Still honest people at Disneyland


A.K.A Mrs. Incredible
Feb 28, 2006
Well, we got back Sunday night/Monday morning, around 1:30 AM. I thought I would have time to post more than this, but the laundry alone is keeping me busy here. So, I just have time to post about this.

We were at the parks last week, Monday through Friday, and had a great time. On Tuesday, we did Early Entry. My family is not accustomed to getting up early, and I had to drag everyone out of bed. We did have a good time, though, and it was definitely worth it.

We had the camcorder with us. It was in the stroller, but whenever we parked the stroller, I put it in my messenger bag and carried it with me. We didn't want to take any chances that someone would walk off with it.

In the early afternoon, dh and ds(age 2) went back to the hotel for a nap. Dh took the stroller with him, and we put the camcorder in the stroller basket, so I wouldn't have to lug it around with me and dd. Later, dh and ds met back up with us. I didn't realize it, but the camcorder was still in the stroller basket.

After discussing what to do for dinner, we decide to ride the Monorail into Disneyland, and eat at the PizzaPort place in Tomorrowland. The Monorail comes, and I've pulled my messenger bag and the diaper bag off the stroller, grab the kids, and climb onto the Monorail. Well, dh, who is apparently severely stroller-challenged, stands there like an idiot with a "What am I supposed to do?" look on his face. So I jump out, tell him to get on, fold down the stroller, and cram it onto the Monorail.

Later that night, it's maybe 1AM, and I decide to charge the camcorder so we can have film footage the next day. Can't find it anywhere. Dh and I frantically search the entire hotel room. It's nowhere. So we immediately realize that it was still on the stroller when dh and ds came back to the parks, and we think maybe someone walked off with it. I am horrified, because it has footage of dd's preschool graduation, Mother's Day tea, etc, on it, that haven't been copied anywhere yet. I was ready to kill dh, for bringing it back to the parks that afternoon in the first place!!

After thinking about it, we remember the whole Monorail difficulty, and think maybe it was left on the Monorail. So the next morning, after we go to Toontown Morning Madness, Dh was able to go to Lost and Found. Someone actually turned in the camcorder!!! We were both so happy. Dh had brought the instruction book with him, to try to show what kind of camcorder it was. We were laughing later, as he had turned it on to show footage of our dd on it at the Lost and Found, to prove it was our camcorder. Well, we are an adoptive family, and dh and I are both white, and our kids are both brown, being of mixed race. So he was glad that the gal didn't question dh's claim to the beautiful little brown girl on the tape.

Anyway, I have heard storied of things being stolen off strollers, etc, so I wanted to share a positive story about and $400+ camcorder being turned in to the Lost and Found.
What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing! It is nice hearing a story of someone being honest, turning your camera in. I know that's what I would do, and many others. But, still.....there are lots of people who wouldn't! Especially at Disneyland, it's nice to know there are honest people around!

Wow lucky lucky. That is an awesome story.Its good to know that there are still some good people out there :thumbsup2

Loved your story--also about the color difference!!! :rotfl: How cute, and how wonderful that you have a good sense of humor about it, too.
YAY! Thank you for posting this. After reading so many 'bad guest' and 'bad CM' stories, I was wondering about our upcoming trip to DL, our first! I'm so glad you got your camcorder back, and so glad you had a wonderful stay! :sunny:
Thank goodness and Hallelujah that someone turned it in. I'm so glad everything turned out fine. In all the "rigamarole" that goes on during a day at Disneyland, it's not hard to lose things!

I hope you had a great trip otherwise!!
That's awesome that you got your camcorder back! :goodvibes I just love happy endings! :) Hope you and your family had a great trip! :thumbsup2
We had a similar situation with Dad's cell phone. By the time he realized it, called phone company to cancel it, and got to L&F (2 hrs?), it was already there! :cheer2: Both parents were amazed. Bad people are everywhere, I said, but there is an abundance of GOOD people at Disneyland!

