Stacie's Journey for Weight Loss and the 1/2 Marathon Jan 09!

Hi Stacie! :wave:

CONGRATS on kicking off your couch to 5k program!! It'll be fun to watch your progress as you complete each week :) Don't worry about feeling different during your 60 second interval runs...sometimes I feel different every other step ;) You'll have good bursts and some bad bursts, but your drive to complete the program will keep you moving along. I wish you the best of luck.

I checked out that Running for Mortals book and it's pretty similar to the Marthoning for Mortals time you are in a bookstore and they have it in stock, look at the training plans in the back of the book...I think you'll be able to combine the two and come up with a good plan for yourself if you choose to (or maybe after you complete the c25k)...just don't forget to cross train too (I think C25k omits the xt?)

Keep up the good work and have a great day!
HI guys!!! Thanks for checking!!! :hippie:

I'm feeling pretty good today! It's a REST DAY!!!! YIPPEE!!!

Tomorrow is Week 1/ Day 3 of C25K. DH and will do it tomorrow morning. 4:30 am--he just doesn't know it yet! hehehe :goodvibes

Yeah, C25K omits the xt. Does aquacise count??? If I can get out of work on time, they have step class on the same day as aquacise. I am thinking of doing STEP at 5:30 pm and then aquacise at 6:15 pm. How many days do I need to xt? is 1 enough? It just seems wrong to to the gym on the weekends!!! I can walk in the neighborhood, I just can't make it to the gym! Maybe I'll start riding my bike longer on Sat/Sun...

Have I mentioned that I bought Marathoning for Mortals? I just started reading it yesterday. I'm going to try to get through the book and then look at the plans in the back.

Shhh... don't tell anyone, but I am toying w/ the idea of doing the 15K for Minnie... I've not decided yet... I'd rather to wait to see how this goes first, but we'll see. My sister, Susan, has committed to the Minnie 5K w/ me!!! So I am doing that for sure! If I opt not to do the Minnie 15K, I'm pretty confident I'll do the 15K in Jan of '09. There's no reason I can't achieve it by then!

Caitsmama! Congrats on starting C25K!!!

Thanks everyone for your continued support!!!
Shhh... don't tell anyone, but I am toying w/ the idea of doing the 15K for Minnie...

Bahhhaaahaa.. too late for THAT!! You just told the world! LOL :rotfl2:

Glad to hear you are doing so well! Tomorrow is my W1D2 of the C25K.. hope it goes well.. LOL

Can i ask a dumb newbie question.. can someone explain xt more to me? Why is it important to mix with the plan? And what is considered xt? Thanks!!
I can answer the XT question :).

By XT we are referring to cross-training activities that either build muscle, stretch muscle or add additional non-pounding cardio to your training week. In my own personal training I like to mix it up a bit and do a combination of pilates, occasionally yoga plus ski machine, elliptical and biking.

For week might typically look something like this:

Mon: rest day
Tues: Run and Pilates
Wed: XT (Elliptical) and Pilates
Thurs: Run
Fri: XT (Ski Machine) and Pilates
Sat: Walk or Bike
Sun: Long Run

It's important to add cross training into your week because it works the muscles in a complimentary fashion to the running, and builds strength in other areas such as the quads (in biking) or the core (Pilates). I like to do Pilates (or Yoga) because it helps stretch and strengthen your abdominal, back and hip muscles which support your entire frame for running or walking. Also, both yoga and pilates focus on proper and efficient breathing techniques which also aid in running! Cycling, Elliptical, Swimming, Aqua Aerobics/Water Running and Ski Machines work the legs similarly to running but without the heavy pounding that the joints take. They help to build your cardio fitness and endurance without causing additional stress on the knees, hips, ankles and feet.

Every running program should incorporate some XT in my opinion to help prevent injury :). Stacie...aquacise is awesome :). Step would be ok just be careful though b/c it can be a bit hard on the knees. I'd prefer to see you sticking with aquacise and possibly hopping on the elliptical or a bike as well on another day :). As a Pilates instructor I have to say I'd really recommend getting some core work in once or twice a week if that is offered at your gym. I just tend to stay away from anything that is hard on the knees or ankles since running itself is a bit tough on the joints.


Sorry for hijacking your journal Stacie ;). SOOOO excited about you stepping up your own personal challenge and possibly doing the 15K. :hug: Your determination and excitement is infectious! I love reading your journal. :)
Um....yeah....what Amy said :goodvibes: (thanks for the great explanation!)

