The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

I can't believe I was just in Disneyland and DCA a few days ago! So it's exciting to see your DL post!!

And since I’m in Disney, drinking double-fisted is perfectly acceptable. The ones who “Disney” (it’s now a verb) correctly sauntered up Main Street. (Kari, you’re with me right? RIGHT?!) I suppose PK was sashaying as he tends to do.

@pkondz sashaying? Like on a catwalk? This I must see!

Somehow, as if by Disney magic, we found ourselves purchasing a Dole Whip. Oopsies, how did THAT happen?! We’d been there 15 minutes and had already tasted a little piece of Heaven.

Hmm. I think pkondz will take credit for that one!

Hi Kari!

I think we all went on Pirates next, but who knows. I’m thinking we did, cuz one of our group wanted the red head. Yo, Ho! I wanted the red wine, but didn’t want a gunfight to get it. The DLR version is about a billion times better. This is not up for debate.

100% agree with you!!

Go Beavs!! (Did I mention my daughter is a graduating Beaver (Oregon State) with a double major in Business Marketing and Management this Fall and walking on June 15th. It goes without saying that I am beyond proud of her! I think in the entire graduating class there are approximately 30 double majors!)


Then came the only disappointing few minutes of the day. Kari had waited her whole trip to ride Splash but it’d been down for days. But we heard screaming and splashing and made tracks for the Briar Patch. We ripped along the queue only to reach the last 50 yards of it when things came to a screeching halt. The voice of disappointment and despair came over the speakers and told us to either leave or tough it out. We waited for 10 or so minutes, then gave up.

Aww, that sucks. :(

Nice churro munching!
The DL churros are so much yummier than WDW. I think turnover is much higher, hence a fresher churro. I often saw lines at the churro carts and at WDW you don't see many churros being eaten, it's more about the popcorn and pretzels.

Don’t judge. This is vacation. Ever since the last time the bunch of us got together, I was craving the Plaza fried chicken. Mostly because I was an idiot last time and got a salad. What was I thinking?!!!

Did you have food envy? I would have, :laughing:

In no time at all, we got to the Hyperion for our Frozen reservation and I can’t say enough great things about this show. I can’t speak for Alison, but I made a spectacle of myself by blubbering through a lot of it. (She shed a tear or two too.) Luckily, she thought ahead and had tissues. It was beautiful and funny, and genuine Broadway quality in nature. I remember very clearly thinking to myself that that show alone would have been worth the ticket price. Again, no pix except the stage before the show, but this time because I wasn’t allowed to. Convenient since I probably wouldn’t have anyway. Who wants to take photos when THAT is in front of them?! Curious? Does Olaf melt your heart too? I had a sudden urge to splurge on Rice Cream in Norway, but well… wrong park. Er, wrong coast. Soon, My Sweetness, soon….

I'm going to see Frozen on Broadway this summer and I'm so excited!!

And now for a first! For me anyway. While I was admittedly more than a little skeptical and bordering on highly offended, I followed the others to the Guardians Ride. (Kari opted out and headed for a back-to-back on the Racers.)

I'm not a free-faller so I'd be with Kari on this one. I passed the Guardians ride and I almost psyched myself to go on, then I looked up and it looked so TALL, so I just took a picture and backed away. #fail :laughing:

Please, oh PLEASE leave WDW’s alone!

I think they will since they will have the new Guardians ride in Epcot, and I don't think they will have two Guardians rides in different parks. :thumbsup2
Ah a Scout!!! Nice!! So you were an Eagle as well then if through High School.
Yes, although in Canada the names of each age division is a little different. From youngest to oldest we have Beavers (5-8), Cubs (8-11), Scouts (11-14), Venturers (14-17), Rovers (them being the oldest group at 18+ and rarest since most people would either leave the program or become leaders to the younger groups by that age)
Good morning! Just finished your teaching day. The village celebration video was so fun and amazing! I' so happy you got to experience that adventure. Love how so many sweet faces were captured in the pics. It sounds like your teaching was getting through. I hope the delegates went home and made a difference in their home villages. So sweet to see how your gift was honored.

