thank you-do you REALLY know how much you touch us?


Earning My Ears
Oct 4, 2007
I hope that the CMs who worked at MK and Hollywood Studios within the past several years read this. As my title says do any of you really know how much you touch us? We had a handicapped child, due to several circumstances the first was CP as well as a couple of other things with long medical names that I cant remember. All this was caused by kernicterus (high jaundice level at birth that was not treated at the hospital upon birth-for more info on this look it up) other some reflex issues, delayed motor skills one would have never have known anything was wrong with him, well other than the trach tube sticking out of his neck. Anyway let me get to my point, We as a family have wondered how we could ever thank any of the CMs that we encountered during our 2 trips one in November of 2002 and his last trip Spring of 2006. Thank you for the special attention that is given every visitor with special needs:)you do not know how much this touches not only that individual but also the family members. As our son was unable to let us know how he felt due to the delayed motor skills, we could tell by body language when he was in pain, sad, happy, but when we spent time at any of the Disney parks we knew that he was very happy, especially when he saw the characters-he would get so wound up not out of control but he had this laugh that was so sweet and cute.
When we first started standing in the lines we didnt have a clue that there was a que for those in wheelchairs, we were content to stand in line,even with the annoying stares. This is one area, among many, that the Disney company has gotten right, that visitors with special needs are not left out but are treated just as the rest of us are, and withcertain special employees our family members are given even more special attention.I never noticed any CM go overboard but more like beyond what is expected.
This finally gets me to my entire reson for this thread-to the person in the Mickey costume at MGM one day in late March early April of 2006. This CM was getting ready to take a break, was walking to the door to go wherever you go to take your breaks, when this CM saw our son put his/her hand to their heart, got the handlers attention and then pointed to our son. The handler brought us to the front of the line, Mickey postponed his break just so our son could get a few minutes of special time with Mickey and not have to wait until Mickey returned from his break. As his parent you do not know HOW MUCH you touched us, not only our son getting to see Mickey up close like that but just that you unselfishlessly went way above the call of duty-THANK YOU!!:)
I read the stories about the costumed characters being harassed such as Tigger supposedly punching a teen aged boy or Pluto chasing some kid around. I have no clue who was at fault, dont care because for one or two incidents during the course of a year does not take away from the good that you do, the smiles you put on the faces of kids and then the parents. You realize that Disney isnt just for kids but those who bring the kids as well. Last year my other son was getting his picture with 'The Incredibles" when Mr. Incredible motioned for me to get in to the picture also. Its the little things like this that makes me appreciate all of you. From the people who sell tickets, the people who sweep up the trash that others were lazy to get in the trash can,the characters, those of you who run the rides, and que areas I want to thank all of you. You may have bad days and occasionally it gets taken out on the visitors, and people feel for what it costs that such behavior isnt necessary but we all have days where we dont care who but somebody is going to pay for what someone else has said or done(rambling) just remember why you wanted to work at any of the parks in the first place, to spread that Disney love that someone spread to you when you were a visitor yourself.
Our son with special needs passed away almost 2 months after our 2006 visit at the age of 5. We contemplated getting furniture instead of making the trip that year. That money was well spent.This is really long and I apologize for that but wanted all current and former CMs that you are appreciated, for any current CMs who are reading this please pass along to you fellow workers that all of you are appreciated even print this if possible. Thank you from the Brooks family:thumbsup2
Wow! It sounds like this experience at DW made some really great memories for your family. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious kiddo.

I wish we were all lucky enough to have the kind of job that makes people feel special and magical. These kinds of stories make me wish I lived in Florida, so I could work at the park.

Thank you for sharing.
Thank YOU so much for taking the time to write that out! That's so thoughtful of you, and guests like you and your family are what make our jobs so magical :goodvibes
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I am so glad you have the great Disney memories. The memories are priceless... furniture -- well...
Thank you for your very touching post. This is why I love working at Disney, for helping to make magic and memories.

I am very sorry for your loss.
Wow, very touching. My thread also thanks the CM's and how you make everything extra special....
Agreed, the ones on Main Street were especially wonderful! SO helpful and informative!
:tinker: So sorry for your loss. Families like yours are the reason why i love my job at EPCOT INNOVENTIONS. Thank you for sharing your story, sometimes CM's need to read these just to get our pixie dust back.


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