Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK

This is my frustration. I think the movie was good I really do. But why did you rehash everything JJ???? I get they wanted to play close to the chest with the way the prequels ended up but honestly? If you were any closer you'd be holding your heart.

I gave it an A- because I think it did well I'm the acting area and I enjoyed some elements of the story. But I think I rolled my eyes at the trench run and kept praying the planet would stay intact and not have a part 3 explosion of the killer death sphere

Honestly...and I'm right there with B+/A-...I think we were setup by the mouse and Abrams went 100% along with it because let's face it...he's going to be shopping for a private island by next Thursday...

It has been 38 years...and while they teased "standalone" and "big surprises"...

There were none. I think they pooched the bridge scene with an earlier, unnecessary one.

It did have fun, humor, and good character/dialogue. Except for princess marble mouth...

But this was a reboot and as I wrote was a bad move denyning that, JJ.

They'll say it was to surprise the audience with something they love. Which may be true. But (#) this is the FIRST wrong move Disney has
Made with Star Wars. Don't lie to the fans and try to convince them something is clever when it is an old idea. That is a dangerous path to tiptoe.

Also...another reality is that if the director gets only one Star Wars movie...and they are fans (who wouldn't be in Hollywood?) then they are going to get an element of everything they loved in their one shot. Rehashing is gonna be expected from
Now on.


The characters were fantastic...they really have grown on me already. They did the drama scene like a boss...I loved chewie. And the last scene was by far the best of any movie to date...and they were right to keep the character till the end.

And...a rehash of empire would not be a bad expect the rebels
To struggle mightily...and that could be awesome.

But...come up with some new ideas. No snow battle, space chase (they already covered that), solitary Jedi training, or bounty hunters.

Do something different. Have a pitched space battle that goes badly...

Pay off the guy that played wedge to sacrifice himself in a ball of flames for the cause...billy Dee would work cheap
Now too.

Something...can't do this again. You get a pass this time.
This whole discussion is fascinating but I begin to wonder if we saw the same movie. I walked out of the theater feeling the same enjoyment as I had when I saw the original Star Wars when it came out (yes, I'm that old). Then, again, I walked into the theater prepared to be entertained by a story of a galaxy, long ago and far away...
But I think I rolled my eyes at the trench run and kept praying the planet would stay intact and not have a part 3 explosion of the killer death sphere

Probably the razzle moments from the movie.

I mean didn't they SAY onscreen that the weapon would be "disabled"? Did I imagine that?

And the trench thing was Independence Day upside down. You want to channel that? think after the explosion of the "ultimate weapon" twice somebody would write that down and put it on the news so they wouldn't try it again!!!

Definite cringe.
This whole discussion is fascinating but I begin to wonder if we saw the same movie. I walked out of the theater feeling the same enjoyment as I had when I saw the original Star Wars when it came out (yes, I'm that old). Then, again, I walked into the theater prepared to be entertained by a story of a galaxy, long ago and far away...
I feel as you do :)
This whole discussion is fascinating but I begin to wonder if we saw the same movie. I walked out of the theater feeling the same enjoyment as I had when I saw the original Star Wars when it came out (yes, I'm that old). Then, again, I walked into the theater prepared to be entertained by a story of a galaxy, long ago and far away...

Ok...thank you...that is the other side of the story.

What you're saying is going to be a common take and that great for Star Wars (and their evil masters)...

My kids loved it and actually paid attention...and my wife who played the "girl" role from the 70s/80s of "never seeing Star Wars"
Loved it and asked me questions all day.

Here's the thing...we old school, non midichlorian fans are probably a tad let down...but just a little...because he basically remade his Star Trek movie in the other worlds. And I liked that movie mostly too. And he bagged an icon...but that was 105% ford in my book. So solo won't speak a word to Luke skywalker after the ewok scene shot in 1982...that's how it ends. A little sad.

BUT...I'm lining up tickets to see it again....ill watch The reports about production like a hawk...and ill watch the digital/blu Ray version a million times when I can get my fingers on it.

I've listened to score twice today already.

It worked...long story short.

This is not June 1999 where I couldn't care.
Small point. ..enjoying and liking the movie for what it was doesn't make one a lover of the prequels or of midichlorians.

Did I pick up on the things you have discussed here? Yes. Am I sad / disappointed about how Han's story ends? Yes, a bit. I just don't let these things temper my enjoyment of the movie.
Small point. ..enjoying and liking the movie for what it was doesn't make one a lover of the prequels or of midichlorians.

Did I pick up on the things you have discussed here? Yes. Am I sad / disappointed about how Han's story ends? Yes, a bit. I just don't let these things temper my enjoyment of the movie.
Point taken...and I was wrong to segregate...

I just think there will be ALOT of old fans that are happy with the direction but can't give it compete support.

90% is fine in my book.

