"The Best Things in my Life came from Disney" - ABD Backstage Magic, Summer 2010 TR

I can't wait for the next installment. I love looking at all the pictures and remembering.
What a great job Kristen!!! You should ride Dinosaur. I think it is scarier than Indiana Jones, you will like it.
That is funny about dessert at Big Thunder Ranch. Not that we needed it, but were used to it at every meal.
I think going to Walt's apartment was my favorite thing.
...At dinner I was sitting with Wayne, Stacy, Jeff and Christy and we had a blast chatting. At one point Wayne asked if any of us had any Disney stories where we’d “gotten away with something”. We all mostly demurred (though Jeff and Stacy finally came up with one), but Wayne told a doozy of a story – it’s really his to tell, but if he doesn’t mind chiming in to share it, I think we would all love to hear it again (plus, I’m not sure everyone else got to hear it the first time!).

Ok, there is a request for me to re-tell the story that I told at Steakhouse 55 the first night we stayed at the Disneyland resort. The dinner topic was “name something you shouldn’t have done at Disney or something you’ve gotten away with.” So with Kristen’s kind permission, I will drop this in the middle of her trip report.


I used to work in the theme park industry, mostly in shows as a technician. I’ve worked for Six Flags Over Texas, Great America (Santa Clara) and for Knott’s Berry Farm. In fact, I designed, performed and programmed all the water fountain shows for Knott’s (which is what lead to my extreme interest in the World of Color), but that is a story for another time.

Now when you work for theme parks you learn very quickly how they operate and the kinds of procedures that they have. Every place is somewhat different, but they all mostly have the same basic operations. I had been working at Knott’s getting the Christmas water show up and running. It was a couple weeks after Thanksgiving and I had a Friday off. The Christmas decorations and events were going on at Disneyland and so I thought I would spend the day and check out how Disney did Christmas that year.

This was about 10 years ago (so the early 90s). Since it was early December it was “off season”. Many smaller restaurants and facilities were closed. That was normal back then. I particularly remembered that food was limited and not very interesting. Big Thunder Ranch BBQ was closed and there weren’t many street vendors either. Several smaller attractions were closed. Christmas season had just started and things were still slow.

That Friday the park was scheduled to close early. It was not uncommon for Disneyland to close at 7pm or 8pm during the “off season” and that seemed normal at the time. So when the park closed that evening I headed down Main Street to the front turnstiles along with the hundreds of other guests.

As I got to the front gates I noticed that there sure were a lot of people lined up outside the turnstiles. I slowed a bit and looked a little closer. They weren’t just milling around, they were lined up. I had been going to Disneyland since the late 70s (ouch, don’t mean to date myself) and I’ve heard all about private parties and after hour’s events. This had all the signs of a special event that was going to start as soon as “the regular folks” left.

I made a quick “about face” and headed back to Main Street. “Ok”, I thought, “there is some kind of event that is about to happen. How can I get in?” Answer: Just stay in the park. “Ok, how do I stay?” Answer: Hide!

My mind is racing. How can I hide at Disneyland? I mean they have great security and those folks have been running this park a lot longer than all the other parks I’ve worked at. “Can I make it to the service road and pretend to be an employee? No, I would need a badge (and I don’t think my Knott’s badge will cut it).” Hmm. “How about hiding in the bushes?” Oh please, let’s not be juvenile. Let’s see? What can I do?

I’m walking around Town Square and the crowds are beginning to thin out. I’ve only got a short time before the park guards are going to do the “sweep” and then they’ll push me out. I’m near Mr. Lincoln and I remember the small restroom on that side of the street. I quickly go inside to think a bit more.

Now that restroom is really small and the stalls are around the corner from the restroom door. I bury myself in the nearest stall. As I’m sitting there I think, “Hmm, this isn’t too bad. No one ever comes in here. What if I just keep the stall door closed and not make a sound. Yea, that’s the ticket!” I actually pulled my feet up so that I couldn’t be seen from under the walls. I thought that if someone did come in and said something, I could just pretend to be sick in case I needed an excuse. (Oh I was sick all right!)

A few guests came in to use the facilities. They came in and then left. Eventually folks stopped coming in. Silence. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. I wanted to peak out, but I though “don’t be an idiot, stay put”. I waited, nervous and sweating.

Soon I heard the door open and I heard the sound of a wash bucket and mop. Ah, facilities is here. They did a very quick cleanup and left (they didn’t even check the stalls).

Again I waited. No one came in; no sounds at all even from outside. The park must be closed. I just knew that Security would come in any second and I would be banned for life. No sounds. I waited.

After about 15 minutes someone came in to use the restroom. Oh! This was a guest! Then another. Then another. I heard sounds outside. The park must have reopened!

I waited another 5 minutes or so and decided to leave. I opened the door and left the restroom. Main Street was again hoping with activity and people. I headed up Main Street to the Castle. Everyone was dressed up in Christmas attire and there was a definite party atmosphere in the air. Ok, this could be fun.

