Sweet Caroline, Bum, Bum, Bum. A Groovy Mother/Daughter Trip Nov/Dec 2016. Updated 6/6 X 5! The End

:wave: Nice to see an update!


Every time I see this (and the "Chocolate Wave" there too) it looks different. I have seen it in various cups/glasses, I have seen it rectangular shaped and now round.

This is a cute picture! :goodvibes

Neil Patrick Harris was our narrator.

Love him!

This is cute, it that bear supposed to be Duffy? Or just a random Teddy Bear?
I have never been to Coral Reef. The mixed reviews kind of turn me off. Some love it some hate it.

Great Pluto pics as always!

If I ever go for Christmas time I really want to do the Candlelight Processional.
Neil Patrick Harris was our narrator.

I was bummed to read you didn't like him as much, but I bet Jonathan Groff was great!! Nothing will ever top the first CP I ever went to with my Mom. We had John Stamos! He was incredible and even got up to play the drums for one song. When he first came out, my Mom yelled, "We love you, Uncle Jesse!!" and he waved and said, "love you, too." She has it on video--one of her favorite Disney highlights ever :)

Sounds like a happy little day at Epcot! Love the picture of you walking up to Pluto and the big happy hug!!! So cute!
Your meals at Coral Reef look so delicious. It's still on my bucket list to go one trip!

Adorable pics with Pluto!

I love all the purchases you made, but especially the Mickey!

Definitely give Coral Reef a try sometime, I think it's a great restaurant.

Thanks, I just wish I had positioned my bag a little better so you could see it.

I'm really hoping they will come out with other Disney Steiff like that Mickey. I really want a Minnie to match!

:wave: Nice to see an update!

Every time I see this (and the "Chocolate Wave" there too) it looks different. I have seen it in various cups/glasses, I have seen it rectangular shaped and now round.

This is a cute picture! :goodvibes

Love him!

This is cute, it that bear supposed to be Duffy? Or just a random Teddy Bear?

I'm trying to think how many different versions of the Mousse I have had. I want to say at least three variations but it was really just in the presentation. All of them tasted the same.

Thanks, I got some cute Pluto pictures this trip.

No I don't think it's supposed to be Duffy, just a Steiff bear.

I have never been to Coral Reef. The mixed reviews kind of turn me off. Some love it some hate it.

Great Pluto pics as always!

If I ever go for Christmas time I really want to do the Candlelight Processional.

I'm one that always tries a restaurant at least once no matter what the reviews are. I've eaten at Coral Reef I think 4 or 5 times now and it's always been wonderful. Of course that's coming from someone without a very sophisticated palette. :rotfl2:

Yes, you need to check out the CP, it's beautiful.

I was bummed to read you didn't like him as much, but I bet Jonathan Groff was great!! Nothing will ever top the first CP I ever went to with my Mom. We had John Stamos! He was incredible and even got up to play the drums for one song. When he first came out, my Mom yelled, "We love you, Uncle Jesse!!" and he waved and said, "love you, too." She has it on video--one of her favorite Disney highlights ever :)

Sounds like a happy little day at Epcot! Love the picture of you walking up to Pluto and the big happy hug!!! So cute!

Well, I still loved it with NPH and some of it could have been the fact that I wasn't experiencing the whole thing with the wonder of the first time. That's awesome what your Mom yelled. I never really got into Full House but I sure loved Doogie Howser. I'm not sure I should say that too loudly, it's kind of showing my age. :rotfl:

This looks heavenly, and I imagine by your description it takes that way, too! :thumbsup2

These pictures are amazing!!!!!!!! :goodvibes I bet Pluto was absolutely thrilled to see his favorite fan ::yes::


Yes, that soup is awesome!

He was pretty thrilled, probably one of the best of the weekend trip. I had one a little later this trip that didn't even notice my bag or that he was on my shirt till after I walked away.
Welcome One Last Time Part 1

We were up and out the door by 7:00 am on Thursday December 1st, 2016. Once again we had a light breakfast, bagel for me and a muffin for Mom. As you can see, we also left our mugs behind in the room so we didn't have to take them back before getting on a bus.

