The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves! (my journal)

So, DW and I went and talked to my cousin the chiropractor about Isagenix. He's lost a goodly amount of weight on it, lost most of his overhanging belly and double chins, looking good. So, we're going for it, Did the 2 day cleanse, DW was down 10 lbs. and I was down 12. Drank the shakes most of the rest of the week, did the monthly church fast saturday night/sunday morning, weighed just before lunch yesterday, down 15! Starting the 2nd 2-day cleanse today, then its 2 shakes a day and 1 meal for the rest of the month. I'm totally stoked about this, the shakes aren't bad, bought a cool new blender. Changing my clippie today, down 25 from the way-back original WISH weight! DW is not quite as excited as me, she's struggling a little more with shakes for breakfast. Hopefully we can keep it positive and support each other, she may want to just keep on with the weight watchers. If anyone is interested, more info at www . isagenix . com, or PM me.

Got a little trip going down to San Diego this weekend for Seaworld, ixnay on the pirates and princesses. Its getting harder and harder to fly east on the JetBlue anymore, flights are always packed to the gills. Still shooting for a cruise later this year, probably hurricane season, pending goal achievement. DW's is 40 lbs and mine is 60, actually starting to believe now. Seaworld San Diego seems a little tame compared to Orlando, no Kraken. Should be fun, I'll say hello to Shamu for all my DIS friends!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :beach:
Don, I just started reading this WISH thread, and liked your journal title :) Just wanted you to know the karaoke video is GREAT!!!! :thumbsup2 :cool1: :banana: And you knew all the words! LOL
Hi Katie, thanks! I do actually know all the words, love that song, but they were scrolling by on the video screen in front of me too. Funny thing, I had tried to do Kokomo on another night, and some of the words on the screen were wrong! threw me off a bit.
Hey Don,

Good to hear from you!:goodvibes It sounds like you and Elaine are doing a great job on your weight loss! Sometimes all it takes is a nice drop in the weight to get the ball rolling... Keep up the good work!:thumbsup2

Have a great time at Sea World! We used to go there all the time when it was still in Ohio. I miss it a lot, but never have been to the one in Orlando. :(

Have a great week!:thumbsup2
Hey, sorry for not posting for a while. I do still come in and read some of the journals, great to hear how people are doing. Been very stressful and busy here at work lately, and hard to find time to post when I'm at home too. Still workin' the Isagenix, had a good week last week. Did the 2 day cleanse, then had a good early morning weigh in Friday, my scale said 356!! That's 39 lbs down from original weight! Went and weighed in for the town weight-loss contest, called Riverton's Thinnest Loser, and fully dressed except shoes came in at 359, still under 360! Woohoo! The contest is for 12 weeks, and its hard to tell, but I might be in the running for the prizes.

DW decided not to do the Isagenix anymore about a month ago, said she just wants to stick with the WW, trying to support her there. She's been working tons of overtime for JetBlue, all the crazy weather in NYC keeps killing them. Its funny, but even with the Valentine's Massacre as they call it, business is still booming and they're still ranked 1st or 2nd in customer satisfaction, on-time, etc.

The San Diego trip was fun, Seaworld was nice. Saw all the shows, Shamu was cool, very impressive, dolphins were fun, amazing high jump at one point, good 20 or 30 feet out of the water over a rope. Sea Lion show was funny, but the best of all was the Pets Rule show. This was all trained dogs, a PIG, and even some CATS! I had no idea you could train a cat, amazing! The shipwreck rapids ride was fun, but no big drop like Kali or Grizzly. Journey to Atlantis was fun, most interesting part was the ELEVATOR in the middle, never been on a coaster-type ride with an elevator. We got the Fun Cards (same price as single day admission) which gets us in for the whole rest of 2007, except Memorial Day and Labor Day. Good deal, except there really isn't that much more to do if we go back more than once or twice. There are different nighttime shows now, and the Cirque de la Mer show in the summer. I guess its a Soliel type show over the water, and seems to be included with admission, but not many details yet that I could find.

Still working on the cruise goal, thinking about week after Thanksgiving or early December again, seems like a good time for deals and low crowds. We're driving to South Dakota in July for DSIL's wedding, planning on side trips to see the Cave of the Winds, Rushmore and Devil's Tower. I'd like to come back by way of Yellowstone, would only add about 150 miles to the trip, but its a bad time to be going, huge crowds, expensive lodging unless we haul our heavy old camp trailer the whole way. Nothing Disney planned yet :sad2: but I won't give up! The youngest, DD2 will be 3 and no longer free after her birthday in august, and DD9 will be 10 and no longer considered a child by Disney, also birthday in august. Would seem to make sense to try and get something in before then, oh well.

Even with the recent weight loss success, having a hard time getting excercise done. Let DD11 borrow my mp3 player, and she seems to have lost it. Trying to use this new Verizon Razr phone for mp3's but the sound quality is kinda crappy. I did buy a 1 Gig micro SD card for it, holy cow, had no idea they had cards that small with that capacity. Amazing! Need to just deal with it and get walking.

DS6 is starting baseball, he's a lefty with a rocket arm, but can't catch well yet, and hasn't had much batting practice, but does well when he gets the chance. He's in a Cal Ripken league, and they use a pitching machine, he did T-ball last year, but I think he'll be fine. DS14 is still a Moose, that's his nickname, 6'1", 230 lbs., started a weight lifting program at the HS for football, plus he's doing an accelleration training program on the side, working hard. He's a monster!

Big news for the DD's (and the DS's) is a new puppy we just bought! Its a springer/border collie mix, very cute, mostly milk white body, with a black bandit mask, I think they've settled on Oreo for her name. We've had a couple of dogs over the years, but things just haven't worked out well before. Hopefully this will go better, kids are older and appear more engaged.