It was really a joyful, amazing time.

I do hope some of what we taught sunk in at least a little. WE may never know....

I said it on Facebook, but a big CONGRATULATIONS on passing and flying already!!!

THanks! Now to spend $$ and actually get up there and do the practical part of flying!!

Well, I'm off to pack. I' supposed to pick Myles up in a bit to help me. Hope it doesn't make him too sad. Jim has the carpet and pad out, painting almost done and flooring should be almost there by today. All of that in 11 days while working. He is on a mission !

How did the packing day go? Was Miles sad to see you leaving? :(

WHOA! Jim is making tracks! That is a ton of work done already!!

He might even get a gufaw!

LOL! He might.

Yuss!!! I'm catching him! :rotfl2:

Oh I have to try to catch up on the TR.

Still a way's to go!

And there's not that much there... you can do it!
Before I answer, I'd like to say I saw 2 of the 9 you saw on this last trip. Soooo glad we got to see VOL and Yehaa Bob!

Nice!!! Those 2 are both great picks!

I was in band in middle school and first year of high school. Was in the musical South Pacific when I was a Junior or Senior. Other than that, sports. I sing in choir at church. I play a wicked air guitar? Does that count?

So, you did do some fine arts. See? And did you drama being that you were in a play/musical.

And you were doing sports too. I always admired people who could crossover like that.

Air guitar? Hmm.... ;)

Oh, my. I could goodsearch since I don't use google, but then you had to go and say on the honor system. I'll confess, I don't know that many because usually my trip on mainstreet is a) get to rides or b) get to resort bus. I know Crystal Palace, the Italian place I've heard isn't very good, an ice cream place, a place to get popcorn. I think most of the others are gift or specialty shops. I'm sure if I could pull up a map of Disney, I could do much better, but that would defeat the purpose and not be honorable.


VOL - New favorite. Will be a priority stop from here on out.
Oompah band - Former favorite
Drums in Japan pavilion
Yehaa Bob - Favorite for having fun. This will definitely be a repeat in the future.
Steel drums in Africa (Calypso Duo). You said between pandora and Africa, but I think they used to be just in Africa.
Dapper Dans. I'll confess, more due to DW than me.
Band you have pictures of.
Does country bear jamboree count? ;)

That's a nice long list! Good job!

Bear country doesn't count, but it does remind me that I haven't seen that since the kids were little. Hmmm....

Edit: Two I forgot
The oompah band in Biergarten numerous times (saw Mark mentioned that, so for me as well)
Either '71 or '72 (can't remember if it was the first year we went or the second). Me and my cousin were chosen dress in colonial costumes and to be part of the liberty parade with the drum & bugle corps. We definitely were listening to them for more than 5 minutes. Now, I need to see if mom has any pictures from that.

And the Fife and Drums are gone now. Sooooo sad. :( But you got to BE one of them?! How cool is that?!
Looks like a fun day! I love the Plaza fried chicken! I think GoTG is way better than the DL version of ToT was. I'm glad they still have the best ToT at DHS.

Jill in CO
Monday came, and it was DISNEY DAY!!

The best day of any week!

Somehow, as if by Disney magic, we found ourselves purchasing a Dole Whip.

I love this idea. Dole whip for breakfast is perfect on vacation.

There was some cool stuff they added!

So much to see. Someday if I every make it there I'll have to ride just to see all the neat extras.

Did I mention my daughter is a graduating Beaver (Oregon State) with a double major in Business Marketing and Management this Fall and walking on June 15th. It goes without saying that I am beyond proud of her! I think in the entire graduating class there are approximately 30 double majors!)

Congrats! You have every right to be proud.

We waited for 10 or so minutes, then gave up.

Bummer, Splash is my favorite mountain. I would be hurt to miss it too.

