The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

I would definitely disagree here. It's what makes a tomato sandwich great. Here in the south (made famous by Elvis...peanut butter and banana sandwiches with mayonnaise - I don't particularly like them, but many folks do).
Sausage sandwiches with mayo and mustard.
Ham sandwiches.
Hot dogs.
I could go on, but suffice it to say, I very much am a mayo fan.

We can agree to disagree and the great thing is we (like Disney) can enjoy different things and that's okay.

I don't agree to that! :rotfl2:

I have never understood the desire to ruin a perfectly good hamburger with mayo, but whatever floats your boat, I guess. To me, it's a mostly tasteless goo. I struggle to eat stuff that isn't solid and doesn't have much of a taste. Sort of a texture thing for me, really. This is also why I struggle to eat squash. More tasteless goo. :crazy2:

Okay, definitely going to pass this info along to the main planners of this trip. Guess the old RD trick will be utilized. ;)

::yes:: It's a must!

True. And I just added it up. For the 3 days of the move (that we're all expected to take part in), my pay will take care of about half of the Utah Vacay.

That ought to be a good incentive!

Does she already have her permit? Sorry, if you've mentioned this on your TR, I've forgotten.

I don't remember what they call each stage, but she's almost finished driving with the instructor. Once that's finished, we can go to the DMV and get her license, but she's required to drive with one of her parents for the first 6 months (and log so many hours) before being allowed to go on her own.

But you're right. It's like having a clean house: If it's clean no one notices, but if you're dishes aren't done or your floors are gross, everyone will!

Truth. We all focus on the negative.

Cole slaw? Potato salad?

Not a fan of cole slaw. I'll eat potato salad, but I don't really consider it an improvement on good ol' cooked potatoes.:thumbsup2
I struggle to eat stuff that isn't solid and doesn't have much of a taste. Sort of a texture thing for me, really.

Same reason I usually gag on oatmeal, pudding, and bananas. Blech!

That ought to be a good incentive!

Did I mention breakfast, lunch, and dinner is being provided?

I don't remember what they call each stage, but she's almost finished driving with the instructor. Once that's finished, we can go to the DMV and get her license, but she's required to drive with one of her parents for the first 6 months (and log so many hours) before being allowed to go on her own.

Same here. But Zach is 19 and getting it, so I think he's good to go right off the bat. Anara will fit that ^ mold.

Not a fan of cole slaw. I'll eat potato salad, but I don't really consider it an improvement on good ol' cooked potatoes.:thumbsup2

You'd die hearing what we add to our mashers.

Horseradish (just a tiny), or tobasco (just a few dashes), or maybe dijon mustard.
I accidentally bought extra for some reason and we are finally down to only one extra in the pantry again. My kids teased me mercilessly for months.
Publix usually has buy one, get one free so we'll have anywhere from 1 to 2 in the pantry at any given time.


Steppe- The Dancing Queen.

(No, like for reals, I do like ABBA.)
Only seventeen, oh yeah.
You can dance, you can dance, having the time of your life.

And you KNOW it'd be It's a Small World.
That would cure my Disney affection. I'd have to sell my DVC membership and everything if that were the only ride.
Okay, Guys and Dolls, get yer guesses in. I have edited the photos and am starting to write the next chapter. :)

Am I caught up? Im so confused I don't remember where i have and havent responded. :crazy2:

I have never understood the desire to ruin a perfectly good hamburger with mayo, but whatever floats your boat, I guess.

See i don't understand why people want to ruin a perfectly good burger with overpowering condiments like ketchup or mustard. Mayo gives it just the right complement, make it a tad bit juicier without drowning out the flavor of the beef!

Did I mention breakfast, lunch, and dinner is being provided?

But if i consists of squished bread and spam, not sure how appetizing that would be. :rolleyes1

Steppesister: Hosting debates about mayonnaise and Spam for... years now. Just doing my part to make the world a better place.



Publix usually has buy one, get one free so we'll have anywhere from 1 to 2 in the pantry at any given time.

We always have a backup of ketchup and mayo, but use very, VERY little of either. But when I do use ketchup it's a ton at a time since I use it for chili.

Only seventeen, oh yeah.
You can dance, you can dance, having the time of your life.


Busting out my moves now!!!

That would cure my Disney affection. I'd have to sell my DVC membership and everything if that were the only ride.