Utah Jazz are still looking good, impressive win at Houston on sunday, bodes well for playoffs. Univ. of Utah hired Mich St. asst. Jim Boylen as new basketball coach. Us Utes are very excited for a return to success. Sorry about your Buckeyes AGAIN Tracy! Gators are on a serious roll. Hope all is well with everyone, if you made it this far thanks for reading!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: pirate:
LOVE the Karaoke, Don!!!!!

Glad things are going well for you. 39 Pounds!!!! :cool1:

Hope things work out with OREO. Cute name!

Have a great week! Glad you stopped in!
Sorry about your Buckeyes AGAIN Tracy! Gators are on a serious roll.

:sad: What can I say? I guess I should give the Bucks some credit as no one really thought they would end up in the finals anyhow.... Guess I'll just have to move to Florida if I want to cheer on a winning team! ;) :rotfl:

Sounds like things are busy, but going well for you.:goodvibes Sending some :wizard: for that Disney vacation this year.:banana:

Congratulations on the 39 pounds, Don!:yay: That is a wonderful accomplishment! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Have a great week!:cool1:
I was just thinking about you the other day. I was going to find your journal to get caught up and them work got me.

Sounds like you are very busy, but doing well. Congrats on the 39 pounds...that is great!!! You are doing a great job.
Hopefully a Disney trip will work out for you this year!!!

Keep up the great work!!!

Have a great day :)
Hi, Don! It is so great seeing you around these parts again! :hug: And so much less of you!!! How impressive! :woohoo:
Just wanted to drop in and WISH you continued success on this journey we all share. Sending you pixiedust: and :goodvibes: So glad things are going well for you and your efforts are paying off.
Hi everyone, thanks for the kind words. Jones, that's some tag ya got there, I want one! :sad1: :laughing: Well, tomorrow is the big day! Final weigh-in for Riverton's Thinnest Loser! Here's the last posted results, from March 30, Your's truly on top there (skipped 2 weeks of weigh-in's). I didn't weigh last week, kinda back-slid after the good loss, but i'm back on the wagon this week. Last normal meal was lunch Tuesday, shake that night, and then 2 days of the Isagenix cleanse formula. Hard to stick on it, but I'm feelin' good about tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Finally got out and walked again today, borrow DS's mp3 player. I need an adapter for my razr phone, gripes me that the adapter costs as much as the headphones! Bought some cool Hi-Tec hiking boots, gonna take some breaking in. Walked 30 minutes and was starting to get a hot spot on the back of my foot. I think they'll be good tho.

Had an interesting conversation with DW tonight. We both agreed that something happens and we end up de-motivating each other. When she had her good weight loss last fall with WW, I was very excited and happy for her, but couldn't get myself going. Now with my recent progress, she's struggled. A lot of her trouble was the stress from dealing with the Valentine's Day Massacre (jetBlue) and all the overtime she worked. Her normal schedule is 24/week, and she did several weeks there of 50+. Hopefully we can get going together at some point.

I won't be posting during the day much anymore, change at work really limits the websites we can visit. Its good for me though, I can be a real surfin' slacker sometimes, and its definitely hampered my career growth. Bad habits.

Keep on truckin' :thumbsup2

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: pirate:
So, weighed in last Friday morning, and at least I lost what I had gained over Easter weekend, plus about a pound and a half, so I'm going to go ahead and CHANGE THE CLIPPIE!! WOO HOO!! That was the last weigh in for the contest, but we won't find out the final results until this coming Saturday. During the contest itself I lost about 27 lbs., and I heard about some guy losing 40, so I don't think I won, but I might place and win a prize.

I do have to be more careful, I've been kind of going a little crazy each Friday after weigh in. I did a shake for breakfast yesterday and today, but instead of my dinner shake i've been eating with the family. That would be fine for a maintenance mode, but I still have a lot left to lose, and I don't want to lose my momentum.

I have walked a couple more times, but my new boots rubbed the back of my heels raw, been wearing bandaids lately there. Should have walked today, but I wimped out. Maybe tomorrow if the weather's not too bad. Its been fairly nice lately but very windy. Storm supposed to move in overnight, but often they fizzle out around here.

DS6 had his first baseball game Saturday, lots of fun. They play the full batting order each inning, and did 2 innings, thought they were running out of time, so they played a 3rd with each batter only getting 2 pitches. I thought they should have done at least 3 each, but that was ok. DS6 got 2 good hits, and his team was actually fielding well and getting outs, which was a surprise to me! They'd done almost nothing but batting practice for several weeks leading up to the game.

Work has basically turned miserable for me the last year or so, but I feel kinda stuck because I do make decent money, and I don't think I could find anything comparable without taking a pretty big step back. Not sure what to do, but I just keep plugging along. I do best when I have something good to look forward to, like Disney trips and cruises! Oh well.

Thanks for your support, and

keep on truckin' :thumbsup2
Hi Don,

That is great....the weight that you have lost!!! You are doing a great job....keep going and you will make your goals!!!!!

Good news about your son...that is awesome that he had some good hits and did well.

I hear you on the job situation...I used to love my job, I make good money, but I have three morons to deal with now and I just don't know how much longer I can go on. but I am with you, if I leave, it will be a step back. Keep your head up buddy, it has to get better right??? That is what I keep telling myself!

Keep up the great work!!!

HAve a good day :)
Great job on your weight loss and on the new clippie, Don!:thumbsup2

I'm sorry to hear about your job situation.... Maybe keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities.... You never know what might come your way!:goodvibes :wizard: :wizard:

Keep up the good work!:thumbsup2


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