Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK

So are we not using the spoiler tag anymore? Aww screw it. Like @BrianL said, it has it in the title.
I think Kylo is a fantastic villain. So complex. A little whiny, but that connects him to the Anakin Skywalker we know and "love" from the prequels. I totally agree about Kylo Ren's swordsmanship though. I could not believe he struggled so much. I feel like a character that strong with the force would have wiped the floor with those two. Hell, Finn couldn't even handle a stormtrooper.

I know, right. He held a blaster bolt with the force, but he is just garbage with a sword (and he has that cool light saber too!). Maybe he isn't so much a fighter as a thinking type villain. I think he is truly conflicted, and I like the motivation there, but he is immature, shown by his tantrums, and not at all menacing. I get what they want from the character, but for me, it made me want to see more of the First Order Officer guy and Captain Phasma (so much wasted with Phasma!) as they seemed like real "bad guys." Snoke is cool too, in that "Great and Powerful Oz" kinda way. Makes me curious as to who/what he really is.
100% disagree on ren. I think he's EXACTLY what he should be. I don't think they're trying to make a new darth Vader at all...and that's what fans are gonna wrongly assume.

He's unwieldy and rough...emotion makes him uneven and that could lead to a great overall story arc. I think they set it up perfectly IF they follow the Jedi canon.

I get that he's not a new Darth Vader, but is it too much to ask that he be competent? I dunno, he just left me cold.

I'm sure we will get a massive Jutland In space clash that will shame Jedi soon enough.

Not soon enough for me! That's my favorite part of any Star Wars though. I do hope Rogue One has plenty of that!
Okay so no spoiler tag. It says Spoiler in the title and read at your own risk so here goes my thoughts.

Rey is most definitely Luke's daughter in my mind. We will see in 18 months. The big give away was the "this was his father's, then his, and now it is yours" why would that be so important if it wasn't her blood. I don't think the saber would have called to her like that if it wasn't a relation of some sort.

I also have to imagine that Luke started the training academy before Rey was born, so he wasn't very involved in her life. When Kylo went to the darkside he got ahold of his baby mama and said hide our daughter. I have a trusted friend who will watch her from a distance but get her to this planet and leave her behind. They were probably afraid that Kylo would come after her. I also imagine that Han and Lea didn't know but just the way Han looked at her it is almost like he could sense something.

Now to the rest of the movie I loved it. I think Kylo has an attitude issue and that is why his saber skills are so terrible. I didn't mind that Rey hadn't been trained with the use of a saber because she clearly had skills with her staff so it isn't like she went from no fighting ability straight to amazing. Same for Finn. It was pretty clear he struggled with the saber as he definitely preferred a blaster and used the saber when it was necessary against Kylo and he got his butt handed to him. Also Rey isn't a strong and powerful Jedi yet. I think she has a strong grasp over herself and that is why she was so quickly able to use the force. She saw Kylo do the mind trick, heard stories about them, and then decided to try it. I also think Kylo wasn't able to take over her mind as easily because of how strong in herself she was. I think part of the force is having a grasp over one's self and it is clear that Rey has that already.
Okay so no spoiler tag. It says Spoiler in the title and read at your own risk so here goes my thoughts.

Rey is most definitely Luke's daughter in my mind. We will see in 18 months. The big give away was the "this was his father's, then his, and now it is yours" why would that be so important if it wasn't her blood. I don't think the saber would have called to her like that if it wasn't a relation of some sort.

I also have to imagine that Luke started the training academy before Rey was born, so he wasn't very involved in her life. When Kylo went to the darkside he got ahold of his baby mama and said hide our daughter. I have a trusted friend who will watch her from a distance but get her to this planet and leave her behind. They were probably afraid that Kylo would come after her. I also imagine that Han and Lea didn't know but just the way Han looked at her it is almost like he could sense something.

Now to the rest of the movie I loved it. I think Kylo has an attitude issue and that is why his saber skills are so terrible. I didn't mind that Rey hadn't been trained with the use of a saber because she clearly had skills with her staff so it isn't like she went from no fighting ability straight to amazing. Same for Finn. It was pretty clear he struggled with the saber as he definitely preferred a blaster and used the saber when it was necessary against Kylo and he got his butt handed to him. Also Rey isn't a strong and powerful Jedi yet. I think she has a strong grasp over herself and that is why she was so quickly able to use the force. She saw Kylo do the mind trick, heard stories about them, and then decided to try it. I also think Kylo wasn't able to take over her mind as easily because of how strong in herself she was. I think part of the force is having a grasp over one's self and it is clear that Rey has that already.

