The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves! (my journal)

Happy Day, Don! Awesome work on that 2 mile walk! Bet you are feeling very good about yourself, right? I have to tell you -- I don't know what I would do without my ipod. I am very firmly addicted. We'll have to compare playlists sometime. A really good, rockin' playlist can keep you walking beyond your wildest dreams!

Your meatballs sound absolutely wonderful! I know you are trying to avoid carbs, but one of the things I used to do for breakfasts was to make mini turkey meatloaf muffins. I grabbed one of those in the morning for breakfast and it was a real protein hit to keep me going until lunch. I am so glad you brought up the meatball thing. I am going to call Howard and ask him to raid the freezer for any ground turkey we have and tonight I will cook up some turkey burgers and meatloaf muffins to grab and go over the next couple of days.

Keep rocking, WISH bud! :)
I'm new to journaling, too! You are doing great! I am on my first day Caffeine free and my brain seriously hurts. I know I HAVE to do this no...just like you, no more need for the extra weight - it's not helping me!
Hope you stay out of the breakroom. I'm a teacher and I know how that can go! ;)
Keep working hard! :)

Happy Friday! Just think, a whole weekend and no break room! ;)

Isn't it motivating to walk to music? I took my MP3 player and running shoes with me to my conference, and got a lot of exercise taken care of in my off time. Your motivation to take the 2 mile walk is a great no time, it will become a habit and you'll be feeling better and better!

Have a great weekend!
Congratulations Don!!!! :cool1:

You have accomplished much in a short period of time: you have lost weight and you have given up carbonated cola! You should be very proud of yourself!!!! :cool1: Your WISH friends are certainly very proud of you! ::yes:: Just imagine where you will be on your weight loss journey come December and your visit with the ::MickeyMo . :cloud9:

Have a great day Don! :sunny:
Thanks ya'all, isn't this great?!?!?
Day 7, no poison, no worries, really no cravings, this is awesome!!
You're all totally right about the mp3's, I was going to just rest last night but big DS dragged me out again. Funny, and maybe it was because i really was more sore, but without the headphones i wasn't able to zone out, felt a lot harder to finish. We did a little bit shorter route than the 2 miles, probably still 1.8 or so, and it was just me, big DS12 (Andrew, nickname Bubba) and little hyper DS5 (Matthew, Andrew calls him Screaming Whitehead, he's extremely blonde and crazy as a loon). Andrew is doing a 50 mile scout hike next week, he's a little stressed about it because he's bigger, heavier than most of the troop, but strong. The hiking will be tougher for him than most, but carrying the pack will be easier for him than most. So we had a good walk, walked down and visited our chairs again. We have 2 chairs planted on the sidewalk for the town parade tonight, that's where I walked the night before for the 2 miles. Actually sat in them for a few minutes this time (sore!). Matthew is truly nuts, was literally running circles around us at one point. He talks nonsense sometimes and its hilarious. The 5 yr old outlook on life.
Ok, so I did good on lunch yesterday, instead of eating all the spaghetti I had brought, I just fished out the meatballs and a small serving of the spaghetti, and just ate that and my salad. Green salad is really my filler, if I'm still feeling hungry I just eat a little more salad, helps. I actually did bring the garlic bread, but skipped it and took it back home. Win.
For dinner I cooked Matthew's favorite meal, thawed out some polish dogs and grilled them, made mac and cheese, corn, salad, can of chili for the dogs and mac. I only ate 1 polish, no bun, some chili (with chinese hot sauce, yum), salad and corn. The other good thing was that I got it cooked and we were done eating by 7, mucho bettero.
Had a sonic breakfast burrito on the way to work, the normal one with no potatoes in it, and a sunshine smoothie. That was my treat for the week (breakfast-wise anyway), 14 oz. smoothie with strawberries, bananas, orange juice and soft serve ice cream. Better than a 44oz Dr. P anyday!!
Birthday party for the boss today, its actually the 4th, which is funny because he's from Spain, but he's one of those immigrants who really appreciates and loves America, so its very cool. I'll just try to make good choices, yes?!
Scale still likes me, looked like about 387.5 or so. Excellente!!
Happy Independence Day Everybody!!!! :bday: America!! :rockband:
Muchos Banananos!!!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hey Don!

