The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

The great White North of Winnterpeg. ;)
That’s me!
Thanks PK. I’ve missed everyone around here a lot.
I have a long list of things I’d love to do both short-term and long-term but for now I’m going to scale back and find some rest.
Probably a good place to start. ::yes::
Yesterday, we enjoyed Cornish game hen, roast duck, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, asparagus sautéed in garlic butter, deviled eggs, a cheeseboard, snacks with games, cherry pie, peach rhubarb pie (that we were all too far to actually eat so I’ll take to work tomorrow), Hot cider with fireball whiskey, and spiked eggnog.
Diet starts today.
What... no leftovers??
D is for: Depot of Droids

Well over a year after the fact, to the point this TR borders on the ridiculously inane, I trudge on. One thing our little group (if you’ll recall, that was my 3 youngest “kids” and I) decided on doing was building droids. It was actually the eldest of the three’s idea as she’d read about the Droid Depot somewhere else. That alone surprised the crap out of me as I truly thought I was the only one who was doing ANY kind of pre-planning or research for this trip whatsoever. I was tickled to say the least. On the downside, there was no way I could say 'no' now either.

Make a reservation, I did.

I knew it’d be spendy, but Mikki, whose idea it was, and Zach both agreed to pay for half of one each, and I’d pay for Anara and myself. That brought the cost down to somewhere near the price of a weeks-stay at Aulani or so.

Our reservation was not until 7:15 PM, AFTER dinner, but I decided to pop in around 5:15 right after we were done at Sci-Fi for our early dinner. Sorry for the spoiler but I think I already wrote about that? Yes? I have no idea. If I haven’t, I’ll get there. Where was I? Yes, I had hoped we could get into the Droid Depot early because frankly, we were pooping out by this point. We’d been up since WAY-Too-Early ‘o thirty and were kinda done-ish. Luckily, there are smarter people than we are who were probably buying TP for 2020 in a Galaxy far, far (not that far) away, so the Depot wasn’t that busy. The nice CM told us there’d be no problem getting us in early and happily took my life’s savings. Close to it anyway. We got our directions and were ushered off to the conveyor belts of goodies and body parts. One would have thought we were choosing which major to pursue in college or something. Seriously, it’s R2 or BB and black, white, or red. Sure, there’s a bunch of color combinations you can make with the various parts, but there just aren’t enough to warrant the 30 minutes it took for that part of the time we spent in there.

Zach and I went with an R2 unit with a black and silver motif, cuz we’re cool like that. Mikki and Anara chose a BB in white and red. They aren’t as cool. The Depot is a noisy, happy place full of busy hubbub, moving belts of parts, and the occasional exclamations of surprise as a new droid lights up with life. Once you have selected your parts, you take it to an assembly station manned by a tech who can talk you off the ledge when you want to fling it against the wall because your screws keep stripping. Well, that’s what happened to the girls anyway. Not even exaggerating. The nice CM lady had to help them find 2 new sets of legs before they finally found some that weren’t defective. Maybe there was a new body in there too? (Are we seriously supposed to depend on these things to save our hineys when we're trying to destroy evil empires?!)

Finally, they were all put together and it was time to bring them to life. Basically, it's kind of feeling like:


Or this:


The suspense was undeniable as I grudgingly graciously let Zach give our R2 unit the jolt of life-giving juice. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt…. Beep, beepppppppppp, bloopppppppppdee boop. It’s alive!!! As with any ungrateful child, the first thing it said, was "Mom, can I borrow $20?" Since it wasn’t only mine, it was spared from being kicked across the room.

Just kidding, just kidding, like any other parent I immediately wanted to buy it all kinds of baby shower gifts but especially this:


Still do. Kinda regret not doing so.

Clearly, the girls were giddy as they enjoyed their 10 seconds of god-like power.

(Those are the smiles and Disney memories that make spending your life savings worth it.)

And just like any other parent who takes their kid to Disney is eventually going to end up carrying it all over the park for the rest of the day, we did.

There are no exceptions to this parenting mandate.
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A note to my friends here. Obviously I am hopelessly behind and can't possibly go back and read all I"ve missed. It's going to take a bit to find my way again around here. I will check my subbed threads and see if those are still active. If you've started something new, let me know. :) Gonna take a bit to get back into the swing of things. :)
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But what some of you may NOT know is that I have finished my BSN!! In 4 months, I've tackled 13 classes
Wow! I knew you were working hard on it, but wow.
:darth: Impressive. Most impressive.

