Teresa's WISH Jouranl (Comments Welcomed)

Thank you Lisa - I will definitely be stopping by your journal sometime this weekend.

Today has been a pretty good day, definitely following the Core pretty well. I went to the gym this morning and did 20 minutes on the stairmaster and 60 minutes on the treadmill. Went by the grocery store to pick up some last minute items to get me through the weekend.

Food today has been good, up until Happy Hour.

Banana for breakfast
cucumber, avocado, tomato, sprouts w/ ff mayo & mustard on whole wheat bread for lunch
shredded wheat w/ blueberries for snack
shrimp, veggies, (2) hot wings and a couple of chips for dinner.

I only had one drink, so I think I did well overall, but I "feel" like I cheated so much.

I am still so stinkin' gassy (pardon the pun ;) ) and now I think it's from all the cherries I've been eating. I'm going to try and lay off on them tomorrow and see if I improve. My DH can only hope :rotfl:
Okay, this morning I'm feeling a little frustrated. I feel like I've really been good the past couple of days following the Core program and I'm up another 1/2 pound. What IS up with that??? I keep telling myself it's water, but it's just so frustrating.

Anyways, I did my measurements this morning for the first time in 6 weeks:

Chest 34 (same - down 4" total)
Waist 29.5 (down 1"! - down 7.5" total)
Hips 38.5 (down 1.5"!! - down 9.5 total)
Outer thigh 42.5 (down .5" - down 9.5" total)
thigh 24 (down .5" - down 5" total)
calf 14" (same - down 2.5" total)
arm 11.5 (down .5 - down 3" total)

Down 4 inches in 6 weeks for a total of 41" total since joining WW Aug 04. It's nice to see even though the weight isn't going as quickly as I would want, the inches are still coming off. I can't wait to see my outer thighs gets under 40".

I was able to sleep in this morning, so I feel good. So far I've had shredded wheat w/ blueberries & banana for breakfast. I am determined to get extra water in today.
Well I think I might finally have this Core program under control. I stayed well within the program yesterday and again today, using very few of my weekly points. The scale showed me down that 1/2 pound (150.5), so I'm expecting to see 150 tomorrow. I think tomorrow I will be okay with the upcoming barbecue since we are having chicken & shrimp skewers, which are both on the Core list. As long as I stay away from alcohol and drink my water, I think I might finally see those 140's again on Tuesday.

Even though tomorrow is a holiday, I'm planning on getting up at regular time and going for a walk.

Food today was great:

Breakfast: egg whites & toast
snack: cantelope & blueberries
Lunch: grilled chicken & veggie sandwich (cucumber, sprouts, tomatoes, avocado) on whole wheat
Dinner: grilled chicken salad with homemade dressing (ff mayo & ketchup)
dessert: ff pudding w/ ff cool whip
snack: banana

I think as long as I have the fruits and veggies on hand, I'm good. Will hit the store again on Tuesday for more fresh fruit :love:
Well today officially SUCKS!!! First, yesterday when I got up, the scale showed 151.5, up a pound from Sunday. I don't know what is wrong with me or what I am doing wrong. :confused3 All I know is it made me feel sick and depressed seeing the increase. I was good all day and even at the barbecue, eating nothing but Core foods (except for the 1 beer I had) Katie and I went for a 3.50 mile walk in the morning and then rode our bikes in the neighborhood parade (about another 2 miles) and I wasn't huffing and puffing at all. I was very proud of myself for that.

Today I woke up and I was down, but not much, so I was still UP at WW, gaining 1 pound. I wanted to cry :guilty: It was hard sitting through the meeting, especially since my WW buddies weren't there to help snap me out of it. I wanted to cry the whole way home too. I didn't get to the gym and should have gone for a walk, but the weather is crappy and so is my mood.

I'm sticking with the Core program one more week and see how it goes. I know I can do it and all I can say is that maybe my body is trying to re-adjust to the changes in my diet. If next week I don't have a HUGE loss, I'm going to go back to the Flex points. I'd really rather do the Core, but I still have so much more weight I want to lose.

I feel like a failer today, and hope my mood will improve tomorrow as will the scale. We'll have to see.....
:hug: Tera,

Please repeat after me, "I am not a failure." Repeat that statement as needed.

Tera, the scale is not the only thing that matters in this fight. Yes, it is a fight. Lok at hte 40+ inches you have lost. You are able to RUN and BIKE, and you are a monster on the elliptical.

The scale will go down gain, and you WILL reach your goal. Give CORE aa chance, if you don't see a loss, go back to flex.

Tera, your example is one of the things that keeps me going. Look back over your journal, and look hard at how far you have come.

Take care of yourself,
Beth - Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. This is the first "real" wall that I've hit and it's so frustrating. I know I'll get over it and get on with it.

Today I feel better, but still nothing showing on the scale. I got up and went to the gym, doing some weights, but just not getting into it. I did 20 minutes on the stairmaster and walked 40 minutes on the treadmill. I'm going to try and push myself on that stairmaster tomorrow.

Had a dentist appt and then dropped the girls off at my Dad's for the evening. Nick and I went and saw Bewitched, which was cute. We're heading out to dinner in a few minutes.

