Steph's journal (Posters Welcome)

Desiree thanks for stopping by again after all this time. I'm just amazed at the strength and commitment I had in this journal. I've done it before and I know I can do it again. Healthy eating and exercise CAN fit into my life.

I'm not sure whether I'm going back on ww or just going to track my food. I do have an app that tracks calories, fat, etc but not points. At a minimum I will use that in addition to posting here. Other goals are vitamins, four glasses of water at work and one at home, exercise 5 times a week. The food and exercise will be the toughest but I have moved my wiifit to a new location that is more accessible and may add a DVD player there so I can do warp as well (assuming I can remember where I put the DVDs).
I counted pts yesterday but I don't really have a good program to do it for me so I will figure out points when I can. I am using a great program to track calories and journal m food and exercise. It is set to 1700 Cals a day which it says will have me losing 1.5 lbs a week. I'm going to see how that works out for a few weeks.

Last night I walked for 10 min and did wii fit for 22 min. Tonight I want to hook up the DVD and do the 1mile watp. I also got in plenty of water at work then another glass at home.
Oatmeal with pb 4pts
Coffee with half and half 1pt

Tuna salad sandwich on slim roll with extra tuna on the side 9pts
Minestrone soup 2.5pts

Water - at least 4 glasses in
The plan for dinner is two cheese quesadilla made with multigrain tortilla, low or fat free cheese, tomato, onion and fat free sour cream.

29.5 pts, 1627 calories

I've got a lot of housework to get done tonight but I will make sure I get in at least my 1 mile walk.
I also figured out I have 28 ww points to use daily plus activity points and flex points. Based on yesterday and today's projections I am right on track both for points and the alternate 1700 cal limit.
Desiree thanks for stopping by again after all this time. I'm just amazed at the strength and commitment I had in this journal. I've done it before and I know I can do it again. Healthy eating and exercise CAN fit into my life.

I'm not sure whether I'm going back on ww or just going to track my food. I do have an app that tracks calories, fat, etc but not points. At a minimum I will use that in addition to posting here. Other goals are vitamins, four glasses of water at work and one at home, exercise 5 times a week. The food and exercise will be the toughest but I have moved my wiifit to a new location that is more accessible and may add a DVD player there so I can do warp as well (assuming I can remember where I put the DVDs).

You are absolutely right! You did it once, you can do it again!!!

I just picked up Biggest Loser Bootcamp dvd and so far I like it. What is warp?
Desiree - that was a typo, I meant watp (walk away the pounds). I did a basic one mile last night and wow am I sore now, especially my arms and back. I forgot that it isn't just a stroll in the park.

Dinner yesterday ended up as 13pts, meaning I was 1.5 over for the but I'm thinking my exercise gave me at least one ap to use.

Skim milk and cereal 3.5pts
Coffee with half and half 1pt

quesadilla 7pts
salad w/italian dressing 4pts

tacos 9 pts
tortilla 1.5 pts
sour cream .5 pt

26.5 pts, 1267 calories

I need to run to the bank today so that's a nice 6 city block walk total then I plan on using the wii fit tonight.
Desiree - that was a typo, I meant watp (walk away the pounds). I did a basic one mile last night and wow am I sore now, especially my arms and back. I forgot that it isn't just a stroll in the park.

Dinner yesterday ended up as 13pts, meaning I was 1.5 over for the but I'm thinking my exercise gave me at least one ap to use.

Skim milk and cereal 4 pts
Coffee with half and half 1pt

Plan for the rest of the day is quesadilla and salad fir lunch. Tacos with rice and corn on a tortilla for dinner. I need to run to the bank today so that's a nice 6 city block walk total then I plan on using the wii fit tonight.

Heheh ok. I've never tried those! How do they work? Do you just walk in place?
Videos are great. It's walking/marching in place, knee lifts, kicks, and side steps along with arm movements you do with or without weights. The pace is about 15 min mile which is faster than I normally walk on the treadmill.

