The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

Every day in Animal Kingdom is magical. For me, it’s more “magical” than the Magic Kingdom because it has an extraordinary way of calling me to far off, exotic places to experience more of this great big wide world.

It's definitely the best-themed park of them all.

By the way, I found a really cool article about the ride and the backstory of the ride. I’ll bet you didn’t know it was called the Anandapur Rail Service, did you?

Actually, I did! Finally, I knew something! :rotfl2:

All of these traipsings make a traveler hungry! Time for some grub and what better than some snackages from 8 Spoons and Flame Tree?

Best counter-service in Disney World.

The rules for when you have to be in line for shows are pretty clearly communicated, as are the areas where to line up, so I didn’t feel badly for too long. Maybe that makes me a horrible person, but they have the guidelines set up for a reason, and it was the END of the seating window and not even close to the beginning of when they started seating stand-by. Opinions?

Being a rule-follower, I tend to not have sympathy for those who don't follow them.

So, I herded us out to the longest walk on property out to the bus corrals at AK and we boarded one bound for AKL.

Truth. That's an awfully long walk.

At one point, a man about 50 or so walked in and said he had an extra couple of Budweiser Beers and didn't want to throw them away. He offered them around, and NO ONE took him up on his offer.

To be fair, it IS Budweiser. :crazy2:

I did not know myself until the Tuesday before we left that Friday that my folks had decided to come down to WDW for a couple of days and they asked me to keep it a secret from the kids. I did and they were shocked to tears.

Aww...that's really sweet! What a great surprise!

We went back in to wait some more and my dad spotted the beers on the table and I told him the story of someone giving them away, and he said, "Who'd wanna drink that crap?!" :lmao:

Your dad is right on!

I’d always heard of the “Opening Ceremony” at Sanaa, but had never had the pleasure of getting to see it.

Now that I did not know about. So I learned something here anyway!

I am not sure my dad loved what he got, but he is super picky and the way he dug through his plate, nosing around with his fork, cracks me up. A picture is worth a thousand words…

I feel like I'd get along well with your dad. Can't this place whip up a decent burger? Sheesh.

We boarded a bus back to AK to round out our evening.

Great photos!
Last trip when they convinced me to ride it 3 times in a row, there was almost a bio-spill on the passenger platform of the Anandapur Rail Service.
Oh boy that's me if I ride two times in a row usually :scared:
It was one of the most poignant family moments we’d had in over 2 years. My kids hadn’t seen my parents in at least that long
This is wonderful :love: The whole day and night! I can't imagine my kids not seeing my mom for 2 years and my grandparents all lived right behind us growing up so I saw them constantly; however we haven't seen my sister and her 2 oldest now in over a year and I hate it. So happy this worked out this way!
I adore Animal Kingdom, too! It makes me so sad when people still refer to it as a halfday park because I could spend endless time there!

At one point, a man about 50 or so walked in and said he had an extra couple of Budweiser Beers and didn't want to throw them away. He offered them around, and NO ONE took him up on his offer. He set them on a table and walked away.
That's pretty hilarious. I wouldn't take him on the Budweisers either, but only because I can't drink their beers!! Something in their brewing process doesn't agree with me. BUT, this did remind me of a few summers ago. We were hanging out beside the pool at Pop Century and a lady with her family, clearly headed home from their trip, offered us a plastic bag full of fruity wine coolers. We took them and enjoyed them the rest of our afternoon. Afterward, we laughed thinking about how nowhere else in our regular life would we just accept a bag of drinks from a stranger!! But, somehow at Disney World it seemed OK!?!

What an awesome surprise for your kids!!
The setting is stunning!

It is so pretty in there!

That's exactly what Disney does for me. We all have our challenges to overcome but Disney makes it just that little bit easier. :hug:

It provides the BEST place to re-connect and make some lasting memories!

I love these too and need to pick one up someday.

Aren't they amazing?! So much detail!

