
Please ask more questions. My brain is mush, so I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else to mention. [/B][/QUOTE]

Well, since you insist!;) I'm also nursing DD; are the ship's public spaces "nursing friendly"? I believe I'm pretty discreet, but when dd decides she's ready to top off her little tank, she's ready immediately. Will I get frowned upon at dinner? On the decks? I don't want to spend all my time in the stateroom, while the rest of my family has fun, but I don't want dirty looks either. I've nursed at WDW with no problems, but the ship is more of a confined space, and I'm just paranoid about nursing in public........

AND, did your little ones dress up on formal night? I've finally convinced dh to rent a tux/bring a suit. (This is a man who thinks that "tie" & "vacation" are two words that should never be uttered in the same sentence.) :rolleyes: But after clearing that hurdle, I'm still undecided about the kids' clothes.

BTW, I agree with the OP about your adorable daughter. She looks so peaceful (and worn out!). I can only pray that my dd ever has that much hair........:teeth:

I've never had any problems nursing in public, anywhere (and I nursed DS for 18 months.) I usually wear baggy shirts, and let the baby latch on from under the shirt, so nothing ever shows (DH always used to check, to be sure, until he was convinced that I knew what I was doing-lol.) It could be that I'm just oblivious, but I never noticed any dirty looks, and never received any comments. On board, I nursed DD in Parrot Cay during the embarkation lunch, and one night at dinner in Animators, in the sling, which is completely discreet. Our table mates weren't even aware, until the subject came up in a roundabout way (they were supportive.) I nursed her in the theater, until DS had his freak-out, and on deck. I purchased the Maya Wrap sling specifically for the cruise, and was very glad to have it. They are pretty expensive, but I love it. DD is very high maintenance (like her father!) and needs to be held a lot.

We were on the 3-day, so we didn't have a formal night. I did put together an adorable outfit for DD to wear to Triton's, but she was sound asleep, so she never got to wear it (at least until I have portraits done next month.) I had an adorable suit I picked up for DS for Easter (which he never wore because DD was vomiting Easter morning!) It's a short-sleeve, light blue dress shirt, navy sport coat, khaki dress shorts with suspenders, and a navy print tie. The highlight of the cruise for us was walking to dinner with him wearing his suit, watching people point him out to others and smiling. It was so worth it! I lucked out, though, and got a really good price on the suit. If I can summon the mental energy, I'm going to try to post some photos next week.

Keep the questions coming!
moinab--what sunscreen did you use for your DD? My DD will be 7 1/2 mos. when we cruise. I was told not to use it till they're about 6 mos. and being in FL--I can't wait to be able to use it on her. We live by the beach and my parents have a pool and I'm itching to be able to have her in it for more than 3 minutes!!! Thanks!!!!
Don't worry about will be much less of a spectacle that the sight we saw on our last cruise! A girl came flouncing down the deck 5 hallway, near the overlook to the atrium, wearing a white t-shirt with nothing underneath (you could definitely tell because she must have been cold) and panties. It was definitely underpants, not a swimsuit bottom! Compared to that, nursing would be tame.
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what sunscreen did you use for your DD

I use generic "NO-AD SPF 45 babies maximum sunblock" on both kids and on myself (I'm very fair; pale, actually.) I get it really cheap at Big Lots, but I think you can get it just about anywhere. I started using it on DD when she was 5 months, and didn't have any problems. For me, the big thing is to keep it away from her mouth and off her hands. I also had a nice Gymboree sunhat that I promptly lost the first evening of the cruise. (It was never turned in--grrr.) I bought a new hat on CC (it was expensive, but it is very cute.) When I'm walking in the sun with her in the sling or Baby Bjorn, I use an umbrella to keep the sun off her, and on the beach, I keep her under an umbrella as much as possible. We did spend quite a bit of time in the water on CC because she loved it, and she did get a little red. I put a lot of Aveeno lotion on her and gave her some Tylenol, just in case. It didn't seem to bother her, and wasn't bad enough to cause peeling. The sunhat/umbrella/sunscreen combo works really well when we go to the beach here at home, but we usually don't spend much time in the water because the kids don't like the surf. One of my friends picked up one of those inflatable tubes with the baby seat and canopy for her DD, who 3 weeks older than my DD. They go to the pool almost every day. She loves it. I think she picked it up at Big Lots, also.


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