Spectromagic and Fantasmic Next To Go ?

I would really miss Spectro, I've been lucky enough to see it or MSEP on all of my trips except the first. During my first trip in 1994, they did not run it at all between Labor Day and Thanksgiving.

I am still looking forward to my Dec 1 trip, but am in kind of a down mood. I'm taking my mom who is not in good health, we like to go to a park in the mid-morning/early afternoon, take an afternoon break and then go back in the evening. Luckily we're staying at Boardwalk, so we can at least go to the WS in the evening. We both like Tapestry of Nations, but if that rumor is true, we will only be able to see it on the Saturday we arrive.
No. They can't do a thing like that! Is WDW really testing my tolerance of these cutbacks to the brink of total rage?
I am really hoping that these are just rumors and won't come to pass.

Quentin, my DIS friend (I know, we really don't know each other!). Calm down. I know it's upsetting, but your rage will only hurt you. Don't let what you perceive as foolish decisions create an anger in you that you can't manage. Your health is worth more than that.
Spectro was already down to Saturday nights anyway. I don't know about cutting Fantasmic, but I thought the new MGM closing time was 6:30, which doesn't seem late enough for Fantasmic..well, until we change back from daylight savings time this weekend.
I know this past Friday, MGM was open until 7:30 and Fantasmic was running at that time. I was shocked and amazed :eek: to be there for the almost completely "sold out" show!!!

People were getting seats 2 hours early, and every single section was full! (the only thing I can't report on is the standing room section since we were in the first row) They were making frequent announcments that you may not be able to get back in if you left the theater.

I understand cutbacks, but I hope that they continue to make things like Fantasmic, Spectro, Illuminations and Tapestry available, as often as possible, so that people will have the opportunity to see them, at least once, during their vacations! It would be a shame for people to miss these, especially if they can't get to WDW often, or ever again!

Admittedly, I'm spoiled living here now! But I sure don't want people to miss these magical experiences!!!

Fantasmic will have some cuts but will be around for busy periods because it is a very, very popular show and is nearly packed every night.
Originally posted by JustBob
Quentin, my DIS friend (I know, we really don't know each other!). Calm down. I know it's upsetting, but your rage will only hurt you. Don't let what you perceive as foolish decisions create an anger in you that you can't manage. Your health is worth more than that.

I was just figurately speaking. I certainly won't turn into the Incredible Hulk and destroy every Disney Exec in sight. However, even though its a rumor, I can't believe they would go to something like that. Yeah, I shouldn't overreact over this, but there have been many sweeping cutbacks lately. I think a lot of people here are infuriated with the decisions that the company made recently. Looks like I should use the power of my voice to help stop this mess.

Since I have an AP, maybe I should rethink of going to WDW next week. Maybe I should stop buying pins since WDW makes a pretty good buck off of them. Maybe I should stop spending my hard earned money on their crappy food. Maybe I should refuse to see "Monsters Inc". Maybe I should boycott Disney alltogether so those ivory tower boys can wake the #@%* up!
Just got back from WDW and it was packed. There was no low attendence - long lines were everywhere. We saw Spectromagic and Fantasmic. It was AWESOME!:bounce: That is the best parade and show EVER!:bounce: The highlight of our trip every time is seeing Spectromagic and Fantasmic. To miss that, you've missed the heart and soul of Disney. Every time I see Fantasmic, I get goose bumps. That show shows you the true magic of Disney like nothing else. To remove Fantasmic and Spectromagic would be a big mistake - I hope this is only a rumor.

We had a super time....now I must go soak my feet.

King Triton
I don't know, it just doesn't make any sense. If Disney is indeed having financial trouble then you can logically explain some of the cutbacks (even if we don't like 'em) but if these rumors about spectro and fantasmic come to fruition, it defies logic. i mean, cutting park hours, eliminating EE, closing attractions, cutting shows at MGM, cutting spectro, reducing fantasmic - if this wasn't DISNEY, I would say these look less like cost cutting measures and more like a sign that they are going out of business and closing the parks!
:( I sure hope that this is all rumors??? This our first trip to WDW and I hate to
miss out on all these great things. I have read so much about Fantasmic and
the other shows and we were so excited. I have went ahead and not canceled
our trip. Matter afact I sent the final payment today. Seems to me if they
want folks to keep coming they would not cancel all this stuff. Heck there is
even rumors that some of the MVMCP dates may be cancelled. I sure hope not!!
I will be heartbroken. I will just pray things get back to normal?????

Michelle:( :(
i have good news for once. I spoke to a main entertainment manager @ MK and Spectro is NOT GONE!
That is the best news I have heard in three weeks! I really hope that the entertainment manager was right! Did he or she give any details?


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