Spring Break 2009 at the Fort with TCD!


<font color=peach>Throwing some love to TCD<br><fo
Nov 29, 2004
As many of you already know, the TCD gang was at the Fort for our annual spring break extravaganza last week.

We checked in on Tuesday, March 31, and checked out on Saturday April 4.

In the four days that we were at the Fort, we witnessed the first campers arriving on the expanded 600 loop, and the renovated 700 loop.

We met some more Dis-Board members like DaveInTN, and TigandTaz, and got reaquainted with our old pal Stacktester.

We played a pretty good April Fools joke on the Disboards (with thanks to Shan-man).

We got to see the pool and hot tub filled with water, and landscaped, and getting almost ready to open.

We saw the new menu for the Meadow Snack Bar for the first time.

And, we had an overall great time!

And, I took a lot of photos.

A lot!

So, let's get this trip report started already!

We checked in via the traditional method on Tuesday afternoon at about 12:45 pm.

We were directed to lane #2, and pulled right up to the hostess. So far so good.

Except she couldn't find our reservation in her computer. She suggested that we pull up and go inside to check in.

I said no, please check again, I had the computer confirmation right there. She looked again, and found our reservation. So far, so good.

But, then her computer froze. She said she would need to call a manager. She suggested that we pull up and go inside to check in. I said I didn't mind waiting for her to call the manager. I would rather not have to park my tow vehicle and trailer and go inside. So she called the manager, and got her computer unfrozen. So far, so good.

Then we had to go through the whole process of finding my reservation again. But she found it. And, then she began handing me my standard check in documents, one at a time. You know, the ones that are usually in a folder. Not this time. First I got the map. Then a couple of minutes later, the park schedule. Then a couple of minutes later, a copy of my receipt, etc., etc.

In the meantime, four rigs in the lane next to me had arrived, and checked in.

But, my hostess was diligently working on getting us checked in.

The poor folks behind me eventually walked up to the window and asked if there was a problem. No, the lady said, just a complicated reservation. Huh? We were just checking in to our site for four nights. No tickets, no dining plan, just a standard check-in.

Anyway, after we got the site squared away, I dropped another bomb on my hostess. We had a golf cart reservation. I thought that perhaps she was going to have a stroke or heart attack. She suggested that I park and go inside for the golf cart. But, since I already had so much invested in this transaction, I (unwisely) declined, and asked her to go ahead and process my golf cart rental agreement, as I knew that it could be done, having done so myself in the past.

She then tried to retrieve my golf cart reservation. She could not find it. I offered my confirmation number. She declined. Said the number would do no good since she couldn't find the confirmation. What she could do was call the Bike Barn and order me a cart. Which is what she did. So, she finally got that taken care of.

And, with that, we were checked in, and had our cart.

Here is a photo of our hostess. She was as nice as can be. But incompetent doesn't begin to describe her. Should she be your hostess, and should she suggest that it might be better to park and go into the lobby, go with the parking option. Trust me on this.



Fortunately, I was able to not lose it, as I had my DD's there to entertain me with their face making skills:


By the way, this experience prompted me to stop by the front desk later in our trip and ask about express check in. The castmember there told me that it was available in the check-in lanes outside. They keep the pre-made folders in the center lane, and the your host or hostess will go and retrieve your folder when you arrive to check-in. I may give this a try on my next visit.

I had a reservation for a full hook-up site. I used clkelley's magic fax request form to request a site in the 900 loop. Worked like a charm! We were assigned to site 914. This site is on the outside of the loop, almost half-way around. It backs up to a little canal between the 800 and 900 loops. This was a great site! So, it was all good for the TCD gang.

As is our custom, I handed some cash to the DD's, and sent them off for a leisurely lunch, while I got camp set up. Luckily, I was completely set up when we had a little down pour. It didn't rain long, so as soon as the girls got back, we set out for some looping.

First stop, the new part of the 600 loop.

The new campsites were all empty when we arrived, but began to fill as the afternoon progressed.

Here is the new entry sign. Nice work with the router, eh?:


Here are some shots of the new sites:


This is one of the sites that backs up to the Meadow Trading Post:


There is some weird looking stuff on the water connections on these new sites:




You only get two standard electric outlets on these new sites. My old full hook-up site on 900 had four. How's that for progress?


