Something about Nothing, come join in........

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it's not my fault they're less fortunate than me :confused3 i do, however, spend all year saving money to have a "nice", maybe they need to learn to budget their money a bit better........or get a better job.........or another job?
Well...I'm being "dragged" to Universal in the morning so I need to hit the sack. Anything you want pix of?
Morning mac- actually it's afternoon here so


So let's see who has already finished the first few chapters of Harry Potter then..

oh yea, across the pond homies are afternoon at this time.....

you get to gain good time when you come to orlando then.
of course, you are probably dead tired at that point.

watch out for evil brother in case he tries to hide your potter book!!

i never sleep well the night before a trip. how about you?
We gain 5 hours when we get there. Im not really tired when I arrive- im too excited!! We play the "First to spot a Ponderosa billboard wins" game. lol its a fun game. We would usually go out for dinner when we arrive (with me convinced im going to die!! lol plane food doesnt appeal to me) then we swim for a bit and go to bed. Of course with the jet lag thing we are all up really early the next morinng!

My bro wont be on the plane with me, hes going out a week later (see a few pages back for my weird family way of doing things).


And no, i usualy cant sleep the night before (heck I usually cant sleep anyway) but that means I would get some shut eye on the plane which is never a bad thing!
Morning all!

My sister called me late last night and said she just got free passes to an "Tim McGraw/Faith Hill After Party" and wants me to go with her.

Okay, I know that Tim & Faith are in concert in Atlanta tonight... but what the heck is an After Party??? :confused3
Oh wow! I so do not get that .... did you ever see the Scrubs episode where Keith wanted to propose to Elliott, but she stopped him because she had her engagement envisioned, and that so was not it. So, Keith allowed her to orchestrate her own engagement in front of her friends at her favorite bar. Before Elliott entered the bar to be proposed to, her best friend warned the crowd that Elliott requested no camera phones because they give her fat face. Is this not the same sort of thing?

Perhaps it is because your nephew and (future?) fiance are so young? I dated my hubby for years and years before he proposed (the proposal was a complete surprise to me). I did not get engaged until I was 32. Maybe this hoopla is all the rage at age 19? What do I know?

I though the same thing when I heard about it! I had this picture in my head of Scrubs and almost said that to SIL, but I didn't think she'd find it funny. ;)

And my SIL assures me that this IS all the rage. Just seems so superficial to me.

Have you read anything on the Disney Wedding/Honeymoon board? I found my way over there just the other day when I was scrolling down and saw that someone had started a thread about wedding cakes. I have a thing for looking at fancy and outrageous cakes, so I started looking at that board. In doing so, I saw several "engagement announcements". Did you know that Disney has SO many people get engaged at various spots around the parks that the offer package deals... complete with professional photographers???

"Wow, honey! That was so thoughtful! You bought me the WDW engagement package Number 213 at Cinderella's Castle. I feel so special!"

Again, maybe it's just me...
A party after the concert. They will be there and probably free food and booze!!
"Wow, honey! That was so thoughtful! You bought me the WDW engagement package Number 213 at Cinderella's Castle. I feel so special!"


afternoon all! beeeaaauuttifuuul day here today...home from work early :woohoo: going to finish my drink, get changed, and clean out the car(s)....they need it!!

btw....there is now VIDEO on the "Mickey's Vacation" thread...courtesey of DH

chat ya l8r ;)
Afternoon, everyone!

Poor Mike is outside right now mowing the grass w/o the self-propeller part of the lawn mower working. I'll make him a nice dinner later. He'll get over it!

jodie, are you a newly wed??????

Nope, not a newly wed. We were engaged for 8 months, and we will be married 2 years come August 20.

RVGal, we didn't even have cake at our wedding! Mike and I love Banana Cream Pie, and that's what we cut and ate. Then we had a Viennese Table with all sorts of different desserts. Definitely not a Disney package!
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