Steph's journal (Posters Welcome)

Looks like you are making good choices again! Great job so far!

I really really really need to get back on the bandwagon myself.
Hi Desiree! Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully this new start lasts longer than my old one.

Breakfast - banana, pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries (4 fruit)
Lunch - turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, cuke and tomato salad (2 carb, 1 protein, 1.5 fat, 2 veg)
Snack - carrots (1 veg)
Dinner - 3 small slices thin crust cheese pizza (2 carb, 3 protein, 1 veg)
Snack - fruit punch (2 fruit)
Total -4 carb, 4 protein, 1.5 fat, 3 veg, 6 fruit

Breakfast - pineapple, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries (3 fruit)
Lunch - roast beef hoagie on whole wheat with mayo, tomato, lettuce, onion (2 carb, 2 protein, 1 fat, 1 veg)
Snack - carrots, almonds (1 veg, 1 fat)
Dinner - chicken breast, whole wheat pasta and sauce, fruit punch (2 protein, 2 carb, 1 veg, 2 fruit)
Total - 5 fruit, 4 carb, 4 protein, 2 fat, 2 veg
Hi Steph! Not sure if you remember me or not, probably not, it was too long ago. Back in '04 we used to post on each other's journal. Like you I sort of fell off the wagon. I never left the DIS but I stopped journaling when I started gaining weight back.

Anyway, it's nice to see you're still around. Hang in there, maintaining weight loss is a life long journey and it's good to have support for those ups and downs. Take care and see you around!:wave:
Hi Steph! Not sure if you remember me or not, probably not, it was too long ago. Back in '04 we used to post on each other's journal. Like you I sort of fell off the wagon. I never left the DIS but I stopped journaling when I started gaining weight back.

Anyway, it's nice to see you're still around. Hang in there, maintaining weight loss is a life long journey and it's good to have support for those ups and downs. Take care and see you around!:wave:

I absolutely do remember you! It's good to see a familiar face/name.

While I'm not journaling every bit of food like I did at the beginning, I'm getting into a habit of eating approximately the same things every day which makes it easy. I've lost another 3lbs this week with 11lbs gone total so far. DH being on board really does seem to be making a difference.

I was starved when I got home from work tonight and instead of finding something bad to snack on I grabbed a low fat string cheese and some salsa (no chips). That will definitely keep me happy until dinner in another hour and a half.
Hi Steph, checking in to see how you're doing. Great job choosing a healthy snack yesterday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!:)
I haven't given up - I'm still here, just doing most of my posting on the Aug/Sept trip weight loss thread. I'm down about 14lbs so far in less than 2 months. I'm hoping for close to 20 more before the end of Sept. I kind of lost track a bit the last 2 weeks with eating junk for lunch so I'm back to salad and small sandwiches. I've also pulled out my WATP dvd and did the 1 mile. Wow who thought 1 mile would kick my butt - need to get my walking in gear before Sept. I was okay at DL but DW is so much bigger. No promises, but I'm going to try to do the 1 mile in the morning before work. I usually make the dogs go back to sleep for 20-30 minute before I get up but I never really get back to sleep. That time might be better used to get in a little walk then shower and get ready for work. I'm going to try it out and see how that works for me. Otherwise, I'm going to try getting in the walk on the nights when DH works late.

I was looking through some old photos trying to decide what to scan into the computer and came across ones from 2003 when I was bigger than I am now and then some from 2 years later on my honeymoon where I was about 30lbs lighter than I am now. It really helped inspire me. I never want to look like those 2003 pics again, even though I know I did look like that a few months ago and I'm not much better now. Also I still have some of the tops from the honeymoon pics and I would really like to wear them again and look good doing it. That's kind of what made me think I should add some exercise (that and DH saying it might be time to get active to help with the diet).


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