The "Are you CRAZY?!! April trip with 2 moms, 7 kids and 2 grouchy, grandparents TR

Hi Liesa,

Love the report, and may God continue to bless you and your family and the wonderful work you are doing.

My family is new to camping, and I was wondering if you happened to have any pictures of your tent and camp set up?

Continue the great work!

Hey Dawn,

Thanks for your kind words! I appreciate them :goodvibes

My family has been tent/ car camping for, well, since I was a little girl. My husband and I have continued the tradition since we were married. I still love it! My sister has more pictures, but I didn't get a disk from her before I started writing. I am going up to her place on Monday, and can post some on Tuesday night- I was planning on adding more pics. then of everything. She has all the ones of the campfire/ movie night too. So, yes... lots more coming! :banana:

But just to help you visualize. Our set up was pretty simple. We had one big EZup, 1 very large tent (well, it was large until we tried to cram 11 bodies into it) and one, eventually, smaller tent for the teens. A fairly nice and big camping kitchen set up, and about 4,000 camp chairs.

I had no idea writing up a trip report would take so much time!! Now I know why not everyone does it. Phew! Only 3 days of park time left to report on. But, I am enjoying it; helps me relive the magic of it all.

Talk to you soon,

Thanks Liesa,

Looking forward to seeing your other pictures when you have the time;) . What a wonderful gift to show this report to your children one day so they can relive the magic!

Your doing a great job:thumbsup2

Looks like it's time for another round of excitement!! These last 3 days in the parks were my favorites (I guess it worked out that the best was for the last) for 2 reasons. One because Epcot is my favorite park, and secondly because we had never been to DHS before and it was all so new!

Friday, April 11th in the parks was very extra special because it was my DD's 15th birthday. In fact, we had named our Grand Gathering "Bekka's Birthday Bash" in honor of her.

Most of the kids and I left by car from the Fort around 8:30 and managed to make it just before rope drop. My Sis calls on the cell phone saying they are STILL waiting at the Outpost for a bus, and they'd just meet us there. So, what is the first thing most everyone does at Epcot? Sure 'nuf, we hot-footed it over to Soarin' with the rest of the entirety of mankind, and somehow kept from getting trampled in the human cattle drive. What a strange phenomenon that whole deal is... Even though we got there right at opening, the line was already 20 minutes long. It is, I think one of the best attractions Disney has to offer. We knew the line would be VERY long before another little while, so we grabbed FPs for the rest of the gang who were supposed to be on their way. Seeing the topiaries along the way set for the Flower and Garden Show was a major treat! How do they do that?!



Another call, they just made it to the parks, and would be waiting at the security check for us. WHAT???!!! We forgot to hand off tickets AGAIN!!! This just can't be happening! So, we scram to the gates to give my kids their tickets again, and head off to do Crush and Nemo at the Seas. We were lucky enough to make a quick trip back to the States 2 years ago, and since our company is based in Orlando, we got to spend one day at Epcot. My DD, then 3 remembers Crush to this day! It is truly at must see for the little ones.


After the Seas, we had just enough time to go and visit Figment before my daughter's very special birthday lunch at Akershus.

Figment was the other thing my DD, 5 took away from our last trip. Months ago, I had planned on buying her a Figment to call her very own. Here's a cute pic. I took of her sharing her Club Cool drinks with him. :lovestruc


Off to Norway for what turned out to be one of the most magical things we did this trip! It was well worth the money, because the food was great, we met 5 Princesses without waiting long in any lines. (only the one we had to wait in to get checked in with our ressies) We were still a little early for our lunch, we decided to try to get on Maelstrom. Wouldn't you know it... My DD, 12, and the 2 5 year olds get on the ride, and just as they rounded the corner out of sight, IT BREAKS down. No one else in our party got on that day. It was out of commission the whole day. I wasn't sure where they would be "evacuated" off, one of the CM's told my mom to follow her while the rest of us went to wait for our name to be called at Akershus. When DD got off, she said they just ran her through the ride and they enjoyed the whole thing just as normal :confused: :confused3