I think it’s a fantastic downtime ride for the After-Plaza-Chicken-Coma-Crowd.

We've used the train at MK to help digest a big meal too.

How could they possibly improve on Twilight? Well, I can’t say it’s BETTER, but it is equally well done and creative in its own right.

I love the Guardians movies but I do not want to see Twilight removed from DHS. I would be willing to try it at DL.
After we picked up the tix, and the appropriate ridiculously long lines for bag check and entrance were waited in, I made a beeline for coffee.

I wouldn't even have gotten that far before coffee!

Somehow, as if by Disney magic, we found ourselves purchasing a Dole Whip.

Yes I remember seeing that. I don't remember what it was I had to do that morning (besides feed the cats). I just went back and looked at my texts, we were going to head to the park at 10AM when we realized we should get the oil changed. Then a tenant called and had been locked out of her apartment, fun times!

we pushed and shoved our way over to Haunted Mansion.

I would have liked to ride this, but we did on Saturday so I guess I was good. But now I'd like to go and do it!

Yes, you heard me right. If it had been shorter, I’d have had to toss my coffee.


The DLR version is about a billion times better. This is not up for debate.

::yes:: But now there is no more red headed wench. :sad2:

My photos show that we ended up on the Mark Twain next. Just one of those days when we really had zero agenda and were not in a hurry. Trust me, that’s when you end up on the Mark Twain.

I really need to do that too!

There was some cool stuff they added!

I need to see that!

Kari had waited her whole trip to ride Splash but it’d been down for days. But we heard screaming and splashing and made tracks for the Briar Patch. We ripped along the queue only to reach the last 50 yards of it when things came to a screeching halt. The voice of disappointment and despair came over the speakers and told us to either leave or tough it out. We waited for 10 or so minutes, then gave up.


Refueled it was time to meet Alison!! And, yay!!! Time to EAT!!!

Don't get ahead of yourself lassie! First let's catch the train in New Orleans Square and ride it back through the Grand Canyon and Primeval World to Main Street. Then it's time to eat!

We got 2 dinners to split and it was the perfect amount for the 4 of us. It was delicious too! Mmm, deep fried chicken with taters and gravy. Feeeeeeeeeeed the beast!

Yes it was delicious.

I’m pretty sure we went on Indiana Jones after lunch (sorry, no photos at all.) and I even kept my chicken dinner safely stowed where it belonged. I was also glad that my neck wasn't thrown out. Since I took no notes and have no photos, I can’t prove that we went on the train. But we did.

Yes we did go on Indy next....

I can’t speak for Alison, but I made a spectacle of myself by blubbering through a lot of it.

I always cry at that show!

While I was admittedly more than a little skeptical and bordering on highly offended, I followed the others to the Guardians Ride.

Right now it's my favorite ride!

I think there is a pretty hilarious ride photo out of the deal; I’ll have to check to see if Alison snagged that for us.

I sent it to you....if I get some time in front of my computer, I may post them here.

So, we’ll keep it to our daytime happenings for now, and save the evening hoopla for another time.

OK, sounds good cause I'm caught up here now.
I’ll get back here eventually. Long days... and an emergency room makeover. Er, I mean my mom and dad are visiting and I need a guest room STAT! New paint, carpets cleaned, new bedroom set, but first had to clear out the teen man-child. Nuff said.

Wanna hear some good news though....?

Starting in June, I’m mostly DONE with nights! Waaaaaahooooty!!!


No, he is being relocated upstairs so I can remodel his room so my folks (and others) will have a habitable place to stay while they are here. ;)

No, he is being relocated upstairs so I can remodel his room so my folks (and others) will have a habitable place to stay while they are here. ;)
Nice of you to make a room for your folks. Is this the first time they're coming to visit?
And the Fife and Drums are gone now. Sooooo sad. :( But you got to BE one of them?! How cool is that?!
Yep, after reading your response, it was a DOH moment. I do remember now it was fife and drums not bugles. My cousin wasn't so thrilled because she didn't want to wear the dress, but I're letting me carry a gun (even if it's not real, at that age, I was all in).
I didn't realize quite how behind I'd gotten! (To the point where the Dis gave up on me and stopped sending me notifications.)