You are doing great man! Cutting the soda, watching your food, and especially the walking. Keep that up and you are definitely gonna be a different man by the time you get to Disney! We'll have to make you a Guest of Honor badge with winnie the Pooh and your before pic on one side, and on the other side put bouncy Tigger and your after shot! From Wide Winnie to Toned Tigger! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Hope that your son's hike go well. Brings back memories of the cub scout walk I went on as a kid that was supposed to be ten miles total, but once we got to the Rest point/halfway point where you were supposed to "rest" my troop leader decided we should hike around the park. It added an extra 5 or so miles to our day!! By the time the whole walk was over it looked like someone had dropped knockout gas on our troop! hehe That is excellent that you guys walk together!

Sidenote to Cam: I love the muffin meatloaf idea! Gonna have to use that one myself!

well Don, enjoy Day 7 free from the Pepper. Sounds like you did get yourself a nice treat this morning and I think that is important, complete deprivation leads to binge I think. That's why I try to make sure I get in what i am craving at my nightly balance meal (last night it was an onion bagel! I was craving one, so I split it and put my hamburgers on each half, was yummy and I had the mouthfeel of a huge burger with bun and all but not the consequences!)

Have a great Fourth!
Don you are on FIRE! You're doing a great job. And don't feel guilty about having a small piece of b-day cake for your boss. It's a celebration and you deserve a treat, just watch your portions!!

Have you been stretching? It really does help with muscle soreness. A few times after a hard workout, I felt like I'd never be able to walk again, but forced myself to go work out the next day. And even though I felt like I could have died right there in the gym during the first few minutes of activity, my muscles loosened up and the next day all the soreness was gone! Keep up that walking, it will only get easier!

Keep up the great work, ignore that breakroom and have a wonderful 4th! I will be looking forward to catching up on your progress when I return from vacation!
Ok, quick check in here, its been a whole WEEK!! not WEAK! I think part of why this has been easier than I thought is that its really starting to get hot around here, summer, and I already knew that the sugar pop didn't really help quench thirst in this. In previous summers I've drunk more water and powerade/gatorade. I'm feeling really good about it, I don't see a relapse coming, NO WAY HOSER!
Did pretty good yesterday except the PIE!! :earseek: Had a piece of strawberry rhubarb with a little ice cream at the bosses little lunchtime b-day shindig. Then came home and had a few pieces of salt-water taffy at the parade. Then we had KFC for dinner, I usually get extra-crispy, went with the original, a few less carbs I figured. No potatoes, no mac, just corn on the cob, salad, and baked beans. Not too bad, but then came the pie. Dang Marie Calendars, good thing pie sale is over now. Had a small piece of blueberry and a small piece of apple, no ice cream.
Didn't walk, needed a recovery day from the 2 previous + the parade, plus I sweated a lot going up and down the stairs helping Andrew pack his pack for the 50 miler. Had to have the pack to the scout leader tonight so he could check it and pack the food on top. I told Andrew I'm gonna do it with him next year. The scout leader is a real gung ho hiker, he'd like to do this every year, other leaders and parents would like a little more variety in summer camping activities. That would be a major accomplishment for me, like a marathon almost.
So, woke up about 6 this morning, got on the scale, grrr, 390, I figured there'd be fluctuations along the way. Went back to bed (I LUV SATURDAY), woke up again about 9, got back on the scale cause I wasnt' happy with that. Ok, too weird, 386!!!!!!!!! I'm a freak, or my scale is funky, I don't know. I'll take it! Made breakfast burritos, egg, sausage, sauteed mushrooms, cheese, no potatoes. I'm gonna start putting my Idaho potato farmer friends out of business too. Sorry guys.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
:bday: America!!
Hey Don!

Just wanted to say congrats on one week!!! Can you believe you're really doing it?? I know we all can!

