Something About Nothing............ #14

An incomprehensible tragedy here last night. One of my DS worked with the slain chief years ago. Said he was an amazing person with a wonderful family & one of the best police officers he knew. Not sure how the family heals after such a loss

Unsettling to think that this situation could play out in the ‘idyllic suburbs’, 25-30 miles from
the inner city where the perp lived. Events started a half mile from my house via a traffic stop the first day wherein the felon managed to flee; then blocks from my DS home yesterday

Janet, that is too close for comfort from you and your DS. What a horrible thing to happen, these incidents are still so shocking when you hear about them.

And a shock for your DS who knew the man. Yes, how the family go forward after such an incident is unimaginable. Thoughts go out to that poor man`s family and friends.
Happy Late New Years!

I'm a little late because I had an abscessed tooth all last weekend! I ate oatmeal, cream of wheat, and ice cream.
Why does this have to happen during the holidays when everything is closed???? I wouldn't go to the ER and sit with all the other people who probably have covid, and the flu. No way. So I took pain pills, used ice packs, and grumbled a lot!
Got into the dentist at 8am this morning! Yea! Tooth is pulled and I am still on oatmeal and soup today, but No Pain.
Not the best New Years I've had, but hoping we all have a great 2023:)

Think we posted at the same time Ruth :)

Thank goodness you are pain free now!! I was wondering earlier if you managed to see someone.....and it`s out, excellent!! Yes, during Holidays it`s always so difficult, but you`ll be back to normal food before you know it. Happy to hear you`re fixed, that is a painful thing to have!!

Looked after my friends little Granddaughter this afternoon for a few hours, she is adorable so we always enjoy having her.

She is at private school so they don`t go back till later, grandma was called to work last minute and dad was working (mum works in France most of the week, they`re divorced) so we are happy to have her. Made her an early dinner and she always loves how many ways I can cut carrots, she loves that I do batons, julienne, triangles or chunks.....she thinks I`m let her cut the cauliflower into florets after I had taken out the large core, watched and guided her like a hawk as she`s not really used to knives yet, but she`ll learn and she was very careful. Once she was fed I started preparing ours as her dad came to pick her up. She proudly told him she had used a sharp knife......his face was a told him she was fine. Love her dad, he is the nicest man who is so grateful for our help, told him we`d have her anytime.

Just finished our dinner, yes, healthier is good....steak was lovely, Tom cooked our filets beautifully, mine rare his medium rare. I did miss our peppercorn sauce, but it was still lovely.

Pot of tea and feet up I think.....
Happy Late New Years!

I'm a little late because I had an abscessed tooth all last weekend! I ate oatmeal, cream of wheat, and ice cream.
Why does this have to happen during the holidays when everything is closed???? I wouldn't go to the ER and sit with all the other people who probably have covid, and the flu. No way. So I took pain pills, used ice packs, and grumbled a lot!
Got into the dentist at 8am this morning! Yea! Tooth is pulled and I am still on oatmeal and soup today, but No Pain.
Not the best New Years I've had, but hoping we all have a great 2023:)
Dental issues always happens at holidays and family event periods!

I am stuck in the same zone of a long wait with my fake molars to arrive.

Well they have twice been sent from dental lab to my dentist but still the 6 fake teeth are not in alignment for my jaw

But there is a happy story to it as I have lost some weight
(I do have my priorities..🤗)

DS you will heal fast and can start eating anything that you want.
Dental issues always happens at holidays and family event periods!

I am stuck in the same zone of a long wait with my fake molars to arrive.

Well they have twice been sent from dental lab to my dentist but still the 6 fake teeth are not in alignment for my jaw

But there is a happy story to it as I have lost some weight
(I do have my priorities..🤗)

DS you will heal fast and can start eating anything that you want.

Hopefully you don`t have too long to wait now mac for the gnashers, you`ve been incredibly patient.

It is blowing an absolute hoolie out there this morning!! 50mph right now will lower down to 40mph this afternoon......breezy, but not too cold at 50F. Won`t be going for a walk just yet with these high winds, but looking forward to getting back into our walking schedule as soon as we can.......need to move!

Heading out this morning, have a few birthday presents to buy for some folks and will pick up a few things for Kyle`s birthday, although his main present is a driving experience at Silverstone. It`s a voucher as they only operate from April I think, so he can book his day when it suits him.

