Surprise! We're going to Disneyland...with Cass, Rob & Kira


DIS Veteran
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 18, 1999
Welcome to my latest Trip report, peeps! :wave2:

Disneyland Resort February 28th - March 7th, 2015



Cass- 42-year old Disney FREAK, writer of this trip report as well as main photographer and videographer who planned it all! :D

Rob- 44-year old Disney/Star Wars freak, food-loving, amazing hubby who wisely lets his wife plan all vacations. :-)

Kira – 8-year old sweet, wonderful, sassy princess who was clueless about the entire trip until 5am on the day we left! :P


It’s been a tough couple years for me. I have struggled with a chronic auto-immune disease for the past 18 years but it has gotten progressively worse in the past two years or so and some new stuff has popped up that I was not prepared to deal with. I will spare you the ugly details and just say that after what I just went through, (and put my family through) it was time for a break for all three of us! With my health the way it is, I just didn’t have it in me to go to Walt Disney World, which is our usual vacation destination. It’s just too big and too hot for me to handle right now, so I decided that Disneyland was the way to go for this trip! ::yes::

Hubby and I honeymooned in Southern California in 1998 (our first trip to DL) and then we went back for a quick 2-day visit in 2004. Honestly, I didn’t care for it. My Disney home is WDW. That is where my parents took me and my four siblings for our family vacations, with my first trip in 1975 when I was just three years old. That was Disney to me.

I took hubby to WDW for his first trip in 1999 and he fell in love with it. We went back in 2000, 2002 and 2003. Then in 2004, he started a new job and their head office is located in San Diego. We live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada so he had to fly down to sign a contract and decided to drag me with him. Okay, there was no dragging involved. :rolleyes:

We took a side trip to Disneyland for 2 days. We stayed at a hotel that overlooked orange groves that was located where the Toy Story Parking Lot now stands. We spent one day at Disneyland Park and one day at the nearly new Disney’s California Adventure. While we loved Soarin’ and Tower of Terror, the new park was a bit of a disaster. The food that we had in both parks was gross and expensive, (CDN $ exchange rate was a killer!) the CM’s were rude and basically, we found no “magic” anywhere. We had no interest in going back and all of future trips were spent at WDW and on Disney cruises.

Fast forward to almost exactly one year ago when I was lucky enough to attend a conference at Disneyland with my friend, Jen. She had never been to DL and I hadn’t been in 10 years so we decided to plan a couple extra days before and one extra day after the conference ended. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel for 2 nights and then 5 nights at Disney’s Grand Californian and we had the best time ever! Having never met in person before, we were both a little worried about spending an entire week together in the same room. We worried for nothing because we got along famously! Not only did we get along but it ended up being a ridiculously fun week and every night I went to bed with a stomach ache from laughing so hard all day long with her. I don’t know if it was because of Jen or because we stayed on-site at two amazing Disney hotels or because of the new additions to DCA (probably a combination of all three!) but I totally fell in love with Disneyland! :lovestruc

What I hated about it before (so small and close together) was actually what I now loved about it. I loved the intimacy, loved that I could park hop in just a few minutes, loved that Downtown Disney was right there and LOVED LOVED LOVED that my room was only a short walk away from wherever I was! It probably helped that I sprained my ankle within an hour of checking in at the hotel and had to hobble in pain for the entire trip but hey, it made me appreciate the close proximity of it all that much more!

In 2004 hubby and I were on a very tight budget so last year I made sure I splurged a little and ate at Steakhouse 55, The Blue Bayou, Storyteller’s Café and during our TA Conference, we ate at Wine Country Trattoria and Goofy’s Kitchen as well. We also ate at a few counter service places and almost every single thing I ate was delicious!!! The four things that really stood out were the potatoes at both Steakhouse 55 and Blue Bayou, the chicken sandwich at Storyteller’s, my corn dog at Corn Dog Castle at DCA and the freaking amazing chicken nachos at White Water Snacks! Oh. My. Gawrsh!!! :goofy:

The best nachos I have ever tasted in my life! And I also tried (and fell in love with) guacamole for the first time ever! I jokingly told Jen that I would make a trip back JUST for those nachos!!!