We headed out to the buses a little after 8 am and walked right onto a bus to MK. We ended up arriving at MK way earlier than necessary but found seats on a planter with this view.

I was glad we got there so early because Mom had never seen the Welcome Show. For some reason when the show started, I took a grand total of zero pictures. I’m kind of glad I just watched because even though I had no idea at that moment, this was the last time I ever got to see the show.

Once the show was over, we took our time heading down Main Street.

Our destination was Peter Pan but I didn’t want to be one of the first ones there. I wanted Mom to see the new interactive line and I wanted to let the line build some so we weren’t walking straight through. We timed it pretty well and were able to walk through slowly to see everything.

And the few pictures I got on the ride.

We were meeting up at 10 am with Sydney and Esther to use our first FP of the day with them but we still had time when we got done with Peter Pan. Since we were right there, we went across the way and walked on to It’s a Small World.

Can you see the guy in the boat in front of us here? He was in a wheelchair on the wheelchair boat all by himself. He was actually on at least his second ride through of the day. When we were loading, we saw him pass by. He just held up his arm and made a circling motion and the CMs let him go through again. He did the same thing when we exited the ride. He must do this often cause the CMs seemed to know him, I wonder how many times he rode IASW that day?

Unfortunately the interactive screens at the end of the ride were not working for us. There were names on the screens but ours never came up.

Continued in Next Post
Welcome One Last Time Part 2

Mom wanted some caffeine after IASW so we stopped at a cart and got a Coke to share. Then we took the back path to Tomorrowland to meet up with Sydney and Esther.

We got there right on time at 10 am but they had stopped at Starbucks on Main Street and were running a bit late. Mom and I sat on a bench and people watched while we waited. Once they got there, we had to wait a bit more for them to finish their drinks. Then it was finally time for our first FP for Space Mountain.

Despite the fact that I always scan my band after a ride, the photos from SM never showed up in my account. I probably should have contacted Disney but I have so many ride photos I didn’t worry about it.

Next up was a shared FP for Buzz Lightyear. We finished SM right around the time that our FP for Buzz opened so we headed that way next.

I rode with Sydney and we actually did get the ride photos this time.

My score was dismal compared to what I usually get on this ride.

And here’s Mom and Esther.

After that we parted ways, Esther and Sydney had a few rides on the other side of the park they wanted to catch before heading to the Grand Floridian for afternoon tea and it was getting close to the lunch ADR time that Mom and I had.

We still had a bit of time before our ADR so we hopped on the Peoplemover since it was right there.

After getting off of the Peoplemover, we made our way back towards Fantasyland. I was still on the hunt for Elena of Avalor stuff for one of my kids so we stopped in Sir Mickey’s to see what they had. I ended up buying this set of dolls which I sent back to the resort and then later ordered an Elena nightshirt to go with them.

We browsed through a few more stores then headed to check in at BOG. Mom had not done lunch here and it has pretty much become a must do for me. We preordered but the two ladies right in front of us did not. They were directed to a huge line that started almost at the end of the bridge. We were handed a yellow rose and told to head down the left side of the bridge.

We waited in a very short line to pay for our meals during which I snapped a few pictures.

The main ballroom was pretty crowded but we were able to find a table right inside the door of the Rose Gallery.

I had Mom hold our table while I ran up and got our drinks and silverware. It wasn’t long before our meals came. We ordered the same thing, the carved turkey sandwich but I had them hold the fixings while Mom had everything on hers.

This sandwich is so good and Mom loved it as well. For dessert we both got the triple chocolate cupcake.

Yum, yum and yum! I wish I had this cupcake in my life more often!

Oh and those ladies in front of us that didn’t pre-order? They walked into the room looking for a table about a half hour after we sat down. We were half way done eating by then so pre-ordering really paid off this time.

Up Next: Let’s Go Under the Sea and Up in the Sky
Looks like a fabulous day in the Magic Kingdom!

