Sweet Caroline, Bum, Bum, Bum. A Groovy Mother/Daughter Trip Nov/Dec 2016. Updated 6/6 X 5! The End

:yay: So glad to see you started! Looking forward to reading all about your trip.

Holy Moly! that is quite the line for ME! :scared1:
Joining-in :-) Holy Moly -- I've never seen the line SO LONG for Magical Express. Incredible!
Excited to follow along!! Your puppies are precious!

Hi and welcome! Thanks, I think they are adorable too.

Wow that is crazy for magical express! I've never seen that! Can't wait to hear more. I'm in WDW as we speak.

It was very crazy! I'm so bummed for you that the 1/2 marathon was cancelled.

Yay glad you've started!

Wow that line for the magical express was no joke! Uh oh, curious to find out what the issue with the room will be!

Can't wait to

It took me long enough, didn't it? And I still haven't had an extra minute to catch up on everyone else's TRs.

Yeah, I was shocked when I saw the line. I answered the room issue in the next update which will be posted here shortly.

I'm here!! Going back to read now!

The lines were INSANE!! Glad you and mom started off great!!
Im going to sit back here and just read along..


Insane is definitely the way to describe that line! Other than that line it was a good start but we do have some issues coming up.

That Magical Express line makes my skin crawl! Good gravy. I think I would have been climbing the walls.

(Also, I've been a lurker on this board for a long time and rarely post, but I wanted to say that I always enjoy your trip reports--they're some of my favorites!)

I pretty much was climbing the walls. Thanks for joining in and saying hi! I'm glad you enjoy my TRs.

I've never seen DME line that long (and I hope to keep it that way!). Looking forward to the TR. And now I've been singing Sweet Caroline all day (guess it's a better ear worm than Small World).

Me neither, it was a total shock. I think I'm going to be singing it for a really long time since it's in the title!

Joining! We were down for Thanksgiving and left on the 26th :) And as you said, holy magical express line Batman :scared1: Lol can you imagine if its your first time using ME and you encounter THAT???
Looking forward to reading more, also my sister lives outside Atlanta in Alpharetta.

I've used ME many, many times and never seen anything like that. I was shocked for sure.

Alpharetta is not too far from me. I live in Woodstock which is North West of Atlanta while Alpharetta is North East.

Ugh, I still can't believe that DME line. I would have turned around and gone to rent a car! But you said it did move along pretty fast.
Can't wait to read along....I'll try.

If I didn't hate driving in strange places so much I might have tried the rental car. Those lines weren't bad at all! We did move the whole time until we got in a line, then it was stop and go as each bus filled up. I'm pretty sure we got on the 2nd bus after we finally got in a bus line.


Welcome! Glad you joined in.
Your title caught my eye because my name is Caroline and I am often called sweet Caroline! I love all your cute dogs.
I have never seen the ME line that long wow very busy. Excited to join in on your report!

That's funny! I'm glad it caught you eye and you joined in.

I can't even get my brain to understand that ME line. Woah. I've never seen it anything like that before!

Looking forward to reading how your trip goes! I"m taking my MIL for her first ever trip in May, and my own mom for HER first ever trip in October, so I'm curious to see how you guys planned your days.

My family and I made our first visit to Disneyland in June...I hope you have an awesome trip out west!

It was hard to understand that line and I was there!

It was definitely a different trip than I do by myself or with my husband. Mom doesn't look it but she turned 66 right before this trip. She's starting to slow down a bit so I planned a much more laid back trip this time.

I am so excited for the Disneyland trip!

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks, next update coming right up!

Your title caught my eye, I was guessing it was Jellyrols related, lol. Can't wait to read more! That DME line was nuts, we're taking it Saturday, I hope it's not that bad.

Nope not Jellyrolls! I have yet to make it there but it's on the list to try someday.

I hope you had a much shorter line than I did!

I am here - and that is TOTAL craziness - I have NEVER even imagined lines like that! I sure hope the rest of the trip is less crowded - though due to it being TG week plus the title of your next update - I am a little fearful for you. I do, however, know that you survived to tell about it - so that's good.

Hmmm... Jan 2018 huh??? :scratchin


It was very crowded on the weekend days but it wasn't so bad during the week.