We got called in within 10 minutes of our ressie, and were immediately greeted by Belle and took pictures with her. After we were seated, we gave our drink orders and told to start off with the buffet. I know a lot of you have done this, so I'll spare every detail, but one tip... did you know you can order lefse instead of the hard rolls. Lefse is a Norwegian flat bread that is kind of like a soft tortilla made with mashed potato and flour. It goes GREAT with the fishes on the salad buffet! Each Princess comes to each table and talks with the kids a bit, and gives you time to take pics. It was interesting though, how you could tell that some really liked their job, and some were really just sort of ho-hum about it all. some were sort of rushed or even stand-offish and didn't want to, hmmmm... well just be friendly. My Mom made the comment that, "You can really tell which girls have siblings at home and which don't. " I thought that was really good insight.


When it was time for dessert, I asked Ane, our server, if she could put on a set of candles I brought with me into the desserts back in the kitchen. She said she'd be glad to, and when she brought them out, she also handed my daughter a card signed by ALL the princesses! Very, very cool! We all sang happy birthday to her, and that finished up a nice meal we'll never forget!

After lunch, we wanted to go back to FW, and finish up the many things we hadn't done yet. We grabbed some FPs to Mission: Space, and while we waited for those to come up we went on Ellen's Energy thing (so-so), did Club Cool (it was WAYYYYYY better when it was ice Station Cool- my older kids remember that the most from our 2000 trip), and went back over to the Land to do the test garden boat thing. Actually, all of us thought that was a pretty neat deal, and would definitely do that one again in a minute. When M:S FPs were up, we went on that, then did SE. I love the new things in there, and even found a hidden Mickey, I didn't know was there! Yeah!!

Now, it is about 7:30, and it is time to meet Mom and Dad who were coming to meet us at the front gates to pick up my DD5 and DS10 to go back and spend the night with them. The rest of us were going to stay for PM EMH and watch Illuminations. My oldest kids were super antsy to get a front row seat near Mexico, so I sent them on ahead and told them I'd meet them later. Here it gets ugly. My mother's instincts should have told me, but hey, I was in a Disney Park, and my best judgement was hijacked at the front gate. My son decides that he REALLLY wants to stay and can be a good boy and go the distance, yadda, yadda, yadda..... Okay, you can stay, but it's going to be a late night, it's going to be chilly, we're not eating until later (we just had a snack), etc.... Okay, okay, mom I can do it..... We head back over to WS, and ride the El Rio, (sorta good- can do without) and look around for the older ones. After we find them, we sit down and watch Illuminations. I'm sorry, everyone, I just wasn't impressed! That ball thing just kept going on, and on, and on, and on... There weren't as many laser effects as I remember from 2000 and well, I could go on and on why I didn't like it.

After the show, we sat down at the Cantina and got a great dinner for under $30. We got a nachos, a combo dinner, and a burrito and it fed all 5 of us. We always just get waters and add our drink powder. That free ice is just a great deal for us.

By now, Zach is going into meltdown mode, and I start the mean mom routine lecture. I told you it'd be late, etc.... But after we checked to see if Maelstrom was open (it was still broken down from earlier today), toured around China a bit, and then got stuck at the drawbridge for the barges, we decided to bail out. It was around 11:00 by then. I should have insisted he go with Gma and Gpa in the first place, my mistake.

So, the only things we didn't get to do today were Test Track and Maelstrom. That's okay, we knew we'd be back on Sunday to get those in.
To end, I'll include a few more pics that I thought turned out cute.





I'll try to get to the last 2 days soon, but my DH is coming in tomorrow morning, and we haven't see each other for a month. So it may take a few days to get back on here. Happy reading, meantime, everyone,

Did you enjoy the lunch in Norway? I just made ADR's there for us in Oct. but am a bit worried about the menu. I think DH and I and actually DD9 will be fine, it's DD6 I 'm mostly worried about. She can be a bit picky.
Hi Nicole,

We really enjoyed the food a lot! Most of us got the traditional dish; it was very much like meatloaf with mashed potatoes. The kids fare is okay too. My daughter got the Mickey ravioli ( I think there was cheese inside) any my nieces got the cheese pizza. But honestly, none of them ate very well, because they were just too excited about the whole affair. We boxed up the ravioli thinking she'd be hungry in an hour, but NOOOO we carried those little babies around ALL day, and finally threw them out at around 8:00.