So this would be an effective intervention, then. LOL

Am I caught up? Im so confused I don't remember where i have and havent responded. :crazy2:

Yes, I think you are, Alison! ;)

I have to go back and tally everyone's guesses, and I think you did?

See i don't understand why people want to ruin a perfectly good burger with overpowering condiments like ketchup or mustard. Mayo gives it just the right complement, make it a tad bit juicier without drowning out the flavor of the beef!

I rarely eat them, but love a good Thousand Island on it when I do.
But if i consists of squished bread and spam, not sure how appetizing that would be. :rolleyes1


LOL!! Valid point, you have!
We always have a backup of ketchup and mayo, but use very, VERY little of either. But when I do use ketchup it's a ton at a time since I use it for chili.
Ewww,..ketchup for chili instead of stewed tomatoes? I guess after you add seasonings, it could/would mask the ketchup taste, it's just surprising to me since I don't expect chili to have sugar or vinegar and ketchup has both. I make homemade sloppy joes and use a bunch of ketchup and some worcestershire sauce for that.

I rarely eat them, but love a good Thousand Island on it when I do.
It's possible you know this, but possible you don't either...

Thousand Island = Mayo, Ketchup & relish
French dressing = Mayo & Ketchup
Ranch dressing = Mayo & Milk & ranch dressing mix :lmao:

Along the same lines of something folks may or may not know...
Cocktail sauce = Ketchup & horseradish

Another thing...if you like whoppers at burger king, unless you order otherwise, they come with mayo & ketchup and no mustard.
Same reason I usually gag on oatmeal, pudding, and bananas. Blech!

I usually dump lots of brown sugar into my oatmeal so I can handle that. I've had the same issues with pudding and bananas, though!

Did I mention breakfast, lunch, and dinner is being provided?


Same here. But Zach is 19 and getting it, so I think he's good to go right off the bat. Anara will fit that ^ mold.

When did this all happen? They were just kids a short while ago.

You'd die hearing what we add to our mashers.

Horseradish (just a tiny), or tobasco (just a few dashes), or maybe dijon mustard.

None of that bothers me. Adding a dash of something for spice or flavor is completely different from slathering a tasteless goo all over it.

See i don't understand why people want to ruin a perfectly good burger with overpowering condiments like ketchup or mustard. Mayo gives it just the right complement, make it a tad bit juicier without drowning out the flavor of the beef!

Well, we all must learn to deal with differences of opinion. Somehow, there are also people in the world who look at oysters and snails and think, "Gee, that looks appetizing." :rotfl:
I usually dump lots of brown sugar into my oatmeal so I can handle that.

There is a right way and a wrong way to eat it.
1. Put lots of brown sugar all over the top. Make sure no oatmeal is visible.
2. Eat the brown sugar. If you accidentally eat some oatmeal, shrug it off.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you either fall into a sugar coma or the bowl is empty.

None of that bothers me. Adding a dash of something for spice or flavor is completely different from slathering a tasteless goo all over it.

mmmmmm... tasteless goo...

Somehow, there are also people in the world who look at oysters and snails and think, "Gee, that looks appetizing." :rotfl:

If you ever get up here, I am taking you to The Keg. I will mock you until you finally acquiesce and eat one escargot. Just one.

After that, when you are ordering it at every restaurant you go to, you can thank me.
There is a right way and a wrong way to eat it.
1. Put lots of brown sugar all over the top. Make sure no oatmeal is visible.
2. Eat the brown sugar. If you accidentally eat some oatmeal, shrug it off.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you either fall into a sugar coma or the bowl is empty.

Sounds about right! :thumbsup2

mmmmmm... tasteless goo...


If you ever get up here, I am taking you to The Keg. I will mock you until you finally acquiesce and eat one escargot. Just one.

After that, when you are ordering it at every restaurant you go to, you can thank me.

I was originally just going to say "oysters", but then I added in snails just to push your buttons. Because I'm a jerk.
All caught up!

Thank you for sharing about your time in Africa. What a life changing trip. It really opens your eyes and makes you appreciate what we take for granted when you see the conditions that others live in and the challenges that they face.

Your WDW trip also looks fabulous!

As organized as I am, it is inevitable that something is always forgotten. Occasionally it has been underwear.