Love the sound of your breakfast burrito. Sounds similar to something I made this week. I just discovered how truly nicely mushrooms and eggs go together. As for the pie, hey two small slices is probably much better than what you would have had in the past if you're anything like me around pie, ie. You mean they make these to be shared?? hehe! :sunny:

Keep up the great work and have a great 4th!
It's hard to avoid pie/desserts on holidays. Don't worry; you're doing great!!!

The scale will fluctuate, so try not to get too discouraged (I have to remind myself of this a lot). Some people lose faster than others, and I'm guessing your body is doing some re-adjusting with the introduction of exercise and the elimination of sugar from the drinks. It will happen, just be patient.

Have a great 4th!
Two pieces of pie isn't bad at all! You stopped, no ice cream...that was much better than before, wasn't it?

Be patient, happy 4th!
Hey, Don! How are you doing today? Glad to get back into the work week routine? Weekends are so hard for me, with socializing or hanging around the house. Either one presents all sorts of food challenges.

Just wanted to WISH you a fabulous week! Oh, and don't let the scale get you down -- I have been hovering in the same 2.5 pound range since 5/31! Trying not to let it get to me, especially since I have been so diligent about exercising.

Keep up the great work!
Thanks everyone for checking in, hope you all had a fun 4th. I think I had a little too much fun yesterday, spent about 2 1/2 hours in the pool, didn't really swim much, but lots of play. Feeling it today, I think I must have been using muscles that don't get much work usually. We were throwing a bunch of those little beanbag soaker type things at each other, my arm hurts today. Had a big get-together with family on my mom's side, in a neighborhood clubhouse with an indoor pool. I'm the only child of my mother, have 7 step- and half-brothers and sisters, but i'm actually closer to many of my cousins than them. I have 50+ cousins, my mom was 1 of 7 kids and my dad was one of 8! Many of my cousins are raising good sized families, we must have had 50 adults and 100 kids there. We had about 30 or 40 in the pool, had a lot of fun. I was a little embarrassed getting in, but just stayed in the water.
No caffeine, just a few sips of root beer, and a can of minute made lemonade, didn't need it, didn't really enjoy it. Ate pretty good over the weekend, just 1 more piece of the blueberry pie, kids wiped out the rest. Grilled marinated steaks on Sunday, had a little bit of mashed potates, filled up on salad and cheesy vegetables. Yesterday was good most of the day, had some whole wheat french toast and bacon, then KFC for lunch again at the party, no potatoes or mac again, just chicken, corn, salad and some jello salad. Ate a couple mini cream puffs. Then last night went to in-laws, grilled burgers, dogs and fish for them. Wife's brothers and sisters and us bought the FIL a decent gas grill a year or 2 ago, he never uses it. That was all fine, but then we went and watched fireworks with BIL and his family, his wife made brownies, I ate mine plus DW's (she hates most chocolate :earseek: ), plus some ice cream, at 11 pm! not good.
So, scale wasn't kind today, back up to 385, but I figure that's as far up as its going to go, so I'm changin' that clippie!! This is going to be a good week, gonna make it a good week!
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :banana: :banana: :banana: pirate: :jumping3: :disrocks:
Don...just popping by to say GREAT JOB..keep going KEEP SWIMMING :fish: you're doing AWESOME!!! ;)

