temp conversion tip!


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2000
I don't know about the rest of you but I have never quite figured out how to convert our tempurature into the USA version! And at this point in life I am not going to bother figuring out the little trick to convert the temp to farenheit! So what I am going to do is cut the little temp scale out of my newspaper as it shows both! 80 or 90 degrees farenheit means nothing to me! I need to know celcius!! Thought this may help someone out there who may be like me!
Grover in Winnipeg
LOL Grover...that's a great idea for folks that have never made the "change over" smoothly!;)

I find it so funny that when I am at home I "talk" celcius and when I'm in the US I just naturally "talk" fahrenheit! I realize I'm automatically doing the switch every time I cross the boarder!:p

What's even funnier is my DS hasn't got a clue what the US temps mean!:) Makes me feel my age for sure.:)
Or ask your child how many feet or yards are in a mile. All I ever get is a blank stare. :D

- Mike
I also can't convert miles to kilometers-- only know kilometers-- guess I am giving my age away here!!
Grover in Winnipeg
Hi Folks:

I grew up with farenheight, so I needed to get used to celcius, I still buy my black forest ham by the pound. lol

This is the way I figure something out in farenheight.

Take the celcius temp say 20 cel. double it equals 40 and add 30 equals 70 F.

Lets try another class, lol

10cel. double =20 add 30 =50 F.

So the equation is, you double then add 30. I think this brings it within 1 or 2 degrees of the correct temp.

Wasn't that an Olivia Newton-John song? :p Sorry... :D

Deb's approximation is very close. The actual conversion formula is:

F = C *9/5 + 32

so 20C converts to 20*9/5 + 32 = 68F

I have my own method for converting. I know the values for each 10C and interpolate from there. i.e. 10C = 50F, 20C = 68F, 30C = 86F, over 35C is just plain hot. ;)

I've been able to make the deli conversion and buy our Black Forest ham in 50g increments, but then I have a science background where we do everything using metric units anyway.

Now if someone can convert between hectares and acres in their head, that would impress me. :)

- Mike
Yikes Mike!! LOL:p Now you're really getting technical! LOL:D
I usually do it this way:

20ºC x 1.8 = 36

+ 32 = 68ºF


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