::cat: Guess I was worn out by the heat yesterday. Glad a cool front is coming to lower the temperature to the 80s this weekend.

Belated happy anniversary to Pumpkin 💑

We got our magic bands yesterday and I realized that the trip is less than 3 weeks away...I still haven't lost the 20 lbs I needed to so I'll just be fat and happy. I looked at my work schedule for the week of our vacation and realized that I will have 13 days off since I got the day before the trip starts off too!

Time to get ready for work...

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :flower1:

Vicki you`re lovely as you are...…:flower3: I`ll join you though in the fat and happy...…(not that I think you are) :wave: But it`s not easy...….and goodness some meds just make things worse...….I guess I won`t be losing anytime soon......glad you have cooler weather coming in soon.....I can imagine how good that`ll feel......

So, coffee with friend went on so long it ended up in lunch. We decided to call the husbands and her husband picked mine up as I had the car......and we had a very lovely lunch...…again...…..

Image result for aunt acid anyone know a good seamstress

Yep......all these lunches and dinners with friends all creep up on us......but it`s so lovely...….did have seafood which was all fresh and not fried, huge seafood platter which was delicious.

It is glorious today, around 78F which for us is hot…….we did sit outside for lunch but came in as there were some wasps around......bad time of year for them......but, back home now and starting to think about any other away day trips we might take while in Orlando...…..plenty of options!!

Another night of no cooking...…..I do love cooking.....but when it`s hot like this......will be Monday now before I cook anything......well, except for breakfast tomorrow morning...…..bacon!!!!
Good Friday morning to everyone as I sit here and avoid work. :rolleyes1. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with some house and yardwork thrown in. too. I can't seem to focus on my morning batch of invoicing. Good thing I am not really on a timeline of when these need to get in. It might take me allll morning to get these done :rolleyes1 My Timmy's tea is tasting fine and there seem to be more windows open on my computer than usual :surfweb: :laughing:
@Charade67 Yeah, it's one thing to hear a little bit of a complaint once in awhile, but it's another to always hear it all the time I would imagine, but I'm sure he treats you right and that's all that matters! As for Miami, I would be hiding out too. I already do that and I'm far more northern FL than that. Miami probably feels like a desert right now.

An update to all about my professor. Things didn't work out. I decided to drop the class and returned my book today.

After things not being clear, three emails and no response, and the fact that he posted a regular amount of work expecting to be due Sunday (when according to his syllabus everything is posted Monday and due Sunday), which means for those who don't have a full time job like me, essentially wasted two days for them (minus the fact that school started Weds), so now they get to do a full amount of work all due in three days.

There were other issues too, but I don't want to go on too much. It's just I'm the type of person who believes in signs, too many things went wrong, so I dropped the class, especially since my anxiety was through the roof with the anticipation of whether this was going to work out and the fact that work as been much busier than usual.

Also, I realized, whether I take this class, or a different elective in summer instead, I would have graduated the same time. 🤷‍♀️
Happy Friday afternoon. Not much going on today. I slept in a little later than usual and then went to pick up a wreath a friend made for me.


This is going to be a Christmas gift for another friend who is a huge Virginia Tech fan.
Also went to the grocery store. Not my favorite thing to do. Now I’m doing laundry.

B should be finished with her first week of classes in about 15 minutes. I’ll wait an hour or so and then I am going to text her and see how the week went. too. I can't seem to focus on my morning batch of invoicing. Good thing I am not really on a timeline of when these need to get in. It might take me allll morning to get these done :rolleyes1 My Timmy's tea is tasting fine and there seem to be more windows open on my computer than usual :surfweb: :laughing:

Is Timmy’s Tea a brand or just a cute little name.......I like to try new types of tea......

Beautiful wreath Charade.......

Come in from the garden as it’s hot! We moved to another part of the garden where it’s a little shadier close to the trees.......but still hot......will go back outside and sit later.

Kyle should be home soon and I’ve made a cold dinner up for him......he’ll enjoy that tonight. No oven going on tonight.......although with the cooler temps starting in the evenings, will get the Aga up and running again. It’s lovely in the winter......kitchens are never cold.

My lovely husband has just poured me a chilled glass of wine........what a man!

Lazy evening ahead.........
Is Timmy’s Tea a brand or just a cute little name.......I like to try new types of tea...... would have to visit the great white north to get it. It's just a steeped tea from Tim Horton's :rotfl: I like mine as a double double lol. My morning tea ( that I stop for either Mcdick's for Tim's ) is NOT something I am ever going to give up.

I had our financial advisor once try to tell me to NOT stop everyday and take my tea from home because it would save me about 450.00 a year - which is a little chunk of change. I looked at him and said....HMMMMMM let's look at this. I said...I don't drink ( very light drinker ), smoke, do drugs, rarely eat out for work lunches, I don't spend much money of clothes, I don't have a shoe orpurse/bag collection. I go get my haircut maybe 4 times a year...and I color my own hair at home - I'm a hairdresser by trade and use professional color - not the drug store stuff. I don't wear much makeup, get my nails or eyebrows or eyelashes done. SOOOOOOOOOOOO now, how many other women do you know that don't spend their money on some or all of these things. - probably NOT many. If I want to by myself a tea every morning...I'm going to!!!!!!! My hubby just giggled as soon as he opened his mouth telling me that - he knew what the answer was going to be. Although now...I do get my nails done once every 4 weeks for 50.00. We already put a big chunk of change away each month...give me a break. I have seen his wife!!!!!! Maybe he should reign her in a little :rolleyes1 Alright...i'm done ranting. After that, we moved our money out of his office to someone else who didn't try to suck the ever living fun out of every single thing a person might enjoy. I know it's their job. But I think that we do a pretty good job of cutting back on extra expenses.
We used to be able to sit out till late when we have good weather.......and it was boiling today........tonight around 20 minutes ago, we came in as we could feel the change in temperature.........I guess summer really is over!