I really hope they don't make her Luke's daughter. Way too cliche. It would be far more interesting to introduce another family. Who else was part of this Jedi Academy Luke started? Maybe she is related to one of them. Since Kylo already has the Skywalker relation, I'd love to see the story expand just a bit. Kind of like how the force brought Qui Gonn to Anakin in the first place. Give us some more complexity than just the skywalkers. Good call on the staff though. She was kicking butt with that thing. But you do have to admit she advanced way faster than ANY Jedi we've seen, even Anakin. She went from zero to mind trick, saber wielding, sith defeating, force using Jedi in like two days. I'm fine if she is more powerful than Anakin, but that better be explained pretty well in the next one.
I really hope they don't make her Luke's daughter. Way too cliche. It would be far
more interesting to introduce another family. Who else was part of this Jedi Academy Luke started? Maybe she is related to one of them. Since Kylo already has the Skywalker relation, I'd love to see the story expand just a bit. Kind of like how the force brought Qui Gonn to Anakin in the first place. Give us some more complexity than just the skywalkers. Good call on the staff though. She was kicking butt with that thing. But you do have to admit she advanced way faster than ANY Jedi we've seen, even Anakin. She went from zero to mind trick, saber wielding, sith defeating, force using Jedi in like two days. I'm fine if she is more powerful than Anakin, but that better be explained pretty well in the next one.

She didn't really use the force that much. She used the mind trick on a storm trooper who probably wasn't the sharpest minded tool in the shed and then was able to shield her own mind from Kylo. The last bit of the fight between her and Kylo she channels the force to be able to switch sides around him. I think she was a saber wilding, sith defeating BA because she is just a good fighter. Force or no force I think she would have been able to hold her own with Kylo simply because he isn't that great. I think that is part of his struggle. Yes he is very powerful with the Force but clearly sucked at other parts of fighting.

With Rey's family we will have to see. I just don't know why Luke's (and before that Anakan's) saber called out to her if it wasn't a blood connection. I would say someone how she could be related to Obi since he made the saber in the first place but that wouldn't fit time line wise since he has been dead for a while with no talk of children.
She didn't really use the force that much. She used the mind trick on a storm trooper who probably wasn't the sharpest minded tool in the shed and then was able to shield her own mind from Kylo. The last bit of the fight between her and Kylo she channels the force to be able to switch sides around him. I think she was a saber wilding, sith defeating BA because she is just a good fighter. Force or no force I think she would have been able to hold her own with Kylo simply because he isn't that great. I think that is part of his struggle. Yes he is very powerful with the Force but clearly sucked at other parts of fighting.

With Rey's family we will have to see. I just don't know why Luke's (and before that Anakan's) saber called out to her if it wasn't a blood connection. I would say someone how she could be related to Obi since he made the saber in the first place but that wouldn't fit time line wise since he has been dead for a while with no talk of children.
I really think it's that mind control thing that is really messing me up. Allow me to nerd out for a bit. It's established in Episode 1 that the Jedi can read and control (weak) minds. In episode 2 we get that the dark side can block this reading of minds, but it also stands to reason that the light side can do the same. In episode 4, Luke sees Obi Wan use a mind trick but it takes until episode 6 for him to use it. Also in Episode 4, Vader was not able to use the force to get the location of the rebel base from Leia, but in Episode 7, Kylo Ren could get the location of BB-8 from Poe. And again, it leads me back to Rey who is untrained and yet can not only block a mind attack, but also launch a counter attack. She uses the force equivalent to and/or better than Jedia who have been trained by Yoda. So, which leads to my current theory, Rey is Yoda's daughter. *Drops the mic*
So, which leads to my current theory, Rey is Yoda's daughter. *Drops the mic*

you know, THATS an interesting theory, which leads me to my next question.... where IS Yoda??? He is the only main character missing, not even a reference to him back in exile in the swamps again or wherever he has gone to meditate
I really think it's that mind control thing that is really messing me up. Allow me to nerd out for a bit. It's established in Episode 1 that the Jedi can read and control (weak) minds. In episode 2 we get that the dark side can block this reading of minds, but it also stands to reason that the light side can do the same. In episode 4, Luke sees Obi Wan use a mind trick but it takes until episode 6 for him to use it. Also in Episode 4, Vader was not able to use the force to get the location of the rebel base from Leia, but in Episode 7, Kylo Ren could get the location of BB-8 from Poe. And again, it leads me back to Rey who is untrained and yet can not only block a mind attack, but also launch a counter attack. She uses the force equivalent to and/or better than Jedia who have been trained by Yoda. So, which leads to my current theory, Rey is Yoda's daughter. *Drops the mic*

I like your thinking haha. Sadly unless she aged super slow I can't imagine she is Yoda's.