I think your daughter should be fine. On the buffet there are several kinds of cheeses, meats, macaroni salad and stuff like that that is pretty benign. Don't worry about it too much, she'll be having such a lovely time, she won't really be thinking to much about the food.
Excellent. I went back last night and looked at the menu again and found stuff she will eat with no problem. Now as long as Ariel is there when we go we will be golden!
So sorry to keep you all in such suspense! I"m sure your waiting with baited breath for the next (and next to last) installment of my trippie.

Hubby came in on Monday (we hadn't seen each other in a month), and now we're wathcing my sister's 2 girls (same ones in some of the photos) for 4 days. 7 kids is a lot to manage, but I think I can squeeze in our DHS day while some are working on school and others are nappin...

So here we are Saturday, April 12, our one and only DHS Day. We were all excited to try a park we never had before, and it ended up being our "tied for 3rd favorite park". Epcot is our hands-down first, MK being 2nd, and AK tied with DHS. Although, I think if AK hadn't had EE, it would have been a definite 4th.

I can't remember if there were any EMH, but it didn't matter. We arrived early enough that we walked right on RnR, and ToT, getting FPs for ToT before riding. WE LOVED ToT! We even found this hidden Mickey on the ride's exit.


The kids liked RnR, but liked EE better. After the biggies, we were hungry. Breakfasts just weren't happening in the mornings, so we tried to eat early lunches or pack lots of snacks. We found a nice place to sit and people watch at Starring Rolls, and we got a nice cherry pastry and I had a very decent latte. REally, it was very good.


After we were filled up, we started to just hit the rides as we came to them. Having not been to this park before, it was hard to visualize the layout before, and we just really had to take things as they came. We did know we wanted to catch the GMR early, so went to find it. We are HUGE old movies fans, and my kids' favorite all time movie is Casablanca. This was really a fun ride, and it was surprising how many we knew at the end where they show the clips. One thing the older kids wanted to see was the Indiana Jones show, so we went for it. Again, they really loved it. So far, nothing was a snoozer or not worth the time. We didin't have to wait for anything either for more than 20 or so minutes.

By now, (did you really think we would change our patterns now??!) Mom and Dad and Dsis show up for our ADR at Sci-Fi. DNieces, apparently had a major meltdown upon entering the park, so sis turned around and headed right back to FW. I'm glad I wasn't there! We were having so much fun, who needed that to spoil things??!! Mom and Dad stayed for our meal and then left right away. Too tired, it was too hot (which it really was!), and too many parks for them.

Now, for those who like the low-down on restaurants... We REALLY liked Sci-Fi!!! Again, we really like old movies, and some of these trailers were hilarious. My parents had a blast from the past, and marvelled at what they used to watch at the old drive-ins they went to 40 and 50 years ago!! The food was really pretty yummy as well. I started with a chocolate shake, and had a turkey sandwich. Others had the BLT soup, and my DD, 5 had the chili, which unfortunately was a tad too spicy for her. I loved it, and thought it was spicy, but just right. It was nice and cool inside, and although we really tried to order just enough, it ended up being too much. The turkey sandwich could easily be split!


After lunch, it was just my family again, so we pushed on and hit some more attractions. We enjoyed the Backlot Tour, but the group they chose to be the actors were some silly older teen guys who thought acting stupid was acting. It totally spoiled the beginning part for me. :confused3 The highlights for a lot of my kids were the bone cages, Herbie, and finding the hidden Mickey on the fridge door.

Star Tours was next on the list, although we had done that one at DL not too long ago. It's okay, but made me slightly ill for the next while. I got my DD's to sit on the podracer and to pose like they were really racing, but they couldn't keep a straight face, which made all of nearly laugh our heads off. Too funny!