Yesterday I kept under points and calories but didn't get in formal exercise. I wanted to, planned to, but got busy at home. I had to fix our vertical blinds which involved at lot of reaching and lifting with my arms which are now super sore. I also had to do some more cleaning to make room for the new furniture we are getting tomorrow. So it's not like I just sat on my butt instead of exercising plus I walked to the bank. Tonight I'm trying to get in a two mile walk, some laundry, errands and some vacuuming before going out to dinner. Tomorrow I'm doing yard work and fence fixing so that will be plenty of exercise.

Food today will be over on ww points but still within my calorie count when I include the exercise so I'm really not counting it as a bad day. I made my lunch before I knew we were going out and I don't like to waste money/food that I already prepared. If it wasn't the weekend coming up I'd just save it for the next day but it won't keep til monday.

Tomorrow's food won't be great either since we are going to dinner at a Steakhouse, but I'm not going to sweat it. I'll eat what I like, knowing that I have been on track the rest of the week.

Meal plans

Cereal and milk 3.5pts
Coffee 1pt

Double serving of tacos (due to late dinner) 15.5pts
Salad with dressing 4pts

Open face roast beef sandwich and mashed potatos or fries 17pts

41 pts, 1806 calories

Lots of points but only 100 calories over my calorie limit before exercise, however lunch and dinner have a higher fat content so that is what is making them so high in points.
I ran out of time for my workout on Friday, I was running around the whole night until dinner, including several loads of laundry and more cleaning. Yesterday was exhausting - 6 hours of yard work but the fencing is fixed and several bushes/trees are now removed. Muscles I didn't even know I had are sore. The puppies love playing in the yard so its all worth it.
With the exception of Saturday I've been doing really well with staying within the day's calories usually counting exercise calories earned. The points are really hard to calculate as I don't have a free program on my phone to calculate it. I think I will stick with the calories rather than points since it seems to be working. I was supposed to weigh yesterday which would have been 1 week but I didn't use the wii fit, just the WATP tapes. Today when I weighed in I was down 2.6lbs!!! I'm so excited!!! I even had a little bit of a struggle on Monday with some snack cravings that I gave in to, but I pulled it out and didn't make a mess of the entire day.

breakfast - cereal w/skim milk, coffee with half and half
lunch - tuna salad on slim multigrain, asian onion soup
dinner - roast beef sandwich, gravy fries, yuengling
snack - fruit bar
exercise - 2 mile WATP

breakfast - slim multigrain with pb, coffee with half and half
lunch - asian garlic soup
dinner - pasta and meatballs
snack - multigrain pretzels, fudgesicle
exercise - 26 min wii fit
Wow congrats on your loss! :cheer2:
Yea, I've been counting calories too. I've been coming in low each day but I just haven't been hungry.
Ah, yet another resurrection of my journal.

Still struggling with my weight and trying again at journaling my food. Currently doing the Mayo Clinic Diet. Daily goals are 3 fats, 3 protein/dairy, 4 carb, 3+ fruit, 4+ veg.

Breakfast - strawberries and blackberries (2 fruit)
Snack - carrots and celery (1 veg)
Lunch - salad with italian dressing, egg salad on whole grain bread (1 veg, 2 fat, 2 protein, 2 carb)
Snack - carrots and celery (1 veg)
Dinner - pork chops and whole grain pasta (1 veg, 1 protein, 2 carb)
Snacks - almonds, tomato juice, strawberries (2 veg, 1 fat, .5 fruit)
Total - 2.5 fruit, 6 veg, 3 fat, 3 protein/dairy, 4 carb

Breakfast - strawberries and blackberries in plain yogurt (2 fruit, 1 dairy)
Lunch - cucumber & tomato salad, egg salad on whole grain bread (3 veg, 1.5 protein, 2 carb, 2 fat)
Dinner - chicken breast, baked potato, green beans (1.5 protein, 2 veg, 2.5 carb, 1 fat)
Snacks - peach (1 fruit)
Total - 3 fruit, 5 veg, 4 protein/dairy, 3 fat, 4.5 carb