I'm still going to stick with the Core program and see what happens the next few days. If I don't have some kind of lose (ANYTHING), I will go back to Flex by the weekend.

Food so far today:

egg whites w/ onions & peppers AND shredded wheat with blueberries for breakfast (all core)
FF yogurt w/ blueberries & strawberries for lunch
94% FF popcorn and a tootie pop for snack (at the movie)

Water so far: About 96 ounces
Last nights dinner was nice. I had the grilled salmon w/ veggies (no rice) I think the salmon was too oily and the veggies had too much butter, but maybe I'm more sensitive.

Well the good news this morning was I didn't have a gain, but still no loss. It's okay, I'm going to give it a few more days. I still think if the scale doesn't go down by Saturday, I will switch back to my points.

A friend sent me an emailing making me feel a little better. She said if I hadn't had dinner last night out, that I would have probably seen some kind of loss today. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

I did 20 minutes on the stairmaster and 45 minutes on the treadmill. I would have liked to walk longer, but had to get home to get ready for a job interview. It went okay... sometimes I sounded like dork. It has been so long since I've had to do this. They said they have other people to interview, but I have a feeling I didn't get the job. There were so many other things I should have said, but didn't. Oh well... I'll keep looking.

Food today has been good:

shredded wheat with berries for breakfast
seafood salad (w/ small shrimp & crab) on lettuce w/ avocado, tomato, cucumber with FF dressing
cherries and my last vitamuffin for snack
grilled chicken w/ guacamole, lettuce, onions, salsa on a wheat tortilla (the tortilla will cost me 1 point)

I really do find myself being more satisfied on Core and eating less snacks. I guess that's the whole point :rolleyes:

I'm going to try this chocolate pudding smoothie I found on the WW discussion board for dessert tonight.

I've had about 126 ounces of water, so I plan to slow down.

Tomorrow I'll do some weights again and some cardio. Need to really stick with the weight lifting to help tone my body.
Hi Tera

WOW, you've been going through the scale h*ll, too! I think once you get as close to goal as you are, your body starts fighting the loss more. Hang in there! You've made incredible progress and you are so, so close to goal now.

You switched to CORE!!!! I've been feeling like I need to do that for months but just can't seem to bring myself to do it. Do you actually not count? I think if I do CORE I will still weigh and measure my food so I know how many points I've consumed. The thought of not counting just terrifies me! I know switching to CORE food would be so good for my body. I know I suffer sugar cravings from too many trigger foods :(

Don't lose heart! You'll see that loss this week :wizard:

Thanks Sunny - It seems like I have hit a wall of some kind and it's so frustrating :earseek:

It was hard switching to Core and I think that's why I had a gain last week (along with the 4th barbecue), but I'm all over it now. If I can just show a loss, this would be great. I think you would do so well with all the running you do. I still actually write down what I eat and keep track of the points. If I stick with the program, I probably will do this for a few more weeks and then maybe just write things down and then, eventually, stop writing down all together.

If you want to try it, I'd wait until you hit lifetime and then you'll have nothing to lose (except the weight ;) ) You figure if you don't lose in the two or three weeks, go back.

Anyways, today I finally did see a drop on the scale, so maybe I've gotten through the worse. If I don't see one again tomorrow, I'm going back to Flex and hope by Tuesday I can show some kind of loss. This will be an important weigh in since I will miss the following two meetings since we'll be out of town. I so thought I'd be at maintenance by now :guilty:

I went to the gym this morning and did some weights and then walked 6 miles on the treadmill. Nick and I planned to take the girls to the pool today since it was in the 90's. We got there at noon and didn't leave till 4:30. What a long day :crazy:

Food today was good:

shredded wheat w/ berries for breakfast
FF yogurt w/ berries for snack
grilled chicken sandwich w/ tomato, avocado & sprouts on whole wheat for lunch (with some berries)

I made a whole chicken in the crockpot today and it just fell off the bone, so I had that chicken in a tortilla with the usual suspects (tomato, guacamole, lettuce) It was VERY yummy :love:

I just finished a skinny cow ice cream for dessert :earboy2:
Well the scale is finally being my friend, showing 149.5 today. That should put me at about a 2 pound loss on Tuesday, if things go well. I hope I'll never see those 150's again. I think the Core program will work so much better for me on vacation and I guess I could always switch back to Flex when we get home, if the scale is up.

We went to the Irish Festival today where Jessica danced. She only got one 5th place and I think she realizes that she needs to practice more. It was VERY hot there and didn't get to walk around much.

Food today has been good: Shredded wheat & fiber one w/ berries for breakfast and a grilled chicken w/ sprouts and guacamole on whole wheat for lunch. I had my first 100 calorie snack in awhile and then a seafood salad with FF dressing for dinner. I've had about 96 ounces of water today, so I'm good on that. I have plenty of my 35 weekly points left over, so I might splurge and have a Laughing Cow ice cream for dessert.