But, it’s to be lovely tomorrow and Sunday which I am so happy about! We can all wander in and out the house and garden.......

Hot inside our home tonight though........ would have to visit the great white north to get it. It's just a steeped tea from Tim Horton's :rotfl: I like mine as a double double lol. My morning tea ( that I stop for either Mcdick's for Tim's ) is NOT something I am ever going to give up.

I had our financial advisor once try to tell me to NOT stop everyday and take my tea from home because it would save me about 450.00 a year - which is a little chunk of change. I looked at him and said....HMMMMMM let's look at this. I said...I don't drink ( very light drinker ), smoke, do drugs, rarely eat out for work lunches, I don't spend much money of clothes, I don't have a shoe orpurse/bag collection. I go get my haircut maybe 4 times a year...and I color my own hair at home - I'm a hairdresser by trade and use professional color - not the drug store stuff. I don't wear much makeup, get my nails or eyebrows or eyelashes done. SOOOOOOOOOOOO now, how many other women do you know that don't spend their money on some or all of these things. - probably NOT many. If I want to by myself a tea every morning...I'm going to!!!!!!! My hubby just giggled as soon as he opened his mouth telling me that - he knew what the answer was going to be. Although now...I do get my nails done once every 4 weeks for 50.00. We already put a big chunk of change away each month...give me a break. I have seen his wife!!!!!! Maybe he should reign her in a little :rolleyes1 Alright...i'm done ranting. After that, we moved our money out of his office to someone else who didn't try to suck the ever living fun out of every single thing a person might enjoy. I know it's their job. But I think that we do a pretty good job of cutting back on extra expenses.

Lol.......our financial advisor has never tried to advise me on giving up anything.......poor guy!! We got lucky with ours.....he’s fabulous and has a great sense of humour.....he knows me so’s a lot of knowing glances between him and Tom! I don’t understand a word.....leave that side of things to Tom......I just get to spend it.......:thumbsup2

You do right........yes, sounds like you should certainly treat yourself to a cup of tea.......I think anyone would struggle to convince you that’s it’s detrimental to your lifestyle........:rotfl:

I love different teas......I love Earl Grey and several others, but basically I like a good black breakfast tea......always made in a pot of course.......we are very traditionally British with tea........but enjoy your tea!!!
Pumpkin, that was the first thing that came to my mind, Tim Hortons, lol.
Shoes and purses are my downfall!

Schumi noooooooo! Summer is not over! I’m in complete denial. Yes, the wasps are horrid this time of year. I read something about the queen stops laying and the workers now have nothing to do so they fly around aimlessly.

We have 11 or 12 coming for a bbq tomorrow night, relatives from Germany. Haven’t met them yet. It’s supposed to be 20 or 21c tomorrow which will be good for enjoying the patio. But a bit concerned about wasps.

Tink you must have been exhausted to fall asleep in your towel. Nothing like a bubble bath to relax you!
It’s so hard to loose weight. Don’t fret about it and go enjoy. Lots of us leaving around the same time! For me Sunday will make it 3 weeks!

Charade nice wreath! But I’m not ready to see fall lol.

This morning went to Aquafit. I should go to Costco and get gas today. I keep putting it off and running on fumes! And whip around the vacuum. Empty house, Mr is golfing and dd at work! Ahhhhhh. would have to visit the great white north to get it.
Or you could go to Norfolk, Virginia. My husband had a student from Canada a few years ago. She gave him a can of Tim Horton's coffee and he was hooked. I'm not driving 4 hours for coffee though.

Charade nice wreath! But I’m not ready to see fall lol.
It's not really a fall wreath, it is a Virginia Tech wreath. I guess their school colors do look a little fall-ish.

I texted B and asked how her week went. She responded about an hour later with "Good". I eventually got her to elaborate a bit more and she said that she likes her classes and professors, and saw some of her friends from the theater department.
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Or you could go to Norfolk, Virginia. My husband had a student from Canada a few years ago. She gave him a can of Tim Horton's coffee and he was hooked. I'm not driving 4 hours for coffee though.

Amazon. The closest Timmies to us is over 8 hours. My love for their coffee runs deep. I have the K cups on auto order.
Amazon. The closest Timmies to us is over 8 hours. My love for their coffee runs deep. I have the K cups on auto order.

We do have Tim Hortons in the UK.........

I did try their coffee........nope, not a fan. But, I haven’t found a coffee yet I would say I “loved”’s not my favourite drink.

I did rather like Dunkin Donuts coffee.......apparently I have no taste according to some......:rolleyes:

Each to their own.......:thumbsup2
I’m not a coffee fan either. Usually the only time I will drink it is if I am really, really cold and there are no other hot drinks available. I also fill my coffee full of cream and sugar.
Reminds me to move up my amazon order of Tim hortons :), one of the brands I like. Kona on top but good kcups of it are difficult to find.

sounds like you did good with the drop off Lynne, hang in there. I got nothing for the lack of interest as to the gas line other than saying “men”. Hope u get that mess straightened out.

Spent day shopping for an appropriate dress to meet the requirements for the America’s Got Talent show I scored tix to next Wednesday. Need to make some major alterations but did love the dress, marked down almost 90% woot. Now to dig out a pair of flats, no sandals allowed. Surprised regarding the rules for the audience as to dress code.

Survived the afternoon a Chuck E. Cheese. Most school districts already in session, was relatively dead, yea!

Need to drag out a (gasp!) sweater & jeans for the first Friday Night Lights of the season. It’s a bit chilly today. If one more person feels the need to mention that fall is only 30 days away to me, I just may do murder. What’s the rush people? plenty of pumpkin whatever already out in force.


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