So, this is just a heartfelt HELLO too all of those who are left that might still be around. If one of those might be YOU, drop a line and say 'hi' back. I've missed you!
Hello. Good to see you back. Missed you too.

I've seen many of you on FB and while we may not always agree on this or that, I do hope we can find commonality and friendship here.
Not me. I think FB (not always) tends to be a place where people say nasty things they'd NEVER say in person. Never had it, never intend to. These last several months have been the most divided I've seen this country and I don't see it getting better, so hopefully our love of Disney can at least keep us civil.
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Thanks Glenn! It’s been ages and ages since I’ve been here or have seen you. Are you back on the boards regularly now?

Well, yes and no. I'm not trip reporting, it's just so time-consuming. I've been on the DVC forums a lot, mostly reading. I was watching the forums on resale prices and then we bought some Hilton Head points this fall, with a plan to be able to alternate years between Orlando and Hilton Head, although we're hoping to go back to Aulani in 2022.
Well over a year after the fact, to the point this TR borders on the ridiculously inane, I trudge on.
Nah. I was perusing the TR forum a couple days ago and noticed one TR that just started that was based on a trip from (almost) 2 years ago. You're good.
That alone surprised the crap out of me as I truly thought I was the only one who was doing ANY kind of pre-planning or research for this trip whatsoever.
Yup. Familiar with that process.
I was tickled to say the least.
Hate being tickled. My older sister used to pin me down and do that. Hate it to this day.
On the downside, there was no way I could say 'no' now either.
Nope. You're stuck now.
Make a reservation, I did.
Said in perfectly fluent Yoda-ese.
That brought the cost down to somewhere near the price of a weeks-stay at Aulani or so.

But seriously... I don't think Aulani is that expensive.
Sorry for the spoiler but I think I already wrote about that? Yes? I have no idea. If I haven’t, I’ll get there.
I don't think so? Maybe? It's been a while!
I had hoped we could get into the Droid Depot early because frankly, we were pooping out by this point.
Then you need a bathroom. The Droid Depot is not the place for that!
Luckily, there are smarter people than we are who were probably buying TP for 2020 in a Galaxy far, far (not that far) away,
And... I thought I was silly for going there and here you dive right in.
and happily took my life’s savings.
Disney will always happily take your life's savings.
One would have thought we were choosing which major to pursue in college or something. Seriously, it’s R2 or BB and black, white, or red. Sure, there’s a bunch of color combinations you can make with the various parts, but there just aren’t enough to warrant the 30 minutes it took for that part of the time we spent in there.
Oh no. It's a very weighty decision. I mean... you're paying vast amounts for the privilege. Darn right I'm going to take my time.
Zach and I went with an R2 unit with a black and silver motif, cuz we’re cool like that.
Mikki and Anara chose a BB in white and red. They aren’t as cool.
Once you have selected your parts, you take it to an assembly station manned by a tech who can talk you off the ledge when you want to fling it against the wall because your screws keep stripping.
Yup. Had that problem myself and had to get new parts too.
(Are we seriously supposed to depend on these things to save our hineys when we're trying to destroy evil empires?!)
Oh, once they're alive, they're very reliable, if a bit aloof.
So... I noticed Zach's jacket earlier and just thought "Must've been chilly out." But then I see one of your DD's has short sleeves and the girl beside Zach has no sleeves. Style choice, or...?
Finally, they were all put together and it was time to bring them to life. Basically, it's kind of feeling like:

Or this:

I grudgingly graciously let Zach give our R2 unit the jolt of life-giving juice.
The things we do for our offspring.
As with any ungrateful child, the first thing it said, was "Mom, can I borrow $20?"
Since it wasn’t only mine, it was spared from being kicked across the room.
Also worth more than its weight in gold.
Still do. Kinda regret not doing so.
I looked at that and decided it wasn't overly practical and... the purist in me thought it would detract, not enhance my droid.
(Those are the smiles and Disney memories that make spending your life savings worth it.)
And just like any other parent who takes their kid to Disney is eventually going to end up carrying it all over the park for the rest of the day, we did.
In it's own oversized box which will get thrown out when you get home anyway.
Hi! And congratulations!!!!