15k :) Looks like someone is getting the fever!! Careful Stacie....running is more powerful than any drug :)

Have a great night!
You can do a 15K, they aren't bad at all, I ran one in July. I wish I could get back on track with the running now though, at least tomorrow I will have some time to run. Great job with your exercise plan, I need to hit the gym next week and start lifting weights for ski season.
Thanks Amy!! :)

And sorry Stacie for the mini hijack!! LOL ;)
A.M.??? WOW - okay, who are you and what have you done with my sister?:lmao:

Seriously, I am MAJORLY impressed. Even I don't get up THAT early anymore (barely managing to get up at all, but that's another story).

Keep going, chick - you are making me believe we can do this 5K thing in May!! Love ya!:hug:
HI guys! Glad you hijacked! Amy has great info!!!

Step would be ok just be careful though b/c it can be a bit hard on the knees. I'd prefer to see you sticking with aquacise and possibly hopping on the elliptical or a bike as well on another day :). As a Pilates instructor I have to say I'd really recommend getting some core work in once or twice a week if that is offered at your gym.

For some odd reason, I feel like I have my own personal trainer (that's really far away in another state!)--Yes mam, Amy mam, no stepping, add Pilates! ey ey mam! :lmao: Thanks Amy!!! I really appreciate your input! There is a pilates class at my gym--at 530am!!! :scared1:

NO reason to be too impressed! I did NOT get up at 430 this morning! DH decided to go to work to make up some lost time and got up at 3am. He wasn't there--I was going to do it own my own on the TM around 530/6, but it just didn't happen. I am such a slacker!!! I HATE getting out of bed! He leaves this afternoon w/ his dad and brother on the Harley's to go Mytle Beach. They having a fall bike-fest thing this weekend. So...Guess I'll be training alone on the TM tonight!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!
Hi Stacie! That's ok, sleeping in for a bit never hurt anyone!! LOL There's always tonight..
Sometimes it's better without the DH.. LOL

I am thinking of starting pilates or yoga.. keep me posted if you do it... :)
For some odd reason, I feel like I have my own personal trainer (that's really far away in another state!)--Yes mam, Amy mam, no stepping, add Pilates! ey ey mam! :lmao: Thanks Amy!!! I really appreciate your input!

I agree with you!!! Good thing Amy doesn't charge for all of the training and advice or I'd have gone bankrupt by now :goodvibes I CAN tell you that her advice is very well thought out and researched...she has never steered me wrong.

Hope you have a good weekend! How's that training coming along? :goodvibes
he he he... :goodvibes I totally trust you guys and your insight/training suggestions! You've been doing this much longer than me! I need all the help I can get!!! I really do want to succeed!

I so wished I had gotten up this morning and did my training! Now I have to do it tonight! I will say this. If I did not have this 5K goal I can guarantee I would NOT work out on a Friday night! But...I know that completing this program and to keep pushing is the ONLY way I will get there!

So, tonight, I'll train, maybe watch a movie, read some in my books (marathoning for mortals and my new n. sparks book) and enjoy my solitude. :cloud9: I enjoying hanging out w/ friends and family, but the older I get, the more I am perfectly content with being alone. Sometimes I just need me time, quiet time with no one needing anything from me...

Enjoy your weekend all!
OK...I know I have posted a lot today... But, I just finished C25K Week1/Day3. Yippeee!!! I actually talked on the phone to a friend of mine the entire time! Well, she did most of the talking, but as I mentioned before, Matt's gone and I thought it would just be soooo boring alone. Happy to say it was a success and maybe I was just preoccupied w/ the conversation but this one did seem a bit easier and the running bursts not too daunting. I am SLOW though. I started out walking at 3.2, running at 4.2, but toward the last few cycled backed it down to walking at 3.0, running at 4.0 which put me at 1.6 miles and 215 cals burned! Whoo hoo! Still a long way to go. I'll never break any speed records, but I'll worry more about my speed towards the end of the program!

Thanks all for your support! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! :banana:

Good job Stacie! Its not about speed, its about determination and you are doing that! And your speed will pick up in the process. Look how far you have come. Well done, have a great weekend, enjoy your alone time and keep up the good work!:thumbsup2
Hi Stacie,

I am so proud of you. This morning you could have said,"DH isn't here, so I'll do it later." Then you could have backed out, but you didn't. You did your training, even though you didn't really feel like it. You should be really proud of yourself.

Take care,
AWESOME JOB STACIE!!!!!:woohoo: :banana: :woohoo:

You are just one workout ahead of me, so i like to see how you do.. Then it motivates me!! :thumbsup2 We WILL get thru this together!!
Hi Stacie
you are doing an awesome job with your training :)
Hope your having a good weekend :)


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