The rose room is the only room I haven't been in. You can't go wrong with any of the rooms though.
I sure loved Doogie Howser. I'm not sure I should say that too loudly, it's kind of showing my age. :rotfl:

I LOVE Doogie Howser!! We can shout it out proudly together :) I even own the first two seasons on DVD. (My cousin was named Leo, Jr. when he was born, but my uncle (who loved Doogie Howser) changed his name after 2 weeks....he is now Neil Patrick!)

Unfortunately the interactive screens at the end of the ride were not working for us. There were names on the screens but ours never came

I wrote my next update for my TR but am still working on getting picture links to work!! When I post it, youll see one day those signs were there and a couple days later they were replaced with painted boards!
For some reason when the show started, I took a grand total of zero pictures.
I sometimes have to fight the urge to take 18,302 pictures of everything and just sometimes soak it in and enjoy it without the pressure of capturing every moment. Since this worked out to be the last time you saw it, I'm happy you had the opportunity to just enjoy it :goodvibes... even if it means we can't enjoy your pictures :laughing:

For dessert we both got the triple chocolate cupcake.
YUM!!!!!!!!!! I'm with you - I could use more of this cupcake in my everyday life, too! :thumbsup2
Sounds like a great morning at MK! You guys got to do a lot. I love that story about the man on IASW, it must be his favorite ride!

Glad you had yet another nice lunch at BOG. I definitely learned on my last trip that pre-ordering is the way to go, waiting in line to order takes forever!!
Looks like a fabulous day in the Magic Kingdom!

The rose room is the only room I haven't been in. You can't go wrong with any of the rooms though.

We did have a great day!

I've never eaten in the West Wing myself. I'm not sure how much I would like it because it's so dark. I think the Rose Gallery is my favorite place for lunch cause it's usually less crowded and a bit quieter.

I LOVE Doogie Howser!! We can shout it out proudly together :) I even own the first two seasons on DVD. (My cousin was named Leo, Jr. when he was born, but my uncle (who loved Doogie Howser) changed his name after 2 weeks....he is now Neil Patrick!)

I wrote my next update for my TR but am still working on getting picture links to work!! When I post it, youll see one day those signs were there and a couple days later they were replaced with painted boards!

It's been years since I've seen an episode of Doogie Howser. Maybe I need to add that to my Christmas list for this year (yes my Mom and MIL both make me do a list).

That's strange because as you'll see in a few updates in my other TR that they were working in March.

I sometimes have to fight the urge to take 18,302 pictures of everything and just sometimes soak it in and enjoy it without the pressure of capturing every moment. Since this worked out to be the last time you saw it, I'm happy you had the opportunity to just enjoy it :goodvibes... even if it means we can't enjoy your pictures :laughing:

YUM!!!!!!!!!! I'm with you - I could use more of this cupcake in my everyday life, too! :thumbsup2

I tend to take more pictures when I'm alone than with Mom. I guess I'm just enjoying her company.

I dream about that cupcake sometimes!

Sounds like a great morning at MK! You guys got to do a lot. I love that story about the man on IASW, it must be his favorite ride!

Glad you had yet another nice lunch at BOG. I definitely learned on my last trip that pre-ordering is the way to go, waiting in line to order takes forever!!

I can easily see myself in that guy in about 40 years!

Yep, I will never go without pre-ordering again. We are going to eat there next January and I will make Jim pre-order whether he wants to or not!
Let’s Go Under the Sea and Up in the Sky Part 1

We finished up lunch in about an hour and I didn’t want to wander too far from Fantasyland because we had a 1:45 pm FP for 7DMT. We decided to check out the wait time for the Little Mermaid ride. I think the sign said 10 minutes but we basically walked on.

We headed to Dumbo next and it was also a walk on. The park was crowded but I guess everyone was eating lunch at that time.

We still had a few minutes till our FP time so we checked out Big Top Souvenirs. I had been eyeing up a Dumbo shirt all week and decided to go ahead and get it. I love this shirt and wear it all the time. I wore it out at Disneyland but sadly it was on the one day that we never took our sweatshirts off.