Salmon for dinner tonight, will roast it this morning and have it cold, only takes about 10 minutes for the pieces to cook and will do and Chinese noodle salad to go with it for dinner, lunch is whatever we feel like at the time.

Time for tea........




Happy Hump Day!!

Hope you didn’t get blown around too much this morning, Schumi, as being out and about. That is windy. Neat birthday present, the driving experience for Kyle.

Ah yes,

Hehe, as camel says, we get a rainy end to our Wednesday. Yay, that ever happy camel reminder means get over this mid week hump feeling of a day, and yay, Friday woot feeling is now two days away.

Yeah, the Spring feeling day will be enjoyed before a cold front causes thunderstorms around, with weather news saying the late afternoon commuters may see the start of the rain.

But hey, with the high 65 degrees, I will certainly be enjoying my lunchtime walk not in the rain, and no jacket either. And while a cloudy filled day, will still rock those shades, as even with overcast skies yesterday, still bright enough I needed the shades. At least the rain should end mid evening, so even if wet roads still around, tomorrow’s commuting day should be dry, with it partly sunny on Thursday. But jacket, as should be 54 by the time I leave in that pre dawn start. Ack, cold front drops temps beck into the mid 50’s.

Though day, yay, another day to be enjoying the use of my own bathroom, and a quiet enough house, with both DH and I telecommuting today.

Ooh, a most Wonderful Wednesday wish to all of the homies, their family and friends. Hope this post finds all in a good mood, had a good night’s sleep, and feeling well. Sending lots of mummy dust well wishes to all that need it, if not feeling as well or just needs a reminder that I wish you well.
Rain, rain won’t go away here. Better than snow or ice or in-laws.

kitchen sink decided to turn into a small creek last night. the mr fixed it handily by 11 am today, something to do with gasket not meshing with the old, oddly sized pipes. I comprehended half of it, plumbing and electric above my pay grade. More concerned at this point with deciding what to put back under the sink and what to toss.

Spicey chicken stir fry for dinner, figure it might just knock out the sniffles we all seem to have here.

Trying a new method of making French onion soup. Sliced up my 2# of onions this am & plopped in slow cooker with butter and seasonings. Supposedly, in 6 hours on high they will be carmelized. It’s been 3, barely soft, does smell good. We shall see. Was planning on cooling them down and adding to broth portion tomorrow.

He also had a small flashlight that security would not allow in.
Just caught this…a flashlight is a new one on me being a security risk
She proudly told him she had used a sharp knife......his face was a
Lol the mr decided to sharpen all my knives over xmas with the new sharpener I got him…fancy dancy one. I keep forgetting, yet another wicked cut added to my collection this afternoon. Least it gets me out of doing dishes & not deep enough for stitches :)
Dental issues always happens at holidays and family event periods!

I am stuck in the same zone of a long wait with my fake molars to arrive.

Well they have twice been sent from dental lab to my dentist but still the 6 fake teeth are not in alignment for my jaw

But there is a happy story to it as I have lost some weight
(I do have my priorities..🤗)

DS you will heal fast and can start eating anything that you want.
Wow, twice is rather unusual. Dentist did take a mold first? Quite an inconvenience for you.

My mom always complained when she’d lose a substantial amount of weight, they often got loose enough to need re-lined.
have a few birthday presents to buy for some folks and will pick up a few things for Kyle`s birthday
Don’t forget ingredients for a flourless chocolate cake!

story in local news a pregnant woman was at a relatives wedding reception in fancy hotel downtown on NYE. Stated she was having a wonderful time, dancing up a storm all night. 2nd pregnancy, not due for another month. Let’s just say she barely made it to the nearby hospital to have the first baby of the New Year. They still award a nice gift basket for the families here.
Hehe, Keisha, my mom was a new year day baby. We would always celebrate her birthday on New Year’s Day. Sadly, once she passed away, we don’t get together anymore for New Year’s Day. I think mean, she was reminded by my grand mom that she messed up her new year’s celebrations.

Saw in the news, fraternal twin girls born 12:55 pm December 31st and 1:01 am January 1st. Think nice, kids will get their own day to celebrate their birthdays.

My grown up kids went grocery shopping for me. I am curious though, as usually other things in the bags are items not on my list. They are not home yet. Hmm, I guess they also are eating out. To be fair though, they left about an hour ago.

Lunchtime walk was nice. Was very bright out, even though mostly cloudy. Almost wanted jacket, but by time done, was fine without it.