I've been missing from the Dis for the past several months as well. You'd think with the pandemic we'd all have more times on our hands.
Loved the droid building! When Jack and I (finally) get to Disney next summer, he has Savi's workshop on his must do list. I am not a Star Wars person but am looking forward to checking out Galaxy's Edge with him. Besides, when your soon to be 21 year old wants to travel with you, the only answer is yes!
Wow! I knew you were working hard on it, but wow.
:darth: Impressive. Most impressive.

Thank you!!! It was a a long, tough 4 months!
Hello. Good to see you back. Missed you too.

Thanks, Doc. My posting and involvement will be far less than in times past. I'm working about 50 hours a week right now trying to play catch up on retirement and keep my mind off the sadness of this season. (not the holidays, just pandemic grossness)

Not me. I think FB (not always) tends to be a place where people say nasty things they'd NEVER say in person. Never had it, never intend to. These last several months have been the most divided I've seen this country and I don't see it getting better, so hopefully our love of Disney can at least keep us civil.
That could be true. And I have defintely seen that. Certainly sharing your opinion can rile people up. ;) As for divided? That too, is sadly true!! But, this is a place for Disney and sharing our love for that. :)
Well, yes and no. I'm not trip reporting, it's just so time-consuming. I've been on the DVC forums a lot, mostly reading. I was watching the forums on resale prices and then we bought some Hilton Head points this fall, with a plan to be able to alternate years between Orlando and Hilton Head, although we're hoping to go back to Aulani in 2022.

It is VERY time consuming for sure. And I've loved writing in the past for sure, as you know, but now, without travel or trips to look forward to, it's hard to stay motivated. Plus, working 50+ hours a week takes its toll.

WOW!! You did it. I knew you loved HH and go there pretty often- totally makes sense you'd buy in. Yeah.... Aulani.... kinda near the top of my list.
Nah. I was perusing the TR forum a couple days ago and noticed one TR that just started that was based on a trip from (almost) 2 years ago. You're good.

Phew!! I'm not that out-of-date/touch!!
Yup. Familiar with that process.

Silly kids. But, I have to confess, my daughter (Mikki) who is going on the cruise with @Malia78 and I in Sept (God-willing) is doing WAY more research than even I am for that. So there's that.
Hate being tickled. My older sister used to pin me down and do that. Hate it to this day.
Not overly fond of that either.
Said in perfectly fluent Yoda-ese.

I had to choose between that or Whale.

But seriously... I don't think Aulani is that expensive.

I have NO idea! Never priced it. But, I did sort of poke around about a trip to Costa Rica. That right now, sounds more appealing.
I don't think so? Maybe? It's been a while!

Well, then, Tune-in Lounge next....
Then you need a bathroom. The Droid Depot is not the place for that!

And... I thought I was silly for going there and here you dive right in.

Nope, silly me. ;)
Disney will always happily take your life's savings.

Of course!!! And we are always willing.
Yup. Had that problem myself and had to get new parts too.

Huh!!! Odd that there'd still be tech issues after this much time of product development.
Oh, once they're alive, they're very reliable, if a bit aloof.

I would like to take mine back someday and have it interact. Someday......
So... I noticed Zach's jacket earlier and just thought "Must've been chilly out." But then I see one of your DD's has short sleeves and the girl beside Zach has no sleeves. Style choice, or...?

He is skin and bones. He and I both get cold pretty easily, so that makes sense. We'd arrived while it was dark and still chilly as well, so I'm sure he'd had it from the beginning of the day. I think only one day of the trip we'd gotten a locker. Maybe?
Also worth more than its weight in gold.

Well, yes, that too!
I looked at that and decided it wasn't overly practical and... the purist in me thought it would detract, not enhance my droid.

No, just novel and funny.
In it's own oversized box which will get thrown out when you get home anyway.
I literally can't even remember if we got boxes. Probably? THey are gone now, regardless.
Hi! And congratulations!!!!

