Summer Break of a Lifetime - Grand Canyon and Dis Exclusive Backstage Magic Trip Report - Complete!

Day 13: All to Ourselves

Tell me if this sounds familiar, but we have another very early morning today! We met as a group in the Grand Californian lobby at 6:30 am and walked together through security into Downtown Disney.. Our first activity was early entry into Disneyland park, even before the turnstiles opened. Once on Main Street, the guides became our personal photographers, letting us get photos in front of the train station, firehouse, flagpole, and looking down at the castle without anyone else in them. There isn't too much to say other than we got some very unique photos and I'll try to include as many as I can. With the gates due to open at 7:30 (for an 8:30 park opening), the guides made sure to herd us down the road and to the castle before then.
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Once in the hub, we took a minute to watch the stampede of people coming down the road to get spots on the ropes. We then got pictures with the Partners statue, on the compass in front of the castle, and at Snow White's grotto. It was a really magical start to the day, and one of those experiences you can only get with ABD. We also got a preview of a big announcement!

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Once photos were done, we snuck along the side of Main Street, back out the gates, and over to California Adventure. By this point the park was open, so we walked through the main gates and to breakfast at Pym Test Kitchen. There we were free to order anything on the menu and the guides took care of it. One thing I want to point out here that ABD did right on this trip is that almost all included meals were either buffets or "order anything you want and we'll cover it". The Tam O'Shanter was the one exception, but one of the meal options was their signature prime rib so I can definitely deal with that one. Anyway, I got the breakfast platter with eggs, bacon, potatoes, and toast, plus the choco-smash candy bar for first dessert (just in case I needed some extra sugar).

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Up next was a little competition! We rode Web Slingers as a group, and our guides told up to take pictures of our scores. We all had a lightning lane already loaded on our tickets, so it was only a few minutes between the preshow and boarding the ride. I fortunately did remember to record my score and won! 264,300 was my total, which wasn't even close to the highest I saw all trip but was more than enough to win the group. See the photo below of Alyssa awarding my prize 😎
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After my triumphant victory, we had one more quick photo stop at the Radiator Springs billboard before our behind the scenes experience. After everyone got their photos, we headed to a cast member gate in Pacific Wharf. Obviously this section will be a little light on photos, and I don't want to spoil too much, but to quote the ABD website we "delighted in a behind-the-scenes visit to Cars land" (I personally know a copywriter for Disney and I'm still not sure how they come up with this stuff).

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And with that, we were done with the ABD portion for the day. The "lunch on us" mentioned on the itinerary was in the form of a $25 dining card that could be used all at one or split up during the day. We also had 5 lightning lanes that could be used for any ride except Rise of the Resistance, and we were free to hop at 1 pm. A bit later in the day, our guides also sprinkled in a little bit of extra magic in the form of 3 more lightning lanes which could be used on Rise! So including Web Slingers that brings our total up to 9 for the day.

From here on the order in which I did things was pretty blurry, but it's basically the ultimate Disneyland and DCA day. Our tour ended around 11 am in Pacific Wharf and I went right over to the Radiator Springs Racers single rider queue. I also did Incredicoaster, Midway Mania, Guardians Mission Breakout, and ate the beef bulgogi burrito at Lucky Fortune Cookery before hopping over to Disneyland. Once there I did Space Mountain, Matterhorn a few times, Small World, Big Thunder, Indiana Jones, Pirates, Splash Mountain a few times (holy cow the single rider line for this one saves time), Haunted Mansion, Rise of the Resistance twice, Smuggler's Run, Mr. Toad's Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio, Storybook Boats, Star Tours, Buzz Lightyear, Autopia, and snuck into the dining package area of Fantasmic (by accident) for both the show and the fireworks right after. They even put the castle projections on the Fantasmic screens so you can stay in the same spot. First dinner was a ronto wrap and second was a corn dog, a combo I highly suggest if you don't want to spend a ton but need protein while you're in the parks. And finally, somewhere in there was a drink at Oga's.

Wow that's a long list and what I meant by the "ultimate Disneyland/DCA day". In a way it also took the pressure off for the later days of the trip, since I was able to hit every must-do attraction and a few others. I was definitely focusing on attractions and didn't stop for many shows, just Fantasmic at the end of the day. And while we're here, this is the only big suggestion I made when Disney asked for feedback after the trip: get us a reserved area for Fantasmic. Yes we do have it in Disney World and we did get fireworks viewing the night before, but I would personally trade that for reserved Fantasmic spots where we don't have to sit on the floor.

After all the rides and evening shows, I left Disneyland around 11 and walked back to the Grand Californian. This ended up being my favorite day of the entire adventure! Between the early access, behind the scenes tour, and busy day at the parks, I think it managed to pass Imagineering. Seeing the inner workings of Cars Land ended up being my single favorite activity all week. It's more technical than what we saw the previous day, and I love that. Tomorrow is even more Disneyland!

