Summer Dreams at HNY - Pre-trippie

Ms Poppins

I'm sure I'm very affected by all this Disney talk
Mar 14, 2009
Summer Dreams at HNY - Pre-Trippie

Sunday 21 July - Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Cast

Me - Julie (38)
DH - John (42)
DD - Abbey (16)
DS - Lewis (8 nearly 9)

As it's such a horrible rainy day here in not so sunny Scotland, I thought I'd try and cheer myself up by starting my PTR :cool1: I was trying to last until at least 30 days to go, so at 35 I'm not cheating too much ;)

Our last trip was in May last year to celebrate Abbey's 15th birthday. We loved Dreams so much even from the first second we were watching it, I said to DH that we MUST get back to see this again before it finished. At that time we didnt know how long Dreams would run for so I was already mentally preparing a summer trip. My Shareholders card also runs out in Sept 2014 and I want to make the most of it before I leave the club :sad: And DH has broken my Minnie Mouse key ring, so that was it decided.....we HAD to go back!! Is that enough reasons? :lmao:

Here they are last year:


I did my usual number crunching and wasn't too blown away by the offers this year to be honest. I was beginning to panic that we wouldn't manage a trip and thought that the 40% discount was still quite pricey and out of my dates. I had a chat with my boss at work and she very nicely agreed to swap my holidays around meaning that I'd be able to go a week earlier in July than I'd planned. So, more number crunching and very nearly booked the 25% off with half board, when the lovely Lisa (loladelorean) posted that the French site on Voyage Prive had a 50% flash sale :thumbsup2 I panicked about booking in French, but with the help of Google translate and remembering reading on here that Voyage Prive has been used before, I took the plunge and booked. So, 3 nights at our beloved Hotel New York it is then :cheer2: Thank you Lisa :flower3:

Last year we flew Easyjet from Glasgow, but this involved staying off site on our last night, as the flight was early on the last day. I cannot bring myself to waste park time, and knowing that we would have a full day's park tickets going to waste would mess with my head :faint: Also the cost of the flights this time was huge! So I've booked Ryan Air from Prestwick, and we'll arrive at Beauvais instead of CDG. I've also booked and paid for Ezyshuttle transfer to shuttle us to the magic :)

I know we'll have a longer transfer time, but the plus side is that on our last day we don't need to be picked up from the hotel until 19:20, so we get our last full day at the parks :cool1:

We got caught out last time not booking Walts, and under estimated how busy it would be. As luck would have it we did eventually manage a table, but it was very last minute. We like it there so much we agreed that we would definitely book this. So here's what we have planned:

Sunday - Parkside Diner - arrival night, and again from last year's experience of arriving late and spending ages looking for somewhere we're going to eat here for quickness
Monday - Rainforest Café - we had planned to do this last time, but never managed - Abbey's choice
Tuesday - Walts! - Booked for 18:30 so hopefully get a window seat to watch the parade
Wednesday - Annettes - this is an absolute must for us, have always eaten here every single trip - going to eat at about 5pm before queues start building

Lunches will most definitely be EOS which we love and anywhere else that takes our fancy

Looking forward to
Dreams - can't wait for the new Lion King and Brave sequences
Meet Mickey - we just missed the opening of this by a few days last time
Park Tour - after reading so many glowing reports, I've booked this for 3pm on Tuesday
Shopping - Abbey is desperate to go to the shopping village at Val d'europe - not sure when we'll fit this in, but will try for an afternoon to avoid the busy times in the park
World of Disney Store - again missed this by a few weeks
Being there - I just love it :goodvibes

Staying at home again this year will be our rocker, DS Mark, who is again going on holiday soon with his friends to Spain. He's also got a couple of London trips booked this summer, going to see The Rolling Stones and Roger Waters later in the year. So, whilst I would love him to come with us, he's certainly not missing out on his own fun. The plus side is that he has promised he's coming with us next celebrate my 40th....which means I'll have another trip to plan :cheer2:

I'm actually pretty much organised - parking, flights, hotel, insurance, transfers, all booked and paid for :thumbsup2 I've also been stocking up on travel size toiletries and have mentally packed everything :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Oh, and I nearly forgot - another reason for this trip is so that I can buy a Disney apron....yes, clutching at straws now, but it's something I've decided I need and despite being able to purchase them at the Disney store and lots of other places, I really think that I need to check all the shops at DLP before making a final decision ;)
Sounds exciting! They had a lovely red spotty Minnnie Mouse apron in February that I had my eye on but didn't buy :sad2: So we're going back at the end of August to make the purchase. :rotfl:
Aw sounds like you are all set for an amazing time! We loved the new York Hotel, so lovely and warm and clean and the divine apple pie with cinnamon smell.....yum! Walt's was a big hit with us this trip...and we always squeeze in Annettes too! Have a ball x
Sounds exciting! They had a lovely red spotty Minnnie Mouse apron in February that I had my eye on but didn't buy :sad2: So we're going back at the end of August to make the purchase. :rotfl:

I think that's the one I want - so I'll be on the lookout, thanks :thumbsup2

Aw sounds like you are all set for an amazing time! We loved the new York Hotel, so lovely and warm and clean and the divine apple pie with cinnamon smell.....yum! Walt's was a big hit with us this trip...and we always squeeze in Annettes too! Have a ball x

I love the smell too - and the fab air-con after a very hot day :)

I've been reading my old trip reports and noticed that we tend to do almost exactly the same things every time :rotfl::rotfl: So this time, I'm going to try and make sure we do some new stuff. Lewis has recently discovered Star Wars so I think we might be around that area quite a bit this time ;)

I also really want to see the Stitch show at the Studios, but somehow we always miss it :confused3

We are at 27 days now and counting - reading everyone elses' reports is getting me so excited :yay::yay::yay:
sounds like you have another great trip planned. :goodvibes It is always good to do some new things each time. I think on our next trip it will be visiting Paris - our oldest dd has expressed an interest in visiting the Eiffel tower. :goodvibes
sounds like you have another great trip planned. :goodvibes It is always good to do some new things each time. I think on our next trip it will be visiting Paris - our oldest dd has expressed an interest in visiting the Eiffel tower. :goodvibes

We loved the Eiffel tower when we went a couple of years ago - I was so impressed with the view, breathtaking :thumbsup2

Lewis has become completely overcome with excitement following my discover of the 'build your own lightsaber' that I found by accident on youtube. He can't stop talking about it :rotfl2: So that's another thing to add to our 'new stuff to do' list.

My eldest ds, Mark, is just home after his holiday with his pals, so I can now get my case sorted out a bit. I got masses of new stuff for Lewis in the Debenhams sale yesterday and Abbey and DH are all sorted. I just need to sort myself out now. I've lost just over 2.5 stones since I was last at DLP, and don't have anything summery to wear at all :scared1: We had a sunny weekend recently and when I tried on some cropped trousers they fell off me :rotfl: A good complaint I suppose, but I think I'd better get shopping soon :)

I also ordered a new Kipling cross over bag for daytime that looks nice.

On the countdown now for 15 days before, so that I can get our flight boarding passes printed and then I'll feel more ready.

Oh, and I've decided a need a new purse too - I knew there was another reason I had to go back to DLP :rotfl2:
I've printed out all our documents now and completed the toiletries shopping :rotfl:

The weather is glorious here just now :beach: hopefully it will be nice whilst we're away, but too hot.....I like to be able to breath from time to time at DLP...I've printed out the corneto coupons that Jill posted and no doubt will make good use of them :thumbsup2

The only thing I'm seeking is a discount voucher for Rainforest Cafe. On our last visit our travel agent provided a 15% discount voucher so I'll be peeking about google for that - I'll also ask on the main board I think.

I'm getting so excited that I'm not able to sleep properly, and I've run over our plans a million times. I think we're fully organised now :cool1:
It's past our SDD and been so lovely and sunny here that I nearly forgot about our Disney trip :lmao:

I was going to start a list to check I've got everything covered, when I found our list from last has almost exactly the same stuff written on it - so we're sorted :rotfl:

Roll on next Sunday, can't wait :goodvibes
I knew everything was going too smoothly. I've got toothace :sick: very, very painful toothache and haven't slept properly since Saturday.

My dentist thinks it's an infection in my gum, under a crown, and has given me penicillan to take. I hope it kicks in before the weekend. I feel a bit like a zombie at the moment and will be working up until Friday :sad1:

Anyway, on the plus side the weather looks really good, so no need for kagools this time :cool2:
Oh no! :hug: Toothache is the worst type of pain. At least you've still got a good few days to go before your trip. Hoping the pain subsides soon! :goodvibes
ohh your wee boy is getting so big! I read all your trip reports recently, and im sitting hear saying, oh i remember him as a baby!! haha :rotfl:
Oh no! :hug: Toothache is the worst type of pain. At least you've still got a good few days to go before your trip. Hoping the pain subsides soon! :goodvibes

Thanks :) The penicillin hasn't kicked in yet, although it's only day 2 of those. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that it's better by tomorrow morning, or else I may end up asking for the tooth to be taken out as I just can't begin to even think about going to DLP in all this pain :sad: I'm so tired and so glad that I'm organised. Just need to put stuff in a case, which I'll hopefully be able to do on Saturday.

ohh your wee boy is getting so big! I read all your trip reports recently, and im sitting hear saying, oh i remember him as a baby!! haha :rotfl:

LOL :lmao: :lmao::lmao: I love reading my old tr's. It cheers me up on a rainy (or sore :worried:) day.
Thanks :) The penicillin hasn't kicked in yet, although it's only day 2 of those. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that it's better by tomorrow morning, or else I may end up asking for the tooth to be taken out as I just can't begin to even think about going to DLP in all this pain :sad: I'm so tired and so glad that I'm organised. Just need to put stuff in a case, which I'll hopefully be able to do on Saturday.