Yep, Jan 2018 so I can run the 5K. Speaking of that, I really need to get back into training as I run my next 5K at the end of February. I was so bad over the holidays.

That is a crazy line.

I definitely was!

Joining in! Oh my, that line! I'm sure you went knowing there would be holiday crowds. I hope with ADR's and FP's, it wasn't too bad.

I did go expecting crowds but not that bad. This was my third time (went 2012, 2014) going the week after Thanksgiving and it was much worse this time. But we made it work and still did everything we wanted too.

I'm here, too :) That ME line is MADNESS!! Our flight landed so late this time that there were no other people around but us. Guess I should count my blessings!!

I've never done a late flight into Orlando, I bet it wasn't bad then.

:yay: So glad to see you started! Looking forward to reading all about your trip.

Holy Moly! that is quite the line for ME! :scared1:

Thanks! Glad you joined in. That's definitely the right smiley for that DME line!

Holy cow! That DME line!

I know, it was just crazy!

Joining-in :-) Holy Moly -- I've never seen the line SO LONG for Magical Express. Incredible!

Me neither, it was quite a shock!
I Knew It Would Be Crowded But I Never Imagined This! Part 1

The bus came quickly and we arrived at MK a little before 3 pm. Bag check was smooth from what I remember. I know we both got pulled at different times to go through the metal detectors but I didn’t keep track of each time.

Main Street was packed thanks to the parade starting in a few minutes. We were getting a bit hungry and thought about stopping at Casey’s but we were also well within our Jingle Cruise FP which was from 2:20 – 3:20. Instead we decided to go to the JC first then have lunch/dinner at Columbia Harbor House.

There was still a bit of a line even with the FP so I took pictures in the line as we waited.

Mom had never experienced the Jingle version of the Jungle Cruise so she had a good time checking out all of the decorations. She was amused at the name changes to the boats.

We both thought it was funny that they put a Santa hat on the tarantula.

We were right in the front of the boat next to the skipper.

Mom isn’t the biggest fan of the Jungle Cruise, but she really enjoyed the Jingle version with some new jokes and different decorations.

Our next FP was for Pirates from 3:35 – 4:35 but it was only about 3:15 and we were now very hungry. We decided to head to Columbia Harbor House then backtrack to Pirates afterwards. I thought for sure that the parade would be through Fronterland by then but as we headed that way, the crowds started looking heavier.

Then we rounded the corner at Peco Bills and ran into this.

Holy cow, I have never seen crowds that bad in Fronterland, even after a parade! Our hunger kept us going towards Liberty Square. I think we might have abandoned our mission and ducked into Peco Bills but since it went to all Mexican Food, there’s nothing I like.

All in all it took us about 20 minutes to get to CHH and I lost count of the number of times I was stepped on or rammed by a stroller.

Thank goodness, CHH was pretty empty because of the odd hour we were eating. We ordered and then found a table upstairs. There was one looking out on Fantasyland but the sun was really bright so we sat in the main room. I ordered my usual Fish and Chicken dish with fries.

Mom wanted just fish with hers which wasn’t a menu option. But when she asked the CM taking our order she said no problem.

We both got chocolate cake for dessert.

Our food was really yummy as always and we enjoyed every bite. Columbia Harbor House has always been one of our favorite counter services.

We had a much less eventful trip back to Adventureland to use our Pirates FP.

I still haven’t figured out the trick to getting good photos on this ride. Sometimes mine turn out great, other times not so good. This time was definitely more on the not so good side.

Continued In Next Post
I Knew It Would Be Crowded But I Never Imagined This! Part 2

We spent a little bit of time in the Pirates shop afterwards. I was looking for something specific. Jim had purchased a Pirates key chain a few years prior and it had broken. I wanted to find him a new one and I did.

The key chain is pretty heavy duty so I have no idea how he managed to break off one of the prongs.

We moved back to Liberty Square to use our last FP for Haunted Mansion. This one was an absolute must do because it was closing for renovations the next day. This would be the only chance to ride during our trip. I took a grand total of one photo and then sat back and enjoyed the ride.

After we exited, we took our one and only set of Photopass pictures for the day.

