Stop using flash!

Boy did you hit a sore spot with me. I am so tired of rides stopping to warn people no flash photograpy, having their devices on and illuminating an otherwise intended dark ride such as the Haunted Mansion, standing with arms outreached to take a video in front of me blocking my view of parades, fireworks, etc. I am especially upset over what I consider an infringement on my ability to enjoy the experiance. Why do these people have to take so many pictures? I can understand taking a picture of you and your loved ones in front of the castle, with a character, ect. but a picture of your breakfast? Come on man, put it down and just enjoy the day. It is entirely possible to enjoy a day at Disney or anywhere else in the world without having to capture every second of that day. I am proof it can be done. I do not own a cell phone or any other communication device that can take a picture. I do have a 35 MM camera that I use to take pictures of myself and my wife when we travel (last year we took 4 pictures at WDW) but we have found there is no need to have a picture of every meal, of every firework, of every marcher in a parade, of every animatronic in a ride, of every everything. Do you guys really look at all those shots? Yes I'm an Old Fart. Yes I liked it better when we all weren't so connected. But that is my boog-a-boo. Go ahead and keep taking your pictures, just please respect the rights and space of those around you. You are NOT the only ones there and you are NOT the only ones who spent a lot of money to be there.

Now the rudeness I will agree with everything you said but you seem to have other issues. What do you care if someone is taking pictures of everything (as long as they aren't being rude). Is someone taking a picture of their breakfast really that much of a concern to you? You need to chill out, its a great big world out there and you should enjoy it instead of worrying about what people around you are taking pictures of. Oh and maybe not expect everyone to do things the way you and your wife do because you know, we all have things we enjoy doing our own way. Mind your own business, you'll be happier that way.
Go ahead and keep taking your pictures, just please respect the rights and space of those around you. You are NOT the only ones there and you are NOT the only ones who spent a lot of money to be there.

I agree to a point, especially when it comes to someone using flash where not intended, obstructing a view, etc.

But it should be noted, those that enjoy photography, have the same rights to take photos. Your rights, do not trump theirs.
Aw, that's such a cute notion. :-)

You can't get commercial places to print them out. So if you don't have a printer, you can't use them.:sad2: I'm well aware people do use copyrighted stuff all the time- I'm just saying there are definite reasons that you'd need to take your own photos.
What I'm trying to say is that people are so focused on keeping the details within the viewfinder, that they're not looking at the viewfinder, itself. They're not enjoying the attraction or the show, but making sure everything is in focus.

Why? Why not just enjoy the attraction? Why not enjoy the show? They're missing out solely on the fact that they want to feel included. But by wanting to feel included, they're missing everything.
You might find that your understanding of people who spend (waste?) so much time and energy taking pictures changes with just a subtle shift in thinking. A camera takes a picture. A photographer creates a photograph. The people who burn through a 64g card each day in the parks are not trying to document what a ride looks like. They are trying to create an image that conveys the excitement or some other emotion or memory they have. And I promise you, they are not missing out on what's not in their viewfinder; you must be as keenly aware of the entire scene before framing what you wish to keep. Not everyone with a camera of course, but plenty who fit this pattern anyway.

All that aside, there's a special place in Tulsa for people who use flash in the dark. I have an excellent speedlight 90EX. It comes out of the pocket for Character Meets and when we're in strong sunshine, and that's about it.
You can't get commercial places to print them out. So if you don't have a printer, you can't use them.:sad2: I'm well aware people do use copyrighted stuff all the time- I'm just saying there are definite reasons that you'd need to take your own photos.
Take a print out of the Disney usage policy and any picture of anything Disneyish and the print shop will ink it up. If you started selling an item like this you'd certainly have problems but that holds true even if you took the pics yourself. A different set of problems, but still problems.
I agree to a point, especially when it comes to someone using flash where not intended, obstructing a view, etc.

But it should be noted, those that enjoy photography, have the same rights to take photos. Your rights, do not trump theirs.
They do have the right to take a picture. What is in contention here is taking pictures in rides when they are intructed not to. I don't care if you want to take a picture of your breakfast but when you flagrantly go against the rules and interfere with the experiance of others by taking flash photography on a ride, or physically impede the views of others, that is not proper.
They do have the right to take a picture. What is in contention here is taking pictures in rides when they are intructed not to. I don't care if you want to take a picture of your breakfast but when you flagrantly go against the rules and interfere with the experiance of others by taking flash photography on a ride, or physically impede the views of others, that is not proper.