I noticed that everyone was carrying some kind of colored brochure. It was probably the event schedule. I had to get one to see what was going on. Where could I get one? Folks were probably being given them as they walked in. Ah, they probably got one when they gave their event ticket at the turnstile. Maybe they will have extra programs at the turnstiles.

I turned around and headed back to the turnstiles. The whole time I’m walking I’m thinking, “You idiot, you should not be going to the entrance, you need to bury yourself in the park and fit in”. But I had to get a program.

As I approached the gates I again slowed to look around. Oh! There was someone handing out the flyers just after the folks entered. I slipped in line and got a flyer as if I just entered. Easy. Now let’s get out of here and get back up Main Street.

I hadn’t even looked at the flyer. I just kept speed walking toward the castle. I noticed lots of cart vendors. Hot chocolate, cotton candy, balloons and stuff all up Main Street. Special Christmas music was playing. This was a real party. But for who?

I got under a street light to read the flyer. I opened up the program.... and gasped out loud.
Welcome to the Disney Family Company Christmas Party!

I just about fainted. I had just crashed the Walt Disney Company Christmas party!

The park which was in cutback mode just an hour ago was now fully open. Every facility was open and had special party items. There were special shows and food everywhere. All attractions were operating and the lines were extremely short. Then I started noticing that quite a few folks had these black jackets on that said “Walt Disney Imagineering” on the back. Wow.

It was am amazing evening. I rode all the attractions all over again. I saw the Christmas Choir and the Carolers. I didn’t have dinner before because most things were closed, but Big Thunder was now open serving an amazing Christmas dinner.

Disneyland stayed open until about 2am that night. I had such a great time. It was great that the park was open later. It was great that I could stay. It was great that it was the Disney folks themselves. But the best part was that for one short evening I got to pretend that I was a part of that company. Now THAT was Disney magic.

To this day, every time I pass that restroom in Town Square I give a little smile. I understand that a few years later Security began checking all the restrooms and queue lines after park close and especially before a special event. I doubt that it was because of me (because I never told anyone about this story). I think I just got away with it for one lucky evening.

Ever since that evening I’ve wanted to be able to attend that party again, but the next time it would be as a Disney employee.
Oh, Wayne, what a *great* story! That must have been something! And I guess there are enough Disney Company employees that no-one noticed you didn't belong! Truly a once-in-a-life experience!

(Children, do not attempt this at home!) :rotfl:

:worship:Wayne, this is the best Disney story ever! We were there when you first told the story at Steakhouse 55, and it is still amazing! You did something we all have dreamt of doing.
Wow! I am *so* sorry you experienced that! What a shame. It's too bad there wasn't a cast member nearby to throw them out of the line.

I'm glad it didn't ruin things for you. There are idiots everywhere!


It was a shame no cast member was there to toss them out of line, though it would have taken a lot of CMs to handle the numbers of them and the level of aggression. I think it would be especially tough to be an attractions CM there or anywhere near World of Color!
:sad2:That is terrible! It's no excuse for their behavior, but I'm dying to know: how old were these people?

At least you can comfort yourselves with this knowledge. I bet none of them visited Imagineering, or the Studios, or Walt's apartment!

I'd say the thugs ranged from mid-teens to mid-20's. Plenty old enough to know better and old enough to act better than that. We did keep reminding ourselves that we had already been in and would soon be in more exciting places than they would ever see! :)
Kristen: I'm really enjoying your report. John and I took almost no pictures and we've had such a crazy couple of weeks since the trip (which we haven't been able to talk about since our boys don't know we went to Disneyland). So nice to be able to remember all the details. Thanks.

Wayne: Great story. :)
Ok, there is a request for me to re-tell the story that I told at Steakhouse 55 the first night we stayed at the Disneyland resort. The dinner topic was “name something you shouldn’t have done at Disney or something you’ve gotten away with.” So with Kristen’s kind permission, I will drop this in the middle of her trip report.


I used to work in the theme park industry, mostly in shows as a technician. I’ve worked for Six Flags Over Texas, Great America (Santa Clara) and for Knott’s Berry Farm. In fact, I designed, performed and programmed all the water fountain shows for Knott’s (which is what lead to my extreme interest in the World of Color), but that is a story for another time.

Now when you work for theme parks you learn very quickly how they operate and the kinds of procedures that they have. Every place is somewhat different, but they all mostly have the same basic operations. I had been working at Knott’s getting the Christmas water show up and running. It was a couple weeks after Thanksgiving and I had a Friday off. The Christmas decorations and events were going on at Disneyland and so I thought I would spend the day and check out how Disney did Christmas that year.

This was about 10 years ago (so the early 90s). Since it was early December it was “off season”. Many smaller restaurants and facilities were closed. That was normal back then. I particularly remembered that food was limited and not very interesting. Big Thunder Ranch BBQ was closed and there weren’t many street vendors either. Several smaller attractions were closed. Christmas season had just started and things were still slow.