I also found this cute bobble head Dumbo plush that came home with me.

Mom bought a goofy key chain which I did not photograph. We had everything sent back to the resort and then headed to 7DMT to use our FP. I only got two pictures at the end of the ride and our ride photos did not show up in our account. Disney was apparently having Photo Pass issues that week.

After our 7DMT ride I checked the MDE APP for a 4th FP but we didn’t really see anything we wanted to do. Instead we headed to see some favorite shows that do not require FP. First up was the Country Bears. Not sure why I love this attraction so much. I’ve seen it so many times that I can sing along with the whole show now.

There’s my guy, Big Al! I recently had a bag with him on it made for me and will be carrying it next trip.

Next up was the Tiki Room. But before we went in, I needed a picture since I was carrying my Tiki Room bag that day. Mom took an insane amount of time to frame this picture and make sure no one was in the picture except me.

Then we headed into the pre-show area.

I read a rumor recently that this show might change to the Stitch version like the one in Tokyo Disneyland or maybe even go away all together. That makes me very sad since there are so few Walt originals left. I’m going to hope really hard that that rumor doesn't come true.

After the Tiki Room it was snack time and Mom wanted something that was right next door to the Tiki Room.

I walked over towards the Jungle Cruise and found a cart to purchase one of these.

Continued in Next Post
Let’s Go Under the Sea and Up in the Sky Part 2

After finishing up our snacks it was getting close to 4 pm and we decided to head out for the day. It was a party night so it was starting to get even more crowded plus we wanted to spend some time at the monorail resorts.

We did spend some more time in the Emporium on the way out but didn’t buy anything. We caught the monorail and headed to the Contemporary.

We spent a long time looking for the hidden Olafs on the Gingerbread display. I can’t remember how many there were and we never did find them all. See the white blob on the bottom of the castle between Anna and Elsa? That’s one. There’s also one to the left of Anna.

We spent a little bit of time in the stores and I found a Darth Vader magnet for Jim.

We moved on to the Poly where I got my first glimpse of the new lobby. I had seen pictures of course but this was the first time in person.

We did some shopping and I bought a few Moana books to go with the Moana shirts I had purchased earlier. They had a pretty good selection oh Moana merchandise.

Then I told Mom there was something I wanted to show her and I lead her down a side hall. I really wanted to check out Trader Sam’s but I wasn’t sure if we could get seated. Luckily there was no line and we were seated right away.

Unfortunately I’m not a fan of rum or coconut and a lot of the drinks had one or both. I ended up ordering the Polynesian Pearl - RumChata Cream Liqueur, Grand Marnier, and Cinnamon with Tropical Juices.

Mom didn’t want anything alcoholic at that moment so she ordered a Schweitzer Falls – tropical juices and Sam’s Gorilla Grog topped with sprite.

We both enjoyed our drinks, the Pearl tasted like a Creamsicle. I might have had a second drink but it was time to move on. We really enjoyed our time at Trader Sam’s. With every drink that is brought out, there are special effects that go off around the restaurant. It was a lot of fun to watch. I will say that the drinks here are really expensive, especially if you want to take the glass home. My Pearl automatically came with the glass and it was $17. I saw a few drinks with some of the fancier glasses priced as much as $60! Mom’s drink was $5 so our bill was around $25 once you added the tip.

As we exited the bar, the CM at the entrance asked us if we would like some free post cards and pins so we took a few.

We hopped on the monorail once again and headed to the Grand Floridian. The Grand Floridian Cafe was our dinner destination for the evening but we still had some time so of course we went shopping. I think you would be disappointed in us if we didn’t, right?

Sorry this next one is so blurry but it’s the only picture I took of the gingerbread house.

We made a stop at the Christmas tree for some PP pictures.

And then I found a new Dooney purse that I had to have. I really like this Crossbody Pouchette style. It’s the perfect size for work where I don’t need a larger purse.

