Oh, Faerie, I'm so sorry! Give your friend a hug for us. I will keep you all in my prayers! :grouphug:
Oh my gosh, Faerie! I can so totally related but from a different point of view. When I was 47, I woke up one morning and had a sharp pain in my chest that went away almost as quickly as it came on. I went back to bed and about an hour later got up to get the kids off to school. My kids were only 10yrs old and 16yr old twins. No more pain but a wierd feeling that something wasn't right. Sent the kids to school and had my DH take me to the hospital. The main artery to my heart was 90% blocked! The doctors said I was very lucky I didn't ignore that pain because there was no way I would have survived a total blockage in that area.

Please take care of yourself and your friend!

My thoughts and prayers are with you,
Wow that is so young...life sure is short.
We are praying for your friend and her family. Thanks for letting us know and take your time...
Paulette that story sounds like my dad. He had a triple bybass after his doctor found an 87% blockage.
She's doing okay, making the drive from Tallahassee in the morning. I was helping her make calls today.

Buffy that is sweet, a card would be wonderful
Oh Faerie I am so sorry to hear about your friends mother. My thoughts and prayers to you and her family. My mom died of breast cancer when she was 32. I was 10.. It is unimaginable. I still miss her even though I don't really remember much about her. I have about 3 pictures total of her. Again, my thoughts and prayers through a difficult time.

On another note:

I have a slight issue, I mailed my box on Monday like I said I would. It came back yesterday with half a label. Can I over night it to you? I've never done that but I will if It will get to you before you leave. I am stressing over this as it was my last one and then I was caught up for the week, lol..

To the rest of you ladies I am so deeply sorry I am holding up the swap. Work is messing up my scrapping life right now. I'm just letting you all know what happened so I don't get called a corn "flake"
Corn flake? I was thinking you would look more like a snowflake. Completely unique and uniquely beautiful.

I think UPS does Saturday delivery and they are probably more reliable with their two or three day service than the USPS.
Deep breaths Kat. Don't worry about the overnight cost. If it isn't here before Wednesday, everything will go out on Monday the 15th. I get back from CKU on Sunday the 14th and will have time to pack up everything and bring it to the PO on Monday (My PO is open til 7 PM)
I got back later that I thought but I have everyone's stuff. I need to finish sorting (most is done) and pack these up. They will go out this week but I don't want to commit to a specific day in case something comes up :D They are so worth the wait!
Glad you're back and had a good time (I read your blog) at CKU!:banana:
Can't wait to get this swap back (it was my first one) but I certainly know how real life sneaks up on ya some times. I'll be patient, well, at least I won't whine!:snooty:

Thanks again for hosting and letting a newbie join in!
CKU (Creating Keepsakes University) is a 3 day pretty intense scrapping thing. It's a day of make-n-takes, crop; day of classes & crop and day of an album track & crop. There's also graduation and other activities and contests. You can see more (including 2008 dates and locations) here I'm planning on doing Provo next year. Already have a hotel room reserved!

Okay ladies, the groups have all been swapped out and are ready to be sent. They will hit the PO tomorrow morning since I have my WW meeting tonight and then the Red Sox game :) I'll drop them before work tomorrow morning.
Breathe, breathe, breathe!:banana: :banana: :banana: I'm so excited even though I probably won't get them til next Mon or Tues!:lmao: But, I'll be watching the mailbox like a hawk!:cool2:

I 'm so excited! I guess I will look for these on Monday!:banana: :banana: :banana:

Did you have any problems swapping? Thanks for hosting Faerie!


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