All kidding aside, the whole week I kept thinking how I couldn’t wait to get Rob and Kira down here and how much they would love it too! :goodvibes

So, when I decided that we were all in need of some serious fun, Disneyland was a quick and easy choice! Sadly, when I booked it, I didn’t know much about the big 60th Diamond Celebration as nothing had been announced and I certainly did not know they were going to close so many attractions in order to prep for the big 60th. Once everything was announced at the very end of January and I found out just exactly what was going to be closed during our visit, it took the wind out of my sails. I was really bummed about missing World of Color with my family, Soarin’ (as it was Kira’s fave ride in WDW in 2013) and Peter Pan because Jen and I had skipped it last year due to insanely long lines and I don’t think I got to ride it in 1998 or 2004.

The sadness didn’t last long because instead of letting it bother me, I focused on all of the stuff we WILL be doing and just being able to get away with my family is so rare and precious and nothing is going to take away from that! :cool1:

A Different Perspective

During that conference, we got to see an abbreviated version of Walk in Walt’s’ Footsteps Tour. Now, like I mentioned earlier, my “home park” is Walt Disney World. That is where I have childhood memories of my parents, who have long since passed. WDW is where the Magic lives for me, then and now. That is where I have taken my daughter to, starting at 10 months old and now I have fond memories there as a child and a mother.

During that tour, as I stood in Walt’s apartment, imagining him looking out that window, down onto the crowds of families that enjoyed and marveled at what he created, I understood in that fleeting moment just exactly why Disneyland fans are so fiercely proud of Walt’s park. The man who created, not only Disneyland but the entire concept of the Theme Park, walked this park, his park.

Once this trip was booked, I went online and bought some Disneyland books. Other than some basics, I didn’t really know a whole lot about the history of Disneyland. I’m a walking, talking encyclopedia when it comes to Walt Disney World and my desk is filled with WDW history and guide books but only a single Disneyland book occupied my shelf, Birnbaum’s 1998 Official guidebook. So, I decided that it was time to do some learning!


In between reading these books, I would peruse the interwebs, often finding myself on YouTube, where I found some amazing footage of the construction and early history of the park. The more I read, the more fascinated I became! Because of my WDW knowledge, I recognized a lot of the Imagineers who helped build Disneyland and ended up re-reading one of my books, Designing Disney, by John Hench after finding out just what an integral part he played in the creation and design of Disneyland.

Obviously, I learned a lot. I think I enjoyed the trip on a different level this time. I stopped to look at the details, I shared stories with my hubby about how they designed this or built that. I told him about The Domingues Tree, how they invented Doritos as we walked past Rancho Del Zocolo, shared a funny story about Disney trying to change the corn dog recipe as well as other tidbits and facts that I had remembered. Sometimes I just kept the secrets or stories to myself, smiling as I walked by Marty Sklar's window or popped into The Opera House to see Walt's bench.

I will say that it was not easy to stop and smell the roses sometimes, especially with an 8-year old who just wants to go from one fun thing to the next but I definitely tried o_O

Okay, I think that is enough of a background for you! Let's get this show on the road! :drive:

On the YouTube clips, make sure to click on the gear icon at the bottom and change the settings to the highest HD possible :thumbsup2

Chapter Links

Saturday, February 28th, 2015

Getting to LAX
Making our way to the Happiest Place on Earth
Food, finally and our Room

Pool Time
Dinner and a zoo

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

Early morning tour of the hotel grounds
Tour continued...
Breakfast at Steakhouse 55
A suite life!
A Goofy Dinner

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Park time!
Finishing off DCA
Chickens, pirates and tears, oh my!

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Disneyland Early Entry
Where's the toast???
A Whole Lot of Space Travel
Absolutely Fantasmic!

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

It's a Frozen kind of morning
Snowfest, Sing-A-Long and Sassiness!
Carsland fun!
The Grump

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

Magical Morning!
Bibbidi Bobbidi Beautiful!
Royalty galore!
Under the Sea...twice!
Let's FastPass that!
Big Thunder, baby!

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Breakfast with Critters
Annnnd that's me, done!
Illegal refills and half of da sannwich
The last of our park time

Saturday, March 7th, 2015

But I don't wanna go home!!!

My Disneyland Videos

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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For many reasons, we decided to keep this trip a secret from Kira. At first, it was because I wasn't 100% sure that we would actually be doing this trip. I wasn't sure if my health would be good enough to actually go and I didn't want to get her hopes up just in case we had to postpone it.

