Terra Nova Guy and the Raiders of the Lost Park - an August 2018 TR *COMPLETE* 4/28

It would be my first visit to Animal Kingdom since the opening of Pandora – The World of Avatar (not to be confused with Pandora – The World of overpriced collectible bracelet trinkets that my wife likes to ask for every anniversary/birthday because she knows I am hopeless at picking out a good gift).


not sashayed or sauntered mind you, because those are just silly walks


Side note: now I'll never be able to un-imagine @pkondz and @Steppesister doing John-Cleese-style silly walks.

That would be the only picture we got of Bolt. Once the girls had their coffee, the line hadn’t budged and I heard whispers that people expected it to be a 2 hour wait. It was also, unsurprisingly, getting hot

I don't blame you! I'd hesitate to wait 2 hours for just about anything. Bolt wouldn't make the cut.


Fun Fact: There are two giraffes in this picture.

I had to go back and look a second time!

The real star of my meal was the Mandarin Orange Vodka Lemonade. It was the best QS cocktail I had the entire trip.

Mmmmm. That sounds wonderful.

And there’s a massive blue woman playing the drums. You don’t get that on it’s a small world.

:laughing: No, you do not! But you do get Drunk Hippo, so it's a tough call which one is more exciting to me.

I find the "massive blue woman" pretty spectacular! Otherwise, the ride is a "meh, it's pretty" kind of experience for me.

Was it worth a FastPass? Sure. Would I wait an hour in stand by for it? Nope.

I agree.

Next Update Questions for Fun:

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?

3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?

1. Be Our Guest...oh, or The Plaza....no, I'm gonna stick with BOG.
2. Yes!
3. Because the ride breaks down and you get a multiple experiences FP? Or maybe just because Buzz is awesome.
4. Photopass picture with a special prop of some kind to hold? I don't remember much about Photopass Day offerings at MK...
I tried to find Andi and I in your line picture of the Bolt meet, we were there somewhere.

It was a hot one this day! I bought a nice little portable fan, it was a lifesaver and had a great battery.

Pulled pork at FLame Tree is yummy!

Nice photo pass pictures!

Questions 1-4 yay!
1. The LTT
2. Yes
3. Cool photo opportunity on the ride for the photo pass day???
4. Yes/Yes!
Love this! We were in MK on Photo Pass day but I never thought to ask anyone if they were doing special pictures.

That would be the only picture we got of Bolt. Once the girls had their coffee, the line hadn’t budged and I heard whispers that people expected it to be a 2 hour wait.
2 hours!!!!! That is crazy.


Oh, I am also required to point out, as per Trip Reporting Guidelines Section 4 Subsection 2.3, that the above pictured flamingo island is a Hidden Mickey. If you did not know this, you’re welcome.
Glad to see you followed the guidelines. Since I do dining and not trip reports I've found a loop hole that requires no safari pictures or mentions of hidden mickeys :P

My pulled pork was fantastic. We both enjoyed the chicken and I didn’t find it dry, which is a complaint I’ve heard before. The ribs were the disappointment. Too fatty for our liking. The real star of my meal was the Mandarin Orange Vodka Lemonade. It was the best QS cocktail I had the entire trip.
Glad to hear you enjoyed flame tree. We haven't eaten there in a while but its always been one of our favorite quick service places. Don't think we've had the ribs but love the chicken and pork. And for next time you go they have some of the best onion rings on property.

I don’t remember a lot about it. I guess that says it all. It’s fine, certainly impressive in the moment. And there’s a massive blue woman playing the drums. You don’t get that on it’s a small world. Was it worth a FastPass? Sure. Would I wait an hour in stand by for it? Nope.
You summed that up perfect. We picked up a last minute FP for it on our last trip so we got to experience it again. It certainly is beautiful but they could have done so much more.

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?

3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?
I'm gonna go with...
1. Skippers Canteen
2. Yes
3. Yes because I recall it poured rain that day so at least it was inside. But that would also mean other stuff was down so maybe the line was down :confused3
4, Yes though I have no idea what because even though I was in MK the same day I'm forever clueless
Another awesome installment :cool1:

I remember hearing about the Photopass day and I read up on it but seeing as I loathe photos of myself, I chose not to even bother with it this time. I couldn't imagine waiting a single minute in a line to get a photo in that heat! :faint:

Wow, you really didn't spend much time at AK, eh? :sad2:

I hear you about those cooling towels, I bought one once, didn't keep me cool at all. Instead, I just felt this clammy, gross thing sitting on my neck. No thanks :crazy2:

I will be keeping my eyes open for your MK pics, see if I spot us :magnify: :rotfl2:
I don't ever remember seeing a photographer at the Safari exit, so I bet that was Photopass day. While not life changing, seems like a fun day to be in the parks and take advantage of different photo ops! Too bad about the line for Bolt being so long. I LOVE Bolt but don't think I'd have waited in that line either. I got lucky meeting him at Characterpalooza a few years ago, and that's good enough for me!! lol

Great safari pics! Thanks for pointing out then 2nd giraffe because I would have missed him otherwise. It doesn't seem like with that distinct pattern they'd be able to camouflage so well.