I realize what the discussion is about.

I was replying to your suggestion that someone taking a photo doesn't have the same rights as you.

Happy travels.
Take a print out of the Disney usage policy and any picture of anything Disneyish and the print shop will ink it up. If you started selling an item like this you'd certainly have problems but that holds true even if you took the pics yourself. A different set of problems, but still problems.

Maybe your print shop. If there is any signature or watermark or sign of professional photography, the local places won't print them. I wasn't referring to Disney- I was responding to the comment about Washington Monument.

And posting other people's photos online or in a blog without credit- or even with credit- can get you into trouble. Much easier to take your own pictures.
Now the rudeness I will agree with everything you said but you seem to have other issues. What do you care if someone is taking pictures of everything (as long as they aren't being rude). Is someone taking a picture of their breakfast really that much of a concern to you? You need to chill out, its a great big world out there and you should enjoy it instead of worrying about what people around you are taking pictures of. Oh and maybe not expect everyone to do things the way you and your wife do because you know, we all have things we enjoy doing our own way. Mind your own business, you'll be happier that way.
Wow. I am sorry for offending you. I don't have issues. I thought I had made it clear this was my personal, as I put it, boog-a-boo. Not an issue, I stated I just didn't understand it. I did advise you to go ahead and take as many pictures as you wanted. I never stated you had no right to those pics, I just questioned the need to take so many. If we don't question what we don't understand, we will never learn. I am chilled out as you requested me to do. I never stated I wanted everyone to do things like my wife and I do. Oh, and as for minding one's own business? Again, I am sorry for bothering you with my observations.
If that's what they want to do, fine. It's not bothering me, whatever. But I think they're not actually seeing the attraction. They're seeing their viewfinder, and the attraction through that.

They're spending all this money to come to Florida just so they can look at the back of their camera or the front of their cellphone the entire time? I can do that at home.
In YOUR opinion, they aren't "actually" seeing the attraction.
Photography is a hobby. People enjoy it.
It amazes me that people need to photograph so many things that already have great pictures online. Like when people hold up phones & iPads to record firework shows. Come on- you can see all of those on You Tube, quite nicely filmed.

People need to put their gadgets down for a few minutes and enjoy real life experiences.

Boy did you hit a sore spot with me. I am so tired of rides stopping to warn people no flash photograpy, having their devices on and illuminating an otherwise intended dark ride such as the Haunted Mansion, standing with arms outreached to take a video in front of me blocking my view of parades, fireworks, etc. I am especially upset over what I consider an infringement on my ability to enjoy the experiance. Why do these people have to take so many pictures? I can understand taking a picture of you and your loved ones in front of the castle, with a character, ect. but a picture of your breakfast? Come on man, put it down and just enjoy the day. It is entirely possible to enjoy a day at Disney or anywhere else in the world without having to capture every second of that day. I am proof it can be done. I do not own a cell phone or any other communication device that can take a picture. I do have a 35 MM camera that I use to take pictures of myself and my wife when we travel (last year we took 4 pictures at WDW) but we have found there is no need to have a picture of every meal, of every firework, of every marcher in a parade, of every animatronic in a ride, of every everything. Do you guys really look at all those shots? Yes I'm an Old Fart. Yes I liked it better when we all weren't so connected. But that is my boog-a-boo. Go ahead and keep taking your pictures, just please respect the rights and space of those around you. You are NOT the only ones there and you are NOT the only ones who spent a lot of money to be there.
I absolutely look through my shots, and frequently.

Back when I used a 35mm camera, I carried no less than 5 rolls of film on a trip. So moving into the digital age has nothing to do with it. Some of us want the memories tied to the photos, and there is NOTHING wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with NOT wanting to take photos.
Wow. I am sorry for offending you. I don't have issues. I thought I had made it clear this was my personal, as I put it, boog-a-boo. Not an issue, I stated I just didn't understand it. I did advise you to go ahead and take as many pictures as you wanted. I never stated you had no right to those pics, I just questioned the need to take so many. If we don't question what we don't understand, we will never learn. I am chilled out as you requested me to do. I never stated I wanted everyone to do things like my wife and I do. Oh, and as for minding one's own business? Again, I am sorry for bothering you with my observations.