But, the stainless steel basins around the sewer connections are bigger, and have a modern shape (that is worth the extra $$$-right?):


Some more loop photos:




This new cross walk is for the path that leads to and from the bridge that goes across to the campfire area:


What was formerly known as site 602 is fenced off. It looks like it will be used as a site on this loop, and will be re-numbered as 616. They need to pour some concrete here to connect it to the new roadway. I don't know why they didn't get this finished before they opened up the new part, but they didn't:


These are the new sites on the inside of the loop that back up to the main road near the 800 loop bus stop. There is almost no space from the edge of the concrete pad to the adjacent side walk:




This is the site marker for the site shown immediately above- 614 That is a pretty nice site. 617 is the site that has the grill right next to the sidewalk-not so nice.


There are a lot more photos to come!

Great trip report so far Triple D as always. Can't wait to see the rest of your report and pictures. By the way we got one of those clueless CM's once last year and it is very frustrating. Makes me want to just jump out of the truck and run over and do the check in for them. You can always tell when you pull up if your gonna have one "of those" checks just by the way the CM responds to you. The good ones know when just to hand you the stuff and let you go. Your in your out in 2min. LOL!
I like the new loop sign as well. A family that was next to us in 900 last spring break was in the 2nd site on the right by the old Meadow sidewalk. BTW, I triple dog dare you to get a phillips head screwdriver and see just how spring loaded that thing is. Oh, the lady who checked you in checked us in on Thusday. We were in the overflow already so we just went inside. No problems with her on my end. See, you shoulda just gone inside. She did tell me she was p/t and a school teacher full time.
She did tell me she was p/t and a school teacher full time.
Ah, someone who is molding our youth... Kind of make you understand why the kid at Mickey D's can't count back change if the register doesn't tell him how much:headache:
Great report so far TCD. Looking forward to more. And it seems there are a fair number of incompetent CM's at check-in these days. The guy that checked us in last week was a real hoot. He kept breaking the machine that prints the KTTW cards. It was seriously the longest check in we've ever had...at ANY campground. He was nice enough, but holy cow he was frustrating to work with.
We checked into the 700 loop on April 3rd. THis was our first trip to the fort. We had a lot of trouble with the cable and the water. It took3 calls to maintenance to get the cable working. They had told our "neighbors" the cable wouldn't be ready for a week after they got ours working!!! Our water spigot was stripped so our hose wouldn't fit and we had a beautiful fountain effect. The first maintenance guy ended up stripping our hose while we were out and then the supervisor tried to say we broke everything. Eventually, a competent man named Victor came out and replaced the spigot. Told us we would have to buy a new hose but relented and gave us one after some arguing from DH (lawyer skills came in handy). We were only there for 2 nights so it took a lot of our time to get it straightened out. We did, however, enjoy the campfire, the fireworks, and my kids loved looping on their scooters. Right now, we are enjoying the BWV even tho we are about to experience record cold temps for FL
As usual, great trip report. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

That 614 site looks nice! What do you think of the 600 loop over all??
TCD - Me and Tigger0624 had a great time meeting you. Hope we can meet up again soon.
BTW, I triple dog dare you to get a phillips head screwdriver and see just how spring loaded that thing is.

I am tempted. I want to know what the heck this thing is:


If I ever get assigned to one of these sites, I just might have to open it up to see what happens!

We checked into the 700 loop on April 3rd. THis was our first trip to the fort. We had a lot of trouble with the cable and the water. It took3 calls to maintenance to get the cable working. They had told our "neighbors" the cable wouldn't be ready for a week after they got ours working!!! Our water spigot was stripped so our hose wouldn't fit and we had a beautiful fountain effect. The first maintenance guy ended up stripping our hose while we were out and then the supervisor tried to say we broke everything. Eventually, a competent man named Victor came out and replaced the spigot. Told us we would have to buy a new hose but relented and gave us one after some arguing from DH (lawyer skills came in handy). We were only there for 2 nights so it took a lot of our time to get it straightened out. We did, however, enjoy the campfire, the fireworks, and my kids loved looping on their scooters. Right now, we are enjoying the BWV even tho we are about to experience record cold temps for FL