Amen to that. I am also like that. I will never forget the time I went to visit family in Ohio and went to get dressed the morning after we arrived to discover I had not packed a bra. :rolleyes1 The day before I had been wearing a sundress with one of the built-in's so it wasn't until it was too late that I made the discovery.

(Don’t worry! I didn’t know what a “fascinator” is either until I began my preparations for Dapper Day, 2017.

Ah, the fascinator, so fancy. One of my very dear patients who just passed away last week (broke my heart) always had to wear a fascinator. It was her trademark. Sometimes the other nurses would forget to put it on her and I would have to run down to her room to get one as it just wasn't right for her to be out in "public" without one on. princess:

love all the outfits, you all look great! What a fun event!

I was devastated. I watched my boots go from a pair to singlets… in separate bags. My coffee and mini French Press were whisked away to other (separate) bags (this is about to become a theme). Medications were deftly “dumped” and strewn hither and yon. What were once sterile gloves were tossed in and compromised and I was getting more and more irritated and upset with each moment. I felt helpless and that things were out of control with no way to reign in what was going on. At some point in a scenario such as this, one just gives up. I walked away and let them “handle it”, (pun intended) knowing that there was the same amount of work ahead that we’d already put in not once, but twice, before. On the other hand, I learned a valuable lesson: a detailed manifest would have been helpful for the medical supplies we were taking which would have saved some time when we got there. As for our personal items, now parsed out to 14 other bags, time would tell us whether we’d see them again.

That would have stressed me out so much!!!

Stand and be seen, or risk offending. So, here is our team with the leading presidential candidate.

yikes, that is an awkward situation. I don't know what I would have done but probably the same as you.

I was quickly fomenting a love affair with all things involving carrying things on heads. This is a deep mystery to me as to how it’s done.

:laughing: I've always marvelled at people that have this skill. Requires wonderful balance I assume.

Our CEO had become quite ill about 24 hours after landing, and about 24 hours after that my aunt fell prey to “the bug”. Now, it was my turn to get it and that was about as sick as I’ve been in YEARS. By the next day, I had a raging chest issue that would last well beyond my returning home and severely impact the trip. But more on that later

Oh dear. That sounds terrible. That must have been so disappointing for you to be unwell when you worked so hard to go on this trip and would want to be at your best to provide the most help.

trip this summer to the Zion and Bryce National Parks.

That sounds wonderful! Such a beautiful area.
Ewww,..ketchup for chili instead of stewed tomatoes? I guess after you add seasonings, it could/would mask the ketchup taste, it's just surprising to me since I don't expect chili to have sugar or vinegar and ketchup has both. I make homemade sloppy joes and use a bunch of ketchup and some worcestershire sauce for that.

Lots of other stuff in there AND tomatoes. Mmmm....

It's possible you know this, but possible you don't either...

Thousand Island = Mayo, Ketchup & relish
French dressing = Mayo & Ketchup
Ranch dressing = Mayo & Milk & ranch dressing mix :lmao:

Along the same lines of something folks may or may not know...
Cocktail sauce = Ketchup & horseradish

Another thing...if you like whoppers at burger king, unless you order otherwise, they come with mayo & ketchup and no mustard.

Yep, knew all of that. :) And yes, I do enjoy a Whopper now and then. Although, I order the Whopper Jr. since that's plenty for me.

Well someone has to!
These are the kinds of things that people need to know!!

It's the place to be for all your condiment needs!!

It's possible you know this, but possible you don't either...

Thousand Island = Mayo, Ketchup & relish
French dressing = Mayo & Ketchup
Ranch dressing = Mayo & Milk & ranch dressing mix :lmao:

Along the same lines of something folks may or may not know...
Cocktail sauce = Ketchup & horseradish

I was aware of all these but i also put Tabasco in my cocktail sauce.

Another thing...if you like whoppers at burger king, unless you order otherwise, they come with mayo & ketchup and no mustard.

Which is why my standard Burger King order is a Whopper with Cheese, no ketchup or tomatoes and has been for over 30 years. Although I too am starting to lean towards the whopper Jr. as well since my apetite isn't what it used to be.

Well, we all must learn to deal with differences of opinion. Somehow, there are also people in the world who look at oysters and snails and think, "Gee, that looks appetizing." :rotfl:

Only small briny oysters. Giant ones make me want to gag! :lmao:


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