The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

Just stopping by. Didn't see any updates on Zach FB. Hope he gets in this week for the MRI. Has he had any more episodes?

Nice job finding all of those drinks. I'm sure something will show up for Q and U.

Hope you have a great rest of your week at your new job!
Trying to get myself re-focused on studying for my Boards on Wednesday. :/ I'm starting to freak out a little. So. Many. Meds!!!! So many side effects.
Trying to get myself re-focused on studying for my Boards on Wednesday. :/ I'm starting to freak out a little. So. Many. Meds!!!! So many side effects.

As long as you're not on them, you'll be fine.

Tired. Going to bed now. Night, Liesa.
Since it's Thursday I hope you did well on the exam yesterday. I'm trying to get caught bacl up one TR at a time. Yours is next. I'm still trying to figure out the contest.
Trying to get myself re-focused on studying for my Boards on Wednesday. :/ I'm starting to freak out a little. So. Many. Meds!!!! So many side effects.

You got this Liesa!!!!!! Deep Breaths and stop thinking about taking those meds, just focus on what they do. :)
You got this Liesa!!!!!! Deep Breaths and stop thinking about taking those meds, just focus on what they do. :)

Believe it or not, I'm off my Zoloft for anxiety, which I used to help cope (chill me out) for the last 5-6 months of school. I was so ramped up ALL the time, I was starting to have shortness of breath and a racing heart. I was so freaked out of possibly not passing exams or getting yelled at by instructors, I was always in high alert mode and getting a bit witchy with my family. But life is a bit more... chill now, and I'm not on anything but a (very) occasional Ambien to sleep. So, I REALLY hope one of my (anticipated) 75 questions are about either of those 2 or any of the others I regularly give at work. LOL!
On another note, I really need to focus tonight and try to get through a 3 hour practice exam before bed. I"m working tomorrow, so I'll try to get an update and replies up on Saturday, and also read through everyone's threads. T minus 5 days.....
Flights and Travel: (80 points available)

10 points for each departure on time (2 Royal Carriage rides)
5 points within 1/2 hour (for each)
5 points for each aisle for me (2 possible)
10 points if we all sit together (each leg)
20 points if I get any sleep (hint, I have Ambien and I'm not afraid to use it)

One departure on time, one within 1/2 hour. One aisle seat. One leg with everyone sitting together. 20 points for Ambien!

Total = 50 points

ADRs: (75 points available)

5 points for each ADR we go to
20 point bonus if we go to all of them (there are 11)

I'm going for all 75 points here. Being a hyper-planner, I'd stick to the plan!

Drinks: (150 points available- this is an ambitious Quest!)

50 points if I get 1 drink from every letter
10 points for each Challenge drink gotten = 60
10 points for each souvie mug I buy (4 is the plan; 2 may be n/a drinks)

That's a lot of drinks. I don't see you getting every one because I expect you'll want to be upright and do less staggering around the parks. I'll give you the 60 for the challenge drinks and 20 for souvie mugs--cheapskate ways will win out!

Total = 80 points.

Shop Around the World Tour: (85 points available)

5 points for each Pavilion I buy something in
10 point bonus if I buy something from all 11 Pavilions
20 point bonus if each one is under $10

8 pavilions, all under $10.

Total = 60

Hidden Mickeys: (50 points available)

1 point for every one I find **and post (up to 50 points available)

42, because it's the answer to everything.

Resorts: AoA; AKL (60 points available)

10 points if room ready on arrival (AoA)
10 points if room ready on arrival (AKL)
20 points if upgraded (AoA)
20 points if upgraded (AKL)

20 points for on time. No upgrades, sorry.

Completion of "Top 10 Lists": (60 points available)
*More posts on these to come...

10 points per list if totally completed (4 parks, 2 Resorts)

60 points! Nice work!

Transportation: (50 points available)

30 bonus points if no wait is more than 15 minutes per ride during entire trip
20 bonus points if all 5 modes are taken (bus, mono, boat, train, ferry)

I could see you doing all 5 modes. But there will be a 15-minute wait there somewhere.

20 points.

Miscellaneous Points: (60 + 26 = 86 points available)

5 points if no one gets any blisters
5 points if no one forgets anything (hint: I am very organized)
5 points if I actually get 1 photo with a character (hint: possibly at MNSSHP)
10 points for the MNSSHP Pentafecta: HM, Parade, Hallowishes, Hocus Pocus Show, 7 Dwarves Photo
5 points if I do something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob (we'll see who knows me well)
10 points if I get any "Magic" while wearing my Mickey ears, or button, or grad cap
10 points for each pool I actually get in

1 point for every Mystery Photo Location you correctly identify (this portion to be played out during TR!)

