Stacy's Year of Dreams come true - Comments welcome!


<font color=darkorchid>Closet Hannah Montana Fan!<
Apr 13, 2006
Well, i had to think of a catchy title for myself.. I need to stay inspired, and i wanted a place to be held accountable, and i have to admit, i have no idea how to "blog".. so this is second best! :rotfl2:

Anway- Jan. 3rd 2007: Current weight 208lbs (wow.. can't believe i typed that! :eek: ) I am heavier now than i ever have been - heavier than when i gave birth to my dd almost 6 yrs ago!! Wow.. I can feel my stomach sink as i "say" that. :sad1: I feel terrible, emotionally and pshyically. I really noticed it this last november (2006) when we went to WDW, and i got exhausted very quickly from walking alot, and got shin splints from walking.. how pathetic! :sad2: We go to WDW every november, and it seems like every year i am saying i want to look better, and it never happens. Well, this time i feel i got a reality check. I really hate the way i FEEL.. I feel so unhealthy, and that is what got me to WANT to do a change for this year.
This year we have a big year planned; We are going to Hilton Head Island for Feb. break (my mom, me and my dd) and i am happy the weather isn't going to be nice enough for me to go in a swimsuit..;) But, nice enough to go in capris.. and take walks.

Then, in Nov.2007 we are going back to WDW, now, my dh won't be joining us this november, so it will just be me, my dd and my inlaws.. which is fine, but i know they will be out doing their thing, and i will be solely out with my dd.. and i don't want to be so out of shape that i am huffing and puffing as i take her around.This has the makings of a great mother/daughter bonding trip, and i don't want to ruin it b/c of my unhealthy weight.

Did i mention that in the beginning of November, i will also be turning 30!:scared: While i have to admit, i am actually looking forward to being 30 - however, i want to do it while looking better than i did at 25. And- i am not just talking skinnier, i mean HEALTHIER, and in better shape.

Then, one month after WDW, in Dec. 2007 we are going on the Disney Cruise 7 night western. So, i know 80% of my trip there will be in shorts/bathing suit or lightweight coverup.......... need i say more?! ;)

So, this is the place i have chosen to record my progress and make friends who understand where i am coming from and where i want to go. :flower3:

This is my personal journal.
Jan 3rd: Weight 208lbs - Goal weight 160 lbs.

Well, started off the day good.. light wheat eng. muffin and butter (very small amt.) and water.. had good snacks.
Then, i will admit, went to McDonalds for lunch.. MIL treat.. (gee thanks!):lmao: Ok-- but starting in baby steps, i will proudly admit :
I DID NOT GET SODA!!! :banana: Which is a huge step for me. I got the MM light Lemonade instead. That in itself is a huge deal for me. And to drink more water.. if you knew me, you would know how much i hate to drink water! LOL

So, for supper i kept it light.. And i am happy with the start of my better choices. (I refuse to use the word diet.. as you will see -- for me, it's a lifestyle makeover).

Tomorrow is another day! :goodvibes
HI!! :wave2:

I just read your journal and could identify with some of the things you said. I also say "Next time I come to WDW, I want to have done something about my weight" A year and a half ago I went to WDW weighing in at 235 or so. On that trip I said "I don't want to go back being this big". Well now I weigh 259!! :scared1: I have most definitely not done something about my weight! (Except watch it go up). As you can see from my ticker I've lost 6.6 pounds so far and I need to lose a whole lot more!

Good luck on your weight loss journey!! I have a journal on here too if you would like to check it out!

~Amanda~ :hippie:
Caitsmama- That is funny you mention Hilton Head because we are going in April and that is my goal to lose 30lbs. by then.I too have used WDW as a measure of needing to lose but usually I say after the trip because of all those darn buffets!!! Oh well good luck, I also have a journal on here if you would like to exchange whats working best for you and I will do the same.
Thanks guys!

Jan 9th- have been walking on the treadmill for 25 min a day-
3.2-3.4 MPH (totalling about 1.5 miles per day)

I am down 3lbs this first week.. :cheer2: I know.. this is not going to be typical, but i'll take it to start! LOL

I have been drinking lots of water (which is a major accomplishment for me alone!!) :scared: I refuse to alter my coffee from it's sugar and cream though. So, i have cut back in lots of other ways.. :coffee: :love:

I have cut OUT soda, nope, none for me since the new year!! :banana: Another big task!!

I denyed Apple crisp last friday night while i was out scrapbooking - can you believe that they brought it out (yes, with whipped cream) at 11 PM!!!? :scared: But, i wasn't going to cave.. and i felt sooooooooo good and proud of myself when i just left without having any. (Apple crisp is one of my favs)!



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