Oh man, I swear by those cooling towels!!! Sorry they were such a pain for y'all. They work really great when you can hang them on the back of a stroller so they get some air on them...then when you put them back on they are ice cold!! lol Advantages of having a stroller, I guess, but there are a lot more advantages to not having to worry about a stroller at all!
(not to be confused with Pandora – The World of overpriced collectible bracelet trinkets that my wife likes to ask for every anniversary/birthday because she knows I am hopeless at picking out a good gift). Ahem.
Haha! You and my husband both.....I might be on my 4th Pandora bracelet. The last one is all Disney Pandora. Let's not even discuss the dangers of collecting Disney Dooney and Bourke bags.....

Oh, I am also required to point out, as per Trip Reporting Guidelines Section 4 Subsection 2.3, that the above pictured flamingo island is a Hidden Mickey. If you did not know this, you’re welcome.
I did not know that!! Thank you!

The girls enjoyed the mac & cheese and FYI it’s a pretty good value for a snack credit (no picture since they ate while we were getting BBQ and they still weren't quite trip report trained). My pulled pork was fantastic. We both enjoyed the chicken and I didn’t find it dry, which is a complaint I’ve heard before.
My take away from this is that I should definitely try the pulled pork fries in December!

One was our ADR at 5:30, the other was meeting Stitch, which was important to Katie, (you notice from our pictures that she even dressed in her Stitch outfit today). The problem is that Stitch finished meeting at 6:00pm, so if we didn’t get to MK in time to meet before our ADR, we would have to try another day. So all this brings me to…..
I love these questions!

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?

3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?
1. ADR at the Plaza
2. yes
3. So that you are close to CoP, of course!
4. No, lineups are insane in the evening.
It would be my first visit to Animal Kingdom since the opening of Pandora – The World of Avatar (not to be confused with Pandora – The World of overpriced collectible bracelet trinkets that my wife likes to ask for every anniversary/birthday because she knows I am hopeless at picking out a good gift). Ahem.

:lmao: I'm glad I never got into that fad. Seems over-priced for what you get, but I know a LOT of folks do collect.

I like this one!

His start time was a bit later, so we moseyed (not sashayed or sauntered mind you, because those are just silly walks)

We each have our methods of mobility. Sauntering is just a better way to Steppe.

That would be the only picture we got of Bolt. Once the girls had their coffee, the line hadn’t budged and I heard whispers that people expected it to be a 2 hour wait.

2 hours?! :scared1: I wouldn't wait 10 minutes, but that's me. Apparently, I'm in a tiny minority!

It was also, unsurprisingly, getting hot (in Florida


And the peasants rejoice.


don't mind me.... just a pleasant peasant here.

This is a bloat of hippos.

Do they regularly eat Taco Bell?

Hey! It's a flamboyance!

Oh, I am also required to point out, as per Trip Reporting Guidelines Section 4 Subsection 2.3, that the above pictured flamingo island is a Hidden Mickey. If you did not know this, you’re welcome.

Hello! Thanks!! I didn't see it before!


While in the FP queue, I tried to take a page from @Steppesister Liesa’s book and take a more creative photo. It was a reasonable attempt, I think.

You did very well, Jeff!! I love it a lot! The colors are so pretty and there's a lot to see there! Nicely done!

However, I had read (I think on Disney Food Blog) about some decent mac & cheese options at Eight Spoon Cafe, a food truck/kiosk conveniently close to Flame Tree.

Or my TR? I've written about it before (and will again!).

The real star of my meal was the Mandarin Orange Vodka Lemonade. It was the best QS cocktail I had the entire trip.

Well, that certainly just went to the tipp(s)y top of this girl's lush-list. Yum. My!

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?

3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?

1) Plaza- the girls seem to like Mac and Cheese

2) No, it was hard to get people motivated to get back into the heat.

3) Because you kicked everyone's butt and could gloat the rest of the evening.

4) Yes. But having no idea what those are, I'll stick with, "yes".
Side note: now I'll never be able to un-imagine @pkondz and @Steppesister doing John-Cleese-style silly walks.
peterpan laugh.gif

I had to go back and look a second time!
He's tricky, that second guy. I had a couple other better pictures of the giraffe, but I thought that one would be interesting.

Mmmmm. That sounds wonderful.
I was wonderful. FYI, it was also available non-alcoholic. Worth a try, even just get that drink on a hot day.

I tried to find Andi and I in your line picture of the Bolt meet, we were there somewhere.
I really was tempted to wait and see if the line was going to move, but just didn't have it in us with the heat.

It was a hot one this day! I bought a nice little portable fan, it was a lifesaver and had a great battery.
I saw those little fans around. I suspect it would have worked better than the cooling towel for us.

We were in MK on Photo Pass day but I never thought to ask anyone if they were doing special pictures.
I had read about it on Disney Parks Blog before we left. I think MK had Pinnochio and/or Geppetto meeting in Fantasyland and a pretzel cut out thingy next to the Purple Wall. Nothing earth shattering, but fun if you happened to walk past it.

2 hours!!!!! That is crazy.
We couldn't do it, especially in that heat. I don't know if it really was that long, but I didn't want to stand around to find out.

