Song, Movie, and Theater Style: Universal Orlando style


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
Since we have some creative people here, let's try this one. Let's do a Universal Orlando vacation, but set it to different TV, movie, and theater styles and shows. This is going to be a bit harder, but we'll see how it goes.

Remember the rules:
1.) Try to keep it about Universal Orlando.
2.) End your section with another TV, movie, or theater style or show.
3.) Keep it clean! :)

I'll start...

MIB999999 was walking through Islands of Adventure one day and passed through Jurassic Park. Suddenly, the T-Rex broke free of the River Adventure and went on a rampage!

"Star Trek"
Captain Kirk said, "McCoy, go fight the dinosaur."

"Jim, I'm a doctor, not a warrior!" McCoy said.

"How about you, Spock?"

"It is illogical for me to die since I am a regular," Spock said.

Kirk said, "Beam down Security Guard Lt. Deadman."

Lt. Deadman beamed down. He drew his phaser and was eaten by the T-Rex.

Kirk, "Spock, McCoy, help!"

"Crocodile Hunter"
Would you look at the teeth on this girl.
She's a real Bee-yoot.
Now I'm gonna sneak up behind her, and when she turns round we'll get a real good look at her razor shawp teeth.
These teeth each are over six inches loong and can each stab you like a dagga while her jaws will crush you like a tin can
You better look out as this baby can really moove, tooo.
She can reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per our making her nature's fastest prehistoric preditahs.
Now, here we go, quiet...

Transition to style of...
"Fast Times at Ridgemont High".

"I can fix it.
My dad's got an awesome set of tools.
I can fix it."

His stoner dude friend looks at him and slurs,
"Steve Spielburg is gonna SH*T,
He's gonna Kill Me!!!"

Spicoli replies,
"Well make up your mind Dude.
Is he gonna SH*T, or is he gonna Kill You?"

Stoner dude friend responds,
"First he's gonna SH*T, and then he's gonna Kill Me!!!"

Spicoli concludes confidently,
"Don't worry Dude,
I can Fix It."

Meanwhile, back in Marvel Island, Robin and Spiderman begin to feel like their Honeymoon is over...

Transition to style of...
Jackie Gleason's "The Honeymooners"

Spidey!! Robin yelled, Spiiiiiidey!

What NOW Robin????
he shakes his head in awe....

MY Mother's coming to visit, Spidey!

Not on yer LIFE, woman! To the MOON, Robin, one of these days, to the MOON!

Aw go climb a building, you could use the exercise look at the gut on ya!!

Alright, woman, I'm going to go save New York with my friends because YOU'RE getting on my nerves!

Transition to style of

Married With Children....
Spidey!! Robin yelled, Spiiiiiidey!

What NOW Robin????
he shakes his head in awe....

MY Mother's coming to visit, Spidey!

Not on yer LIFE, woman! To the MOON, Robin, one of these days, to the MOON!

Aw go climb a building, you could use the exercise look at the gut on ya!!

Alright, woman, I'm going to go save New York with my friends because YOU'RE getting on my nerves!

Transition to style of

Married With Children....
Spidey returns home to find Robin fumbling around in the kitchen again.
Robin greets him with her usual sunshine-y,
"Spidey, why don't we ever have s*x anymore?"

Spidey trudges to the couch and sighs,
"Aw Robin, is that all you ever think about? Can't a guy come home from a long day at his job as a shoe salesman and just relax?"

Robin jiggles over to the couch from the now smoldering kitchen to screech,
"Spidey you know that your shoe salesman gig is only a cover. When we met as teenagers, it was easy for you to diguise yourself as a cub reporter, but this shoe sales gig has gone a little bit too far! Where's the man I feel in Love with? The limber man, the buldging muscles, the bulge. Now he's just a blob on a couch. Those wild nights hanging upside down defying gravity while endlessly trying to untangle ourselves from your spun web. Oooooh, where's my Superhero that I feel in love with? Now I am left with just a shadow of that hunk without even his Supehero Utility belt to play with."

Spidey gets up from his comfortably worn sunken spot in his couch and says,
"Robin, if you want action, you gonna have to visit a theme park because this ride is now on permanent rehab. Your gonna have to wait longer to get wet on this ride than the guests for Splash Mountain at Disneyland!"

Robin leaves and exclaims as she slams the door behind her,
"Fine, as the MVP of the Superbowl says 'I am going to Universal Orlando'".

Transition to style of "Monday Night Football"

The crowd is starting to filter in on this balmy Monday night in Orlando to see Robin-Con live...Tourons fill the stands with their Cheeseburger in Paradise and Jester hats!

And now the kick-off of Robin con as Robin lines up at the gates...she starts to jump ahead of guests as the gates are about to be opened officially and an employee yells, "Illegal Movement...50 yard penalty" and she is sent back to the end of the line, which now spans all the way back to the NASCAR Cafe.

As she approaches the turnstiles again, she heads straight up the middle and then fakes to the right and goes left to the newly opened turnstile...she holds on tight to her pass and dives in for a first down!
While she waits next in line for the attendant to process her ticket media, she takes her bag and goes back to pass, to the security personnel, and the pass is complete, for another first down!

She's now first and goal when MIB999999 appears suddenly from her blind side and steps directly on her...2nd down.
Then Barry appears and bounces into her...almost sending her back to beyond the line of scrimmage...3rd down.
Desperate, Robin lines up and sees NhRenee already inside the gates...and decides to go for a hail mary...she takes a time out and grabs the springy stilts the Mardi Gras folks use and straps them on. The play is set, the pass is snapped to Renee, who hands it to the attendant just as Robin bounces over the crowd, including Barry and MIB999999 :eek: she lands just as time ticked down and with one second remaining, she slid through the turnstile for a touchdown and celebratory dance in the endzone with Renee (who was holding two Potions of the Gods)!!!
Barry and MIB999999 decided to challenge the play claiming that both of Robin's feet were not in bounds as she went through the turnstile...but the officials declined the challenge...the play stands!!! :)

I'm TIRED!!! :D :D :D

Transition to the style of Shrek...(hey, Barry's in this, how hard can it be???? ;) :D :D )



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