hang in's sooooo worth it!!! hugs,
DisDon said:
Thanks everyone for checking in, hope you all had a fun 4th. I think I had a little too much fun yesterday, spent about 2 1/2 hours in the pool, didn't really swim much, but lots of play. Feeling it today, I think I must have been using muscles that don't get much work usually. We were throwing a bunch of those little beanbag soaker type things at each other, my arm hurts today. Had a big get-together with family on my mom's side, in a neighborhood clubhouse with an indoor pool. I'm the only child of my mother, have 7 step- and half-brothers and sisters, but i'm actually closer to many of my cousins than them. I have 50+ cousins, my mom was 1 of 7 kids and my dad was one of 8! Many of my cousins are raising good sized families, we must have had 50 adults and 100 kids there. We had about 30 or 40 in the pool, had a lot of fun. I was a little embarrassed getting in, but just stayed in the water.
No caffeine, just a few sips of root beer, and a can of minute made lemonade, didn't need it, didn't really enjoy it. Ate pretty good over the weekend, just 1 more piece of the blueberry pie, kids wiped out the rest. Grilled marinated steaks on Sunday, had a little bit of mashed potates, filled up on salad and cheesy vegetables. Yesterday was good most of the day, had some whole wheat french toast and bacon, then KFC for lunch again at the party, no potatoes or mac again, just chicken, corn, salad and some jello salad. Ate a couple mini cream puffs. Then last night went to in-laws, grilled burgers, dogs and fish for them. Wife's brothers and sisters and us bought the FIL a decent gas grill a year or 2 ago, he never uses it. That was all fine, but then we went and watched fireworks with BIL and his family, his wife made brownies, I ate mine plus DW's (she hates most chocolate :earseek: ), plus some ice cream, at 11 pm! not good.
So, scale wasn't kind today, back up to 385, but I figure that's as far up as its going to go, so I'm changin' that clippie!! This is going to be a good week, gonna make it a good week!
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :banana: :banana: :banana: pirate: :jumping3: :disrocks:

Holy cow! You're doing awesome. You knew when to stop, you lasted w/o caffeine...what are you gonna do next? Lose weight? already are! :p :p My weight fluctuates everyday. Pick a day to weigh in, weigh in on that day and BAM! Results. Every day's different. Keep up the good work!
Oh, forgot to note, did walk Sunday night, 45 minutes or so, a little shorter route, but the kids on their scooters started playing tag, so I did a little running, away from them and after them. At least I have something for the exercise challenge.
Congrats On the exercise and controlling yourself better than I could around Blueberry pie! Oh my! hehe
You did a great job this weekend Don, keep up that hard work, the results are coming and you deserve them! pirate:

Be well big man!
Mike :Pinkbounc
Mykelogan said:
Be well big man!
Same to you dude!

Ok, kind of a blah day yesterday, no CSD's (caffeinated soft drinks) not SD's of any kind. Thatsa gud.
B-egg ham and cheese hot pocket
L-2 meatball and cheese hot pockets (I know, bad trend)
D-Impossible Cheeseburger Pie, green beans, salad.
The cheeseburger pie recipe is on the back of the Bisquick box (does it come in whole wheat?) Only carbs in it are in the actual Bisquick and the milk, and you only use 1/2 cup of Bisquick for the whole thing. Biggest negative was it took me over 1 1/2 hours to drive home, usually a 40-55 minute drive, traffic stank, so didn't get dinner cooked and eaten until 8. Goal is to finish eating by 7, sooner when I'm not commuting.
Scale said 384 this morning, not bad. Had 2 Sonic breakfast burritos, just had a granola bar for a snack, drinkin' that ice watah!!
Have a great day everybody!! :3dglasses :teeth: :smooth: :banana:
Well, you can't control the traffic (as I often tell my DH...although I think that makes him more frustrated ;))

Not sure they make ww Bisquick, but you could do a ww pizza crust on top or something like that, maybe? We just did WW pizzas this past weekend, and they were fantastic...better than the white flour ones by far.

Great work continuing the walking. I love that you're having fun with it by involving your kids! They should help keep you really motiviated to keep moving!

Have a great day!
rcyannacci said:
Great work continuing the walking. I love that you're having fun with it by involving your kids! They should help keep you really motiviated to keep moving!
Dang, you reminded me, I was going to note that we didn't walk last night, I think several of us including me picked up a bug from the pool party. I've got something bugging me up in back of my throat and nasal passages. The baby was very restless last night, has a runny nose, but that may be from the new tooth she's breaking, #4! I'm feeling a little better now, took some Seasilver, stuff that my FIL sells, seems to be pretty good. Just took 2000 mg of vitamin C too.
Must Walk Today!!!!


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