I hear you about those cooling towels, I bought one once, didn't keep me cool at all. Instead, I just felt this clammy, gross thing sitting on my neck. No thanks :crazy2:
Yeah, ours started get that musty water smell after a couple days too. Maybe we just used them completely wrong. But I really don't think I would bother with them again.

I don't ever remember seeing a photographer at the Safari exit, so I bet that was Photopass day.
Good to know. It was right in the somewhat narrow walkway at the exit, so it didn't seem like a practical place to station a photographer all the time.

While not life changing, seems like a fun day to be in the parks and take advantage of different photo ops!
Definitely. Like I said above, not earth shattering, but worth stopping if you're walking next to it.

They work really great when you can hang them on the back of a stroller so they get some air on them...then when you put them back on they are ice cold!!
I can see them working well that way. I guess not as effective bunched up around your neck. It was our first time using them, so I may not have had them wet enough or something.
This morning I was looking forward to two things.

Breakfast and a bowel movement. Good plan. Gotta keep things moving.

(not to be confused with Pandora – The World of overpriced collectible bracelet trinkets that my wife likes to ask for every anniversary/birthday because she knows I am hopeless at picking out a good gift).

Ahhhh, yes. I am quite familiar with that.

All of that.

PhotoPass Day. This came as an unexpected surprise during our trip. I vaguely remember something about this day the year before, but I certainly didn’t plan the trip around it. But when I saw the announcement about a month prior, I was intrigued.

Huh. Never would've noticed. Then again, I don't use it.

We weren’t in a huge hurry to get on the move this morning, although I did hint that I would prefer to arrive somewhere near park opening.

So FOP was off the menu for today, then.

We had also been in WDW two days and had not eaten a single Mickey waffle. That’s a travesty that needed correcting.

This is unfair and unjust. You are lucky to have not been drawn and quartered over that.

In a(nother) trip reporting fail, I have no photographic evidence of the meal – we all must have been too sleepy or too tired to bother.

Actually... that's excusable. Stupid early morning plus food court breakfast gets a pass.

But it’s Mickey waffles and an omelette – use your imagination.

The photographer was happy because nobody had mentioned it yet.

Poor guy. Sitting there all day just hoping someone will notice him. Did you see tears on his face?

Hey! A menage a tr.... uh.....

Nothing to see here. (It really doesn't help that you're all pointing at it.)

We also wanted to try meeting the special character – Bolt

Ah! Never would've guessed that in a million years.

so we moseyed (not sashayed or sauntered mind you, because those are just silly walks)

Just because you haven't been able to master a simple task, doesn't give you the right to denigrate it. :snooty:
I understand that not everyone has the ability to perform them, though.

But don't worry. Keep trying! Maybe some day people will stop pointing at you and laughing.

Well.... okay... that won't happen, but at least maybe it'll stop because of the reason you walk.


(I have limited knowledge of the Sixbucks menu since I don’t drink coffee and refuse to pay that much for a cup of tea).

And I don't do coffee or tea... so it's pretty seldom that I go in.

I do however grab a vanilla bean frappuccino once in a while. No coffee (or tea) in that one.

I snapped a poor picture of him.


From that distance, he looks like the stuff of nightmares.
Who knew that it was the line that was the nightmare?

the line hadn’t budged and I heard whispers that people expected it to be a 2 hour wait.


It was also, unsurprisingly, getting hot (in Florida…in August…in Animal Kingdom...who would have known?).

Hot? In Florida? In August?

No way you could have anticipated that.

Some people say the animals are more active early.

I think this is true. I mean... you were. It's hotter later in the day. Who wants to be moving around in the sun?

And the peasants rejoice.

This is a bloat of hippos. And they said you wouldn’t learn nothin’ in no trip report.

I learned that Jeff can't sashay or saunter. He can only do the far lesser mosey.

Fun Fact: There are two giraffes in this picture.

Took me a second. Do you see three giraffes?

Stupid animatronic lions.

See? Even he can sashay.

Oh, I am also required to point out, as per Trip Reporting Guidelines Section 4 Subsection 2.3, that the above pictured flamingo island is a Hidden Mickey. If you did not know this, you’re welcome.

I did know... but never really got it. I went to Google satellite view and.... ah!

(Question: this was the only safari we did this trip, and I don’t remember a photographer stationed there four years ago, so is there normally a photographer stationed at the safari exit?)

No idea. Only time I've done PP is at MNSSHP.

the heat was already hitting us and they just weren’t interested.

Yeah... that heat is a soul sucker.

(and this is the royal ‘we’ because I was lugging around the back pack all day)

This is a Dad truism.

had brought Frogg Togg cooling towels. We had never used them before, but wanted to try them in the Florida summer sun. I went into the bathroom to wet them down and see if they helped. Long story short, they didn’t do much for us (and we did try them a few other days). I wouldn’t waste my time (or back pack space) with them on another trip.

Huh. Interesting. I've heard of them, but never bothered to try them. I just didn't want something wet on me all day.
I know some people swear by them, I think you're the first that's tried and not liked them that I've heard.

Cool shot.