Seeing the inner workings of Cars Land ended up being my single favorite activity all week.
This may finally get me to sign up for this adventure! I remember being on the ride once, maybe a year after it opened when the lines were still ridiculously long, and being the only one who was excited when the ride broke down while I was in the dark part of the ride and we were walked out by a cast member, as it gave an opportunity to see some of the scenes up close at a walking pace. Others from out of town, who were there at rope drop to avoid a multi-hour wait, for their first ride on their last day in the parks, were not as thrilled.
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This may finally get me to sign up for this adventure! I remember being on the ride once, maybe a year after it opened when the lines were still ridiculously long, and being the only one who was excited when the ride broke down while I was in the dark part of the ride and we were walked out by a cast member, as it gave an opportunity to see some of the scenes up close at a walking pace. Others from out of town, who were there at rope drop to avoid a multi-hour wait, for their first ride on their last day in the parks, were not as thrilled.
I'm really into technology, and while Imagineering seemed to focus more on the artistic side of attractions, going behind the scenes there and in Disneyland the next day were much more technical. We got to see the machines behind the art.
This may finally get me to sign up for this adventure! I remember being on the ride once, maybe a year after it opened when the lines were still ridiculously long, and being the only one who was excited when the ride broke down while I was in the dark part of the ride and we were walked out by a cast member, as it gave an opportunity to see some of the scenes up close at a walking pace. Others from out of town, who were there at rope drop to avoid a multi-hour wait, for their first ride on their last day in the parks, were not as thrilled.
And I really can't recommend the trip enough. Between the backstage and studio tours, park tickets, staying at Grand Cal, and all the other little perks, this trip is the ultimate Disneyland vacation. I would honestly do this trip over just buying tickets and staying on-site at DL; I think the value is better.
And I really can't recommend the trip enough. Between the backstage and studio tours, park tickets, staying at Grand Cal, and all the other little perks, this trip is the ultimate Disneyland vacation. I would honestly do this trip over just buying tickets and staying on-site at DL; I think the value is better.
Thanks for the endorsement! It does look like a wonderful experience. My personal debate is, I live in SoCal, own DVC at GrandCal so stay there frequently each year, have Disneyland AP/Magic Key pass so visit the CA parks often, and am also D23 so have done several studio tours, special tours (it will take a lot to top the two-hour tour of just the Ink & Paint Dept), & events over the years plus attended D23 Expo where I’ve seen several imaginnering displays folks have mentioned in trip reports as seeing on this adventure. I’m looking for the new and different things that would provide the value for me; just the Jim Henson studio tour is not enough.

I’m enjoying your trip report because it is fun and good for me to see things through someone else’s eyes where there is the excitement of the experience, as I can see I sometimes may take my past experiences for granted.
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Thanks for the endorsement! It does look like a wonderful experience. My personal debate is, I live in SoCal, own DVC at GrandCal so stay there frequently each year, have Disneyland AP/Magic Key pass so visit the CA parks often, and am also D23 so have done several studio tours, special tours (it will take a lot to top the two-hour tour of just the Ink & Paint Dept), & events over the years plus attended D23 Expo where I’ve seen several imaginnering displays folks have mentioned in trip reports as seeing on this adventure. I’m looking for the new and different things that would provide the value for me; just the Jim Henson studio tour is not enough.

I’m enjoying your trip report because it is fun and good for me to see things through someone else’s eyes where there is the excitement of the experience, as I can see I sometimes may take my past experiences for granted.
That does make it tougher to justify. Even on ABD trips the Imagineering, studio, and park portions change up each time, so you'll probably see different things than you did on D23. The good news is that those Grand Cal points are worth a lot on the DVC rental market, so you can offset some of the cost.
Day 14: Wonder World (of Color)