The guy told us to look scared and this is what happened. We laughed pretty hard at ourselves when we saw how that one turned out. What is with the jazz hands?

Our super early morning was catching up to so we decided to head out. I had gotten up at 4:30 am and Mom at 2:30 am so we needed to get some sleep.

Of course we had to walk through the Emporium as we headed out and a few things left there with us. My first purchase was definitely my favorite of the whole week. I’ve pretty much worn this Mickey coat every day since I got back from the trip. I did have to break out a heaver coat this week as temperatures were in the teens but I will switch back to this one as soon as it warms up.

I also bought myself a new Pluto Christmas ear hat. I had seen this one on the Disney Parks App and knew it would be coming home with me. Getting it home was interesting but I did manage without smashing it too badly.

My final purchase of the night was this Mickey & Pluto puzzle. I haven’t put it together yet because Jim stole my puzzle table to put together his Legos.

Mom found one item, this Mickey hooded sweatshirt.

As we passed Guest Services we were stopped by a CM and asked to take a survey about our dining experience. I’m a bit of a sucker and always feel bad for CMs who have to beg people to do the surveys so I said yes. It took about 10 minutes so it was a little after 6 pm when we headed out and to the buses.

We walked right onto a bus and were back to our resort in no time at all. We had excellent bus luck this trip and never waited more than 10 minutes and I always got Mom a seat. I stood a few times but mostly by choice so someone else could sit.

I have no recollection as to why we walked through the main lobby area but we apparently did because I took this one photo of the 80s display.

We stopped in the Food Court and picked up a snack. We weren’t hungry enough for a full meal after our late lunch at CHH. I got the chocolate chip cookie and Mom had the other item. Not sure at this point what it was. We also picked up our refillable mugs which I don’t think I ever photographed.

I had received a text with our room number earlier that day so we set out to find our room. We were in the 70’s section in room 6159. Our room turned out to be a little further than I wanted but it was a really beautiful location. We were on the back side of building 6 and almost on the far corner. We had a wonderful view of Hourglass Lake. It was too dark for pictures that night but I did take some the next morning.

We entered and immediately noticed a problem. Only one of our checked suitcases was in the room. I had checked two and Mom one and only one of mine was there. Both of our carry-on bags were also missing and we had been told they would be delivered to our room.

I called Bell Services and was immediately put on hold. After about 10 minutes of that, Mom suggested we just walk back up to the front and talk to them in person. So that’s what we did. It was around 7:30 pm when we walked over. The CM at Bell Services was very helpful. He knew immediately what had happened. When the Front Desk CM had switched us from the 90s to the 70s, the information had not made it to Bell Services in time and two of our bags were delivered to the room in the 90s. He reassured us that this happens all the time and he would send someone immediately to the other room and have our bags delivered. He went in the back and found our carry-on bags so at least we had those.

We headed back to our room and I finally took some pictures.

We ate our snacks and read a bit. I also decorated our window for Christmas since I had the decorations in my carry-on bag. We waited and waited. Mom was so tired but she didn’t have any of her toiletries or her pajamas to get ready for bed. Finally at 9 pm I got on the phone and called again. I got through pretty quick and spoke to the same CM. He apologized profusely and said they were really busy with everyone coming and going that day but our bags would be delivered any minute.

Forty five minutes later they still hadn’t arrived and I called again. This time I was pretty upset and was not polite at all on the phone. It takes a lot for me to get upset, I am pretty level headed most times, but this was getting ridiculous. I didn’t raise my voice at all but I did give him (same CM again) a piece of my mind and let him know that two hours was not acceptable to be waiting for our bags.

Finally around 10:15 our last two bags were delivered to our room. So far Pop Century was not living up to expectations. We got ready for bed quickly and turned out the lights around 10:30 pm, much later than I had originally planned to get to sleep.

I trade for pins each day but never can remember where I find each one. I will post a picture of my trades at the end of each day. I will also post my Fitbit stats in case anyone is curious to see how many steps/miles we walked each day.

Up Next: A Trip Through the Jungle
Wow, those crowds in Frontierland!! That's crazy how long it took you to get to CHH.

Good choice of FP+! Glad you got to ride Haunted Mansion before the refurb.