I tried to take a page from @Steppesister Liesa’s book and take a more creative photo. It was a reasonable attempt, I think.


the girls do not like barbecue


Are they human?

I had read (I think on Disney Food Blog) about some decent mac & cheese options at Eight Spoon Cafe, a food truck/kiosk conveniently close to Flame Tree.

That's what it's called! I know that @Steppesister always talks about the shrimp mac & cheese in AK. Now I know what it's called.

So we picked up a plain mac & cheese each for the girls

Too bad you didn't get the shrimp one so we could get a second opinion on that.

(no picture since they ate while we were getting BBQ and they still weren't quite trip report trained)

Betting they were by the end of the trip.

My pulled pork was fantastic

Good to know. Never had it there.

The real star of my meal was the Mandarin Orange Vodka Lemonade. It was the best QS cocktail I had the entire trip.

Was that available at Flame Tree too?

We had one last FP for the day – Navi River Journey.

Which means you were unable to score a FP for FOP. At least not that day.

This was my first time seeing Pandora. It’s nothing short of breathtaking. The attention to detail is incredible.


Whether you’re a fan of Avatar or not, and whether you think it belongs in AK, I don’t think anyone can argue what an amazing job was done with this area.

Yes. Agree. I actually think it fits in nicely with AK. I don't think you could put it anywhere else (WDW theme park, I mean)

So what do I think about it’s a small pandora…err, I mean Navi River Journey?

I believe you are referring to It's a Small Moon.

It’s fine, certainly impressive in the moment. And there’s a massive blue woman playing the drums. You don’t get that on it’s a small world. Was it worth a FastPass? Sure. Would I wait an hour in stand by for it? Nope.

I'd agree with that. It was cool. Very pretty. Worth going on... but I'm not standing in a long line for it.

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

I'll buck the obvious and say Tony's.

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?


3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

Because of the long line and maybe rain?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?

Let's not even discuss the dangers of collecting Disney Dooney and Bourke bags.....
Oh yes! My wife has been held at one so far, but possibly only because she didn't find one that she really like don this last trip.

I did not know that!! Thank you!
Well, my work here is done! It's not all that obvious unless you could somehow look at it from above. I just read about it before and remembered to try getting a picture...for my TR of course :)

My take away from this is that I should definitely try the pulled pork fries in December!
Yes! I actually wanted to try those too, but I wanted use up a meal credit. (again...stupid dining plan...IMHO...good thing it was free)

Sauntering is just a better way to Steppe.
2 hours?! :scared1: I wouldn't wait 10 minutes, but that's me. Apparently, I'm in a tiny minority!
It's me too...especially after our MNSSHP experience that I am still PO'd about and I should have known better. Yes, subtle foreshadowing...

Hello! Thanks!! I didn't see it before!
Speaking of hidden Mickeys..I absolutely thought about the one you found in thew water fountain by RnRC, I even went to see it and tried thought about taking a selfie by it, but couldn't really get the angle to work. But I saw it though!

You did very well, Jeff!! I love it a lot! The colors are so pretty and there's a lot to see there! Nicely done!
Thanks! I really did think of you at the time and having a couple more creative pictures to include in my report. I think this may have been the only one though. But it's a start!

Or my TR? I've written about it before (and will again!).
Quite possibly. I definitely knew about it and had it planned, since I knew thew girls were not eating barbecue and I really wanted to try Flame Tree.

1) Plaza- the girls seem to like Mac and Cheese
Ahem, yes, well I like mac and cheese too, and I hoped that you would get the question right, since I mentioned having the BBQ mac & cheese in your PTR. :-)
Huh. Never would've noticed. Then again, I don't use it.
We've used PhotoPass on every trip, granted they have been more than a week long, and this last trip we ended up with 465 pictures, so we always felt it was worth the cost.

Do you see three giraffes?
Hmmm...no? Do you? And by the way, that stuff is not legal until Wednesday...

Stupid animatronic lions.
I'm not convinced they aren't the same as the zebra in Jungle Cruise. I am sure I have the same picture every time.

I did know... but never really got it. I went to Google satellite view and.... ah!
It's hard to see from ground level. I never thought about the satellite view! But if you look at the satellite and tip your head to the right...
(also for @Steppesister and @suse66 benefit)


I know some people swear by them, I think you're the first that's tried and not liked them that I've heard.
I heard a lot of people like them too. It's entirely possible we didn't have enough water on them or something. Mind you, they do kind of work and feel somewhat cool. I guess it's one of those risk/reward things. I just don't think the effort of carrying them (and their big plastic cases) around all week is worth the marginal benefit.

Are they human?
I know. It's sad. Katie does enjoy grilled meat at home, but wants nothing on it, so I knew she wouldn't go for the spices from Flame Tree. Brianna on the other hand can barely choke down chicken and doesn't eat any other meat, except processed things like pepperoni.

Too bad you didn't get the shrimp one so we could get a second opinion on that.
If I didn't have so many meal credits to use up (and so many pounds to gain by overeating) I would have liked to try that mac and cheese. It was a white cheese and not at all like the fluorescent orange Disney cheese sauce (which, for the record, I also enjoy). it looked good, if that's worth anything.

