Surprised the kids, wife, and my readers w/ a 2 week trip to AoA!(*NEW* 11-7)

Hey Dan!

Great start!

I have been gone from the boards quite a bit lately and have not yet read any Art of Animation reports so I am definitely looking forward to it.
:welcome: GB nice to have you on board...i havent seen to many of them yet either so i hope people get some good info and enjoy the pictures that we have of the resort...pretty soon we will get to the resort, not having a PRETR has me playing a little catch up before we get there.

Hi Dan! I'm here! I'm going back to get caught up. I love surprise trips.

Up to speed now! Parker has grown so much, but he's still a cutie. I know why the big girls miss him. Noelle is so precious. She makes the perfect pixie.
:welcome: thanks for joining in...he is definitly the one liner right now in the family some of the things he says crack me up.

Hee hee, I knew about the trip!! :goodvibes

Thank you for the heads-up on the TR, Dan! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read all about this one!! :cheer2:
:welcome: yep you were one of the privy few who knew about the trip.:)

Look at the carpet in the picture with Noelle in the back of her stroller, that will tell you. :goodvibes

That, and Dan telling us where they are staying in the TR, now. :laughing:
and the detective to boot.

I'm HERE!!!!

and so excited to read another one of your fabulous TRs!!

and for a surprise trip too!

I just cant hold a secret like that in for that long..

you are THE man Dan!!
it was very hard to keep the secret in on more than one occasion i almost caved, but held strong.

:welcome: glad to have you on board for another report.
I'm here and can't wait to hear all the details including Parker's reaction once he knew it was a DISNEY vacation!

the surprise info should be along shortly, glad to have you along with us.

:wave: Joining in. I've read your other trips reports and can't wait to hear all about this trip and AoA.
:welcome: thanks for reading along.

the resort was really cool we enjoyed it.

I love surprises! I can't wait to read about your son and wife's reaction!
:welcome: thanks for joining in.

the suprise updates will be along in the next few chapters.

Wow Dan, great surprise!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

I can’t believe how fast Noelle is growing and how big Parker is getting! Good call saying Candi is a ‘young’ 31. Baby time is over; it is ‘try and keep up’ time for you two! :thumbsup2

What a Romeo Parker is, schmoozing with the big girls at his preschool.
:welcome: mustard, nice to see you here. it seems like the first year has flown by, but also like it has taken a long time, which i guess is a good thing, we sure have done alot with them this last year.

he has always been that way, going after the older ladies, must take after me. :thumbsup2
What a score getting AoA with free dining! Looks like some good ADRs there and interesting angle on not upgrading your DP because of tip prices for the extra sit-downs.
well i think the difference was like 350 for the length of the trip, minus what we paid OOP for the few table meals, it was closer to about 50 dollar difference, which sounds like a no brainer, and i almost pulled the trigger and did it.

but then i thought about the extra 9 sit down meals (if you take out the 3 we were doing no matter what) that it would add, and figured roughly 20-25 bucks in tips, and well that threw me off the upgrade for this trip. plus we were excited to try some different CS meal locations this trip we never had a chance to visit yet.

Can’t wait to hear how things came together and how you dealt with holding on to all of those secrets! We’re going the first week of December and our girls don’t have a clue …but it is hard not to blurt it out to them, especially when they’re having a bad day.

In relation to that – shameless plug of my PTR link in my siggy for anyone who has ideas for my clan’s first Christmastime trip to ‘the World’ :santa:
I ran into the same thing the last 6 months about the resort for candi, when she was having a bad day i wanted so bad to tell her, but knew the surprise would be worth it.

we loved going in december, you will have a blast then, we found the crowds lighter then than in the fall when we go.

i will check out the PreTR thanks for the heads up.

Can't wait to hear about how everything goes! The kids are getting so big. I can't wait to take my little guy soon.
:welcome: thanks for reading.

when is your trip?

I'll be reading along too! I haven't been on the DIS boards for several weeks. My husband had a heart attack in September so I've been somewhat distracted to say the least. After triple by-pass, he's doing well. Your trip report is a nice surprise to find when coming back after a being away for awhile. Bring it on!

:welcome: rozz

so sorry to hear that but glad he is doing better.
Of course the big girls like Parker, he's adorable! I'm sure he said it very matter of fact too. My four year old nephew is extremely nonchalant about his ability to draw the big girls.

I am a horrible secret keeper, I would never be able to pull that off. I am the person that like one hour in has to tell someone what I've planned.

he sure does, like it is no big deal. and it is expected that they miss him.:rotfl:

it was hard, but im very glad we pulled it off.