I've been missing from the Dis for the past several months as well. You'd think with the pandemic we'd all have more times on our hands.
OH HI!!! Great to see you here! :)

And yes, you'd sure think so, but I have found myself feeling very uncertain about my job and continued income. Working at an elective (and you'd be surprised that that is a bit of a misnomer, as much of what we do is probably NOT best to hold off on) surgical center, I am worried that they could arbitrarily shut us down again. I can't afford that without knowing I've put in extra to cushion that if it comes. So, LOTS of extra hours at work. On top of weekend call and paper-writing. :(
Loved the droid building! When Jack and I (finally) get to Disney next summer, he has Savi's workshop on his must do list. I am not a Star Wars person but am looking forward to checking out Galaxy's Edge with him. Besides, when your soon to be 21 year old wants to travel with you, the only answer is yes!
Suse!!!!! HI!! It's awesome to see you here!!

WE really had such a fun time. Spendy yes, but I think overall it was worth it. I think Savi's will be just as fun. :) I think even a non- SW fan could enjoy GE, the details alone are fun to check out. At the very least, it is INCREDIBLY immersive. ONe thing at the TOP Of my list is to see ALL of DHS at night. I have not seen ANY of the areas other than Sunset Blvd with the lights on. My favorite traveling buddy (as far as kids go) is my 21 year old son as well. He's just so easy going and always game for everything. Love that! And you're right, the answewr is always, yes!!
Phew!! I'm not that out-of-date/touch!!
Nope! Lead on Macduff!

(Yes, I know that's a mis-quote, but it fits.)
Silly kids. But, I have to confess, my daughter (Mikki) who is going on the cruise with @Malia78 and I in Sept (God-willing) is doing WAY more research than even I am for that. So there's that.
Oh! Impressive. Good for her.
And... I knew your cruise got canceled last fall. Glad you rescheduled it. :)
Not overly fond of that either.
Then if we get trapped on the Skyliner together, we're both safe.
I had to choose between that or Whale.
You chose... wisely.
I have NO idea! Never priced it. But, I did sort of poke around about a trip to Costa Rica. That right now, sounds more appealing.
Oh really! Good for you! Lots of trips coming up to make up for the crappy non-trip year that is 2020.
Of course!!! And we are always willing.
Except I got Disney to pay me a few days ago. That was a change.
Huh!!! Odd that there'd still be tech issues after this much time of product development.
Well, this was quite a while ago. I think maybe even before you did it?
I would like to take mine back someday and have it interact. Someday......
I would like to take mine back and return it. It just sits and stares now. I could use the refund to by a nice car.
He is skin and bones. He and I both get cold pretty easily, so that makes sense. We'd arrived while it was dark and still chilly as well, so I'm sure he'd had it from the beginning of the day. I think only one day of the trip we'd gotten a locker. Maybe?
Okay, that explains it.
I literally can't even remember if we got boxes. Probably? THey are gone now, regardless.
I know I got a box, but had to scrap it when I packed for the flight home.
My favorite traveling buddy (as far as kids go) is my 21 year old son as well. He's just so easy going and always game for everything. Love that! And you're right, the answewr is always, yes!!
Quality time with our awesome adult offspring is always a good thing! :)
My favorite traveling buddy (as far as kids go) is my 21 year old son as well. He's just so easy going and always game for everything. Love that! And you're right, the answewr is always, yes!!
Yeah, he was pretty cool! I'm a bit surprised though...with my limited experience, Mikki seemed pretty easy going and up for whatever also.

I thought I'd quoted it, but didn't see it come through...with the new degree, will that help find something more permanent and not elective based? I know you were looking ahead with moving. Still wish it was here. :sad:

Except I got Disney to pay me a few days ago. That was a change.
That is a change! I still have to check all my CC statements, because I don't think they refunded my AP like they should have. Just renewed in January and then everything shut down in March

I know I got a box, but had to scrap it when I packed for the flight home.
As you know, I'm a tea drinker. Same problem with the one set of teas I bought at Disney. They were in a hexagon shaped box and then the individual tea boxes inside were wedge shaped. Made it really awkward to pack and store in my tea drawer when I got home.
(This was before I moved here)
As you know, I'm a tea drinker. Same problem with the one set of teas I bought at Disney. They were in a hexagon shaped box and then the individual tea boxes inside were wedge shaped. Made it really awkward to pack and store in my tea drawer when I got home.
(This was before I moved here)
Heh. That sounds like one of those first world problems, doesn’t it? :)
Heh. That sounds like one of those first world problems, doesn’t it? :)
Same as a droid box that's too big or not easy to pack.

I imagine my tea was cheaper than your droid...although, with Disney prices, maybe not.


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