We checked in to the GFC and they said they would send a text when the table was ready. We found some comfy chairs to crash on for a bit and about 10 minutes later the text came through and we were seated. Our ADR time was a bit later at 7:30 pm and there were not a lot of other tables filled.

It took our waiter a few minutes to come over and he asked for our drink orders. Since you get a drink on the meal plan and I don’t like drinking soda at night, I usually ask if bottled water is included on the plan. He said he didn’t know and left to check. 5 more minutes passed and he came back and said yes it was so that’s what I ordered. Mom started to order her drink but he turned and left before she could. When he brought my water back he realized he didn’t take Mom’s order. She asked if they had ginger ale and once again he didn’t know and had to go ask. Nope no ginger ale so Mom ordered some kind of lemonade. By this time it was getting kind of comical and Mom and I had the giggles. Somewhere in all that he did bring us some rolls.

And here are our drinks.

A full ten minutes after he brought our drinks he finally stopped back and took our orders. We both got the New York Strip Steak with roasted fingerling potatoes, green beans, char-crust and chimichurri sauce.

The meal was delicious. Neither one of us liked the chimichurri sauce but it was easy to scrap off. I of course didn’t eat many of the beans but that was just my pickiness.

Our waiter continued to move at a snail’s pace and it was a while before we got our dessert orders in. Mom got the Seasonal Sorbet, which was pineapple and mango.

I got the Chocolate Timbale which was chocolate gateau with bittersweet chocolate mousse.

Both desserts were really good, personally I would go back just for that chocolate dessert alone. While we were finishing the desserts my Grandma called. This is my Dad’s mom and she is in her 90s. She relies on my Mom a lot despite having two of her sons living nearby. Mom couldn’t hear her so she said she would call her back. We waited and waited for our bill and I finally sent Mom out to the lobby to return the call while I waited because I could see her fretting. It turned out the Grandma just wanted to chat and had forgotten that Mom was on vacation.

I finally got a hold of our bill and settled it and then exited to find Mom. Overall it took almost 2 hours for our meal in a mostly empty restaurant. We both loved our meal though and Mom loved the “fancy” restaurant I took her too so we agreed we would go back again and hope our server was not so clueless and slow the next time.

We headed towards the monorail to catch a ride back to MK and I finally spotted the Pluto in the marble floor.

Unfortunately the monorail was down and they were directing everyone right back to where we came from to catch a boat. It did give me a few minutes to take some pictures.

A very blurry Contemporary across the water.

I thought we would be in for a long line with the monorail down but it wasn’t bad and we got on the first boat. Mom got a seat but I had to stand. Surprisingly I’m much more conformable standing on a boat than the buses and my feet weren’t too bad after sitting for two hours for dinner!

As we were pulling out of the dock, the Electrical Water Pageant went by. I was excited as I had never seen it before. My pictures aren’t the best because I took them out of the boat’s window but here you go.

Overall a cute little show. I’m not sure I would ever go out of my way to see it again but it was nice to check off of my Disney bucket list.

Our boat made a stop at the Poly and then headed to MK. We boarded a bus right at 10 pm as Christmas Wishes were going off. I watched some of them out the window of the bus as we headed home.

We were back in our room and in bed by 11:30 pm. Here’s the pins I traded for that day. I especially love the Dumbo Soarin one.

And my Fitbit stats for the day.

Up Next: The Start of a Leisurely Day
Very nice getting on 2 Fantasyland rides with no wait! I've always like that Dumbo shirt. OMG I have never seen that Dumbo stuffie though, SO cute!

What a great shot of you in front of the Tiki Room with your bag!

Sounds like a nice time visiting the resorts. Glad you got to visit Trader Sam's!

I'm glad you had a nice dinner, even though the service wasn't the best!

What a nice treat getting to see the EWP!
I tend to take more pictures when I'm alone than with Mom. I guess I'm just enjoying her company.

I had been eyeing up a Dumbo shirt all week and decided to go ahead and get it. I love this shirt and wear it all the time.
SO cute!!!!!

I only got two pictures at the end of the ride and our ride photos did not show up in our account. Disney was apparently having Photo Pass issues that week.
What a bummer!