Was that available at Flame Tree too?
Yes, it's available both with or without vodka. I would highly recommend it, even if you just stop at Flame Tree for that as a refreshing drink.
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The other thing I was looking forward to was PhotoPass Day. This came as an unexpected surprise during our trip. I vaguely remember something about this day the year before, but I certainly didn’t plan the trip around it. But when I saw the announcement about a month prior, I was intrigued. I didn’t change plans and move parks, but we would try to partake in whatever was happening at our park that day.

That's cool. We were there that day last year. We mostly did magic shots and the shots with the sign. The characters were WAAAY too long. If you thought Bolt was bad, the Evil Queen and Maleficent over at DHS had a 3.5 hour wait. And I think that was for EACH of them.

(Question: this was the only safari we did this trip, and I don’t remember a photographer stationed there four years ago, so is there normally a photographer stationed at the safari exit?)


This seems to be a recent thing as it wasn't there last year but we saw it in Sept. Our pictures were ok. Some were taken in the same area you got yours and some by the safari truck/van.

Walking into Harambe did not help the heat situation. We (and this is the royal ‘we’ because I was lugging around the back pack all day) had brought Frogg Togg cooling towels. We had never used them before, but wanted to try them in the Florida summer sun. I went into the bathroom to wet them down and see if they helped. Long story short, they didn’t do much for us (and we did try them a few other days). I wouldn’t waste my time (or back pack space) with them on another trip.

I agree. I really wanted to believe these were some miracle towels but unfortunately they are only good for making you feel more...wet. My DH likes the headband version though that you wear around your head. Says it makes it passable and better than the towels.

We were about 40 minutes away from our Festival of the Lion King FP, but didn’t really have anything else in mind, so we just went down to the theatre. We really didn’t need a FP since we were there so early, but used it anyway. The show was enjoyable, as always.

We usually don't bother with the FP and even with FP we usually are in a section in the back. This last trip we did the FoTLK dining package at Tiffins and boy it was so different sitting right in front. It literally put a different perspective on the show. Having a private safari was also really great.

The real star of my meal was the Mandarin Orange Vodka Lemonade. It was the best QS cocktail I had the entire trip.

This sounds great! I'll have to get it next time.

So what do I think about it’s a small pandora…err, I mean Navi River Journey? I don’t remember a lot about it. I guess that says it all. It’s fine, certainly impressive in the moment. And there’s a massive blue woman playing the drums. You don’t get that on it’s a small world. Was it worth a FastPass? Sure. Would I wait an hour in stand by for it? Nope.

Agreed. Although I would always pick FoP over this so I haven't ridden Navi since the passholder preview last year.

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?

3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?

1. Hmm, BoG
2. Yes
3. Hmm, did it break down and allow you to get an anytime FP?
4. Yes. Maybe a magic shot on Main Street?
especially after our MNSSHP experience that I am still PO'd about and I should have known better. Yes, subtle foreshadowing...

uh oh...

We've used PhotoPass on every trip, granted they have been more than a week long, and this last trip we ended up with 465 pictures, so we always felt it was worth the cost.

Holy crap! That's a ton of photos. Definitely worth it for you, then.

Hmmm...no? Do you? And by the way, that stuff is not legal until Wednesday...

No. I only see two.

Made ya look, tho.

I'm not convinced they aren't the same as the zebra in Jungle Cruise. I am sure I have the same picture every time.

yup. ::yes::

It's hard to see from ground level. I never thought about the satellite view! But if you look at the satellite and tip your head to the right...
(also for @Steppesister and @suse66 benefit)

If you move the POV around, you can see it better. The tree hides a lot.

I heard a lot of people like them too. It's entirely possible we didn't have enough water on them or something. Mind you, they do kind of work and feel somewhat cool. I guess it's one of those risk/reward things. I just don't think the effort of carrying them (and their big plastic cases) around all week is worth the marginal benefit.

Kinda what I figured. I'll just keep ducking into shade and/or AC buildings.

I know. It's sad. Katie does enjoy grilled meat at home, but wants nothing on it, so I knew she wouldn't go for the spices from Flame Tree. Brianna on the other hand can barely choke down chicken and doesn't eat any other meat, except processed things like pepperoni.

I was thinking maybe Brianna was vegetarian/vegan... right up until that last word.

Yes, it's available both with or without vodka. I would highly recommend it, even if you just stop at Flame Tree for that as a refreshing drink.

Thanks. I'll have to put that on my list (doing it now). Maybe in May I can try it.
Sounds like a pretty good AK day! I like the special PP pics. I'm sorry you didn't end up getting to meet Bolt!

1. Crystal Palace

2. Yes

3. It goes down and you end up getting an anytime FP instead

4. Yes
We usually don't bother with the FP and even with FP we usually are in a section in the back. This last trip we did the FoTLK dining package at Tiffins and boy it was so different sitting right in front. It literally put a different perspective on the show.
Being there so early for the FP, we did have pretty good seats, I think only a row or two back. That part was nice, but nothing we couldn't have gotten just by being in the SB line early I guess.

