Student (under 18) travel programs


DIS Veteran
Oct 14, 2013
just curious about if anyone knows of a travel program for teenagers? My son really wants to travel and more than anything it's difficult for us to take that much time off work. A youth travel program would be great. I do not know of any in our area or from his school. He is currently 15 and I would send him next year at 16 if I found an appropriate travel program offered during The summer months.
Are there any other schools in the area? He might be able to join a group. Would student exchange be possible?

I'd probably find an older cousin or family friend to be "in charge" and let them plan a hostelling trip to whatever country holds the most interest. 16 is old enough to stay in many hostels in the dorms, and if they can navigate a domestic city alone, they'd be fine overseas.

But if you really want a tour, just google teen travel groups. Nat Geographic looked like it had the most variety. They also have some specialized tours, like community service and photography. Here's the Europe page.
So far I have found a program that is for ages 13-18. It is marketed to not making you a tourist but into a traveler. A few trips involves service activities like helping teach English at a Japanese school or working at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand bathing elephants. This is on the expensive side; which is the downside. This one is for teens 13-18, not college students.

I found another program for age 18 and up for much less, but you spend a lot more time doing volunteer labor for college credit and service hours.


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