I'm not really bothered just commenting, and pointing out a little hypocrisy in your attitude about enjoying the day.
Your post definitely comes across like you have issues more than just not understanding, specifically this quote "Come on man, put it down and just enjoy the day. It is entirely possible to enjoy a day at Disney or anywhere else in the world without having to capture every second of that day. I am proof it can be done."

Someone who doesn't understand wouldn't really be telling people they don't need to do something because you don't do it and are proof it can be done, but whatever. You keep paying attention to what others are doing with their camera and I'll keep enjoying my day taking photos of everything I want :)
Going on this theory, then every trip I take to Africa I should not take pictures. I can get them all from |National Geographic website. Or google images. I take over a thousand pics every trip, and two trips a year. Why, because sometimes I get some great pics I have never seen or had before. Pics of fireworks with lightning going thru it, or pics of the castle in a new color that I haven't taken yet.
For those that have their ipads, or other devices, hey that is the camera they have. Not all of us can have a dslr slung around our neck. And very few know how to use the multitude of functions their new phones have.
Snap away everyone, where you are allowed.

This is absolutely not what I'm saying at all. Africa and Disney are two totally different backdrops when it comes to taking pictures. There are things that happen in Africa that are unique all the time. You catch that zebra in just the right pose, go for it! The entire point of an African safari is to experience the adventure.

Happily Ever After, though, it's the same light show, the same fireworks in the same configuration every show. There's nothing unique about the show from yesterday compared to the show tomorrow compared to the show next month. Yes, it's fun to experience it for yourself, and I want people to be in the middle of the action. I just feel that someone taking another video of HEA pulls them out of the action.

That's what I mean by being in the now. Being able to take pictures of a lion tribe in Africa is being in the now. Taking a video of a fireworks show is not being in the now.

I have a good SLR camera, with a nice set of lenses. I brought them last trip to Disney. I'm bringing them my next trip to Disney. My intent, though, is to take pictures of my girlfriend as she runs on marathon weekend. I'm not running, but this is how I get in involved. This is how I get in the now. I'm there supporting her, I'm there making our own memories of our trip.

Do you want to experience Disney, or do you just want to spectate it?
Interesting that you chose not to quote the part of my comment about the importance of not ruining things for other guests... It is problematic when people take pictures during dark rides, thereby distracting other guests & breaking the WDW rules, as well. Or when they hold their arms out or over their head during a boat ride, interfering with the views of those sitting behind them on the boat. When people hold their cameras, phones & iPads over their heads during fireworks & parades, it blocks the view of those behind them. That is how it affects other people, and that's what the problem is.

Please don't respond, "But I never do those things when taking my photos." Lots and lots of people do, and that's what the problem is.

Love it!:rotfl2:

I don't really understand people filming Disney rides but I find it pretty humorous this is an issue on a board that regularly recommends people watch ride videos. Those ride videos and photos of food and videos of the fireworks would not exist as a resource for trip planning if people didn't bring their phone cameras along!
...and I want people to be in the middle of the action. I just feel that someone taking another video of HEA pulls them out of the action.
YOU want. What does that matter to the other people who paid thousands of dollars to be there? If they're tsoing what they want, what YOU want them to do matters zero. You get to decide what YOU do, and that's it. Leave everyone else alone if they're not infringing on your experience. They get to dictate their own lives, not have you dictate it for them.
Interesting that you chose not to quote the part of my comment about the importance of not ruining things for other guests... It is problematic when people take pictures during dark rides, thereby distracting other guests & breaking the WDW rules, as well. Or when they hold their arms out or over their head during a boat ride, interfering with the views of those sitting behind them on the boat. When people hold their cameras, phones & iPads over their heads during fireworks & parades, it blocks the view of those behind them. That is how it affects other people, and that's what the problem is.

Please don't respond, "But I never do those things when taking my photos." Lots and lots of people do, and that's what the problem is.

There are two discussions going on in this thread.
Interesting that you chose not to quote the part of my comment about the importance of not ruining things for other guests... It is problematic when people take pictures during dark rides, thereby distracting other guests & breaking the WDW rules, as well. Or when they hold their arms out or over their head during a boat ride, interfering with the views of those sitting behind them on the boat. When people hold their cameras, phones & iPads over their heads during fireworks & parades, it blocks the view of those behind them. That is how it affects other people, and that's what the problem is.

Please don't respond, "But I never do those things when taking my photos." Lots and lots of people do, and that's what the problem is.



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