After such a long day, I was very happy to say that we were able to sleep until 7 this morning, rather than yesterday's 6:30! We met up in the Grand Californian lobby and were again some of the first people through security and into Downtown disney. And just like yesterday, we were allowed onto Main Street before the gates to the park even opened. I think yesterday's activity of having a photoshoot before opening was originally supposed to be today, but we had to change because they were supposed to be filming right in front of the castle. We didn't see any equipment, but getting in early allowed us to take a few more photos in front of the train station and flagpole on our own.
Around 7:45, we were the first people in line for breakfast at Plaza Inn. You start out by meeting Minnie in the courtyard and getting pictures, then we took our seats in a private section for our group. Unlike lunch and dinner, breakfast is a character buffet, and we were able to grab food right away. It was pretty standard breakfast food, and I think everyone enjoyed it. Pluto, Tigger, Chip, and Dale started towards the other end of the room and came by our section right around when people were getting seconds, so it was perfect timing.
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After breakfast, we walked as a group over to Indiana Jones for a group ride. We all had a lightning lane pre-loaded on our tickets, so it only took a few minutes to get on. Upon exiting the ride, our guides met us around halfway down the exit path in front of a cast member door. Alyssa gave a quick reminder to put out cameras away and we went backstage. Again I don't want to spoil this part, especially since it varies by trip, but it's safe to say every tour will get to see behind the scenes of at least one Disneyland attraction and get to talk to the cast members who maintain them.
Once we finished the tours, the group walked along some backstage roads until we were behind the Fire Station (you already know where this is going, right?). We met one of the VIP tour guides and our group split in 2. Ralph took the other half back onstage to the hub, while my half, Alyssa, and the VIP guide went upstairs into Walt's apartment. From the opening of the park until Walt's death, he and his family would use the apartment on a regular basis. Some of the stories we heard were about him Walking down Main Street in his bathrobe and slippers, grabbing sodas from the shops after closing time, and his grandkids running up and down the empty park. This is definitely part of the tour people were looking forward to, and we all got two photos inside while hearing all about Walt's personality when he wasn't working.
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Sadly we did have to return to the park, and while the other group went upstairs, Ralph pointed out some interesting design features of Main Street. Some of the upstairs floors used to have offices in them, and cast members could eat lunch on the balconies overlooking the park. Early Imagineers were also careful to place things like tables and chairs in areas where the public couldn't access, just to add to the theming. Once the other group was done in the apartment, we met back up for one more little treat: dole whips! The guides offered to buy one for anyone who wanted one, so most of the group walked together to The Tropical Hideaway.
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We had some free time in the parks and 5 more lightning lanes to use wherever we wanted. I went and did a few of my favorites again: Matterhorn, Space Mountain, and Mr. Toads. After getting on those, I met back up with our guides and most of the group for reserved seats at Tale of the Lion King, a live show in the Fantasyland Theater. It was a bit more casual than Festival of the Lion King in Animal Kingdom, but I love live music and it was still well worth seeing. We had a great view, and I would recommend seeing it if you're on a longer trip.
After the show, we had more free time before our evening activity, so a few of us walked over to California Adventure to ride Radiator Springs Racers and Incredicoaster. I also took the opportunity to pop back in the hotel, change into lighter shorts, and drop off my phone. I walked right back outside and got on Grizzly River Run 3 times through the single rider line. That may have been the biggest advantage to the Grand Californian all trip! After my 3rd time, it was time to shower and get ready for dinner.

Being the last night, our group met in the lobby for the farewell dinner. We walked to one of the conference rooms in the Grand Californian where we went through the slideshow with our guides, and they even had some presents waiting for us! They even managed to squeeze in one more surprise! Once we were done, we walked together to Lamplight Lounge, where we sat outside and were free to order anything from the menu. I had the lobster nachos and al pastor pork chop, both classics and my recommendations. If you don't like spicy foods, I've also had the salmon PLT and that's delicious as well. The guides initially offered to pay for one alcoholic drink per person, but our group didn't have huge drinkers, so at the end of the night they told us to not worry about anything.
The last group activity of the night was a VIP viewing of World of Color. Before that, I did manage to sneak in some rides on Luigi and Mater's rides in Carsland, both firsts for me, and The Little Mermaid. Our VIP section was a perfect location, right in the middle of the second terrace. It was my first time ever seeing the show and boy was I spoiled. Good spots can be a premium, but I found a little hack I'll mention tomorrow. After the show, we were free until our farewell breakfast!
The parks were open very late the whole week we were there: DCA until 10, and Disneyland until 11 or 12 every night. So we probably stayed out later than the average ABD tour, but when you're there you might as well make the most of it! Since a few of us had lightning lanes left, we walked over and used them on Guardians Mission Breakout. Walking through Avengers Campus was also the first time I saw people recognize Craig, and it was pretty funny for the rest of us standing there. After Guardians, a small group of us went to Disneyland Park. We got mint juleps, used our last lightning lane on Big Thunder, and rode Pinocchio and Snow White before heading back to the hotel.
So many long days and it's almost at an end! But still plenty of magic left in the tank, since most of the group added post-nights. Tomorrow starts with farewell breakfast.
Days 15-17: Farewell!

Well we're finally at the saddest part of the trip, the farewell breakfast. It's not really that sad for most of us, since a lot of people (me included) add on nights after the trip concludes, but two people from our group did miss the final breakfast for early flights, and a few other people were leaving that day and wouldn't be able to hang out in the park. We met as a group around 8 am in the lobby and walked across the street to Goofy's Kitchen. This is a buffet located in Disneyland Hotel that serves breakfast and dinner and features a rotating cast of characters. Goofy greets everyone as you enter and get a quick photo, then inside we had Chip, Dale, and Daisy come by the tables.

