teen girls/chemo/hair loss


DIS Veteran
May 12, 2000
My 15 yr old DD just got out of hospital, 30 days all together, 7 in local hospital, 23 in CHOP (childrens in philly) She has a rare complication of mono, called HLH, and it requires high doses of steroids and 8 weeks of chemo to beat it. (she almost died, was on respirator, dialysis, etc)

ANYWAY, she does not have cancer but is losing her hair from the chemo. She has missed 6 weeks of school, is on home instruction for now. BUT how have some of you dealt with teen girls losing theit hair?? I ordered some different hats, but its hard, she does not want to discuss it much! Her hair was long, dark, thick, straight........... she does not want to even return to school if she looses all the hair, but she must of course. (so far 2/3 is gone I would guess, maybe more)

30 days after your dd's last treatment her hair will start to grow back. I have spent the last 2 yrs losing my hair and growing it back. I am 25 have not used a wig, scarf or anything like that and the only time I wore a hat was when it was cold outside. Check out chemochicks.com they have so fun stuff like henna tattoos as well as head wear. I got a tshirt that say I am too sexy for my hair.

You might want to call the hospital that your dd was at and find out it they have a youth coordinator that can get her hooked up with someone else her age or give you an idea of some fun teenage stuff that girls might be doing.
I am speaking here as a Mom with three daughters and no experience with hair loss due to treatment.....just what I would do to help one of mine..

I think I would start with the hospital in Baltimore and see if they can point you in the right direction to deal with one of her peers that may have gone through hair loss and how they managed it. I believe the previous poster had some great ideas and also suggested this....that is where I would start.

If one of mine was uncomfortable going back to school after losing their hair, then I would heaven and earth to make sure that I made her comfortable, however I could. I am not sure how I would deal with the hair loss myself, I think I would be one of those who would get a wig...I am not sure I could do the other, scarfs, henna's, and hats, I am pretty sure I would do the wig. More power to those who are strong enough to go through these chemo treatments with their heads held high, losing their hair, being sick, I have great respect for anyone who can go through it with dignity and pride. For me to have my dignity, I would have to have the hairpiece.

Hugs to our friends here who have treatment and have made it through....
Hugs to you from Canada. Have you thought about contacting an organization such as Locks of Love. They are there for people just like yourself going through any disease that causes you to lose your hair, not just cancer victims. My 2 beautiful DD's 9 & 6 donated their hair last summer to help kids going through this. They didn't want anyone to be sad because they lost their hair. My DD's donated 16" each, and we're all growing our hair to do it again, me included. It would make someone happy to know they helped your daughter face life with a smile! Good luck!
I have a niece who is remission right now, but after her intense chemo she lost all of he gorgeous hair. She wore a wig for her wedding, but afterwards said she felt odd. For easter sunday she wanted to go to church and she did not want to a wig. She came up with this idea to paint her head like an easter egg. She did it! Her chuurch members applauded as she walked in. I know that is a little extreme but my point is she accepted herself (no hair and all) for who she was. She was 18 at the time. Maybe just ask your daughters friends to come over for some encouragement. When she sees that they accept her she will be more comfortable. Sending lots of pixie dust your way!


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