This sounds great! I'll have to get it next time.
It is, and like I mentioned in another comment, it's available with or without vodka. Really nice refreshing drink.
Ditto. And I usually don't put on weight at Disney, because of all the walking. Yeah, I gained 6 pounds that trip. Stupid free dining.
We didn't have "free" dining, but we (well me...it was my decision) did the DDP the first year we tried DVC by renting points. The kids were all still young and PR ate even less than she does when I do buffets on our trip. :sad2:. We definitely didn't come close to getting our money's worth and had all kinds of snack credits left over and had to get a whole bunch of overly priced stuff we didn't want just to use them up. We've not done the dining plan since. I ran the numbers for this last trip and even with having Tiffins on the list, still ended up saving at least $500 by going OOP.
This morning I was looking forward to two things.

Bacon and...?

Pandora – The World of Avatar (not to be confused with Pandora – The World of overpriced collectible bracelet trinkets that my wife likes to ask for every anniversary/birthday because she knows I am hopeless at picking out a good gift)

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Well said.

We weren’t in a huge hurry to get on the move this morning, although I did hint that I would prefer to arrive somewhere near park opening.

I'm sure your hints were taken very seriously, as they are in my family.

In a(nother) trip reporting fail, I have no photographic evidence of the meal – we all must have been too sleepy or too tired to bother.

I can only assume that breakfast did not actually happen, then.

His start time was a bit later, so we moseyed (not sashayed or sauntered mind you, because those are just silly walks)

You guys are all crazy. It's Disney! I'm sprinting between destinations.

That would be the only picture we got of Bolt. Once the girls had their coffee, the line hadn’t budged and I heard whispers that people expected it to be a 2 hour wait.

:faint: Yeah, that's not happening.

This is a bloat of hippos. And they said you wouldn’t learn nothin’ in no trip report.

No, that's what they say about MY TR's.

Oh, I am also required to point out, as per Trip Reporting Guidelines Section 4 Subsection 2.3, that the above pictured flamingo island is a Hidden Mickey. If you did not know this, you’re welcome.

Ok, I'll mark that on the checklist.

But thanks for spoiling it. Now what do I do when I show the same photo?

We heard there were some PhotoPass things happening at the exit of the safari. I seem to believe that the Kilimanjaro Safaris sign we’re holding is the special PhotoPass thing (?).

Probably. I don't think I've seen a shot like that before.

(Question: this was the only safari we did this trip, and I don’t remember a photographer stationed there four years ago, so is there normally a photographer stationed at the safari exit?)

Not to my knowledge.

I wouldn’t waste my time (or back pack space) with them on another trip.

Good to know. Thanks for saving me a few bucks.

Side note: I do enjoy this little area along the river.

::yes:: Great theming.

I had known weeks ago where I wanted to eat – Flame Tree Barbecue.


My pulled pork was fantastic. We both enjoyed the chicken and I didn’t find it dry, which is a complaint I’ve heard before. The ribs were the disappointment. Too fatty for our liking.

I don't think I've had the ribs there. But I'm disappointed by ribs in general. They taste fine, but it's usually too much work and too much mess for too little meat.

Love the pulled pork there. That's my go-to.

I don’t think anyone can argue what an amazing job was done with this area.


So what do I think about it’s a small pandora…err, I mean Navi River Journey? I don’t remember a lot about it. I guess that says it all.

Sounds about right.

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

Be Our Guest, for your Princesses.

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?

Sure, why not?

3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

Because the line was ridiculous?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?

Sure, why not?
August 19th – Day 2, Part 1 – This cooling towel is broken

This morning I was looking forward to two things.

It would be my first visit to Animal Kingdom since the opening of Pandora – The World of Avatar (not to be confused with Pandora – The World of overpriced collectible bracelet trinkets that my wife likes to ask for every anniversary/birthday because she knows I am hopeless at picking out a good gift). Ahem.
Glad DW never went with pandora bracelet stuff, although plenty of other expensive (more) choices. Hey, maybe I can talk her into Pandora instead.

The other thing I was looking forward to was PhotoPass Day. This came as an unexpected surprise during our trip. I vaguely remember something about this day the year before, but I certainly didn’t plan the trip around it. But when I saw the announcement about a month prior, I was intrigued. I didn’t change plans and move parks, but we would try to partake in whatever was happening at our park that day.
I will have to look this up. I'm guessing it's a day where you get free photopass, but since I'm an AP, never heard of an actual day devoted to this.

We weren’t in a huge hurry to get on the move this morning, although I did hint that I would prefer to arrive somewhere near park opening. One thing that needed to change was the food situation. I alluded to it before, but my plan of having a light breakfast in the room and two larger meals for lunch and supper had not worked the day before. We had also been in WDW two days and had not eaten a single Mickey waffle. That’s a travesty that needed correcting. We headed over to the food court and the girls all enjoyed Mickey waffles, while I opted for a ham & cheese omelette. The waffles were good (when aren’t they?) as was my omelette, although I did not like the breakfast potatoes at all – too spicy and a strong onion flavour. In a(nother) trip reporting fail, I have no photographic evidence of the meal – we all must have been too sleepy or too tired to bother. But it’s Mickey waffles and an omelette – use your imagination.
While I'm only allergic to green peppers, when I saw the potatoes had big hunks of red pepper in them, I asked for none. Aside from the allergy, I'm just not a big spicy food fan and, for me, I don't understand why they ruin what could otherwise be good food by making it spicy. I realize some people like spicy....that's what tabasco or other hot sauce is for. :rotfl2:

After breakfast we hopped in our rental car and a short drive later we were at Animal Kingdom, not too far after park opening. Our FP were all for later, so we didn’t have any specific plan. We stopped at the Tree of Life to get pictures and asked for any PhotoPass Day extras. The photographer was happy because nobody had mentioned it yet. Maybe not that popular? We got pictures with a PhotoPass Day sign, and a Bambi Magicshot which, I think, was unique to the day.
The Bambi shot is cool!