I think as you said Leia who is not Jedi trained but is force sensitive was able to block Vadar. I think Poe is not force sensitive so has no way to block himself from Kylo. So Rae blocking Kylo is akin to Leia doing it.

I agree with the quick jump but I think Luke had a lot of emotional issues and didn't necessarily fully believe in the force until Yoda takes him over. He starts some minor training with Obi and the whole time we see him say how it doesn't work and it is just luck. Rae believes it all with her whole body and has that vision. I think something about the vision was the awakening of her abilities and the fact she believes and knows herself is a big part of it.
you know, THATS an interesting theory, which leads me to my next question.... where IS Yoda??? He is the only main character missing, not even a reference to him back in exile in the swamps again or wherever he has gone to meditate

Yoda is dead I thought.
you know, THATS an interesting theory, which leads me to my next question.... where IS Yoda??? He is the only main character missing, not even a reference to him back in exile in the swamps again or wherever he has gone to meditate

Yoda is one with the Force.... but in all actuality, I would love if Rey was Yoda's daughter. I am seriously hoping that she's not Luke's daughter because that is predictable and boring.

Ironically, one thing I especially loved about this movie was the predictability. It felt like a beautiful return home but with a SUPER AWESOME twist. BB8 was too cute and I loved seeing the super mega weapon being used. And I think showing us that stormtroopers have feelings/personalities was a pretty big departure from the original trilogy and I was pumped about it.

Also, the idea of an awesome female heroine winning the movie's epic lightsaber battle just makes me so happy. I just wish Leia had made more of a presence- I agree with whoever said that Carrie Fisher was kinda terrible. I wanted to love her but her moments were some of the few that fell flat for me.

I spent this entire movie with a humongous grin on my face. I just had a ball. Can't wait to go back.
I liked the "force interrogation" scenes and that same trick was used in The Clone Wars a few times, but was considered a negative tactic by the Jedi. It may not work on everyone of course, but it has an established precedent.
One thing that is ever important to remember about Star Wars is that they are serials. We are going to see the same things over and over and predictability because that is what they are. They are suppose to be like that by design. The 50s serials that they were made in the style of are so predictable and I'm so glad they went back to that style. That is also why we get the goof ball moments (from Han in the original and Poe now) when they seem clearly inappropriate.
One thing that is ever important to remember about Star Wars is that they are serials. We are going to see the same things over and over and predictability because that is what they are. They are suppose to be like that by design. The 50s serials that they were made in the style of are so predictable and I'm so glad they went back to that style. That is also why we get the goof ball moments (from Han in the original and Poe now) when they seem clearly inappropriate.

I love those goofball moments so much. This movie was so funny.
you know, THATS an interesting theory, which leads me to my next question.... where IS Yoda??? He is the only main character missing, not even a reference to him back in exile in the swamps again or wherever he has gone to meditate

Yoda became all ghosty in Return of the Jedi. He died from extreme old age.

My random thought, if not Luke's daughter, although I do believe she is a Skywalker either through Luke or Leia...what about a descendant of Palpatine? He murdered his family, but maybe a baby survived.
I know, right. He held a blaster bolt with the force, but he is just garbage with a sword (and he has that cool light saber too!). Maybe he isn't so much a fighter as a thinking type villain. I think he is truly conflicted, and I like the motivation there, but he is immature, shown by his tantrums, and not at all menacing. I get what they want from the character, but for me, it made me want to see more of the First Order Officer guy and Captain Phasma (so much wasted with Phasma!) as they seemed like real "bad guys." Snoke is cool too, in that "Great and Powerful Oz" kinda way. Makes me curious as to who/what he really is.

I think you nailed it. It's Abrams take on anakin that Lucas/Christiansen couldn't even begin to pull off.

Smoak, smoke, snoak? Is setting up really well?

Who and what he is? Wow...I know the feeling I got.

I thought serkis did that great in a limited role...much better than gollum
And yet...he was in the movie...

I bet a lot of people didn't catch that

I do not remember seeing him. Where did you? I'll admit any background teasers I probably missed. I even missed R2-KT since I know the family she is from and still have no clue where she is in the movie.
If Rey is the most powerful one...and she was hidden for her protection...and Leia, Luke and probably nobody else knew about it...

Which are my now informed theories after seeing the movie...

Then she can only be one person.

Which honestly means they paid more homage to Lucas than they let on. A family revolving soap opera again.

I don't think that's a bad character but they have to be very careful about how they do it. it can't be the same "lion king" canned "remember who you are" spread out over two more movies.

(Also...there was a subtle plot line development involving a certain droid that makes a lot of sense if you noticed it)
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