We leave a week from today for our vacation, so this week I will be doing laundry and packing. Figure with it being 105 in Vegas, we'll just be hanging out by the pool :sunny:

Tomorrow I will go to the gym and work out with some weights, but need to get the cardio in. How I would just LOVE to start my vacation off being at 60 pounds :rolleyes:
Well today sucks so far and it's only 1:00pm :rolleyes:

Where do I begin... I HATE my scale :mad: :mad: :mad: I think it's playing games with me. I thought I wouldn't see the 150's again, but there it was this morning, 150 :confused3

I went to the gym and did 20 minutes on the stairmaster and then walked 60 minutes on the treadmill.

First... I got the call regarding the job I had interviewed for and they hired someone else "with more experience" Pleeeaaazzzzeee... I'm the QUEEN of volunteering :rolleyes: I am very disappointed about it, but now I guess I won't have any excuse to get some unfinished projects around here done.

Second, our dog Carrie hasn't been feeling well the past couple of days, so we took her to the vet this morning and it's costing us $300 so far and we don't even know what's wrong. I think Nick would just rather put her down, but I feel we at least have to try and find out what's wrong (she hasn't eaten in 4 days) We should know something this afternoon.

I'm definitely PMSing early (don't start TOM till next week) and with everything going on, I could use a good cry.

We leave in 6 days and I have nothing done. I need to get laundry done, do some packing and try and pick-up around here.

I hope nothing is wrong with the dog and tomorrow I'll have something to celebrate at WW.
Well today has been a good and bad day. The bad part... we had to put our dog down last night. Vet said there was nothing we could have done and it was best for the dog. I'm better today, but last night was very depressing. :guilty:

The good thing... I lost 3.4 pounds and FINALLY claimed my 60 pound clippe :cool1: I was actually surprised by how big a loss it was with the past couple of days being so up and down. That really made my day.

I won't be weighing in for the next two weeks, so I need to make sure I keep "tabs" on my weight while we're gone.

I've had two friends call me today and tell me that I'm an inspiration to them. That makes me feel good that I can help other people achieve their goals. Kind of like the friends I made here :goodvibes

I just realized that I am less than 13 pounds from my goal :cheer2: :cheer2: Wow... I guess I never thought I would actually get this close. I'm thinking I'm going to put my WW goal at 140 and then lose another 5 pounds for my personal goal.
Geez... my journal almost ended up on page 2 :guilty:

The week has been going pretty well. Been busy getting stuff packed for our trip. It's amazing all the things you have to do when you leave town for 2 weeks.

Food has been pretty good this week. Not totally Core, but not really bad. Scale hasn't gone down anymore since Tuesday. Last night we went to PF Changs (chinese) for dinner and even though I didn't eat a lot, I can tell I'm bloating from all that sodium. Today has been good, but haven't gotten in as much water as I would like. Tonight is Happy Hour, but I plan to stick with my Core foods and maybe a drink or two.

Tomorrow I'll have the whole day to drink my water and then Sunday we leave. I hate not being able to go to the gym for the next two weeks. I'm hoping to get some walks in atleast. I'm so close to getting to goal, I'm starting to get antsy about it.

This morning I did some heavy cardio, burning over 700 calories. It felt good to sweat.

I'm going to try and post in my journal while on the road, hopefully keeping myself off of page 2 ;)
Hi Tera,

I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. That must be really hard on you and your family. Sending happy thoughts your way :wizard:

Congratulations on your 60lb clippie :cheer2: You are the amazing shrinking Tera!!!!!!! I would definitley set your WW goal high and work on the rest in your leisure. I'm not nearly as disciplined as you, but I am just barely able to hold onto maintenance with my high goal :rolleyes:

Enjoy your trip!

Helping to keep this off of page 2 :)

Way to go on that 60 pounds lost so far. Way to go and hope you have a good trip. A few years ago we were gone for 2 1/2 weeks and you are right - it's a lot of work getting stuff done before you go when you're going to be gone that long.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Tera,

Congratulations on the 60 pound loss. You are incredible. Here's another friend saying that you are an inspiration. Have a great trip.

Take care and safe journey,
Thanks guys for keeping me off page two ;) I haven't really had a chance to get online until now. Las Vegas was HOT HOT HOT :sunny: :sunny: I think they set a record when we were there at 116 :earseek: We spent the days at the pool and did very little walking around, even at night. Food choices weren't great, but probably better if I had never done the WW program. I also started TOM right before we left to drive to San Francisco.

SF is much cooler and think I should have packed an extra sweater. I forgot how BLAH it was here. Food has been pretty good and got on the scale at my Aunt's this morning and said 150. Not too bad considering (TOM & food on the road). Been drinking my water, so I might be okay.

I keep thinking, what are the chances of actually "losing" while on vacation?? Very slim, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try :rolleyes:

This trip has been financially tough for us, because of the dog situation before we left. I've been good and haven't gone to food, but it's been hard not being able to go work-out to help the stress. Maybe tomorrow I can get out for a walk.

I'll try and update my journal again tomorrow.
I had friends that were in San Francisco earlier this month and they were surprised at how cool it was. She said it was a great change.

150 is not bad at all. Good luck the rest of the weekend and this next week.

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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