We also wanted to try meeting the special character – Bolt – who was out for PhotoPass Day. By chance, we happened to watch the movie a couple months before, so we were all hoping to meet him. His start time was a bit later, so we moseyed (not sashayed or sauntered mind you, because those are just silly walks) over to the Adventurer’s Outpost to meet Mickey & Minnie. It’s actually the first time we met them here. The line was non-existent and we got through quickly.
Hey! Wait a minute! Moseying is supposed to be reserved for us redne...err southerners.

<Throws yellow flag> Off sides, 15 yard penalty, repeat 1st down.

The girls decided to go into $tarbucks for iced coffees or something like that (I have limited knowledge of the Sixbucks menu since I don’t drink coffee and refuse to pay that much for a cup of tea). I stood in the Bolt M&G line to see if there might be any movement or an indication how long it would take. After a short time, Bolt emerged from the gate next to Creature Comforts, and I snapped a poor picture of him.
Agreed. You can keep the coffee and way too expensive even if there was such a thing as good coffee.
View attachment 358143

That would be the only picture we got of Bolt. Once the girls had their coffee, the line hadn’t budged and I heard whispers that people expected it to be a 2 hour wait. It was also, unsurprisingly, getting hot (in Florida…in August…in Animal Kingdom...who would have known?). We decided that meeting Bolt wasn’t in the cards for us. We did walk by later, around midday, and the line was shorter, but I still wasn’t sure of the wait time, so we passed on it.
Uh oh. Sorry!

I'm not a big M&G person and standing in line 2 hours...well unless it's a free Ferrari or something like that, nope.

Anyway, by now it was time for our Kilimanjaro Safaris FP. It was a good safari. It was still fairly early in the morning, around 10:00am. Some people say the animals are more active early. I have no idea if that’s true. But we saw animals, as one would hope on safari.

I shall now regale you with a multitude of safari animal pictures. And the peasants rejoice.
I'm not sure if I've been regaled before. Not sure if I like it. Am I supposed to put on my regalia to be regaled?
party: for the peasants.

What about the pheasants? Don't game birds deserve some fun also?

This is a bloat of hippos. And they said you wouldn’t learn nothin’ in no trip report.
Still waiting. <Taps foot impatiently> I already knew it was a bloat of hippos. Just like it's a roar of corvettes (according to consensus).

Fun Fact: There are two giraffes in this picture.
Had to look, but found the 2nd. ;)
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Day 2, Part 1...CONTINUED...

It was now getting on lunch time. I had known weeks ago where I wanted to eat – Flame Tree Barbecue. I had never had the opportunity to eat here on previous trips, and I wanted to correct that. The problem – the girls do not like barbecue (hence my never having eaten here before). However, I had read (I think on Disney Food Blog) about some decent mac & cheese options at Eight Spoon Cafe, a food truck/kiosk conveniently close to Flame Tree. So we picked up a plain mac & cheese each for the girls, then walked down to Flame Tree and grabbed a table so the girls could eat while Tish and I got in line. It was a bit slow, but eventually she got the ribs, while I went for the sample platter with pulled pork, chicken, and ribs.
Pretty sure we've eaten here before, but before I knew about TRs or DRs or anything, so can't say we took note of it. I seem to recall DW got ribs and I got chicken (I don't care for ribs and while I like pulled pork, given the choice, pretty sure I opted for chicken).

The girls enjoyed the mac & cheese and FYI it’s a pretty good value for a snack credit (no picture since they ate while we were getting BBQ and they still weren't quite trip report trained). My pulled pork was fantastic. We both enjoyed the chicken and I didn’t find it dry, which is a complaint I’ve heard before. The ribs were the disappointment. Too fatty for our liking. The real star of my meal was the Mandarin Orange Vodka Lemonade. It was the best QS cocktail I had the entire trip.
One reason I don't like ribs. Normally too fatty and too much work for a little bit o' meat. I'll take my steak any day!

We had one last FP for the day – Navi River Journey. This was my first time seeing Pandora. It’s nothing short of breathtaking. The attention to detail is incredible. Whether you’re a fan of Avatar or not, and whether you think it belongs in AK, I don’t think anyone can argue what an amazing job was done with this area.
I've not gotten into debates about this, but whether it belongs in AK would be a valid one.