As you will see later in this report, when we arrived on 3/31, the 700 loop was nowhere near ready to go. They were really cranking on it every day, and did end up opening it after 5:00 pm on 4/3. So, if you all checked in on 4/3, you were the first campers in your site post-renovation. Chances are that your site will be in one of my upcoming photos. What site you were on? I say BAD SHOW to the Fort management for rushing to get these sites open and putting guests in sites that had problems like you described. It's all about the almighty dollar. They needed those sites open, so they got it done. Well, almost anyway. Glad you all had a good time, and I am sure you will not have problems like this on your next visit. BTW, for what it is worth, when I stayed in the 500 loop for the first time after it reopened after renovation, the cable was not working on the entire loop, but Fort management put folks in there anyway. No one told me until after I was all set up and connected the cable to find nothing. It wasn't until I called the front desk that anyone bothered to mention that the cable was out. I got a reduced price on my site, so it worked out satisfactorily to me. You should have asked for the same. If you are still at WDW, I would suggest that you call someone and complain about your experience. You should not have to pay full price for a premium site and get that type of experience.

As usual, great trip report. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

That 614 site looks nice! What do you think of the 600 loop over all??

Glad you asked. I do like the lakefront sites. But, overall, I do not like what they did. And, I would hate to have one of the sites that backs up to the main road. I also feel like these sites are way too out in the open, and will be hot when summer gets here and there is no shade. They really messed up the look of this area for a measly 15 additional campsites, about half of which back up right onto the main road. But 15 sites at 100 bucks a night for 365 nights a year is over a half million dollars of extra revenue a year. So there is a WDW bean-counter somewhere breaking his arm patting himself on the back.

TCD - Me and Tigger0624 had a great time meeting you. Hope we can meet up again soon.

Same to you, Matt. I am sure I will see you at the Fort again.

Continuing on with the report. . .

These photos were taken the afternoon of 3/31/09.

As mentioned above, the 700 loop was closed off, and lots of stuff was stacked in there to be installed. Lots of landscaping plants. To me, it looked like they had quite a while to go before this loop would be ready for guests. Turns out I was wrong about that. They put folks in there just three days later:


Here are a couple of shots of site 617 taken from the 800 loop entrance. This site is situated in what used to be the entrance to the 600 loop. You can see that there are still remnants of the entry road there between the road and sidewalk. I imagine that they will eventually get around to sodding this space. But, look how close the back of the site is to the road:



Our next stop on 3/31 was the pool. Here is what we saw there. No water in the pool. The marcite was not on the pool walls. Looked like they were not going to make it by mid-April after all:



This planter area was just filled with dirt:





This is where the splash zone is going . It is so torn up that it is difficult to visualize what this is ultimately going to look like:



Here we can see the pool ladders and life guard stands, as well as bags of the marcite that they will use to finish the pool and hot tub surfaces:


These shots are of the area around the corner of the snack bar/arcade building. There doesn't look to be anything new installed in the pre-existing fenced in area:


This is a new piece of equipment that has been buried here. Must be something for the splash zone. There are big pipes being connected to it:




A castmember told me that the modifications to the arcade building will be for splash zone equipment, and not for any areas that will be accessed by guests. I am not sure if this buried piece of equipment will be in that new building addition, but it seems like maybe it will be.

Look at the big piece of black pipe capped with the white cap in this photo. That big black pipe is what is connected to the buried piece of equipment. This looks like it is going to be some type of water fountain, right?:


Here we are looking at the hot tub. You can see that a metal shower tower has been installed here. Looks like they have a ways to go here, too:



You can see a worker pressure cleaning the pool walls in the photo above. Here is a closer look at him. They must be getting the pool ready for something:


We will find out soon what they are getting the pool ready for!

Moving right along . . .

I took all of these shots of the tower so I could e-mail them to Shan-man for our April Fool's prank:



Shan-man was able to take one of these photos, and create this work of wonder:


From what I saw, a lot of folks were fooled by this photo-shop job. I really can't believe what a great job Shannon did. It looks so realistic. But, alas, we are stuck with the FWRR logo.

