Taxi from airport?


DIS Veteran
Oct 24, 2006
My daughter and her BF will be flying into LAS in March and she would love to know about what the taxi cost is between the strip and the airport. Anyone know?
It varies a lot. One end of the strip hotels are built next to the airport and about 5 minutes away. But some of the other strip hotels are about 4 times further. Also the cabs can tell you it's faster on the freeway, which isn't always true, but they do it to increas the milage.

If you know their exact hotel it would help.
Most likely NY NY, MGM Grand or Luxor. They haven't decided for sure yet but they want to be close to NY NY
It should be minimal then $10-$15 since those are close. The cab should take
Paradise out of the airport NOT the freeway so they should insist and maybe say we want to drive down Tropicana as suggested by a freind for a "better view experience". If the cabby is honest they will agree instead of scamming them for another $5 to take the freeway.
Thanks folks! I'll offer her both suggestions and let her go from there. She's just trying to get her budget in place and doesn't want to leave even the smaller costs out.

In all honesty, we may be able to pick them up and drop them off depending on their timing but better safe than sorry. We're driving up the day before them and we're leaving for Anaheim the day they fly back. I'm still trying to talk them into going to Anaheim with us. It's all about logistics and how much time they can get off.


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