Oddly, Keisha, not fond of onions, but I do like a good French onion soup. Like the cheese melted overtop of it. Maybe because the onion taste is dulled from the beef broth it’s in.

Not in soup mode I don’t think. Two nights of it, so a nope tonight . I did enjoy tacos last night, was a Taco Tuesday after all. We have a very close to real, sole, local Mexican restaurant, and their chips and tacos are delicious, though spicy, that always makes my nose run. Also like their street corn on the cob, and fried breaded cactus. Tonight, maybe if the kids picked up meat or chicken, so that’s going to be the dinner menu.

Oh and Keisha, sending lots of mummy dust well wishes to your house. Hope the sniffles go away fast, and not be that virus positive. And agree with you, I’ll take rain over freezing rain, sleet, wintery mix, and snow. Also, no to those tornadoes in the South today.

I’d say we need the rain, but we’ve had enough rain this past year, our water table is closer to our surface, than in other, drier years. So those with wells, have no issues, and new ones don’t have to drill down as far to hit water. But a few hours of thunderstorms will roll by tonight, and that’s fine with me. Sone people actually like to hear the rain to sleep. I think I’m going to be tired enough. I will sleep well hearing the rain or not.

Ooh almost time to stop screen viewing. Yay!
Rain, rain won’t go away here. Better than snow or ice or in-laws.

kitchen sink decided to turn into a small creek last night. the mr fixed it handily by 11 am today, something to do with gasket not meshing with the old, oddly sized pipes. I comprehended half of it, plumbing and electric above my pay grade. More concerned at this point with deciding what to put back under the sink and what to toss.

Spicey chicken stir fry for dinner, figure it might just knock out the sniffles we all seem to have here.

Trying a new method of making French onion soup. Sliced up my 2# of onions this am & plopped in slow cooker with butter and seasonings. Supposedly, in 6 hours on high they will be carmelized. It’s been 3, barely soft, does smell good. We shall see. Was planning on cooling them down and adding to broth portion tomorrow.

Just caught this…a flashlight is a new one on me being a security risk

Lol the mr decided to sharpen all my knives over xmas with the new sharpener I got him…fancy dancy one. I keep forgetting, yet another wicked cut added to my collection this afternoon. Least it gets me out of doing dishes & not deep enough for stitches :)

Wow, twice is rather unusual. Dentist did take a mold first? Quite an inconvenience for you.

My mom always complained when she’d lose a substantial amount of weight, they often got loose enough to need re-lined.

Don’t forget ingredients for a flourless chocolate cake!

story in local news a pregnant woman was at a relatives wedding reception in fancy hotel downtown on NYE. Stated she was having a wonderful time, dancing up a storm all night. 2nd pregnancy, not due for another month. Let’s just say she barely made it to the nearby hospital to have the first baby of the New Year. They still award a nice gift basket for the families here.

I was telling Tom earlier about your kitchen incident!! He said yes, you need a little pick me up tonight.....thank goodness your Mister is so handy!

I prefer knives as sharp as they can be, usually less accidents that way.....but I`m giggling at your ahem...cuts to avoid never sharpen ours, Tom does them once a week for me whether they need it or not.

That sounds a gorgeous way to do the onions!!! I did like that soup when I could eat onions, minus the cheese of course for me......but your onions will be divine like that.

Sadly, no flourless chocolate cake this year, no chocolate at in earnest for the Marathon in April, so as he put on a "massive" 6lbs over the holidays (he`s so slim) he`s cutting everything good out. Except for his birthday next Saturday when he`ll have a dessert. He has more willpower than any of us have!!!

Salmon was lovely tonight, just barely cooked so it was very delicate and full of flavour. Made some spicy parmentier potatoes with some green salad onions mixed through, steamed cauliflower and made up a small amount of lemon butter sauce to go with it.

Cooking a ham overnight tonight slowly in ginger beer. Weirdly Tom who hates ginger, loves ginger beer, other things too have been added, so it`ll be tender and full of flavour for Thursday and Friday`s dinner and maybe a lunch too, it`s a biggie. Coated the top in honey, mustard, spice and seasonings.

Finally got one of my Le Creuset casserole dishes back from one of my Godsons earlier today, with a bottle of wine as a thank you for making the dish and giving it to them. Bless him.