Great thing is my sons name is Parker...big flirt and huge blue eyes!!

must run in the name, when he was 8 months and we took him, the first day he was sitting on my wifes lap on the bus, and he put his hand on the thigh of one of the cheerleaders on the bus for the competition they were having in disney, and started to rub her leg. :lmao:

Joining in.
:welcome: glad to have you reading along.

Can't wait to read about the kids' reaction to their surprise trip and your wife's reaction to the change of resorts! I love surprises :cheer2:
:welcome: thanks for being here, hope you enjoy the reading.
Subbing in! I'd love to stay in the LM section of AoA so I can't wait to read about it!
it was very cool, the walk (which alot of people complain looks too far from everything) wasnt bad at all.

there is a shortcut to the buses, and so much to walk past on the way to the main building we didnt find it an issue at all.

hope to get to some resort pics within this week still.:thumbsup2
You know, you could have avoided Atlanta traffic just by adding only 1 extra day and driving around it. Like to the coast. As far as fuzzy Disney math goes :teacher:, this "avoiding Atlanta during a weekday" excuse is stretching it! :laughing:
Instead of having a few more chapters I am going to lump everything else into here, and just break it up into parts.

So we are set on the resort set on the dates, set on the transportation.


We have changes resorts, changed, dates, might as well change the transportation aspect of the trip as well.

About the time that we changing everything else, I figured out how much it would cost to drive down with gas, hotel, food etc.

Then I looked at flights, total cost for flights was about 400 more than driving, not much, but still a good chunk of money.

So looked into flights a little more, and southwest was running a deal that when you sign up for there credit card, and make a purchase you would get 25,000 bonus points in your account.

hmmm, sounded interesting.

so I quickly figured out that was enough points for some free flights.

So i called, was approved for the card, and the next day used my account to book the flights HOME from disney.

Home? you might be thinking okay you ding dong, you have to get there first, but there was a method to my madness.

the flights home were about 10 dollars more than flights down to disney.

convert the price of the flight to points, flights home were roughly 26,000 points, more than they would be giving me.

convert the price of flights to points for the trip down and they convert to roughly 24,000 points.

less than what i would get as my bonus. so i had to wait one week till my billing cycle of the card credited my points and prayed that the price of flights did not go up and ruin my plan.

they didnt and i had enough points in the account to book one way tickets for all of us to disney.

the only thing i had to pay for was the $2.50 security fee for us three.

so the four of flew to disney world for a grand total of $7.50 (noelle was free)

add up the cost of the flight there and back and we would actually save about $100 over the cost to drive both ways, not to mention the difference of a 2 hour 20 minute flight to 21 hour car ride.

so everything was completely set, with the trip, just had to pay it off now.:crazy2:

the next six months consisted of my parents taking my sisters family to disney for there turn, and them checking out AoA and excited for our trip.

many family camping trips, candis birthday, hanging out at home, doing things around the region.

Noelles first birthday party celebration. of course it was pixie themed and everything miniature and bit size.

Grandpa and Grandma took the whole family, mine and my sisters to Indiana Beach for a long weekend getaway, The rides are not disney but the kids have a blast and enjoy it.

I may or may not have taken a picture on a moving zip line that i was not suppose to.

We had a blast climbing along the 3 story tall rope/obstacle

even enjoyed the pool throwing parker back and forth.



The Surprise for parker was easy to keep.

Sometimes anyway.

Here are some things he asked us the last few months.

Parker questions listed and our responses back to him at different times

"Daddy When can we go to disney world?"
-it cost alot of money buddy
-well sissy needs to be a little bigger still

"Do you guys have enough money in your piggy bank to go?"
-not yet buddy it costs alot of money.

then the one that followed that that almost broke us down and told him

"well do I have enough money in my piggy bank that we can use?"
-no you save your money buddy

then another dozzy

him singing this song as we are driving to grandparents for dinner one night about 3 weeks before go on the trip

"sometimes you just gotta, gotta go to disney world"
-our response to that was just laugh and tell him how cute that was, when asked where he heard it, he said i just made it up because i want to go to disney world.

there were a few other variations and questions but those were the ones that stand out to me.


this one was a mix of easier and more difficult.

started out easy. first few months flew by, i told marv, and of course or TA dawn knew.

cover almost blown...about 3 months old, i was texting marv back and forth talking about it, well the conversation wasnt right back and forth some time was going between texts, with both of us being busy at work.

so fast forward about an hour, and i am at home sitting down for dinner, when i hear my phone ding for a new message, we dont check them while we eat, but for some reason candi had to run to the living room, and on her way back by, she glanced at the phone and said it is a message from marv.

then sits down and says "does AoA stand for art of animation?"

me always quick on my toes said smiled and said, yes, i was going to try and surprise you later, but since we could not get in there, marv was going to surprise you with coming down for a few days and using some DVC points to get a room there so we could use the pool and what not.

the charm and the quickness at which i said it she, instantly believed me and all was well again.

from that point forward me and marv were more careful with our texting. lol;)

fast forward about 4 weeks from the trip, and candi says, i tried to look up our reservation online, but could not find anything...i even called POP and she says that they dont show us staying there.

me deer in the headlights look but still calm, say i have no idea why she couldnt find it.

she then told me that the CM said it was probably because we booked through a TA that it didnt show up.

i then told her that our reservation didnt show anything important just our dates or nothing to look up.

