Tag fairies have me scared now !!!


DIS Veteran<br><font color=red>Lightning Rod Extra
Aug 19, 1999
As you can see I've been tagged as a "Lightning rod extraordinare"

Ya, well thanks guys.....we're in the middle of a lightning storm here and I'm in the middle of an oil refinery with very large tanks of oil sitting right outside my window.

HELP !!!!!!!!

;) ;) ;)
Break out the rubber-soled shoes!
Don't you just love those Tag fairies!!:cool: :cool:
I hate lightening so I don't envy you right now:(

Lightening Rod Extrodinaire, LOL, hope it's not true:eek:
ooooooooooohhhhhh a sedative sounds good thank you.

Ahhhhhhhhhh.....look at the pretty lights over that highly explosive propane tank.

At the risk of sounding stupid could someone please explain to me what a tag fairy is? I see this phrase alot & I'm confused.
Ric must be busy - here ya go!

Lars624 -- Tag Fairies are wonderful, mystical beings who inhabit the DIS boards and on occasion will bestow a magical blessing on a Dis-er. This blessing is in the form of a "tag" or magical addition to their screen name.

You must be very careful, however, for the Tag Fairies are all-seeing, all-powerful and all-knowing. They watch EVERYTHING you say on the DIS and from that information, they create the blessings that appear.

You must BELIEVE in the Tag Fairies and just like with Tinkerbell, you must CLAP -- a lot! Clapping all the time helps, but it may work with occasional or intermittent clapping.

If you BELIEVE and if you clap real hard, the Tag Fairies may visit you. However, as Figmentvi discovered, the tag (blessing) may not be the tag (blessing) you were looking for. As another example, take time to check my tags. Be VERY careful of what you say -- it could come back to haunt you. :)
I wish the Tag Fairies would put a picture of Nomar in my posts... I'm so computer inept:(
Eeyore1954, You did an absolutely wonderful job of describing our fantastic little pixies to Lars! :bounce: Another thing you might want to be aware of Lars, is that there is a.... ahhh...how shall I say this...well... a dark side to The CB. They like to call themselves "The Greyside". We haven't actually determined what their primary objective is, because, quite honestly...it seems to change. Some days, they refuse to acknowledge the existence of the Tag Fairies, yet other days they seem to accept their existence but are determined to convince unsuspecting Dis'ers that the Tag Faires are attempting to take over the world. ;) What can I say... they're a confused bunch, those Greyside folks. ;) The Greyside has been very quiet lately actually, so maybe they've realized that resistance is indeed futile afterall. LOL!

Oh my! :( Is there a Tag Fairy available that could help Mermaid?
Wow, I've been away for a while and not posting, and boy did this board go wild. Thanks for explaining what they are, I was always to scared to ask.

Eeyore & Kama,
Thanks for the information. I appreciate it. I'll be more aware of what's going on now.


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