If the gum itself is quite sore I can highly recommend oralgel. You can get it from the chemist or most supermarkets - it's a local aneasthic cream that really helped me when I had an abscess. Might be work popping a tube in your suitcase just in case.
If the gum itself is quite sore I can highly recommend oralgel. You can get it from the chemist or most supermarkets - it's a local aneasthic cream that really helped me when I had an abscess. Might be work popping a tube in your suitcase just in case.

Thanks, I'll go and get some today. I've been using bongela but not much use...
Ooh I hope you're feeling better Julie. You have a fab trip planned. We're on a doing things different plan here too as like you noticed we seem to have a routine at DLP!
Primark had some cool Jedi tees last week, Lewis might like them.
Looking forward to this TR so much. Hope you're tooth eases and you get to check off your pack list soon xx
Ooh I hope you're feeling better Julie. You have a fab trip planned. We're on a doing things different plan here too as like you noticed we seem to have a routine at DLP!
Primark had some cool Jedi tees last week, Lewis might like them.
Looking forward to this TR so much. Hope you're tooth eases and you get to check off your pack list soon xx

Thanks, we I have a star wars tee for Lewis and he has been so good not wearing it until we go :rotfl:

Well, the toothache beat me yesterday. I set myself a cut off time of 12 noon and spoke to my dentist who agreed that as the penicillin hadn't kicked in, it might be best to remove the tooth. I got it out yesterday afternoon and had 2 hours of bliss until the jag wore off :sad::sad::sad:I have never been in so much pain in my life, and that includes 3 births!! I've had a night of painkillers every two hours (different kinds) and had a rotation of frozen mixed veg and potato crunchy things on my face :rotfl2:

I'm feeling better now, and have even put out two washings to dry. Thank goodness for the sunshine :)

So, now I need to start thinking about packing! I also need to go to the shops to get some bits and pieces in for Mark who's staying at home. I know he can fend for himself, but I won't relax unless I know he's stocked up with M&S ready meals whilst we're gone....he says that's his wee treat...

I had also planned to visit my gran this afternoon, and normally i'd be completely packed and organised. I don't know if i'll fit that in or not. I'll see how I feel.

It really got so bad last night that I said to DH that he might need to go on holiday without me, or take Mark instead. Thank goodness it's easing off now - i'd have been devastated :faint:

Going for a lie down now with my frozen pototo crunchy things. I only had the laptop on as I remembered I had to download some photos off my camera.

I'll hopefully check in again tonight, if not, see you when I get back :wave2:
Thanks, we I have a star wars tee for Lewis and he has been so good not wearing it until we go :rotfl:

Well, the toothache beat me yesterday. I set myself a cut off time of 12 noon and spoke to my dentist who agreed that as the penicillin hadn't kicked in, it might be best to remove the tooth. I got it out yesterday afternoon and had 2 hours of bliss until the jag wore off :sad::sad::sad:I have never been in so much pain in my life, and that includes 3 births!! I've had a night of painkillers every two hours (different kinds) and had a rotation of frozen mixed veg and potato crunchy things on my face :rotfl2:

I'm feeling better now, and have even put out two washings to dry. Thank goodness for the sunshine :)

So, now I need to start thinking about packing! I also need to go to the shops to get some bits and pieces in for Mark who's staying at home. I know he can fend for himself, but I won't relax unless I know he's stocked up with M&S ready meals whilst we're gone....he says that's his wee treat...

I had also planned to visit my gran this afternoon, and normally i'd be completely packed and organised. I don't know if i'll fit that in or not. I'll see how I feel.

It really got so bad last night that I said to DH that he might need to go on holiday without me, or take Mark instead. Thank goodness it's easing off now - i'd have been devastated :faint:

Going for a lie down now with my frozen pototo crunchy things. I only had the laptop on as I remembered I had to download some photos off my camera.

I'll hopefully check in again tonight, if not, see you when I get back :wave2:

Oh no! That sounds awful :( keeping everything crossed that the pain subsides soon.

Have an amazing trip xxxxxxx
Oh no! That sounds awful :( keeping everything crossed that the pain subsides soon.

Have an amazing trip xxxxxxx

I do feel better now, thanks :thumbsup2

I've been sleeping on and off and actually got everything packed in about half an hour, so I feel organised now.

Going to have a cold shower now and get into bed soon I think. I reckon I just need a good sleep now.

We'll be leaving home about 12ish tomorrow afternoon, to drive to the airport. Flights at 15:30, and by the time we get to Beauvais and transfer we should hopefully be enjoying a buffet at the Parkside Diner by 8pm. So looking forward to this now :cool1:

Bye for now :wave2:
Hope you are painfree by set off time tomorrow and that you all have the best time. Enjoy it all and I'm looking forward to reading all about it and seeing all your lovely photos
Well its great news that you feel better now ::yes::
Have a fantastic holiday, looking forward to hearing all about it :goodvibes


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