Another reason was that I just wanted to give her a great surprise. She LOVES surprises (unlike her momma :rolleyes:) and I knew she would love this one!

It wasn't easy at times, keeping such a big secret! There were many times that I almost spilled the beans :scared:

I had to hide suitcases in my closet behind clothes, bite my tongue when I wanted to share something I had just planned or booked and there were times where I wondered if it was the right thing to do. I know that I enjoy the planning and anticipation of a Disney trip almost as much as the actual trip :teeth:

I figured we would never get this chance again as she was getting more clever with each passing year so we just went with it :P

I had woken up a little after 3 AM after getting only a couple of hours of sleep, bringing to mind that old commercial of that cute little kid who was too excited to sleep before his big Disney vacation :laughing:

I knew I wouldn't sleep again, even if I tried so I just got up, showered and finished packing. Made myself a quick breakfast and then told Rob it was time to hop in the shower. After we were both ready to go, we grabbed the camcorder and my phone so we could get her reaction on film.

I didn't want her freaking out when she saw the camera or when she saw what time it was so I came up with a plan earlier that week. On Tuesday, she had presented a project at school that she worked long and hard on. I told her that because of her hard work, we would have a special Family Fun Day on Saturday. Because my husband DJ's weddings on most Saturdays of the year, the three of us being together for an entire Saturday was kind of a big deal. I told her that in order to make it more fun and special, I would present her with three choices and she could pick whichever one she wanted! I told her that I wanted to spend the entire day together and that we would be waking her up super early and filming it so that she can watch the video of her making her choice over and over again. She is a lark and a YouTube freak, so I knew this was a good plan. ::yes::

Just after 5 in the morning, I woke her up, gave her a quick cuddle, told it was time to make her choice and told her to cover her eyes while I put on the bright light. She was still a little tired but very excited! I am so glad we prepped her for this!

Here is the result:

Her reaction was a little more subdued than I thought it would be but it was pretty early and I think it took awhile to actually sink in that she was really going to Disneyland...NOW!!! :rotfl:

Once she saw our bags all packed and ready to go in the van, she got more and more excited.


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Yes!!!! I could barely wait for this! :flower1:
What a great intro to you trip Cass!! I love that you and Jen had such a good time and that you were able to see Disneyland in a new light. Disneyland will always be special to me because it was my first Disney experience and my sister and I went together! :):love:

Also how cool is it to surprise your daughter will something like this!! I think she was in shock and disbelief - probably waiting for the just kidding. What a fantastic experience for her! :-)

Can't wait to read more!
PS: Guacamole is the best!
We left the house just before 6:00 am. About 25 minutes later, Rob dropped us off at the USA gate and then dropped off the van at Park2Go for the week.

Checking in is so nice now, no line-ups, just scan our passports at the kiosk, grab the luggage tags and DONE! :thumbsup2

We waited about 15 minutes before Rob showed up. During this time, I let Kira have her first little present from her carry-on. I had filled her bag with some new little goodies to occupy herself on the plane. Little notebook, colouring pad and crayons and her new favourite obsession, a new Beanie Boo!


She was just as thrilled as I knew she would be!

We went straight to USA Customs Pre-Clear, which only had a few people in line! How awesome! Usually it takes 30-90 minutes to get through that line, this time, I think we were done in less than 10!

After Customs, we dropped off our checked luggage and then headed through security. That was about 15 minutes but no hassles.

We arrived at the gate only to find out they switched gates on us so off to find our new gate...


While Kira was now able to go through the rest of the stuff in her carry-on, Rob went in search of his fix



I wasn't going to make her another autograph book as we had spent half our park time just filling her WDW book back in October 2013 but the closer I got to the trip, I realized that she would still really love to collect autographs and that we won't be able to get back to WDW for a while and by then, she probably won't want to do it any more either, so why not do it one last time? ::yes::

It seemed like forever before we started boarding. Probably because we were next to a family with two little boys who were running around and screaming :scared1:


She was so excited to finally be getting on the plane that she ran all the way down the ramp!

Took our obligatory selfie, of course!


And happily said good-bye to snow for an entire week!