Disney sangria is usually good.

A solid choice for a refreshing drink with dinner or small plates timeout.

Sounds like a perfect evening!:goodvibes


I was amused by this yesterday:

Zamboni driver wins first NHL game after being tapped as emergency goalie
Dave Ayres, 42, saved eight goals for the Carolina Hurricanes after both the team's goalies were injured.

I heard about that! Quite the story. And he won, too!
Yes and he is on quite the PR Tour. He has been on talk shows and honoured by the Carolina Fans. What a celebrity he has become.
Somebody shared this picture to facebook. Just think of the poor Leafs team.
I love it when someone comes out of nowhere who would never have gotten public recognition gets a moment to shine and can enjoy a season of fame. A perfect underdog story! :goodvibes
I know it's a ways back but had to say I loved your Bo-Peep pics with the headless horseman and pumpkin...very cool and well played!

Thanks! I had such a fun time that night!! I focused more on photos and just enjoying the costuming and general atmosphere than on rides. With the crowds so high trying to get on 2 or 3 rides is hard.
It is quite a beautiful setting!

It really is! And the food was really good too. I'd definitely go back and eat there again.
I'm guessing you were texted cause that's how all the restaurants work now.

I think you are right. I love that system so you can wander and not just stand there.

Queso Fundido is always amazing!

Ugh on the blister. I still think you should have rented a scooter.
I actually for the first time in my life considered it. The cost kept me from doing it, but it did impact my trip for a couple of days for SURE.
What a special surprise! Gave me goosebumps and reminded me how wonderful it is to share Disney trips with loved ones.
I did have to laugh at your dad's comment over the beer and his nosing around the food. I can see the selections at Sanaa being outside a picky eater's comfort zone. (I haven't even attempted the restaurant with my grumpy son...)
Your TOL nighttime photos are gorgeous. Makes me wish I was back there right at this moment. :goodvibes
Still working on catching up...I was more than a couple of letters behind. :oops: As much as I loved your Cheshire Cat costume, I think Bo Peep really takes the cake!! She's one of my absolutely favourites, and you portrayed her wonderfully!

I'm behind by 2 weeks!! on everyone's threads. UGH!! I had WAY too much to do last weekend and this (as usual) was a busy workweek with more hours than I'm used to.

I agree, Bo Peep was a lot more fun. I think because it was so outrageously HUGE. And easy to do a whole bunch of photos in character.

I've mentioned this before, I think, but my favourite pavilion would be Canada. I think it's beautiful, and I have very special memories there thanks to my wedding. I wish there was a bit more representation of other facets of my country in the pavilion, especially a more authentic and robust representation of Indigenous history and culture, but it's still special for me.

I agree. Seems like only the West of your country is truly represented and I, in addition to what you mentioned as far as Indigenous Peoples, would love to see the Maritimes far more incorporated.

If I could choose another pavilion, I'd love to see more African countries represented. When Nathan and I did the Destinations Discovered tour this winter, we heard a bit about the Equatorial Africa pavilion that was supposed to exist at one point, and how it would have had a giant treehouse with some kind of a show or film or something, all to showcase more about African culture. Our tour guide said that after Animal Kingdom was built, they didn't need to build that pavilion anymore because there was already representation of Africa there, but I don't feel like that really serves much of the same purpose. The imagineering in AK's Africa is amazing and gives you a glimpse into what an African village might look like, and there are lots of learning opportunities from cast members from Africa, but it's only one small snapshot, and the focus is obviously on African animals more so than people. If done right, I feel like that pavilion could do a lot to counter stereotypes of how people think of Africa if (like me) they've never been or don't know a lot about it, and could showcase elements of many different cultures and ways of life since Africa is such a large and diverse continent. Several different countries could be represented in the one pavilion, and do the continent so much more justice than the Outpost that currently sits in that spot.