Mom took an insane amount of time to frame this picture and make sure no one was in the picture except me.
:rotfl: I think all moms do this... it must be a requirement :laughing:

I really wanted to check out Trader Sam’s but I wasn’t sure if we could get seated. Luckily there was no line and we were seated right away.
Awesome! Glad this worked out. I was excited to see your photos as I haven't ventured there myself.

My Pearl automatically came with the glass and it was $17.

The Grand Floridian Cafe was our dinner destination for the evening but we still had some time so of course we went shopping. I think you would be disappointed in us if we didn’t, right?
Yes, we would have! :laughing:

We made a stop at the Christmas tree for some PP pictures.
The tree is beautiful! As is your PP picture! :thumbsup2

And then I found a new Dooney purse that I had to have.
This is so adorable. I'm jealous! :goodvibes

And here are our drinks.
The long, long awaited ones... ;)

We headed towards the monorail to catch a ride back to MK and I finally spotted the Pluto in the marble floor.
How cute!

As we were pulling out of the dock, the Electrical Water Pageant went by.
What a fun surprise! :goodvibes
Nice update!

Sorry the 7DMT pic didn't show up for you. Love that ride!

That is a cute Dumbo Stuffy.

Fun that you were able to get into Trader Sam's, I agree the drinks are very pricey.

Glad you had a nice dinner but sorry your waiter was slow and clueless

I have only seen the Electric Water pageant from the window at Ohana.
Well I fell a bit behind because I was in WDW!

Great updates, and I see you got to Big Al! Still haven't done Tiki Room.
Very nice getting on 2 Fantasyland rides with no wait! I've always like that Dumbo shirt. OMG I have never seen that Dumbo stuffie though, SO cute!

What a great shot of you in front of the Tiki Room with your bag!

Sounds like a nice time visiting the resorts. Glad you got to visit Trader Sam's!

I'm glad you had a nice dinner, even though the service wasn't the best!

What a nice treat getting to see the EWP!

I don't remember seeing the Dumbo stuffie again on my next trip but then again I didn't spend as much time in the stores on that short trip. I just remembered that there was a Stitch version I was thinking of getting but never did.

Mom did good with the Tiki Bird shot. You would never know how crowded the park was.

I was so happy that Trader Sam's didn't have a long line. We probably wouldn't have waited if there was.


SO cute!!!!!

What a bummer!

:rotfl: I think all moms do this... it must be a requirement :laughing:

Awesome! Glad this worked out. I was excited to see your photos as I haven't ventured there myself.


Yes, we would have! :laughing:

The tree is beautiful! As is your PP picture! :thumbsup2

This is so adorable. I'm jealous! :goodvibes

The long, long awaited ones... ;)

How cute!

What a fun surprise! :goodvibes

Yes! Mom's definitely take forever with pictures. This happened every time I asked her to take a bag picture! Luckily she wasn't as slow with the few character shots she took for me. I can just hear her giving Cinderella directions on how to stand. :rotfl:

Of course we had to shop! That's really what Mom and I do best. I'm going home for a week in July and I'll bring an extra suitcase just for the extra stuff I buy while there!

I could not believe how slow our waiter was! It was so bad it just ended up being funny rather than annoying.

Nice update!

Sorry the 7DMT pic didn't show up for you. Love that ride!

That is a cute Dumbo Stuffy.

Fun that you were able to get into Trader Sam's, I agree the drinks are very pricey.

Glad you had a nice dinner but sorry your waiter was slow and clueless

I have only seen the Electric Water pageant from the window at Ohana.

We had the worse luck with ride photos this trip. I don't think we got any of the ones where I didn't scan my band. Not sure what was going on.

I think Trader Sam's was a one time experience for me. It was a lot of fun but the drinks were expensive and not really to my liking. I'm just glad we saw it once.

Slow and clueless was an understatement! I didn't think it was possible for someone to be quite that bad.

Well I fell a bit behind because I was in WDW!

Great updates, and I see you got to Big Al! Still haven't done Tiki Room.