You will notice in this photo that there is now a solid wood wall directly under the slide. This apparently was built to conceal the pipes that bring water up to the slide. At first, I thought that they might build three more walls and enclose this area, but no additional work was done on this during my visit, despite the fact that the place was crawling with workers. So, maybe it is just going to be this solid wall. Looks kind of weird if you ask me:


Some more shots of the general look of disarray:




From the pool, we headed over to the Bike Barn, to get a look at the 600 loop from across the lake. Thought the light from the setting sun looked neat coming trough the fence behind the Bike Barn:


Here are some shots of the 600 loop taken from across the lake:



Sorry, but I don't like it. I don't like seeing RV's over there. I liked it better when it was trees. :(

There were still workers in the 700 loop well past 5 pm, but we snuck in and got a few photos of the state of things there. Quite a mess:




We then revisited site 617. I guess this site really bothered me, because I took even some more photos.

Here is the grill situation:


The little shelf on the grill can be rotated to where the person using the grill wishes. If the shelf is rotated out toward the sidewalk, here is what you get:


Who thought it was a good idea to design this like this?

A couple more shots of 617 from the road:



The site next to 617 has the bench for the folks using the 800 loop bus stop to sit and rest:


In some older photos of the 600 loop construction, I had noted a lot of blue pipes sticking out of the ground. They have been capped off, and now have these small covers on them:


That says India, not Indiana, right? Did WDW really need to buy these from India?

This manhole in the new loop road is new:


It ends up that these were all the photos that I took on 3/31. We headed out to the MK for the evening, and shut the place down at 10 pm. After that, we headed out to check out a place on WDW that I have driven by many times, but never stopped to check out. We visited there a couple of times on this visit, and I will post some photos of that later.

Next up, a new day dawns at the Fort, and I see more workers than ever at the pool. And, things really start to move along!

I'm on a roll, so here's another installment.

It is now bright and early on Wednesday morning, April 1st.

First stop, the 700 loop. I'm hoping to get in there before the workers.

No such luck. They clocked in early today!

Here is what the first site on the left looked like on the morning of April 1st. All of the site markers are stacked here. And, there are a lot of landscape plants in pots stored here:


Here are some of the fellows who started work early:


Next, over to the pool to see what is happening there. There are workers' trucks parked everywhere!:














So what are all these workers doing here?

They are surfacing the pool!:



There are apparently some big muckety mucks in the house. You can see them in these photos wearing dress clothes and hard hats. Notice that the guys actually doing the work don't have hard hats?




I don't know what happened, but this pool project was shifted into high gear this week. These guys worked all day long, well past 5 pm.

Next up, more photos from the morning of 4/1 . . .

I am tempted. I want to know what the heck this thing is:


If I ever get assigned to one of these sites, I just might have to open it up to see what happens!

How about an anti-siphon vacuum breaker?
How about an anti-siphon vacuum breaker?

You know, Mike, that was my initial thought too. But, the more I think about it, this looks more like a spring loaded cap thingy.


Seriously, it sounds like you know what you are talking about. Why are these installed here, and not on any of the other sites?
If they are a new installation they would be required by code along with the backflow preventers on the other side of the post.
That's my TT in site 601 picture!!!!! We checked out on the 4th. I like the site. My DH said it was okay. I didn't hear him complain any when I asked him to get coffee at the Meadows. Also my kids fished right from the pond as I watched them from underneath the awning :) If the pool was open, it would have been perfect!
That's my TT in site 601 picture!!!!! We checked out on the 4th. I like the site. My DH said it was okay. I didn't hear him complain any when I asked him to get coffee at the Meadows. Also my kids fished right from the pond as I watched them from underneath the awning :) If the pool was open, it would have been perfect!

Hey, how cool is that? You all were the first ones in that site! Did you have a Tampa Bay Buccaneers gazebo? I remember someone right about there on the loop did.

601 is the first site on the loop, right? There is no 600 is there?

You have brought up a very good point that I overlooked about the new sites on the 600 loop. They might be a bit sparse tree-wise, but you cannot beat the location. You are right in the middle of everything. Close to the trading post, fishing pond, campfire and pool. And, you have a bus stop right there, too. The big thing missing is a comfort station. That is kind of a deal breaker for me.

You know, Mike, that was my initial thought too. But, the more I think about it, this looks more like a spring loaded cap thingy.


Seriously, it sounds like you know what you are talking about. Why are these installed here, and not on any of the other sites?

If they are a new installation they would be required by code along with the backflow preventers on the other side of the post.

Yeah, what Gonzo said.


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