Farewell breakfast is also where we said goodbye to our guides! It's safe to say our group loves Alyssa and Ralph; they matched the passion for Disney that anyone taking a Dis-exclusive Backstage Magic trip has and made sure everything ran smoothly. Now while ABD includes gratuities for all your servers, luggage, and drivers, you should tip your guides at the end of the trip. If you have cash or check then you can do it here, and quite a few people had custom cards. I meant to do this the day I flew in but complete forgot with all the travel, so each guide just gave me their Venmo accounts and I sent it as we left breakfast.

Alyssa and Ralph were so great that they added just a little bit of extra magic as we arrived in the park. Normally you get one lightning lane for your departure day, but they left us with an extra 5! Saved everyone from having to buy Genie+ on our last park day, which was very nice. Before heading into the parks I did drop off my luggage at the bell desk, since I was transferring to a DVC studio for the last two nights. I don't own at Grand Cal but got very lucky at 8 am on the 7 month day. While 32 points a night is a lot, it's better than $600 for a hotel room! There was a little bit of a line to drop off, but the process was smooth.

After the luggage, I ran back over to Disneyland park and met up with some new friends from the trip. We did about half a day in the park, using our passes on the long lines and not worrying about the other waits. On my previous trips to Disneyland we only had 2 days in the parks, so they were definitely rushed. By this time I was content to just walk around and check out all the entertainment and details. For lunch, I stopped in Cafe Orleans and got the Monte Cristo sandwich, another Disneyland classic.

By the afternoon I had decided to take a quick break at the resort. My new room was also ready, so I took the opportunity to grab my bags and do a little bit of unpacking. The DVC rooms are unfortunately pretty dated compared to the hotel side, but I believe they are scheduled for updates in 2024, and if they're similar to the hotel rooms then I'm excited. After sitting on the balcony for a while, I went into DCA and did a few more attractions, but my main focus was just walking around the park at dusk. Carsland totally transforms at sundown, and I really think this is an underrated land. I would love to do a photoshoot with all the neon.

After rides on Radiator Springs Racers and Incredicoaster, I wanted to catch World of Color again. Unfortunately the virtual queue spots go quickly, so I couldn't watch from the real viewing area. Rather than watch from the side, I grabbed a spot on the boardwalk between Buzz's Churros and Poultry Palace. There were only about 20 of us there, and we had a clear view of the water screens (although in reverse) without being squished between giant crowds of people. I will definitely be back here on future trips. After the show I took a nice walk through the park one more time before heading to bed.

Saturday was my was final day at Disney. For the morning, I decided to sleep in and do a pool day at the resort. It was a little cold, especially for July, but I really enjoyed taking it slow. The original plan for the day was to take it slow and possibly go to Knott's or a baseball game, but some friends who live in LA and work for Disney were able to get us me the park with their employee passes! They were coming around 3, so I spent a little bit more time at the pool, ate lunch at the Grand Cal quick service, then sat and read on the balcony until the let me know they were in the parking deck.

We met up outside the tram station and went right into Disneyland park. Being locals, they were in no hurry to get on rides, so we did Pirates while the wait was short and took the train back around to Main Street. We then hopped to DCA for dinner reservations at Carthay Circle. I believe it was the first time any of us have been there, and the meal was delicious. A little expensive, but not terrible and definitely not the most expensive meal I've had at Disney.


My friends had actually never stayed on property, so we walked in the side entrance to Grand Cal and I showed them around. We then walked across the street and had a few drinks at Trader Sam's before walking back towards the parks. We did a few more rides in Fantasyland and watched the Main Street Electrical Parade one last time. And just like that, my last night in the parks came to an end! My flight left the following morning at 11 am, so the ABD transfer picked me up around 7:30. Flight was direct and had no issues, and just like that I was back home!

Big thank you to everyone who helped make this trip amazing: Kevin for planning it, Craig and Kylie for representing the Dis, Alyssa and Ralph for embodying what it really means to be a Disney guide, and everyone else who travelled together. I had no idea what to expect as a solo traveller in a big group, but by the second day I was travelling with 25 friends. I liked this trip so much that I'm heading back this summer on another Dis trip (albeit without the large Arizona pre-trip). If you're a Disney fan, this is the ultimate way to see the place where it all started. Whether you're solo, a group of friends, or a family, I recommend it. Thank you all for reading, and see you real soon!

I have some fantastic pictures from PhotoPass photographers taken at night in CarsLand. If you ever return to Disneyland/DCA, I highly recommend having someone (travel friend or PhotoPass photographers) take pictures of you in CarsLand with all the neon.


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