Thanks to Information on These Boards...


DIS Veteran
Oct 7, 2000
I finally booked air fare for my two DS's and one friend via USAir, round trip from Boston to Orlando for (drum roll, please!) --- ninety-three dollars and fifty cents !!!!!! Somebody mentioned on a thread here yesterday that the sale would end at midnight last night, so I called DS's friend's mom after work and when I told her what the air fare was, she got real quiet for a second and then said, "THEN HE'S DEFINITELY GOING!!!" This is the best price I've seen in a long time, and I'm thrilled that we were able to get it. We're letting the boys use some of our DVC points for a studio at VWL for four nights as a h.s. grad. gift, so they only have to pay for passes, food, and air. Today the same flight they're on costs $199.50, so they saved over $100! YIPPEE :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: !!!
Wow! That is a great rate! I bet they are so excited. What a great graduation gift! Glad everything worked out.
Congrats on such a great rate!

Now, excuse me while I go mumble about my $250 airfare. :p


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