I wish they would have called it a reboot though...they copied the story and the characters...but luckily that's not the end of the story...

Not even close
Ok...thank you...that is the other side of the story.

What you're saying is going to be a common take and that great for Star Wars (and their evil masters)...

My kids loved it and actually paid attention...and my wife who played the "girl" role from the 70s/80s of "never seeing Star Wars"
Loved it and asked me questions all day.

Here's the thing...we old school, non midichlorian fans are probably a tad let down...but just a little...because he basically remade his Star Trek movie in the other worlds. And I liked that movie mostly too. And he bagged an icon...but that was 105% ford in my book. So solo won't speak a word to Luke skywalker after the ewok scene shot in 1982...that's how it ends. A little sad.

BUT...I'm lining up tickets to see it again....ill watch The reports about production like a hawk...and ill watch the digital/blu Ray version a million times when I can get my fingers on it.

I've listened to score twice today already.

It worked...long story short.

This is not June 1999 where I couldn't care.

IDK My older friends who were teens to 20 back when the first one came out absolutely adored this one and are on 3rd and 4th views now.

I get you have issues with this one but do you really have to keep saying that those of us who weren't around in the begining can't possibly be as big fans? It really is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth about your opinions.
IDK My older friends who were teens to 20 back when the first one came out absolutely adored this one and are on 3rd and 4th views now.

I get you have issues with this one but do you really have to keep saying that those of us who weren't around in the begining can't possibly be as big fans? It really is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth about your opinions.

Well it would help if you didn't have me saying that.

Because I never said that. What I said was Ive yet to see a valid excuse for the failings of the prequels...and I don't honesty believe there is one (I actually think it was a lot about money...Lucas even admitted that then other day on a morning show)...and that it would be impossible to know the EXACT feeling of the difference between the early 80's and 2000 without living through it.

That isn't even really about Star Wars. Its cultural. We had no internet or Cartoon Network. There was no way to access an "EU"...

There was only that marvelous Kenner toy isle we saw maybe once a month because people shopped/consumed much less (pre Gordon gecko)...And our imagination in our rooms.

There were also far less movies...and far less impressive ones at that.

Honestly...the first movie that visually eclipsed or even tied return of the Jedi was maybe last crusade or batman or the abyss (all 1989) maybe even Jurassic park (10 years).

I'm a lifelong, avid Star Wars meant a lot to me for some very personal tragedies when i was adolescent. So it means a lot.

But the matrix was far better and opened two months before the phantom movie.

I'm not sure it was ever going to be equal. That's not anyone's fault.

See here's the thing...I think as recreation...I research and ponder nearly everything...before you ever hear from me.

I'm not evil...most people that judge me as such around here then later Build the tiniest of bridges.

But I don't hold a bucket for Disney shortsights...or those of George Lucas. I honesty think a huge problem is that consumers reward bad business because there's no sense in the current consumption society.

But I'm fair also. I have a positive outlook on the parks developments
Because of the movie...but I haven't thought it out yet so I haven't mentioned it.
Sorry for the length today...I don't expect anyone to read any of my stuff unless this is a bit more important to you than a normal
Topic around nere
That isn't even really about Star Wars. Its cultural. We had no internet or Cartoon Network. There was no way to access an "EU"...
You don't have to have seen a new hope in theatres in the 70s to have lived through and remember pre-internet/pre-CN days.
You don't have to have seen a new hope in theatres in the 70s to have lived through and remember pre-internet/pre-CN days.

Oh boy...gotta stop reading outside the lines...

70s/80s + Star Wars cannot equal 99-05 + Star Wars. That's oversimplifying...theres way more outside factors than that.

It's not an's not really debatable. What it is might just be an attempt to explain why there is a grudge within the fan community and how it really makes a lot of sense.

And this is my opinion. It's not for shock value.

And frankly, it's being taken personally inappropriately.

But I don't want to offend so I can discontinue the opinions if its best.

As an aside...I think the Internet killed EPCOT's a whack theory I've stated here a few times. I've never had anyone tell Me that it's the same to someone in 2015...when the countdown to princess overly is what it was like in 1986...when it was maybe the coolest thing anybody could have dreamed up let alone had seen.
Oh boy...gotta stop reading outside the lines...

70s/80s + Star Wars cannot equal 99-05 + Star Wars. That's oversimplifying...theres way more outside factors than that.

It's not an's not really debatable. What it is might just be an attempt to explain why there is a grudge within the fan community and how it really makes a lot of sense.
I don't ever recall defending the prequels.

I am more than well versed in the grudge the fan community has. I can't tell you how many dinner conversations have been had about it. I don't need it explained to me.

I may have different feelings on the movie, but it isn't from a lack of understanding your POV.
Honestly...and I'm right there with B+/A-...I think we were setup by the mouse and Abrams went 100% along with it because let's face it...he's going to be shopping for a private island by next Thursday...

