Spectrum Moms Take on The World! Our Last Day...Multiple Posts!

First of all ....could the pictures of me be any more horrible than tonights?? :confused3 anyhoo...

That thing with Anastasia screaming my name was too funny because I had been carefully watching which tables their were going to so I would be in my seat for all of the character interaction. Picture in your head an old Germany woman yelling "Heidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" That's what it sounded like. :rotfl2:

Julie.....you weren't hiding your sickness very well my dear friend.


You started off the dinner not too bad but you faded fast. I actually sent you out to relax out in the lobby....because I know all too well that sensory over load doesn't go well with an upset tummy. But I think before you left I gave you a zip lock baggie from my Mary Poppins bag as to not waste your gummy bears! Poor girl at nothing at dinner.












I had my autograph book with me the whole trip....I always seem to get more signatures sans kids but I'm sure that will change when they get older.
Oh my goodness, what a flurry of princessy updates!

What a bummer Julie, that you weren't feeling well. I hope the night improved for you and how special you could share the glow necklaces with little princesses.

Everyone's pictures are wonderful, you can see that you all had fun. Though red eye Cindy is a bit scary. I wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley.
Oh my goodness, what a flurry of princessy updates!

it was a Princess-y night for sure :goodvibes

What a bummer Julie, that you weren't feeling well. I hope the night improved for you and how special you could share the glow necklaces with little princesses.

yeah it kind of stunk :guilty: but by the time we were at MK I got my second wind....yuck Heidi I don't look good there at all, I totally forgot about having tea and the bagging of gummy bears oh yeah :laughing: I did take those...
Everyone's pictures are wonderful, you can see that you all had fun. Though red eye Cindy is a bit scary. I wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley.

But Cindy could light the way with her laser-beam eyes!
love the dinner update! Those step sisters are to funny!
Love the tiaras! Love the pictures! That looked like such a fun update and the characters played their parts perfectly. I have to say that 1800 Park Faire Looks like a fun place to work.

Its funny seeing you all bundled up in florida when its Hot as Hell here right now.
I was a few pages behind -- that is an incredible Yeti pic!!!!!!:worship::worship: Very nice work there!!

And what a fun dinner! I love the tiaras! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well Julie, I hope it went away quickly! Smart move to just go relax in the lobby, and the Grand Flo a'int too bad of a place to relax! :laughing:
Its funny seeing you all bundled up in florida when its Hot as Hell here right now.

yeah right...actually wouldn't mind a slight cool down ;)

And what a fun dinner! I love the tiaras! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well Julie, I hope it went away quickly! Smart move to just go relax in the lobby, and the Grand Flo a'int too bad of a place to relax! :laughing:

thanks...oh my sour stomach and sad attitude made a quick turn around as we arrived in the most Magical Place....
Now that dinner was done and we were re-bundled up we headed back out into the cold and onto the Monorail for a quick ride over to the MK. Jess and I were on a mission to find a single little girl w/in a family to pass on her Tiana tiara…we were in luck and as we were walking down the exit ramp on our way into MK, we found such girl! She was thrilled and we had to tell her and her parents…”yes, really keep it!” :goodvibes

After the usual security check we spotted a PP guy out front and were hoping to get a group shot pix…but he was done (out of film) but was happy to take a picture w/ Tracy’s camera (I believe)


This was to be our last time ALL TOGETHER touring so we set out to make the MOST of this evening at MK! The first thing on our agenda was to scope out a spot to watch Wishes! But first we had an unexpected surprise as we went under the train station you could hear the music from the MSEP playing as the parade was making its way down Main Street…and we were directed…

BACKSTAGE! :cool1:



So we may not have seen anything mega exciting, but we didn’t care we were BACKSTAGE! The chill in the air and the music piping through added to our excitement as we just danced and strutted on the detour…not sure what the CM’s and other guests thought..but we were giddy as little school girls:






And here’s me LOL

We exited out near the Launching Station and round our way over toward the hub to get a good viewing spot of the castle:






As we waited for Wishes to start we got busy checking times to plot out the next things…



I know at one point Anne Marie showed our Bears spirit as we played “Bear down Chicago Bears” on one of the phones…too bad they lost the next day…:headache:

It was pretty chilly this night and we had to keep moving to stay warm…we knew it wasn’t as cold as back home (especially in Chicago) but a bit cold for FL…and we’d giggle as you watched people walking around in fleece blankets and such…
Before Wishes we got to see the little Memories Pre show…it was hard to see the pixs from our vantage point but the castle imagery was amazing!