So what do I think about it’s a small pandora…err, I mean Navi River Journey? I don’t remember a lot about it. I guess that says it all. It’s fine, certainly impressive in the moment. And there’s a massive blue woman playing the drums. You don’t get that on it’s a small world. Was it worth a FastPass? Sure. Would I wait an hour in stand by for it? Nope.
I'm not sure I'd wait 1/2 hour except if I wanted to escape the sun/heat. As far as dark rides go, it's got some cool effects, but it's still kinda meh to me.

Ice cream was good (is ice cream ever bad?) but they found the cookie dough a bit too sugary
If it's coffee ice cream, yes!

I was being smart today...
Something that's been said about me never!

We just rested in our room this afternoon. It was so hot we didn’t even feel like leaving the AC to swim.
Okay, now that's just too hot. I imagine coming from your climate and August in FL, I can see that.

We also wanted to make sure we would make it to MK on time for a couple things. One was our ADR at 5:30, the other was meeting Stitch, which was important to Katie, (you notice from our pictures that she even dressed in her Stitch outfit today). The problem is that Stitch finished meeting at 6:00pm, so if we didn’t get to MK in time to meet before our ADR, we would have to try another day. So all this brings me to…..

Next Update Questions for Fun:

1. As mentioned, we have an ADR. Which restaurant?

2. Do we get to MK in time to meet Stitch before our ADR?

3. I mentioned that we got a FP for Buzz. Why would this end up being a good choice?

4. It is still PhotoPass day. Do we get any special picture?[
I'm saying CRT. Since you did Flame tree for lunch and the girls don't like BBQ, I think that eliminates LTT. The Crystal palace has no princesses and the food is meh. I hope you knew better than to risk Tony's. It's either that, BOG or the plaza and I think with your goal to meet princesses, CRT is most likely.

I'm thinking no for stitch. I think y'all fell asleep (too hot for swimming) and missed him.

Because the line was VERY long and if you hadn't had the FP, then you would have been visiting country bear jamboree like Mark's brother.

Yes, but I don't know what the photopass special ones are, so no clue who/what.

Answers to last questions:

1. Next day is Photopass Day so there are rare characters at each park. We start our day at Animal Kingdom. Who is the special character you can meet at AK? Do we meet that character?
The special character is Bolt. We did not meet him due to the long line.

2. We have lunch in the park before taking our afternoon break at the resort. Between the four of us, we get lunch at two places - at a QS restaurant and a food truck. What are they?
Flame Tree Barbeque and Eight Spoon Cafe

3. We visit Pandora and have a FP. For what ride? (I’m giving you a 50/50 chance here folks)
Navi River Journey
Never did answer them, but I would have gotten a whopping total of 1 right if I had...Flame tree. You do realize in baseball, batting .250 isn't that bad, right?

Is anyone else having problems with the DIS screwing up multi-quoting lately? It seems to keep adding extra quotes and extra end quote blocks. I'm not using my phone and it's still frustrating trying to get multi-quote right. Hoping it's not just me, but in a way for your benefit, I kinda hope it is.
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We definitely didn't come close to getting our money's worth and had all kinds of snack credits left over and had to get a whole bunch of overly priced stuff we didn't want just to use them up.
Exactly. I'll get into near the end of my report, but on our last day we had 21 meal credits left. Some of that was self-inflicted because I chose to do some table service meals, but I still think we would have had some credits left. Some people seem the think that's a good thing. I look at it as essentially buying a load of candy and cookies that I wouldn't have bought otherwise.

We definitely didn't come close to getting our money's worth and had all kinds of snack credits left over and had to get a whole bunch of overly priced stuff we didn't want just to use them up. We've not done the dining plan since. I ran the numbers for this last trip and even with having Tiffins on the list, still ended up saving at least $500 by going OOP.
I paid OOP a couple trips ago and actually did a spreadsheet after the trip to compare actual spend to what I would have paid for the dining plan. OOP was about 15% cheaper. That included a couple character meals.

Glad DW never went with pandora bracelet stuff, although plenty of other expensive (more) choices. Hey, maybe I can talk her into Pandora instead.
I suppose diamonds and sapphires would be worse than Pandora charms. But I still think it's overpriced.

I'm guessing it's a day where you get free photopass, but since I'm an AP, never heard of an actual day devoted to this.
Nothing free - you remember this is Disney, right?
It's just a day they promote by giving special characters and photo ops in each park, likely to encourage people to buy Memory Maker. AK had Bolt, a Bambi Magicshot, and the Safari sign/cut out. MK had Geppetto and a pretzel cut out/sign. Epcot had Cruella DeVil I think, I can't remember what DHS had, maybe Maleficent? Anyway, character lines were nuts. The other stuff is cute but not worth going out of your way - or buying Memory Maker just for it!

One reason I don't like ribs. Normally too fatty and too much work for a little bit o' meat. I'll take my steak any day!
I find ribs are hit or miss. I have had good ones. But I do tend to stay away from them lately.

I hope you knew better than to risk Tony's.
Did it once, many moons ago. Never again.

Is anyone else having problems with the DIS screwing up multi-quoting lately? It seems to keep adding extra quotes and extra end quote blocks. I'm not using my phone and it's still frustrating trying to get multi-quote right. Hoping it's not just me, but in a way for your benefit, I kinda hope it is.
I don't seem to have trouble. Don't know about anyone else.


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