I went over a little today on protein and carbs but not higher than the next level of recommended servings. I don't plan on going over my limits often but when I do as long as I don't go over 4 protein/dairy and 5 carbs I haven't really gone off plan - just not at optimum level for the most weight loss.
Breakfast - banana and peach (2 fruit)
Snack - tomato juice (2 veg)
Lunch - egg salad on whole wheat wrap, tomato and cucumber salad (1 carb, 2 veg, 1.5 protein, 1 fat)
Dinner - baked potato, corn and london broil (3 carb, 2 protein, 1 fat)
Snack - strawberries, pineapple, apple juice (2 fruit)
Total - 4 fruit, 4 veg, 4 carb, 2 fat, 3.5 protein/dairy

Quick peek at the scale this afternoon showed a 5.5lb loss since Wed.
Breakfast - banana, strawberries, pineapple, cheerios, skim milk (3 fruit, 2 carb, 1 dairy)
Lunch - tomato and cuke salad, london broil (2 veg, .5 fat, 1.5 protein)
Snack - carrots (1 veg)
Dinner - chicken breast and whole wheat pasta (2 protein, 2 carb, 1 veg, 1 fat)
Total - 3 fruit, 4 carb, 4.5 protein/dairy, 4 veg, 1.5 fat
I was home sick tuesday and didn't eat well in the evening. I didnt calculate servings but I will journal what I ate.

Breakfast - watermelon, strawberries, handful of cheerios, apple juice
Snack - banana with pb
Lunch - cucumber and tomato salad, apple juice, carrots
Dinner - brown rice, 7 chicken nuggets, large fries, apple juice
Snack - apple

Dinner was supposed to be fish and rice but the fish was yuck! and I didn't have the energy to cook something else. Despite the unhealthy dinner, I still ended up with a 5pm loss for the week.

Breakfast - banana, apples, fruit2day (4 fruit)
Lunch - egg salad on whole grain bread, tomato and cuke salad (2 protein, 2 fat, 3 veg)
Snack - carrots (1 veg)
Dinner - salad, lean pockets chicken quesadilla, apple juice (2 protein, 2 carb, 1 fat, 3 veg, 1 fruit)
Total - 5 fruit, 4 protein, 3 fat, 6 veg)
Hello Stephanie,

I have just joined the boards, and will begin my own Journal on June 1. For my grandson's 5th birthday, my daughter, her husband and I are taking him to Disney World. That will be in March of 2012 and I want to lose 70 pounds by that date.

My daughter and her family live in Easton, PA. She will probably join the WISH board also. We are both doing Weight Watchers.

Hi Charlene, thank you for visiting! March 2012 is plenty of time to lose some good weight. I know you'll look fabulous.
Breakfast - banana, pineapple, watermelon (3 fruit)
Lunch - cuke and tomato salad, egg salad on whole grain (2 carb, 2 protein, 2 fat, 3 veg)
Snack - carrots (1 veg)
Dinner - manwich on whole grain bread (2 carb, 2 protein)
Total - 3 fruit, 4 carb, 4 protein, 2 fat, 4 veg

Breakfast - banana, pineapple, watermelon, blueberry (3 fruit)
Lunch - cuke and tomato salad, egg salad on whole grain (2 carb, 2 protein, 2 fat, 3 veg)
Snack - carrots (1 veg)
Dinner - pork chop, whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce (2 carb, 2 protein, 1 veg)
Breakfast - banana, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon (3 fruit)
Lunch - manwich (2 protein, 1 veg)
Dinner - chicken breast, baked potato (2 protein, 2 carb, 2 fat)

Breakfast - apple, strawberries, blueberries (2 fruit)
Lunch will likely be a banana and then Fogo for dinner so I won't be trying to figure out what all that meat equals.

Quick hop on the scale showed 1.5lb loss
Breakfast - banana, pineapple, watermelon (3 fruit)
Lunch - cuke and tomato salad, turkey on whole grain bread with olive oil mayo (2 veg, 1 protein, 2 carb, 1.5 fat)
Snack - carrots (1 veg)
Dinner - chicken tacos, chicken flavor brown rice, apple juice (1 fruit, 2 protein, 3 carb)
Snack - 100% fruit juice punch (1 fruit)
Total - 5 fruit, 3 veg, 5 carb, 3 protein, 1.5 fat


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