Hoping the weather is fine for a walk tomorrow, maybe not 6 miles along the shorefront as we used to do last year. A short one will do us, need some fresh air, and it`s not too cold right now.
But a few hours of thunderstorms will roll by tonight, and that’s fine with me. Sone people actually like to hear the rain to sleep. I think I’m going to be tired enough. I will sleep well hearing the rain or not.
IMO there’s two types of people…those who love to fall asleep to a storm and those of us who lay there waiting for the next thunder boom lol.

Carole - wow, kyle is seriously focused. Good foR him
Good evening everyone. Nothing much to talk about today. Work has been pretty quiet with the boss working from home.

We have started making our plans for our graduation trip in June. I'm not happy with the cost of airfare right now, so I have been doing a ton of research. I have found a way we can all fly using our air miles, but it will require us flying out of Charlotte, NC. I think the drive will be worth it for the amount of money we save. We're going to need to rent a car while we are there. It's been 4 years since we last rented a car. I have no idea what a good rate is.

An incomprehensible tragedy here last night. One of my DS worked with the slain chief years ago. Said he was an amazing person with a wonderful family & one of the best police officers he knew. Not sure how the family heals after such a loss

Unsettling to think that this situation could play out in the ‘idyllic suburbs’, 25-30 miles from
the inner city where the perp lived. Events started a half mile from my house via a traffic stop the first day wherein the felon managed to flee; then blocks from my DS home yesterday
That is so tragic. Sadly, even the "idyllic suburbs" aren't safe anymore.
I'm a little late because I had an abscessed tooth all last weekend! I ate oatmeal, cream of wheat, and ice cream.
Glad you were able to get it taken care of and are pain free now. It does seem that medical issues seem to happen when everything is closed.
Dental issues always happens at holidays and family event periods!

I am stuck in the same zone of a long wait with my fake molars to arrive.

Well they have twice been sent from dental lab to my dentist but still the 6 fake teeth are not in alignment for my jaw

But there is a happy story to it as I have lost some weight
(I do have my priorities..🤗)

DS you will heal fast and can start eating anything that you want.
Hope you are able to get your dental issues resolved soon.

Heading out this morning, have a few birthday presents to buy for some folks and will pick up a few things for Kyle`s birthday, although his main present is a driving experience at Silverstone. It`s a voucher as they only operate from April I think, so he can book his day when it suits him.
That sounds like a cool, but somewhat scary experience.
Saw in the news, fraternal twin girls born 12:55 pm December 31st and 1:01 am January 1st. Think nice, kids will get their own day to celebrate their birthdays.
This will also make things easier for medical insurance purposes. (I've been at my job too long.)
Sadly, no flourless chocolate cake this year, no chocolate at in earnest for the Marathon in April, so as he put on a "massive" 6lbs over the holidays (he`s so slim) he`s cutting everything good out. Except for his birthday next Saturday when he`ll have a dessert. He has more willpower than any of us have!!!
I wish I had his will power. I'm staring at a bowl full of chocolate candy I need to get rid of.

Hmm....dinner is ready and dh isn't home yet. I hope he gets here soon before it gets cold.
Late dinner for you Charade. I know if I don’t see last person in, I put it in the microwave or refrigerator, and they can help themselves, after eating because I was hungry enough and won’t wait to eat. Tonight, I had chicken, little one had a poke bowl, and older one had sushi. DH got some of the chicken, as the kids ate all their meal. He was the late arriver at my house too.

Almost ready for my bedtime. Now saying storm coming between 11 pm and 1 am. Like Keisha, may wake up with a good thunder clap, but I have no issue going back to sleep after saying, oh the storm is here. Otherwise, I will be sound asleep by the time they are saying the rain expected to start. Then no rain chances again until Monday.

Hope all have a most peaceful night, and a good night’s sleep. 😴 💤 🛌
IMO there’s two types of people…those who love to fall asleep to a storm and those of us who lay there waiting for the next thunder boom lol.

Carole - wow, kyle is seriously focused. Good foR him

I LOVE listening to rain as I fall asleep.......very relaxing, unless it`s a storm then I`m But, it`s so quiet here, the rain is sometimes all you can hear and yes, I like it.

He is completely focussed on running, his running group have been amazed at his ability since he started, he won Most Improved of the Group at their Christmas night out which he was pleased about although everyone knew he`d win that one.

There`s no stopping him, so yes, chocolate is off the table right now.

Good evening everyone. Nothing much to talk about today. Work has been pretty quiet with the boss working from home.