I think you are right. :) An entire continent could be represented with a better focus on lifestyle, culture, etc... I think of all the places in the world, Africa as a whole might be the most misunderstood and misrepresented.

Okay, NOW I'm caught up! (Except for some of the chatter that I mostly skimmed. Not my preference, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do when she's behind on all threads on the DIS!) Your meal in Mexico looked positively lovely. And it sounds like you had good food, aside from the portions being large and the "filler" sides unnecessary. We've never eaten there before, but we just might have to try it sometime. We have, however, dined at La Hacienda, as of just this year. That was a really super meal! It also has a lovely view if you're as fortunate as we were to be seated at a window table, but it doesn't quiiiiiiiiite match the ambience of the inside of the Mexico pavilion. Thanks for sharing your experience there.

I think I'm going to have to skim today as I try to catch up as well. I am well-intentioned, but I just can't DIS like I used for this season in my life. Keeping my head above water is pretty tough right now.

La Hacienda is on my list as well, and hopefully someday I'll get there. I've heard good things and Mexican food is at the top of my list of favorites. :goodvibes
I don't know which pavilion is my favourite. I haven't been since 2011 so I am sure that they have all changed since then. I could go with Canada as it is my home country.
I am going to go with a lot of other people and say I would choose Australia. There is some much they could showcase. It really is a beautiful country. I would love to go back there for a visit.

Actually, not a lot has changed, hmm, well maybe the Norway Pavilion the most, but still not huge changes to any since then. France of course if getting a big addition with the Ratatouille ride. Canada is so lovely and serene. The flowers are always amazing there, and the little trail with the waterfall is a fun little "hike". Hoping to see the new movie soon too!

I would love to visit Australia as well! My lucky sisters got to go when they were in high school and loved it. What do you think they'd put in an Australian Pavilion if they added it?
Hey there, I was behind but finally caught up!

Love your MNSSHP recap, and your outfit is super adorable!

It's MY turn to be WAY behind. Everywhere. Yikes!!

Thanks!! I had so much fun just roaming around finding more photo opps.

I kind of agree. Mike always wants to stop and look because he's of Canadian descent but we never find anything worthwhile to purchase there.

It's a disaster in there for merch. I'm not a shopper, but do like to browse on occasion, only rarely buying other than my little trinket. Sad.

Your dinner at San Angel Inn looks great! We have an ADR there in July because my DS loves Mexican food. I'm going to ask for your lovely view!

It was definitely a surprise favorite. I went in with low expecations, but was pleased all the way around. Just be prepared to wait up to 30 minutes and use the time to do the ride or browse the (better than Canada) merchandise.
That's really cool that you noticed that! I love all of the African art in there too. There's definitely plenty to see to pass the time!

We spent quite a while in there and while my kids played on their phones or napped, I just kinda looked at the quilt for a bit.

Aw, :love: :love: :love:

So sweet! What a nice surprise!

What a great day!

It was well-executed and I'm so happy they could make the visit all the way from Kentucky. My kids were so surprised and loved having them with us for a day!
Love Devine!

I have heard a rumor that they are ending their contract with her. Such a HUGE loss for the park if true. :sad:
There is nothing like the trails at AK. :goodvibes

Nope. Love me a stroll on the quiet paths discovering what I might. is a spectacular show!

Such amazing talent in there!

I had no idea that's what they were made from!

There is a little informational placard under one of them, I believe by the ones when you get off the elevators, that explains them. I can't remember exactly what country they are usually made in, but I want to say something in Eastern Africa. They are so lovely! And VERY unique!

This is the best ever! The pictures tell the story here.....I love it!

A perfectly executed surprise and one the kids loved.

What better way to spend time?

Can't think of a better way. :goodvibes

Sounds like a perfect end to the day. As always, your pictures are spectacular! :)

Thank you, Susan. Love me some Disney photography!
I’m on the AK bandwagon with you. Love this park, so much to see, I never tire of exploring.
How nice for your parents to surprise the kids
We love Sanaa it is a favorite!