Not as far behind as I am on everyone else's treads! And at least you have an excellent excuse. Mine is just work which is just no fun.

You need to got to the Tiki Room in January! That's an order. :rotfl2:
Alright folks, this writing three TRs at once is just insane so I sat down this morning and finished writing this one! I'm about to hit you with five posts in a row so you might want to wait till the end to comment. Hopefully I'll get updates done on the other two later this week and now that I'm down to just two, maybe I can finally get caught up on the others I'm behind on!

A Leisurely Day Part 1

We slept in till 7 am on Friday, December 2, 2016. While Mom was still getting ready, I laid out all of the items I had for my kids to see who I still needed to buy for. When I did that I realized I had messed up a bit and had purchased two shirts for the same little girl and nothing for another one. Unfortunately they were different sizes so now I had an extra Moana shirt in the wrong size. I decided to return one of them that morning and try to find the shirt again in the correct size.

Mom also had a return to do that morning. She purchased a shirt at WOD the day we were at Disney Springs but once she tried it on, she discovered the neck was too tight.

Another task for that morning was to get our Magical Express times straightened out. Somehow they put Mom on the same plane as me and our DME time was way too late for her. I think our DME time was 6:35 and her fight was 7:45 pm. I needed to get us on an earlier bus so she didn’t miss her plane.

Finally, we also had some packages to pick up that we had sent back to the resort.

We headed over to Classic Hall and I returned my shirt first and then headed to the Concierge desk to fix our DME time. I can’t remember the name of the CM that helped me but she was great. She put us on a 4:35 bus but then could not get the new slip to print because the printer was not working. She told me to go on with my day and she would get it printed and leave it for me in an envelope at the desk.

Mom had made her return and had picked up our packages so we went to the food court to get some breakfast. It was an absolute madhouse with cheerleaders and football players! Pop Warner had arrived. We ended up getting our usually muffin and bagel and took them back to the room to eat since we had packages to drop off anyways.

We did not have any plans for the morning but we did have to use a CS meal credit for lunch so we talked for a while about where we wanted to go. In the end, we caught a bus back to AK to have lunch at Flame Tree since we didn’t get to eat there on our previous AK day. Morgan and her gang were actually at that park too but we never did see them. They seemed to be on the opposite side of the park from us the whole time we were there. They were flying out either that evening or first thing the next day so we did not see them again this trip.

We got to AK at 10:30 am, too early for lunch so instead we did some more shopping. We really had not spent a lot of time at the AK stores. I ended up finding a second Pluto luggage tag. Here it is along with a third one that I bought later that day at the Boardwalk. Yep, you read that right, I bought three Pluto luggage tags on this trip!

I also picked up another of the Moana shirts in the correct size and bought this dog toy to bring home to my babies.

I have in my notes that Mom bought a magnet and some gummy candy. No idea at this point what the magnet was.

Around noon we headed to Flame Tree for lunch. I noticed that they had a new Conservation pin so I ended up getting that along with my meal.

Mom ordered the sampler platter which had ribs, chicken and pulled pork.

I got my usual ½ chicken meal.

For dessert, mom got the lime mousse and I got the chocolate.

We thoroughly enjoyed our meal, I think Flame Tree is one of the best CS at WDW.

After lunch, we decided to head out but got a bit side tracked by the parrots.

We watched them fly and then said goodbye to AK and exited after one last shot of the Tree.

We didn’t get too far before we noticed a Photo Pass photographer by the AK Christmas tree.

After our photo shoot, we walked right onto a Boardwalk bus and were seeing this sight before long.

We spent some time looking around the lobby at the Christmas decorations and the gingerbread houses they had on display.

I really liked this Nightmare Before Christmas one.

There were a whole lot more of those that I did not take pictures of. I can’t remember the reason they had those small houses, maybe CM’s had made them?

I took a few more lobby pictures, including everyone’s favorite chairs, before heading out.

We checked out the big store on the Boardwalk and I took some pictures as we walked.

Continued in Next Post



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