We've actually had a wonderfully mild winter unlike just about everybody to the east of us but it was still nice to get away to shorts weather :woohoo:

I chilled for the next 3.5 hours by watching a behind-the-scenes show on Disneyland...


while Kira and Rob enjoyed Big Hero 6. It had just come out on Blu-ray on Tuesday, so we bought it and saved it for the trip. Kira and Rob had seen it in the theatre but she couldn't wait to own it so she could watch it over and over again. And that she did! She watched it every single day of the trip on Rob's iPad :happytv:


After snacks and drinks, we visited the tiny little bathroom where Rob snuck our pic LOL!


And before we knew it, we began our descent into Los Angeles!


We flew over Downtown LA, you can see Dodger Stadium on the very right-hand side of the pic...


Then we flew out above the ocean...


It was so neat because we got to see all the cargo ships sitting out in the ocean due to the slow-down at the ports.

Click here for some great pics

Then we flew back over land and into LAX and as we taxied into our gate, I could see the Hollywood sign in the distance!


We pulled into our gate at Terminal 2 and we were excited!!! :jumping1:


We grabbed our luggage and crossed the street to the centre island to await our Disneyland Express bus!


It was 20 minutes late, which kinda sucked but it finally arrived and we were happy to be leaving that crazy-a$$ airport with its' crazy-a$$ drivers :earseek: :lmao:

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Hi Cass!! That surprise was adorable!! Kira is too cute! I just love that you waited tip the last possible second- but tell the truth- were you sweatin it a little? I mean, what if she picked the Science Center?? Then what?? :jumping1:

Looking forward to reading all about it-
I'm late but I'm here! I'm so happy you pulled the surprise off!

Jill in CO
Ok, read the intro.....I am pretty sure the number one factor in loving it last year was me. Yeah I am going with that one. It has to be!!!:rotfl2:

I have that Marty Sklar book, but have only read about half of it. I put it down and actually forgot I still have it....Need to go finish that up.

Now to catch up with the rest!!!
We were the first people on the bus, yay! Kira wanted to sit ALL the way at the back but Rob had two heavy, bulky carry-ons, so I told her to sit at the front!


Once she saw the view she got from that spot, she was thrilled to sit there! Then she asked us if she could sit by herself! :P

I told her that we still have 5 more stops where people would be getting on and that if no one sat next to me (I was behind them) by the last stop, then she could have her freedom :rolleyes2

She was counting all the people at every stop, crossing her fingers no one else got on :lmao:

In fact, she was doing the bus drivers job because every time he stopped, helped people with their luggage and then got back on, he would ask US how many people got on! Then he marked it on his little clipboard and carried on to the next terminal. He actually asked Rob, not Kira but he did it even when only 2 people got on. I was like...seriously dude, isn't your job to keep track?? :laughing:

Kira lucked out because the bus was only about half full, so as soon as we left the airport, she told Rob to go sit with me :rotfl:

Rob and I were just fine with that! Ever since we had her, one of us is always with her, so it was nice to have some time just us :love:

Rob laughed though because every once in awhile, I would pop my head between the seats to check on her...he said I looked like a floating head hovering over her :D


We noticed for a Saturday, there sure was a lot of traffic!!! Thankfully we were in the HOV lane, so we missed most of it!


Every time Rob and I see an HOV lane, we giggle at each other because it reminds us of 1998, when we first saw an HOV lane. We didn't know what it was, obviously afraid to get in it not knowing what it was, we were stuck in a huge amount of traffic and we were discussing what it could be. We jokingly called it the Hundreds of Vehicles lane, because that is what cars who were in that lane passed :lmao:

So now, we ALWAYS call it the Hundreds of Vehicles lane :goodvibes

About 30 ish minutes later, we passed Knott's Berry Farm, so we knew we were close to our destination!

It was so nice that we were the first stop going both to and from the airport!

So, where were we staying, you ask?

Well, after spending the week on-site with Jen last year, there was no way I was going to stay off-site! And while the Grand Californian is my fave, I knew that the Disneyland Hotel would be Kira's fave so I booked us for the week there :thumbsup2


I got us checked in while Rob and Kira waited in the lobby. They have the cutest lobby area, one side with little chairs and a TV for the little ones, and then one side with cute little Tea Cup booths!