I see something new every single time I go. The park is so loaded with details and so well done.

It was a surprise overload for sure. LOL!! I think the kids were in total shock. And aside from my dad, we all loved Sanaa and what we got there.
Nice little surprise! :grouphug:
First of all, and gigantic, warm :welcome::welcome::welcome: to you!! It's always fun to see new folks and have them chime in. :goodvibes

It was so hard to keep it a secret and I had to tell little white lies in several situations to pull it off. When we checked into CBR, I sent them on ahead to "explore the resort" so I could make a phone call to Mom. LOL!! And then on the day they arrived, I did the potty phone call as well.
That's a cool photo! Love your face paint of course, and the lovely blue lighting!! and of course the angle of the photo makes it more interesting.

THanks!! Love when a photo turns out a little at least. LOL!!
Reading your TR, all of a sudden realized I'm confused. For our Epcot day, we made reservations at a San Angel that I thought was on the water for night time show viewing....but you look like you are inside the Mexico I losing my mind? Are there two restaurants called San Angel at Epcot?

La Hacienda de San Angel IS on the water and it IS confusing. The "San Angel Inn" is INSIDE the Pavilion. You are not the first one to be confused at this.

That mac and cheese looks amazing. I wish I could convince anyone in my family to share meals. We always have so much left over but when you are looking at menus everyone wants their own...sigh...

Yeah, we are lucky like. We always insisted the kids eat EVERYTHING (within reason) that they ordered and were very careful to order only what we'd eat as a family, so they are used to sharing from the very beginning so no issues in that dept. The mac cheese if very small for a meal, more like a good snack to nibble on and we weren't after a big meal at that point. I think the girls also got an ice cream cone as well, and breakfast was a nice big cinnamon roll we all split. So plenty of food for sure.

Love the Dino pics....also excited to try riding this on upcoming trip, haven't been on it in forever.

I hadn't either, but knew the kids would like it. I thought it'd be hard on my neck but I didn't have any trouble at all. It's a fun ride!

What an amazing surprise that your parents were able to join for part of the trip. Your kids looked so happy to see them. Such fun!

It was amazing! And the kids loved getting to hang out with them. Since they live so far away, it's tough for them to get to see them. They did come to Oregon for Christmas, so there was more time spent a few months after this trip as well.
Quiet please. I’m querying this report for quality quotables.

Quite Quintessential!

"If I stand here long enough, the sign will fall on my head and I'll have a lifetime pass to Disney!"

One can only hope.

Assuming there's no brain damage.

I did! Well... not all of it. But some!
Admittedly, it can become annoying after a bit. ;)

I have to disagree. I find MK "magical", while I find AK more... mysterious... or mythical... otherworldly (Pandora)… hmmm... less "enchanting" and more seductive.

Okay, I'd agree with all of that actually. Although, what you describe I find more attractive. Just a personal preference, but that is not at all to say I don't like MK too.

Love DeVine! :love:

I have heard a rumour she is leaving or gone. I have no confirmation of that, but that's the word on the street. Sad day!

ooohhh… what a great shot of her! Love how she's looking right at you. :)

One of my better ones of her. :D

I get that. I think you need to do it once... but that's usually enough.


Nice shot. Were you fairly close or is that a telephoto shot?

I telephoto'd a little. But not much. He was pretty close in this one. The fact that he got his lazy butt up was pretty awesome enough.

Actually... I did. :)
That link was an interesting read, though. I'm going to have to look for the red over the doors and take note of the steam vents.

It was a good read. Glad I found it in one of my many rabbit hole journeys as I write.

mmmmm….. yummmm!!!! Possibly my favourite thing to eat in all of Disney.

Probably mine too.

Those utensils are hand carved.




Whoa! Just made it!

Juuuuuuuuuuust barely.

Nah. They have to shut the doors and start the show at some point.