Sounds like you are leaning towards no one forgetting anything. Tall order, but ok. 5 points.
Definitely a character. 5 points.
Something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob. 5 points.
Definitely magic. 10 points.
3 pools. 30 points.

I suck at guessing games. 6 points.

Total = 61.

Grand Total: 468 points
OK, here are my guesses at your quiz. I'm all caught up on the banter, but can't remember enough to comment.

Flights and Travel: (80 points available)

10 points for each departure on time (2 Royal Carriage rides)
5 points within 1/2 hour (for each)
5 points for each aisle for me (2 possible)
10 points if we all sit together (each leg)
20 points if I get any sleep (hint, I have Ambien and I'm not afraid to use it)

One of your planes is on time, the other is 15 minutes late.
You get the aisle seat on both flights.
You sit together, but one of the times you make negotiations to do so.
You sleep on the flight home, but are too excited to do so on the way there, but the Ambien makes you drowsy at dinner.

ADRs: (75 points available)

5 points for each ADR we go to
20 point bonus if we go to all of them (there are 11)

You cancel one ADR because of the kiosks.

Drinks: (150 points available- this is an ambitious Quest!)

50 points if I get 1 drink from every letter
10 points for each Challenge drink gotten = 60
10 points for each souvie mug I buy (4 is the plan; 2 may be n/a drinks)

You do not get drinks for every letter.
You get three challenge drinks
You get all the souvie mugs.

Shop Around the World Tour: (85 points available)

5 points for each Pavilion I buy something in
10 point bonus if I buy something from all 11 Pavilions
20 point bonus if each one is under $10

You buy things in 7 pavilions, only 5 are under $10

Hidden Mickeys: (50 points available)

1 point for every one I find **and post (up to 50 points available)

You find 38 hidden Mickeys

Resorts: AoA; AKL (60 points available)

10 points if room ready on arrival (AoA)
10 points if room ready on arrival (AKL)
20 points if upgraded (AoA)
20 points if upgraded (AKL)

Your room is ready on arrival at AoA and you get upgraded.
Its not ready at AKL and you don't get an upgrade.

Completion of "Top 10 Lists": (60 points available)
*More posts on these to come...

10 points per list if totally completed (4 parks, 2 Resorts)

OK, I'll have to wait on this one.

Transportation: (50 points available)

30 bonus points if no wait is more than 15 minutes per ride during entire trip
20 bonus points if all 5 modes are taken (bus, mono, boat, train, ferry)

You will have at least one wait longer than 15 minutes.
You don't get to use all 5 modes of transportation as the train will not be running while you're there.

Miscellaneous Points: (60 + 26 = 86 points available)

5 points if no one gets any blisters
5 points if no one forgets anything (hint: I am very organized)
5 points if I actually get 1 photo with a character (hint: possibly at MNSSHP)
10 points for the MNSSHP Pentafecta: HM, Parade, Hallowishes, Hocus Pocus Show, 7 Dwarves Photo
5 points if I do something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob (we'll see who knows me well)
10 points if I get any "Magic" while wearing my Mickey ears, or button, or grad cap
10 points for each pool I actually get in

1 point for every Mystery Photo Location you correctly identify (this portion to be played out during TR!)

someone gets blisters
someone forgets something, though it's minor.
You definitely get a character picture.
The line for the dwarves is too long and you would miss one of the other four to get the picture.
Yes, you do something silly like get up and crazy dance
You get "magic" for your grad cap
You get in 2 pools.
You are going to do great on the exam! Don't stress yourself out!

Just in case, I think you can get the amazing mushroom soup in the Territory Lounge. They have some great apps in there if you don't want to do the whole sit down in Artist Point. The Berry Cobbler is amazeballs too.

Jill in CO
One departure on time, one within 1/2 hour. One aisle seat. One leg with everyone sitting together. 20 points for Ambien!

Total = 50 points

I'm going for all 75 points here. Being a hyper-planner, I'd stick to the plan!

That's a lot of drinks. I don't see you getting every one because I expect you'll want to be upright and do less staggering around the parks. I'll give you the 60 for the challenge drinks and 20 for souvie mugs--cheapskate ways will win out!

Total = 80 points.

8 pavilions, all under $10.

Total = 60

42, because it's the answer to everything.

20 points for on time. No upgrades, sorry.

60 points! Nice work!

I could see you doing all 5 modes. But there will be a 15-minute wait there somewhere.

20 points.