NEXT hurdle was when the ME tags showed up, luckily i got the mail first that day and took them and hid them, just showed her the mickey head luggage tags.

Next hurdle was the huge package of info that dawn sent us, including resort info, schedules i had to take all the AoA stuff out, i redid them and printed out POP info in its place...not alot of work but still sneaky sneaky.

we were down to days before our trip and all was set...i just never brought up the bright yellow luggage tags that needed to go on our bags the days before we were packing.

Parker saw our luggage in our room, and when he asked what it was out for, candi just said it is easier to store away our summer clothes in and get out or winter stuff...he bought it.

my parents came over the day before our trip, and gave the kids gift cards to spend, but told them that they wanted to just let them have them for the next time they go...parker was just thrilled he had a card with mickey on it.

next up will be the morning of the trip and how we broke the surprise to parker and candi, and heading out.

here is a disney picture for this update, last night we had the minnie head sugar cookie that we got with one of our snack credits before we left...

verdict, not worth it, very dry and no flavor, parker even made a face and didnt want to finish his part, and asked for milk.
You know, you could have avoided Atlanta traffic just by adding only 1 extra day and driving around it. Like to the coast. As far as fuzzy Disney math goes :teacher:, this "avoiding Atlanta during a weekday" excuse is stretching it! :laughing:

:lmao:i like that might be stretching it a bit but still like it.

although i like my leave three days early to avoid it better:thumbsup2
what a great update! I love how it almost got blown several times but you worked around it.

Parker is too cute, it really does break your heart when they keep asking to go and you can't.
Yep, Marv is trouble. No doubt about it. :rotfl2:

I can't believe you went as far as printing out Pop info. to put in your packet. Impressive!
Joining in the fun!!!!!! Can't wait to read more!!!!!

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what a great update! I love how it almost got blown several times but you worked around it.

Parker is too cute, it really does break your heart when they keep asking to go and you can't.
i have always been really quick on my toes, :thumbsup2it sure came in handy for this trip.

yay for surprises! Subscribing. Can't wait to hear more.
:welcome: thanks for readinga long with us.

Yep, Marv is trouble. No doubt about it. :rotfl2:

I can't believe you went as far as printing out Pop info. to put in your packet. Impressive!
yep he sure is.

hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.:)

i knew it would help throw her off the scent if she was getting suspicous.
I can't believe the lengths you went to just to keep this all a secret! I would have burst after about a day! :rotfl2:

some days i wanted to, but i knew if i was going to do it, this was the trip to do it might as well try as long as i could.

Joining in the fun!!!!!! Can't wait to read more!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
:welcome: thanks for reading along, hope you enjoy it.
Wow I would luv to try to pull off a surprise to the world but I don't know if I could keep quiet for that long. You did a great job!!

Can't wait to hear the next update!
Thanks for the heads up, Dan! I finally have some office space, so I know I will enjoy reading along, and catching up on everyone's reports!
I'm in!! I've read some of your previous TR's and loved them, your family is adorable!! I'm excited to read all about the surprises and the trip, and how you liked AoA!
:welcome: everyone

Wow I would luv to try to pull off a surprise to the world but I don't know if I could keep quiet for that long. You did a great job!!

Can't wait to hear the next update!

it was a job, but i think it was well worth you find out later if my son liked it or the next chapter.

Thanks for the heads up, Dan! I finally have some office space, so I know I will enjoy reading along, and catching up on everyone's reports!
hey, hows it going...glad you are here, just make sure you catch up on mine first.:thumbsup2

I'm in!! I've read some of your previous TR's and loved them, your family is adorable!! I'm excited to read all about the surprises and the trip, and how you liked AoA!
thanks for coming back and reading along on this one.

thanks for the kind words, pretty soon we get into the meat and bones of the AoA and break down the resort.

but a sneak peak we loved the resort...:thumbsup2 actually only one thing we didnt like about it, but wasnt a huge deal.

scratch that make it two things...but will share them shortly.
All caught up! I love a surprise trip! I can't believe you also surprised all of us! Well, except Marv and Dawn, I guess.:rotfl2:

Such cute pics of the kids! I can't believe how grown up Parker is these days! Tell Candi she looks great!


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