At this point, we needed to split up since the older 4 wanted to see the stunt show, and I had NO desire at all. I thought both DD,5 and myself would enjoy the Beauty and Beast show a lot more, so we headed that way, and the others they other way. We really liked the show, but it couldn't even come close to comparing with Nemo at AK. The singing was great, but I don't know, it just seemed very amateurish for Disney. Just me, maybe.


To make it worse, NONE of my pictures turned out very well. Oh well, since we won't be seeing this one again, too bad. My youngest had spent the night with Dmom and DDad, and since they didn't show up until very late, she hadn't ridden anything at all. So I took her on the GMR, since I liked it so much the first time around. Did I mention that the gangster said to me, "What are you looking at 4 eyes?" on our first ride?? Then he told my daughter that I (your mother) looks like the alien. OMG, too funny! Well, since we had gotten on the gangster track the first time around, we asked for the cowboy second time. We had to wait an extra 15 minutes, but it was worth it, to get a little variety. However, that made us miss the Mermaid show as it was now time to meet up and take off. By now, I had an incredible headache, and thought we needed a little break and early night.

Back to the Fort for a Trail's End Chicken dinner. We love that stuff! So much food, so little money... Most people said this is a half day park, but I think if your first time there, you have older kids, it's not too hot of a day, and you don't get a headache, it could easily be a full day park, but NOT more.

We didn't do Block Party Bash, since we generally stay away from parades and stuff. This one really didn't appeal to us, since we've never seen High School Musical nor ever will.


That's it for long day in the hot sun. It was a lot of fun, and we loved the theming a ton! We'd go back, but probably only for the biggies, and then leave, everything else seemed like it was a once you do it, it's done kinda park.

ONe thing we did want to do, but pooped out too soon was Fantasmic. But like I always say, "Something for next time!"

Next time.... our last day- Epcot's World Showcase! Stay tuned...

Hi Guys,

Terri was interested in seeing some photos of our life/ work in Kazakhstan... I just posted a few on the chitchat thread if you want to take a look. I know it's about as far from Disney as you can get, but interesting to some maybe...
THANKS SO MUCH ! :worship:

I find other places so interested, we don't see much of anything here in NC.
Thanks for continuing to post!!! I have really enjoyed it! I can tell from your TR that you have a wonderful little family -- and I'm so glad that it is convenient for you guys to get to WDW when you come in town. :cool1:

Looking forward to the next installment. :) (Which, by the way, you've done a GREAT job at getting one out every few days -- just perfect)
Have a great day!
Welcome back. I thought you'd forgotten about those if us eagerly awaiting the next installment. I can't wait to read the finale.
Your reports are always great and what an exciting life you have. Amazing opportunity for your kids to experience another culture. guys DEFINATELY seem to be living the hell out of life. Good for you guys...I certainly envy you.
Don't be too envious! Yes, my kids are getting an incredibly broad world view, our work is very rewarding, and we get to travel to some pretty amazing places, but most of time is spent in a very desolate place lacking: pretty much every creature comfort known to man, green vegetation of most every kind, and any other English speaking folks for about 500 miles around.

Well, I think there's just way too to tell you in just one shot!! I actually got about half way through my report last night, and my laptop battery died erasing all my work. That's about the same level of magnitude of tragedy as you will read in the following (and last) 2 parts of my trippie. Seriously, you just won't believe the things that went wrong with our last day the World!

Our day started out pretty well. We were up early, and some of us got into the car for the drive over, while others (my DSis and 2 of my kids) had to take the bus. Eventually, actually not too long, we met at SE for our first ride, Today was going to be mostly a WS day, and it didn't open until 11:00, so we thought we'd get in Test Track and SE before heading over there. We grab FP's and Child Swaps at Test Track after our SE ride, so we can split up and some of us ride twice. I went in with my kids, and we got to almost the front of the line, and DD, 15, turns to me a chartruese shade of green and says, "I think I'm going to throw up!!" :scared1: :sick: :scared1: We were almost to the chicken exit, so I shoo her off, and tell her to meet me "out there". Hint, be very specific when you do that with someone...