I’d been told they could read and write English, but that, as you may have suspected, was not the case.

Uh oh. That's too bad! But fortunate that you were able to still make it all work with the interpreter.

In hindsight, we should have stayed there 2 days, so we could do a more thorough job. Lesson learned. Then again, we’d not have met Abu if we’d done so.

This is true. It worked out this way for a reason, I'm sure. But lesson learned in case there's ever a next time.

"Oh no! Johny didn't wash his hands after going potty, and touched the apple that he's going to share with his brother!"

Teehehee this was a great facial expression. Important lesson though!

I was irritated with myself that I’d forgotten. I profusely apologized and quickly asked for volunteers to pray- one in the Muslim way, and another in the Christian way. It was the right thing to do. It only takes a minute or two sometimes to make others feel comfortable and included.

Easy to make mistakes like this when your own societal practices are so different. But glad to hear this was ameliorated and everyone could feel properly included.

As the last of the crowd of somewhere near 1,000 gathered in and settled down around the circle, a traditional dancer began the official part of the ceremony. This my friends, is the real deal. It just doesn’t get any more authentic or raw than this.

Wow. What an incredible experience to witness!!

While not unruly in a violent way, he was like a toddler on caffeine in the Candy Cauldron.


All the waters that rain on Oregon all winter long wouldn’t have been enough to slake our thirst, and while the trees offered a filtered shade from the sun, it still felt like a nuclear blast zone. Florida in August has NOTHING on Equatorial Africa. I will never complain of Disney in summer again. Ever.

Oh my goodness. I can only imagine! I've been to Florida in August, and I thought that was pretty toasty.

And this is when Steppe lost it.

Every minute of the hours and hours, all the months and months of work for this trip, were realized in that moment and it was an overwhelmingly emotional scene for me. I burst into tears of thankfulness and relief that I was lucky enough to be part of this…. Thing. All the phone calls, emails, hours spent researching in Starbucks, meetings, cold calls to doctors to sign off for us to get the donation in place, the fundraising, all of it, was for this day. Little did I know that the next day we’d meet Abu and have another clear reason for our being sent.

What a beautiful moment to encapsulate all the work and emotions that went into this trip! Very special.

One of my Top 10 photos from the trip.

This is beautiful!! :eek: :lovestruc

By now, the sun was at its zenith and people were getting ready for their afternoon pool break back at the res… OH! Sorry, wrong TR!


Passed my written exam today! Soooo happy!

Now.... onto flying my 50+ hours so I can do my check ride.

CONGRATS!! I'm not at all surprised, but very pleased for you after all the long hours you put in.

Meantime, I think I'll just put a new ticker up. ;)

:hyper: YAY!

I love this! :lovestruc

The DLR version is about a billion times better. This is not up for debate.

I really want to ride DLR's Pirates! It'll be one of my top priorities if/when I ever get there in future.

Then came the only disappointing few minutes of the day. Kari had waited her whole trip to ride Splash but it’d been down for days. But we heard screaming and splashing and made tracks for the Briar Patch. We ripped along the queue only to reach the last 50 yards of it when things came to a screeching halt. The voice of disappointment and despair came over the speakers and told us to either leave or tough it out. We waited for 10 or so minutes, then gave up.

I'd be extremely disappointed on this one, too. Splash is definitely the best Disney ride, in my opinion. But it sounds like it was just a short disappointing blip in an otherwise wonderful day.

Don’t judge. This is vacation. Ever since the last time the bunch of us got together, I was craving the Plaza fried chicken. Mostly because I was an idiot last time and got a salad. What was I thinking?!!!

Yes! You don't make a mistake like that twice!


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