PLUS. . . DS5 lost his Buzz Lightyear stocking cap (we were there Dec 05) and was not only sad, but cold! We had them look for it when we went for Dad's phone, but although they found the phone, there was no cap. Since we were already at L&F, we filled out a form figuring "Couldn't hurt, might help." A week later, it showed up in the mail. DL SENT it to us! :wizard:

The experience DID teach me to label everything and I mean EVERYTHING! My cell phone will have DH's number on its label, DH's phone will have mine. Label the camcorder and camera. Luggage tags on the backpack/fannypack. Names in hats. You name it! Gonna put that label maker to good use between now and October, that's for sure!

Love to hear tales of good experiences like yours, Dukland. Oh, and I hear ya on the stroller challenged DH. ::yes:: Thank goodness we are beyond the stroller years. . .

Oh wow, I'm so happy you got it back! Those are just too expensive (and the footage is just priceless) to lose! It's nice to hear stories like that when you hear so many bad stories with situations similar!

BTW, your kids are adorable!
I must say, I am amazed. There still are good people who care about how others feel.

Jack pirate:
I am so happy you got your camcorder back. :cool1: When I went to DL everyone, epically the CM, seemed so nice and helpful. :bounce:
I was wearing a pair of jeans with a hole in the back left pocket, yes they were made that way...anyway, I went thru the entrance of DCA; put my Premier Pass in the left back pocket only to discover it missing when i went to pay for my Mr. Potato Head parts! Have you ever seen a 50 year old woman near tears? I felt like a kid who lost his toy! I was told to go to the lost and found near the entrance. When I walked in there one of the cast members said, "you look familiar"...she produced my pass and I walked out of there wondering who the nice person was that turned it in for me.
Not nearly as valuable as a camcorder or cell phone, but I left a rare cap on one of the rides. I reported it to lost and found, and maybe two weeks after my trip, the hat came back to me in the mail, shipping paid.
At least some poeple are lucky ....I am still upset a year on when my birthday autpograph book and 50th ears were stolen there. Went to lost and found and reported it, but heard nothing. Being from AUstralia I wont be back for the 50th....:(
pumba1 said:
At least some poeple are lucky ....I am still upset a year on when my birthday autpograph book and 50th ears were stolen there. Went to lost and found and reported it, but heard nothing. Being from AUstralia I wont be back for the 50th....:(

You are the reason I carried a messenger bag around this year!! Last year, we just left the autograph books in the stroller. After you posting about yours getting stolen on your last night while your back was turned in a shop, there was no way I was chancing it! My babies need their autographs!
And, I'm so sorry yours was stolen. That really bites :furious:
Glad to hear you recovered the camcorder and priceless footage!

It is so nice when you hear the good things, since everyone is always so eager to post about the bad.

I remember when my oldest DD was 8 or 9 she found a small doll toy at some show and insisted that we take it to lost and found, because some little girl was probably sad that she lost her doll.
A couple of years ago we were watching the Merry Xmas Parade and after the parade, we got up and went to the tram before I realized I LEFT MY PURSE! Yep, left it right on the bench. (I really am Dory! It's sad.) Well after my husband gets over the shock of how I could have left it, we ran back to the information booth. Our passes were in my purse and we couldn't get back into the park. So it had been about 30 minutes, the CM called lost and found and sure enough they had someone bring my purse out to me. Everything was there. I was pretty amazed. But there still are honest people...And the cast members themselves are really good about keeping an eye out for left behind items.
Though my hair is brown I think I should have been born blonde. I too lost my camcorder and then recovered it at Lost and Found. THEN I proceeded to lose my cell phone! Geez I felt like such a dork. Someone actually turned it in as well. When I returned to Lost and Found I was so embarassed. But at least they had my cell phone. I was ready to phone the cell company on my DW's phone and have them transmit the self destruct code that burns the chip. But the thought of losing all those names and numbers was really bumming me out. Thank God for taking care of airheads like me.


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