I can imagine how tired you both were. But I'm sure it was nice getting some MK time on the first day!

Ugh, so sorry to hear about the bag dilemma! That does seem ridiculous that it took so long for your other 2 bags to be delivered.
Yep, Jan 2018 so I can run the 5K. Speaking of that, I really need to get back into training as I run my next 5K at the end of February. I was so bad over the holidays.
I've been toying with the idea of the 5K myself. I'm a super slow run/walker. If I start training maybe I can become a less slow run/walker??? Do you have to submit a time for the 5k for the corrals?
That crowd in Frontierland!!! YIKES! It looks like many of the days during our Christmas week leading up to New Year's. Just wild!

I ADORE the pictures of you and your Mom from Haunted Mansion! I love how she's holding your arm and the jazz hands are just amazing :)

I can't even remember where I saw in the comments you were talking about that 5K again. We did the Santa Hustle in December and this weekend on a -3 degree day in Chicago, we did the Polar Dash...BRRRRR. Taking a break til June, I think, when we'll do the Zoo Run and maybe head to Wisconsin for their Summerfest 5K. January 2018 seems to be popping up in a lot of people's TRs lately....maybe more DIS Meets are in order!! with a run thrown in? :)
I didn't know HM was closing for refurb, I hope it is back open when we are there in February. Looks like a fun and busy first day at MK. I'm sorry you had to wait so long for your luggage that sure stinks when you want to go to bed.
I cannot get over those crowds! Just scary!!! Do you think with all the pushing, getting beat up by strollers etc is what aggravated your ankle/foot?

Soooooooo not going to lie and i hope you think imitation is a form of flattery..
As soon as i saw your jacket i immediately went on the shop Disney parks app and bought your jacket...
I did that...

You sure are not having a magical beginning to this trip!!!
Oh my gosh, that Frontierland picture is giving me flashbacks of post-Electrical Parade madness :scared1: (it's why I am not sad it's gone...it traumatized me!)

I love your Mickey jacket and I love that 80s shadow box thing! My childhood in a box!!

The jazz hands thing made me laugh...my 13 year old always manages to do something weird with his hands during photopass pictures. We've named them "Magic Kingdom Hands", so your jazz hands comment made me think of that, LOL!!
Well I am back now so I can catch up of some TRs!

Jingle Cruise is so much fun! However I haven't seen the regular one in over three trips now.

Those crowds are crazy! I still have yet to eat at CHH, looks like you enjoyed it though!

Your photos aren't that bad on Pirates. Rides that are dark are always harder to photograph.

Great HM photos!

We got stopped for two surveys this trip, one after leaving Tomorrowland, and one after eating at Wolfgang Puck's. I have never been stopped for a survey after eating.

That sucks about the bag issue. I have never heard of that happening before.
WOW... that crowd in Frontierland was out of control! I felt claustrophobic just looking at it :crowded: Your pictures on POTC came out great, especially the one with the doggie! Haunted Mansion is always a MUST DO for us, I'd love to just remain on the ride for a continuous loop and go 'round and 'round a few times :)
Great trip report! I LOVE that black jacket, what great find!

Side note: Thanks to your title I'll be singing Neil Diamond classics all day now! :rolleyes1
Wow, those crowds in Frontierland!! That's crazy how long it took you to get to CHH.

Good choice of FP+! Glad you got to ride Haunted Mansion before the refurb.

I can imagine how tired you both were. But I'm sure it was nice getting some MK time on the first day!

Ugh, so sorry to hear about the bag dilemma! That does seem ridiculous that it took so long for your other 2 bags to be delivered.

It really was crazy! I guess I shouldn't have scheduled MK on a holiday weekend but I really like starting my trip with a view of the castle.

The bag fiasco was no fun at all, I have no idea why it took them as long as it did.

I've been toying with the idea of the 5K myself. I'm a super slow run/walker. If I start training maybe I can become a less slow run/walker??? Do you have to submit a time for the 5k for the corrals?

I'm extremely slow myself. The first 5K I "ran" in October came in just over 41 minutes. I walked almost as much as I ran. So you can't be much worse than me! I'm signed up for another at the end of February but my training has been very slack since I've been working so much. I have a feeling my time will be even worse for that one. I'm pretty sure you don't have to submit a time. Without one, you are placed in the last corral.