Sounds like you are leaning towards no one forgetting anything. Tall order, but ok. 5 points.
Definitely a character. 5 points.
Something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob. 5 points.
Definitely magic. 10 points.
3 pools. 30 points.

I suck at guessing games. 6 points.

Total = 61.

Grand Total: 468 points

Ok, got it all stashed where it belongs. Now, just sit back and watch it all unfold. Your part is almost done. :)
OK, here are my guesses at your quiz. I'm all caught up on the banter, but can't remember enough to comment.

One of your planes is on time, the other is 15 minutes late.
You get the aisle seat on both flights.
You sit together, but one of the times you make negotiations to do so.
You sleep on the flight home, but are too excited to do so on the way there, but the Ambien makes you drowsy at dinner.

You cancel one ADR because of the kiosks.

You do not get drinks for every letter.
You get three challenge drinks
You get all the souvie mugs.

You buy things in 7 pavilions, only 5 are under $10

You find 38 hidden Mickeys

Your room is ready on arrival at AoA and you get upgraded.
Its not ready at AKL and you don't get an upgrade.

OK, I'll have to wait on this one.

You will have at least one wait longer than 15 minutes.
You don't get to use all 5 modes of transportation as the train will not be running while you're there.

someone gets blisters
someone forgets something, though it's minor.
You definitely get a character picture.
The line for the dwarves is too long and you would miss one of the other four to get the picture.
Yes, you do something silly like get up and crazy dance
You get "magic" for your grad cap
You get in 2 pools.

Great! Got it all, just a couple small portions left. :)
You are going to do great on the exam! Don't stress yourself out!

Just in case, I think you can get the amazing mushroom soup in the Territory Lounge. They have some great apps in there if you don't want to do the whole sit down in Artist Point. The Berry Cobbler is amazeballs too.

Thanks! In some ways, I think I waited too long; in others it got here faster than I feel ready for.

That is GREAT to know! Honestly, that specific lounge looks like it has one of the BEST menus on property for small plates. WOWZA! Definitely looking forward to a wind down there. I can totally see Mike getting the cobbler- he's a sucker for that every time.
Well, I had BIG intentions of being on here today and catching up, well.... everywhere. But instead I took Zachy out driving, did a bit of shopping for our dinner with our neighbors which ended with a fabulous rendition of strawberry shortcake, and actually did spend time writing an update. Not just any update, but the First Chapter for the ABCs PTR Pt. II. It'll be a while before I get it to where I want it, but I'm hoping to launch it right around Pg 200.

Yes, I realize we are now allowed 250 pp, but for a myriad of (good) reasons, I want to have a fresh place with a fresh palette. My crayons are ready and the time is ripe.

Meantime.... going to be responsible and get a reasonable amount of sleep before my HUGE week coming up- 3 LONG days of work and my exam on Wednesday. So yeah, hopefully, something NEW and exciting on Tuesday. Between now and then, I'm working on links in my siggie and such.
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Well, I had BIG intentions of being on here today and catching up, well.... everywhere.

You know where the road that's paved with good intentions lead....

But instead I took Zachy out driving

How'd he do?
Took Kay out last week and she didn't do too bad.
Kept it real simple for her of course.

Yes, I realize we are now allowed 250 pp now, but for a myriad of (good) reasons, I want to have a fresh place with a fresh palette. My crayons are ready and the time is ripe.

So.... did not know about the 250 page limit.
Immediately went over to my TR to check...


That should be plenty to finish it off.

Meantime.... going to be responsible and get a reasonable amount of sleep before my HUGE week coming up-

Let me know what this "reasonable amount of sleep" is like!
Also, a quick update on Zach, since I forgot last night...

This new job has set me behind of some of the Real Life stuff that I"ve needed to do. Like ordering my kitchen tile and finding a tile layer and following up on Zach's little episode the other day. The story is that now that he is 18 the doctor's offices won't even talk to me. Apparently, we can pay ALL his bills, carry his insurance, and clothe, feed, and love him, but cannot make an appointment for him. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but that is stooooooopid. So, basically, by the time I played ring-around-the rosy with 2 different offices and then finally got Zach to call them (both) and give them verbal permission to freaking just MAKE an appt for the MRI, it was Friday. Of course, they are all closed on Friday. So now, to even just get him scheduled, it will be Monday. On my lunch break. Which is totally what I want to do on my lunch break. Long story short, no, no appt yet, for either the MRI OR seeing the neurologist. I will definitely let you all know the outcomes and everything. He has not had anymore spells, which is obviously a huge piece of good news.

So, look forward to the last Kooky update soon, and then I'll post a link to the new thread. :)


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