It has been 38 years...and while they teased "standalone" and "big surprises"...

There were none. I think they pooched the bridge scene with an earlier, unnecessary one.

It did have fun, humor, and good character/dialogue. Except for princess marble mouth...

But this was a reboot and as I wrote was a bad move denyning that, JJ.

They'll say it was to surprise the audience with something they love. Which may be true. But (#) this is the FIRST wrong move Disney has
Made with Star Wars. Don't lie to the fans and try to convince them something is clever when it is an old idea. That is a dangerous path to tiptoe.

Also...another reality is that if the director gets only one Star Wars movie...and they are fans (who wouldn't be in Hollywood?) then they are going to get an element of everything they loved in their one shot. Rehashing is gonna be expected from
Now on.


The characters were fantastic...they really have grown on me already. They did the drama scene like a boss...I loved chewie. And the last scene was by far the best of any movie to date...and they were right to keep the character till the end.

And...a rehash of empire would not be a bad expect the rebels
To struggle mightily...and that could be awesome.

But...come up with some new ideas. No snow battle, space chase (they already covered that), solitary Jedi training, or bounty hunters.

Do something different. Have a pitched space battle that goes badly...

Pay off the guy that played wedge to sacrifice himself in a ball of flames for the cause...billy Dee would work cheap
Now too.

Something...can't do this again. You get a pass this time.
That's my thing I expect them to branch out and to create a totally different story in the next two. In fact at the end of the day I think this will flow magnicificently with the next two. And its not even like I hate the movie it was actually very well done. I'm just frustrated that Abrams and Disney didn't quite branch out with a little more of an original storyline. But there were no gungans and for that I'm well pleased
Probably the razzle moments from the movie.

I mean didn't they SAY onscreen that the weapon would be "disabled"? Did I imagine that?

And the trench thing was Independence Day upside down. You want to channel that? think after the explosion of the "ultimate weapon" twice somebody would write that down and put it on the news so they wouldn't try it again!!!

Definite cringe.
I hate being like this. Because I love so much about this movie but I'm just so frustrated with some of this.

I can see what they were trying to do and understand it to an extent. But I feel like if they toned it down a notch it would've been easier to argue it standing alone against the original
The problem is you have a rather blunt way of presenting your opinion. I'm all cool for differences of opinion I'm not cool when one makes it where they truly think others are wrong in their own opinion.

Yes some of us have taken offense simply because we don't get the it is our way or no way mentality.

I enjoyed this movie so much I'm willing to see it in theaters again. For me that is saying a lot because my fiance can never get me to go to repeat viewings. I love Rae and think she is the herione I've been waiting all my life for. Also I thought 7 does exactly what it needed to. Lets be honest the death star comes back twice so I imagine there is someone in the First Order who came from the Empire and was like look guys I know this didn't work before but lets try again but lets make it bigger! We can destroy multiple planets this time! They all sat around and said sure sounds great. Sure all Star Wars fans know what's going to happen with that big moon shaped weapon but it doesn't mean we can't enjoy the journey that gets us there.
If you're saying you don't like my "tone"...then I respect your opinion.

I don't share the merits of tone on the disboards...many times its used as an excuse when rigidity of the other side is pretty thoroughly we will have a cordial difference of beliefs on this.

I am NOT saying that about anyone here...the excuse part...but it has definitely been done in the past.

What is a tad frustrating for me (I don't take much serious except interesting alternative views around here) is when you specifically address a grievance in writing...I clarify it...and get 2 or 3+ non specific, incredibly abstract/unrelated complaints back.

Check the tape there. I'm sorry if anyone's keyboard was offended. Honestly I am.

Just opinions here
I just came in here to have a conversation about the movie that I enjoyed enough to go see again in theatres. :confused3(something I don't ever do).

Eta :Not sure how or why the rest popped up, tbh. I was trying to illustrate that I do absolutely understand your points. I don't even disagree on them. They just don't affect my enjoyment of the movie. DH has always said I'm odd in that respect, but no matter how much I can analyze a movie after the fact, it doesn't affect me while I'm watching the movie at all. While I'm watching the movie, I just want to enjoy what I'm experiencing. Anlaying comes later, but never lessens thE initial feeling I walk away from a movie with.
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I just came in here to have a conversation about the movie that I enjoyed enough to go see again in theatres. :confused3

I'm in agreement with you 100%.

But there's room for some conversation.

I'm getting the vibe that the unwritten DIS rule is being triggered

If only I had a nickel...
I hate being like this. Because I love so much about this movie but I'm just so frustrated with some of this.

I can see what they were trying to do and understand it to an extent. But I feel like if they toned it down a notch it would've been easier to argue it standing alone against the original

I have nothing to add here. You are my muse. This often the only way I can hope to gain credibility ;)


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