That crowd in Frontierland!!! YIKES! It looks like many of the days during our Christmas week leading up to New Year's. Just wild!

I ADORE the pictures of you and your Mom from Haunted Mansion! I love how she's holding your arm and the jazz hands are just amazing :)

I can't even remember where I saw in the comments you were talking about that 5K again. We did the Santa Hustle in December and this weekend on a -3 degree day in Chicago, we did the Polar Dash...BRRRRR. Taking a break til June, I think, when we'll do the Zoo Run and maybe head to Wisconsin for their Summerfest 5K. January 2018 seems to be popping up in a lot of people's TRs lately....maybe more DIS Meets are in order!! with a run thrown in? :)

Well it was still Thanksgiving weekend so I should have expected it more than I did.

I still am not sure why I thought Jazz Hands = scared. LOL. Mom said she didn't hear the photographer and just did what I did.

I'm definitely doing the 5K next January even if I walk most of it. Sign ups are less than a month away on February 14th! I haven't pinned down exact dates for our trip but the Expo should be on 1/3/18 and the 5K on 1/4/18.

I'm not sure if I could do the cold one you did! My lungs couldn't handle all the cold air.

I didn't know HM was closing for refurb, I hope it is back open when we are there in February. Looks like a fun and busy first day at MK. I'm sorry you had to wait so long for your luggage that sure stinks when you want to go to bed.

It was only down for a week or so and it's back open again now.

I cannot get over those crowds! Just scary!!! Do you think with all the pushing, getting beat up by strollers etc is what aggravated your ankle/foot?

Soooooooo not going to lie and i hope you think imitation is a form of flattery..
As soon as i saw your jacket i immediately went on the shop Disney parks app and bought your jacket...
I did that...

You sure are not having a magical beginning to this trip!!!

It was kind of scary! That could have been part of the problem but I really think it was the shoes. I will be wearing my other pair for Disneyland!

Nope don't mind at all! Now we have matching coats and wallets. Did you get it yet? Do you love it? I think my only small complaint is that the pockets are small.

Nope, not a magical beginning. We had one more problem the next day but after that the trip was wonderful.

Oh my gosh, that Frontierland picture is giving me flashbacks of post-Electrical Parade madness :scared1: (it's why I am not sad it's gone...it traumatized me!)

I love your Mickey jacket and I love that 80s shadow box thing! My childhood in a box!!

The jazz hands thing made me laugh...my 13 year old always manages to do something weird with his hands during photopass pictures. We've named them "Magic Kingdom Hands", so your jazz hands comment made me think of that, LOL!!

It was not fun at all trying to fight that crowd. I've watched the parade from Frontierland before but have never seen it like that.

I never know where to put my hands for pictures and always end up looking awkward for some reason.

Well I am back now so I can catch up of some TRs!

Jingle Cruise is so much fun! However I haven't seen the regular one in over three trips now.

Those crowds are crazy! I still have yet to eat at CHH, looks like you enjoyed it though!

Your photos aren't that bad on Pirates. Rides that are dark are always harder to photograph.

Great HM photos!

We got stopped for two surveys this trip, one after leaving Tomorrowland, and one after eating at Wolfgang Puck's. I have never been stopped for a survey after eating.

That sucks about the bag issue. I have never heard of that happening before.

It's been a few trips for the regular one for me too I think. I can't remember at all if we rode it last January? Maybe we did and I just don't remember. Maybe I need to go back and read my TR again. LOL.

I'm pretty hard on myself with picture quality. I've definitely gotten some better Pirates ones than those!

I'm going to be leery to ask for a different room from now on. I've done that before without a problem but never at Pop.

WOW... that crowd in Frontierland was out of control! I felt claustrophobic just looking at it :crowded: Your pictures on POTC came out great, especially the one with the doggie! Haunted Mansion is always a MUST DO for us, I'd love to just remain on the ride for a continuous loop and go 'round and 'round a few times :)

It was definitely out of control!

The doggie photo was the best of the lot but I've gotten better even of that shot.

Oh, that would be fun to go around more than once!

Great trip report! I LOVE that black jacket, what great find!