We have started making our plans for our graduation trip in June. I'm not happy with the cost of airfare right now, so I have been doing a ton of research. I have found a way we can all fly using our air miles, but it will require us flying out of Charlotte, NC. I think the drive will be worth it for the amount of money we save. We're going to need to rent a car while we are there. It's been 4 years since we last rented a car. I have no idea what a good rate is.

That is so tragic. Sadly, even the "idyllic suburbs" aren't safe anymore.

Glad you were able to get it taken care of and are pain free now. It does seem that medical issues seem to happen when everything is closed.

Hope you are able to get your dental issues resolved soon.

That sounds like a cool, but somewhat scary experience.

This will also make things easier for medical insurance purposes. (I've been at my job too long.)

I wish I had his will power. I'm staring at a bowl full of chocolate candy I need to get rid of.

Hmm....dinner is ready and dh isn't home yet. I hope he gets here soon before it gets cold.

No, they`re not scary at all. His dad and I used to drive raleigh cars when we were young, he`s grown up around driving experiences and loves them, they`re just a lot of fun.

Yes, I wish I could have half his willpower. Good luck with the airfare, I haven`t looked for our second trip of the year yet, first trip was scary enough for three of us.

Getting some things delivered today including some grocery deliveries, so if we can manage a walk at some point we will, going to be dull, not too cold nor too windy.

Slept like a rock last night, Tom said he heard the foxes in the trees making one hell of a racket around 3am, glad I slept through that as it can be one heck of a noise.

Quiet day ahead, woke up with one side of my throat sore, this thing just keeps looping around all of us we come into contact with. Got some very good throat thingy`s that usually help......salt water rinses and hot drinks will all help too as it`s not awful, just niggly.

Going to lift the ham out that`s cooked overnight, the smell of ginger, honey and spice is gorgeous, so dinner is sorted.




Happy Thursday ☺️
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Ah Thirsty Thursday is here in our dry January. Apparently, the weather thinks no reason to be dry all January. We did get the rain late last night, though if it was a thunderstorm, I didn’t hear anything. I don’t think it was, just some rain, as weather news this early morning said a half an inch of rain fell from that cold system pushing the warm air away. Guess I was that tired. I can sleep though noise easily if I’m tired.

And while the rain is gone, that pre-dawn commute was very dark, foggy, and misty. But at least warm. 52 degrees out when I left. And so, that dip in temp starts tomorrow, with descending temps from 49 degrees on Friday, to 32 degrees the high saying for next Thursday in our 10 day forecast. Eh, no matter. Will be enjoying a 60 degree high today. And maybe even seeing some sun this afternoon. Hence, sunglasses are in my bag, ready for my lunchtime walk.

Woot! Again, Thirsty Thursday is here, and so throw back a drink or three of your choices of drink, and fondly remember the feeling of anticipation for the next day being that most Fabulous Friday.

And while not a lazy Friday for me this week, highly thinking I should make it a lazy Friday next week. As getting back to routine needs to be two more shorter weeks. Woot!

Good Thursday morning everyone.
Lynne, it’s a gift when you can sleep in rain storm!

I guess. I can sleep through most noise, and made lots of noise when my kids were babies and sleeping, and they have been good sleepers too. My DH on the other hand.

Though have to say, the loud noises of people in the middle of the night in a hotel hallway, does usually wake me up, but I can usually fall back to sleep. That and was staying at POP one time, and the thumping sound from the sidewalk cracks by luggage rolling by on the outside walkway in the middle of the night woke me up, annoyed, but did go back to sleep too. But yeah unless a good crack of lightning or very loud thunder, the just not loud rain obviously did not want me up.

Ugh, just about time for walk for lunch.

Looks okay out:

Oh and that line on the right, that’s kindly a long line of poop from the birds that like to sit on my window overhang. The poop even puddled in the outside window bottom sash. Dirty city birds. We call them flying rats. Yes, pigeons.
Carole… your cat pic today had me laughing!

I’ll be over today for the ham meal
Set a chair up for me.. was very pertinent today!!! Think I snacked all day.....oops.

Ham was lovely, extra place set as well ☺️

Yep, been a longish day of not very much going on at all. It`s been cooler than we thought it would be, so we didn`t bother going out a walk, beach was almost deserted apart from a few dog walkers.

Ham was delicious, we really enjoyed it and the flavours really came through with honey, ginger and some spice.

Watching old episodes of Taggart again, back into watching them now the Christmas movies are out of the way.

Still to decide what we`re doing tomorrow.....will think about it when we get up......


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