As Tink flew over we got ready for a great show…and side attraction of the bobbing balloon…







As usual it was a great show and we all enjoyed it…that bobbing balloon I mentioned well some other guest sitting right near us, has a balloon tied to their stroller and it was totally blocking our view…we asked several times if they could hold it down but to no avail Tracy kept wrestling w/ it…:mad:

Now that we have already some great fun what would be next…maybe some Tigger-fic FUN!

Stay tuned…
FUN pictures! It is fun to be backstage, even if you don't see anything.

I'm jonesing for some wishes right now.
That was so much fun going backstage!!!

And it was my first time seeing Tink fly overhead. Believe it or not, I never knew it was a real person!
Amy it is so cute reading about the new things you got to see and do on your trip!

Ladies, I have really enjoyed this trip report, the pictures are amazing and the writing wonderful. :goodvibes
Amy it is so cute reading about the new things you got to see and do on your trip!

Ladies, I have really enjoyed this trip report, the pictures are amazing and the writing wonderful. :goodvibes

Thanks Tracy!! :goodvibes Exploring/learning new things is so much fun on any trip, but it was particularly fun on this one!!
We truly were giddy at the prospect of walking BACKSTAGE!! :ssst: It was as if we were real Disney insiders...

At one point backstage I noticed a full-length mirror placed strategically before a door leading "onstage" reminding Cast Members that...


We all loved the (then) new pre-Wishes show, The Magic, the Memories, & You, and it was worth freezing our tushies off for that and Tink's flight. Wishes was heart-tugging as always, although I had a few moments of "unmagical" feelings toward a woman who insisted upon standing up on a planter in front of us....


I asked her, politely, if she would step down because she was blocking our shots and ooooh! She just gave me the dirtiest look and turned back around! :rolleyes: Well! That wasn't very Disney of her! Between that and the bobbing balloon, I was having no luck with photos so halfway through Wishes I decided to give up and simply enjoy the show. It was fun, all of us singing "Wishes!" together!

Thank Goodness Tracy was able to get some good shots! (I WANT her camera!)



Spectrum Moms Take On the World!
Saturday Night (con’t)

Wishes was over but we moms had lots more fun ahead of us… it was an EMH evening at the Magic Kingdom! One thing we had missed while touring Fantasyland the day before was Winnie-the-Pooh. We ran to it first thing but, like several other attractions, it had a delayed opening…perhaps due to the heavy rain...and we never made it back that day.

Our plan was to stake out a viewing spot in Liberty Square for the Main St. Electrical Parade but, looking at our watches, we felt there would be time for a quick visit to Pooh so we could play in the new interactive queue! We hustled ourselves out of the Rose Garden and straight to Fantasyland and to the home of the silly old bear.


Here we are, grown women, playing in the queue and being very silly!








After a bit we decided it was time to get moving... we had to claim a good viewing spot for the parade! But, oh! It was really starting to get w-i-n-d-y!!


I would and probably will play with the stuff in the winnie the pooh queue as well!
Cool that you got the back stage tour. Not quite sure how that happened. Was it just totally a random thing.

I learned that Tink was a real person when I took the KTTK tour. At the time they said they had two full time Tinks and 1 part time Tink. :laughing: All I know is Tink must have been freezing her a$$ off that night!

Wonderful pictures of the fireworks and changing colors of the castle. Really fun update!
OK – Here’s my second attempt at posting this update… I ALWAYS write my updates in Word then copy them over… Of course today I didn’t do that! I figured it was just a quick update with mostly pictures… And CRASH! I lost it all! Oh well… Moving on!

After playing with Pooh & Friends (we didn't actually ride) we decided it was time to grab a spot for the parade.

Was Tracy misbehaving?

Nope! This is where we snagged the perfect parade viewing spot! We got the best spot in Liberty Square! Notice the rope wasn’t even up yet:

We had a great CM working the area & he took some group shots for us:



I think there was a bathroom break going on here… Some of us left the others to “guard” our spots!

For some of us with kids who have a hard time sitting through (or waiting for) parades, this was a real treat!! It was so nice to just hang out while we waited.

Very soon it was time for the parade to begin!
















After the last float passed us by, we thought we should join in:



After all we were heading that direction anyways!
thanks to our readers who are hanging in there w/ us :goodvibes we truely were having a great time together as you can tell....hard to believe this was our last night at Disney...

the castle was great this night!

the back stage thing was a detour of crowds i believe trying to get in/out of MK since you couldn't get up MS because of the parade :thumbsup2

I would have never acted as goofy as that w/ the kids around...I would have been the one clicking the camera at my kids having all the fun or recieved some "MOM!" rolling eyes...:laughing:

Amy I didn't even realize we had some of those group shots or the ones of us kick-lining down the end of the parade route...that was so fun! got us all warmed up for the rest of the night :thumbsup2



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