Side note: Thanks to your title I'll be singing Neil Diamond classics all day now! :rolleyes1

Thanks, I love my new jacket! It was one of my favorite purchases on this trip.

I don't think I will ever get Sweet Caroline out of my head now that I see it in my title all the time!
A Trip Through the Jungle Part 1

We were up at 6 am on Sunday November 27, 2016 and out the door to breakfast at 7:15 am. My bad ankle was really bothering me on this morning. It swells everyday but it’s usually not too bad in the morning. But it was swollen and hard to the touch (the swelling is usually softer) when I woke up. I switched to my other shoes and hoped that would help.

I took some pictures of the view out of our door. Looking straight ahead you can see how close to Hourglass Lake we were.

And looking to the left and right.

And a picture of our decorated window. I’m not sure how many people saw the decorations since there was only one more room past ours.

We made it to the food court and I had the need for some Mickey Waffles. This came with a choice of bacon or sausage but I don’t like either so I subbed for some eggs.

Mom got a bacon and egg sandwich.

We used our mugs for drinks with the idea that I would run them back to the room each day. But Mom forgot her allergy meds and walked back to the room with me. As a matter of fact she came up with an excuse to go back with me every day so that was a bit of a fail. I was trying to save her some walking!

We made it to the bus stop around 8:15 and a bus came within ten minutes. It was packed but I managed to find Mom a single seat near the front and I went to the back and stood.

By the time we got through bag check and the gates it was right at 9 am. Neither one of us wanted to carry our sweatshirts all day so we decided to rent a locker. Then we made our way up that path to our first view of this beauty.

We stopped for two sets of Photopasses. First towards the top of the path.

And then a second set closer to the tree. And no it didn’t get dark in between the two sets, not sure why these are so much darker than the first ones.

We continued on at a leisurely pace towards Africa. We had a FP for the Safari at 9:30 am. We stopped along the way to check out the flamingos.

We saw some Kangaroos.

We checked out the area with the Otters but they were not out at that time.

We also walked through the store near Africa and I showed Mom the new Zuri’s Sweets Shop and Harambe Market. They were both new since the last time she was there. She saw some wooden spoons that she liked but we decided to come back later to get them when she had more time to look through them all as there were several different styles. It was time for our Safari FP so we headed in that direction.

The park was fairly crowded but it didn’t take long to get through the FP line and we were soon off.

Unfortunately I was on the wrong side of the truck for a lot of the good pictures. I did get this one of an Eland, just ignore the hairy arm in the picture please.

When we got to the Hippos, there were two sleeping on the bank. I was able to lift my camera up high enough to get a shot. This one turned out to be one of my favorites from the trip.

Some of the hippos on the other side were also out sunning themselves.

Some not so good crocodile pictures. They don’t move so you would think I could do better.

Continued in Next Post
A Trip Through the Jungle Part 2

Then it was time to head out on the Savannah. It was fairly empty of animals this early in the morning.

I think the Painted Dogs had just been let out for the day as they were running around the enclosure like they were checking everything out. My dogs do that every time we let them out. I guess they need to make sure there were no invaders since they were out last.

The giraffes had also just been let out and they were all still hanging around the gate on the left side of the track which for once was the side I was on.

The male elephant was determined to pull a branch down from this tree.

Quite a few elephants were out in the second area but I didn’t get the best pictures.

Elephant butt!

Hidden Mickey Flamingo Isle

There was only one White Rhino out.

The Cheetahs were being lazy way up at the top their area and this super blurry picture was the best I could get.

I was able to get some great pictures of the female lions though.

Let’s play “find the Warthogs”.

A few Zebras and an Addax.

Overall not a bad safari, we did see quite a few animals. I just think we were a tiny bit too early and some of the animals had not been let out on the Savannah yet.

Up Next: Meeting Up with Family
Love the window! My mom has foot swelling issues too. I hope it didn't bother you too much that day.

That funny that your mom went back to the room with you everyday when you wants to save her walking.

Great photos! It's weird how the lighting changes between photographers, maybe they are using different settings?

The Safari is never bad. The painted dogs were very active for you. They were all laying down when I was there two weeks ago. We did get to see baby elephant Stella though which was awesome.


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