The rest of us ride the ride, and head for the exit, thinking DD would be there. She wasn't, but by this time, my parents show up and guessed it HUNGRY! I tell them that DD, got sick, and had they seen her. NOPE, not here. I trot to the entrance side--NOPE not there. Hmmm, did I say meet me at the car?? I can't remember. So, I start for the car. I'm starting to get peeved. This is a major blow to the plans already. I know I"m going to have to take her back to the Fort to lie down, and know I can't even find her. Had she passed out?? Barfed?? At the entrance, I called my mom, to check one more time if she showed up. Sure enough, she'd found them, and was waiting with them. She tells me that she wants to just go back (I figured on that), and tell her to meet me at the entrance. Do you know how long it takes to go from TT, back to the Fort, and then on into WS??? About an hour. An hour of precious time on your last day, at you fav. park!!

With her safely stowed at camp with DS, 17, who chose to stay back this day, I head back. As I drive in they called and said they were in Japan EATING!!! OMG!!! Eating? It's only about 10:30! And this now TOATALLY screwed up every plan I had of leisurely touring around the world and STARTING in Canada! This just can't be happening. DS, 10 had finally decided he wanted to collect a pressed penny from each country, and now he might likely miss everything from Canada to Morocco. On the way in, I try to stop at a couple of the Pavillions and get his pennies, while still racing to meet them in the furthest place there is!

After we meet up at the Yakitori House, (which by the way, is pretty good food, and what I had already planned on for eats anyway, but just not until 1:00 or so AFTER WE TOURED WS some!) they come out with the BOMBSHELL!
What would happen if we cut it short today, broke camp, and headed home? WHAT THE H*LL??? Our last day, my favorite park, my favorite place?? NO WAY!!!!! Sorry, ain't gonna happen. But, unfortunately, they were just played out, and coudn't, even if they tried, have had fun. Ever tried to be at a park with a group of people NOT having fun!!?? Totally ruined my lunch, almost totally ruined my day.

Okay, onto brighter things... Since we were in Japan, I resigned myself to starting there, and seeing what we could before all Heck broke loose with the party. I had heard about Miyuki, the candy lady, and so we stuck around to wait for her. Her first show of the day, was to start in about 20 minutes or so, so we headed for the gift shop to poke around. I love listening to all the foreign languages being spoken at Epcot!, and I love to talk with the students from all over the world. Very cool!

Miyuki was incredible! The kids, and even naysayer, DDad, were amazed at how she could turn a blob of white goo into beautiful animals of every kind. If you've never seen her, make sure you do next time! Here are two photos I got of her before my camera batteries burned up. Could anything else go wrong today??



AFter our own cheetah was done, I headed off to look for batteries and to pick up our Morocco penny. Did you know the only batteries on that side of WS are in America??

We were done in Japan, so we headed off to America. As we walked up to the Pavillion, I heard the last few notes of Voices Of Liberty, and I knew we'd not get another chance to hear them. I was so sad! This was a the very top of my want to do things list. Oh well... At least we could catch the show- The American Adventure. It was a very well done show, and at times brought tears to my eyes. The clips were very poignant (sp.?), and of course the AA's were very lifelike.



I think I'll have to knock off here. Sorry, but Sunday dinner calls me- we can't be letting chicken and dumplins' burn now, can we??

I'll try to finish up later tonight with the rest of our "way too fast" tour around the World Showcase.

More later...
I'm going to have to really read this when I have more time. Could you start a thread on the stans? I think a lot of people would be interested. Thanks.
I don't know how many times I have watched that amazing show with the candy animals. I guess I am not adorable enough to get one!:flower3:

I'm serious about hearing more about your work. All I've ever done in 3rd world countries is blow things up and duck. I'd like to hear about some positive things. A bunch of my friends are in A-stan right now, so some background would be very interesting to me. If you have time, start a new thread and enlighten me (us).

Your kids are adorable by the way. Thanks


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