Yes, I mean the "let the stragglers in" process could literally go on for hours. All day long, in fact.

One of Disney's best shows... if not their best.

I like Nemo too, but WAY better than any of the DHS shows.

ahem... I see you all changed clothes just for this ride!


Yeah, yeah. Okay, got a previous day's photos mixed in. Sue me.

Ugh... yeah, that's a long one, isn't it?
I feel DHS is another one that feels overly long.

Yes, but I imangine the Skyliner is going to be a game changer there for some situations.

Bet you were happy you were inside and not out in the parks at that moment.

For sure!!

How does she sit like that!?!?!? It hurts just looking at her!

I used to be able to do that before I got old and fat.

Open your eyes, Liesa! :laughing:

LOLOLOL!! Horrible photo moment!!

How do you do that? I never would've noticed... and not just because I didn't know the name in the first place!

I dunno, just happens. :)

Yeah... I'm not taking a drink from a stranger. Nope.

It was a sealed can of beer. What could possibly go wrong?

They are pretty cool... and pretty, too.

I like the neutral colors of mine a lot as it goes well with the items I have on my wall. Someday, when I go on my Africa trip, I will get a few of my best photos framed and add them to the collage of African things I've already gotten from there. :)

Awwww... That whole reunion is just wonderful. :)


Love how your one DD is wiping her eyes in that shot. They all look so happy! :love:

I think they were all so charmingly shocked. It was definitely a great family moment.

Interesting! She was able to steer it somehow?

I think so with the handle part.

Ugh... yeah, okay... maybe change up the tune a bit, ladies?

Yeah, for sure. Fun for a short while, but boring after a little bit.

I'd never heard of it until just now. :)

There ya go!

Too bad, but... you did say you spent a lot of time and it doesn't seem that it was a big deal for you guys.

No, not at that point. It was far more important to spend time just being in each other's company.

So??? What did they think? Were they blown away? Or just "meh"?

I think somewhere in between. ;)
Great group selfie!

Better than the blurry other one!
This is my favorite trail in the AK.

Mine too! I like the gorillas too, and especially the bats over on the Africa trail, but the Asia one is just so much better themed and tranquil.

I'm a 1 and done for EE. I would have a Bio-spill if I did it more than that.

I'm guessing a lot of folks are like that.

Such a beautiful show and quality performance.

It super is! Worth seeing multiple times (not in one trip).

Now I'm leaking.

But it's a happy kind of leaking. :goodvibes

Such a beautiful park after dark. I'm glad everyone got to see it.
Me too, I think it's almost like another whole park to see!
It's definitely the best-themed park of them all.

They messed up DHS and turned it into a mishmash instead of nice cohesive Old Hollywood theme. MK is fun and takes you to imagination nicely and EPCOT has been declining ever since they got away from the "educational" park that it was in its glory days. AK has taken over for 1st place now in overall theming, IMHO.

Actually, I did! Finally, I knew something! :rotfl2:

Well, there ya go!! You be da winnah in this one!

Best counter-service in Disney World.

Hmm, perhaps. Kinda partial to CHH or Pecos too.

Being a rule-follower, I tend to not have sympathy for those who don't follow them.

Yeah, that's me too. Rules like this one work for a better system for everyone. Rules, like no drinks, even water, at a nurses' station, are just dumb.

Truth. That's an awfully long walk.

My feet hurt just thinking about it.

To be fair, it IS Budweiser. :crazy2:

I was going to paint it with a broader brush and say, "to be fair, it IS beer".

Aww...that's really sweet! What a great surprise!

Now that I did not know about. So I learned something here anyway!
Glad to be an enlightener on occasion. ;)

I feel like I'd get along well with your dad. Can't this place whip up a decent burger? Sheesh.

No, but they do have this:

Grilled New York Strip, Roasted Potatoes Vinaigrette, Harvest Vegetables, and Butter $34


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