Spiderman, the Movie Preview

Tony M

Remember 1999
Sep 19, 1999
WOW!!!:D :D :D
Just got back from seeing the 20th Anniversary re-release of ET. It was very good, it really stands up well vs. time and the new improved scenes look good.
Prior to going, I had heard that the new preview trailer for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and and was really looking forward to seeing it. The preview was great and the movie looks good enough that it will make you forget all about Episode I and that Jar-Jar Binks.
Anyway, after being dazzled by it's non-stop action, I was given an even bigger surprise, the preview trailer for the new Spiderman movie.
WOW!!!:D :D :D
The Spiderman preview tralier was even better the the Star Wars one. The movie looked just awesome and the action and effects looked incredible. I know that the movie version has no relationship to the IOA ride and that Universal is not involved with the Movie in anyway whatsoever, but the look and action of both are very similar.
There are "flying scenes" through New York City in the movie that will make any rider of the IOA ride feel like the ride utilizes the same film. There are even similarities between the movie's bad guy, the Green Goblin, and one of the IOA ride's bad guys, Hobgoblin. They both fly around on a sled looking thing and both throw explosives. And the movie's Spiderman scenes where he is swinging around from here to there and then landing on vehicles and buildings, etc. also will remind people of the IOA ride or vice versa.
Now I really can't wait until May 3rd.
This movie is really going to be a hit if it even lives up to half of the preview trailer's hype. And if Universal can market their own Spiderman ride correctly, they can piggyback the success of the movie into new visitors to IOA.

P.S. And as an added bonus, they also had a Scooby Doo preview trailer and despite my reservations to the premise of making a live action version of this cartoon classic(;) ) it looks like an entertaining kiddie flick that I won't mind taking my kids to.
Tony ... I agree with you. All the previews looked good but the Spiderman one blew me away. DS was in the theatre next door watching Big Fat Liar and didn't see any of those previews. Now he wished he had watched ET with the rest of us.
Yeah, I agree. I caught the trailer a few months back (can't remember where or when) and was VERY impressed.

I don't usually go ga-ga for action/adventure/fantasy flicks but this one I'm really looking forward to.
I have been waiting for what seems like forever for this movie to come out. I saw the long trailer on E! the other day. I caught it right before I went to bed which was a bad idea because after seeing the preview I was so stoked that I couldn't fall asleep. I've always been a huge Spiderman fan anyway.
I agree that Spiderman's going to rock hard, but you should never base your assumptions on a film's trailer. As a former projectionist, I know the whole reason for trailers are to sell an upcoming movie. Sometimes they show you the best parts and leave the rest for your unsuspecting viewing nightmare.

Spiderman is a loooonnnnggggg tiem coming. It was originally supposed to be made in 88 by james cameron (I have a copy of his original treatment plus a keychain bearing the coming soon '88 moniker). I've been patiently waiting for 14 years now (wow, that's kind of sad, isn't it!?!) eating up every tidbit, rumor and news development related. Hopefully it will be like fine wine; the longer it takes the better. It worked with X-Men, it'll work w/ Spidey. Tobey's going to be a great Peter, and William Dafoe is good in anything (Except Speed 2 that is).

Oh, if the Green Goblin and Hobgoblin look the same it's cause they are. I'm more of an X-Men fan than Spidey, but if memory serves me, the green goblin suit was stolen from Harry Osborne (Green Goblin 2, son of Green Goblin 1, Norman) by a British nutcase and became Hobgoblin. I dunno. It's like Sandman and Hydroman, basically the same villains only slightly different.

I'm not particullarly crazy about the robotic mechanic look of green goblin suit, especially since Norman was actually PHYSICALLY supposed to turn into the green goblin warewold style. There was a really cool preproduction painting of this.

Anyhoo, get ready for the ultimate spin May!


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