While I was waiting, I snapped this pic of Kira watching one of my all-time fave Disney shorts! I used to have a little toy projector when I was a kid, it only had one movie and I watched it over and over and over, every single frame, backwards and forwards. It's weird how I remember something like that but not other big stuff. I still remember every second of that movie to this day, even after not watching it for decades! That short was called "Lonesome Ghosts" and it just happened to be playing on the TV as I looked over! :cloud9:


I took it as a sign of good things coming our way and I was right :lovestruc

Bigger view of the area in front of the check-in desk, from my perspective...


and a few minutes later from Rob's perspective :p


I had just booked a standard room because I really didn't care about the view. We would be in the parks for 5 straight days, we could have been looking out onto garbage cans and I would have been happy! I did request Fantasy Tower and close to an elevator though and she said she could grant both those requests but that our room wasn't ready. She gave me our key cards and said they would text me when the room was ready.

We checked all our bags except Rob's laptop bag with Bell Services and I had enquired about our grocery order from Von's. This was the very first time I was using a grocery delivery service so I was eager to see how it turned out. Normally on vacation we rent a car and we go get our own groceries. In fact, after talking about it with Rob, I realized that this was our first Disney trip we've ever had together without a rental car!

The Bell desk said they had received our order and that the cold stuff was in the fridge and when we got our room to just give them a call and they would bring everything up for us.


I also asked them if this was the place to go to mail out some packages later in the week and they were very friendly and helpful and said they even had packing tape if I needed it! Perfect!

Off we went to the Grand Californian because we were all starvin' Marvins!!!



I will give you three guesses as to what we were about to eat...and the first two don't count :rotfl:
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Yay!! I love your trip reports and I'm eager to see one for my park. :flower1:

I'm excited to finally be writing one

Too Cute!

Thanks, Chelsi! So glad you are here

Yes!!!! I could barely wait for this! :flower1:

Hahaha, I couldn't wait to share it with you

I'm in....

Great start, can't wait to read the rest!!!

Thanks for being here, old man! :p

What a great intro to you trip Cass!! I love that you and Jen had such a good time and that you were able to see Disneyland in a new light. Disneyland will always be special to me because it was my first Disney experience and my sister and I went together! :):love:

Also how cool is it to surprise your daughter will something like this!! I think she was in shock and disbelief - probably waiting for the just kidding. What a fantastic experience for her! :-)

Can't wait to read more!
PS: Guacamole is the best!

Thanks, Heather! Awww, sister memories :love:

Yup, it was pretty awesome for her very first DL trip

Guac is totally yummy!!! ::yes::

Joining in.

Can't wait to read more

Can't wait to share more

Can't wait to hear all the details!!

Oh, there are so many too! I take a lot of photos!

Hi Cass!! That surprise was adorable!! Kira is too cute! I just love that you waited tip the last possible second- but tell the truth- were you sweatin it a little? I mean, what if she picked the Science Center?? Then what?? :jumping1:

Looking forward to reading all about it-

LOL, Ellen!! Actually, the next day, after some pool time together, Kira said to me "It's a good thing I didn't choose Wave Pool because it would be over now and I would have to go to school tomorrow!"


I said "Hey, Dollie, I will share a little secret with matter what you chose, we were going to Disneyland"

She squealed in delight and said "REALLY!!!??????"


I'm late but I'm here! I'm so happy you pulled the surprise off!

Jill in CO

I am so glad the surprise went over well too, you just never know :rolleyes1
Not late at all, perfect timing as I am just getting started, Jill :cool1:

Kira is so cute with her Beanie Boos! Can't wait for more...

LOL, yeah...I think she only had two before you spoiled her :laughing:

Loving it so far! Keep up the good work, Cass... can't wait to read more. :love:

Thanks Doobies :hug:

I love it so far!!!

Thanks :goodvibes

You sneaky bugger!

WHAT???? Why am I a sneaky bugger???????? :confused3

Ok, read the intro.....I am pretty sure the number one factor in loving it last year was me. Yeah I am going with that one. It has to be!!!:rotfl2:

I have that Marty Sklar book, but have only read about half of it. I put it down and actually forgot I still have it....Need to go finish that up.

Now to catch up with the rest!!!

It must be then! :rotfl2:

I found Marty's book a little tough to read...good but hard to stay focused on it :faint:
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