!@#%#! Squirrels


DIS Veteran
Feb 20, 2015
I bought a pair of Mickey fuzzy dice from RRC at DHS to hang in our cart to take to the Fort. Had them hanging there for about 4 weeks, in my garage, and a !@#$#@! squirrel (must be related to the Fort clan) came into the garage and chewed off one and took it! The nerve! Guess I will be making another trip to the Studios and this time will keep them in the TT till we go. This is what he/she left me :(

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Squirrels #&$*###~! I hear ya. Our last trip to the fort one of those sneaky little b#@*Qs chewed a hole in our tent, ate some chocolate, trashed the place and then left. Tried to come back for more later on that evening but we took matters into our own hands at that point.
I feel for ya. While staying at the Fort in June, a squirrel ate through the bags from our corn hole toss set. Made such a mess on our camp site. Guess it thought the corn inside was too stale to eat.
Ed said something about that squirrel in the 400 loop saying I cheated him at a game of dice...

...I wonder...
We even feed them, bur for some reason they feel the need to be mischievous. Maybe he is just a Disney fan! Bet he has the best decorated nest in all the neighborhood. :squirrel::sad2:
I remember about 6-7 years ago our church had an easter egg hunt at a beach area near here. It was grassy with scattered pine trees. Anyway, we had put out something like 300 plastic eggs and were waiting on the kids to start when I was looking across this grassy area and saw a pink egg moving! I kept watching and sure enough it made its way to the base of a pine tree and up the tree it went.

I just there staring and happened to look to my right and there stood the preacher...staring as well. He looked at me and asked if I had just seen a pink egg climb a tree. As a joke I almost said "no" but the fear of being struck by lightning convinced me to agree. Another deacon camr over and was inquiring about what was so funny. As we were pointing things out and describing what we saw...

A squirrel came down the pine tree...picked up a navy blue egg...and back up the tree he went...

The deacon just stood there staring...
I remember about 6-7 years ago our church had an easter egg hunt at a beach area near here. It was grassy with scattered pine trees. Anyway, we had put out something like 300 plastic eggs and were waiting on the kids to start when I was looking across this grassy area and saw a pink egg moving! I kept watching and sure enough it made its way to the base of a pine tree and up the tree it went.

I just there staring and happened to look to my right and there stood the preacher...staring as well. He looked at me and asked if I had just seen a pink egg climb a tree. As a joke I almost said "no" but the fear of being struck by lightning convinced me to agree. Another deacon camr over and was inquiring about what was so funny. As we were pointing things out and describing what we saw...

A squirrel came down the pine tree...picked up a navy blue egg...and back up the tree he went...

The deacon just stood there staring...

That's funny! :flower1:
Has the squirrel climbing a tree with a stolen Go Pro video ever been posted here in our forum? I think so, but just in case...
I remember about 6-7 years ago our church had an easter egg hunt at a beach area near here. It was grassy with scattered pine trees. Anyway, we had put out something like 300 plastic eggs and were waiting on the kids to start when I was looking across this grassy area and saw a pink egg moving! I kept watching and sure enough it made its way to the base of a pine tree and up the tree it went.

I just there staring and happened to look to my right and there stood the preacher...staring as well. He looked at me and asked if I had just seen a pink egg climb a tree. As a joke I almost said "no" but the fear of being struck by lightning convinced me to agree. Another deacon camr over and was inquiring about what was so funny. As we were pointing things out and describing what we saw...

A squirrel came down the pine tree...picked up a navy blue egg...and back up the tree he went...

The deacon just stood there staring...

Tiggerdad, too funny. I have a similar story, this one at the Fort. We were there this past Easter and a squirrel did the same thing. Came to our site, stole a candy filled plastic egg, when up a tree in a neighboring site and dropped it right next to our neighbor. The look on her face was priceless as a candy filled egg fell from the sky and burst open and sent jelly beans flying all over her sight.
I decided to try container gardening this year. Planted 2 zucchini seeds and 2 yellow squash along with the other usual suspects. Everyone told me, you just need one squash plant because they yield so much. I have 4 and have yet to get a veggie! I get these beautiful blossoms and then nothing. We have a lot of freaking squirrels here, so I think they are eating them! I even moved my game camera and aimed it right on the containers. Like 900 pics later, and there's only one with any sign of an animal. It's either a squirrel's bushy tail or a wascally wabbit!
CJHokie, don't even get me started about them raiding the garden. They have taken everything from squash to tomatoes to digging up green bean seeds. I even put ears of dried corn out for them, and they still go for my veggies!!!
don't even get me started about them raiding the garden.
I wish they would stay focused on the gardens. The little suckers eat my roof. I live in a 113 year old Victorian. The neighborhood has lots of huge old trees. Any place the tree has been up against the roof, they find a way to get the drip edge and the first shingle up, then eat a huge hole in the sheathing. Like big enough to get your head in. The only patch that works is sheet metal covered with roofing tar and a row of shingles.

That was hilarious I've never seen that before.

I haven't had problems with them in my garden, my squash is spitting out bucket fulls. Another 5 gallons this morning. I do keep a squirrel feeder full in the front yard so maybe that keeps them out of the garden.
I bought some chicken wire to put around the containers yesterday, but it was like 97 and supposed to 100 today, so I will just wait. :scared:


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