That Friday the park was scheduled to close early. It was not uncommon for Disneyland to close at 7pm or 8pm during the “off season” and that seemed normal at the time. So when the park closed that evening I headed down Main Street to the front turnstiles along with the hundreds of other guests.

As I got to the front gates I noticed that there sure were a lot of people lined up outside the turnstiles. I slowed a bit and looked a little closer. They weren’t just milling around, they were lined up. I had been going to Disneyland since the late 70s (ouch, don’t mean to date myself) and I’ve heard all about private parties and after hour’s events. This had all the signs of a special event that was going to start as soon as “the regular folks” left.

I made a quick “about face” and headed back to Main Street. “Ok”, I thought, “there is some kind of event that is about to happen. How can I get in?” Answer: Just stay in the park. “Ok, how do I stay?” Answer: Hide!

My mind is racing. How can I hide at Disneyland? I mean they have great security and those folks have been running this park a lot longer than all the other parks I’ve worked at. “Can I make it to the service road and pretend to be an employee? No, I would need a badge (and I don’t think my Knott’s badge will cut it).” Hmm. “How about hiding in the bushes?” Oh please, let’s not be juvenile. Let’s see? What can I do?

I’m walking around Town Square and the crowds are beginning to thin out. I’ve only got a short time before the park guards are going to do the “sweep” and then they’ll push me out. I’m near Mr. Lincoln and I remember the small restroom on that side of the street. I quickly go inside to think a bit more.

Now that restroom is really small and the stalls are around the corner from the restroom door. I bury myself in the nearest stall. As I’m sitting there I think, “Hmm, this isn’t too bad. No one ever comes in here. What if I just keep the stall door closed and not make a sound. Yea, that’s the ticket!” I actually pulled my feet up so that I couldn’t be seen from under the walls. I thought that if someone did come in and said something, I could just pretend to be sick in case I needed an excuse. (Oh I was sick all right!)

A few guests came in to use the facilities. They came in and then left. Eventually folks stopped coming in. Silence. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. I wanted to peak out, but I though “don’t be an idiot, stay put”. I waited, nervous and sweating.

Soon I heard the door open and I heard the sound of a wash bucket and mop. Ah, facilities is here. They did a very quick cleanup and left (they didn’t even check the stalls).

Again I waited. No one came in; no sounds at all even from outside. The park must be closed. I just knew that Security would come in any second and I would be banned for life. No sounds. I waited.

After about 15 minutes someone came in to use the restroom. Oh! This was a guest! Then another. Then another. I heard sounds outside. The park must have reopened!

I waited another 5 minutes or so and decided to leave. I opened the door and left the restroom. Main Street was again hoping with activity and people. I headed up Main Street to the Castle. Everyone was dressed up in Christmas attire and there was a definite party atmosphere in the air. Ok, this could be fun.

I noticed that everyone was carrying some kind of colored brochure. It was probably the event schedule. I had to get one to see what was going on. Where could I get one? Folks were probably being given them as they walked in. Ah, they probably got one when they gave their event ticket at the turnstile. Maybe they will have extra programs at the turnstiles.

I turned around and headed back to the turnstiles. The whole time I’m walking I’m thinking, “You idiot, you should not be going to the entrance, you need to bury yourself in the park and fit in”. But I had to get a program.

As I approached the gates I again slowed to look around. Oh! There was someone handing out the flyers just after the folks entered. I slipped in line and got a flyer as if I just entered. Easy. Now let’s get out of here and get back up Main Street.

I hadn’t even looked at the flyer. I just kept speed walking toward the castle. I noticed lots of cart vendors. Hot chocolate, cotton candy, balloons and stuff all up Main Street. Special Christmas music was playing. This was a real party. But for who?

I got under a street light to read the flyer. I opened up the program.... and gasped out loud.
“Welcome to the Disney Family Company Christmas Party!”

I just about fainted. I had just crashed the Walt Disney Company Christmas party!

The park which was in cutback mode just an hour ago was now fully open. Every facility was open and had special party items. There were special shows and food everywhere. All attractions were operating and the lines were extremely short. Then I started noticing that quite a few folks had these black jackets on that said “Walt Disney Imagineering” on the back. Wow.

It was am amazing evening. I rode all the attractions all over again. I saw the Christmas Choir and the Carolers. I didn’t have dinner before because most things were closed, but Big Thunder was now open serving an amazing Christmas dinner.

Disneyland stayed open until about 2am that night. I had such a great time. It was great that the park was open later. It was great that I could stay. It was great that it was the Disney folks themselves. But the best part was that for one short evening I got to pretend that I was a part of that company. Now THAT was Disney magic.

To this day, every time I pass that restroom in Town Square I give a little smile. I understand that a few years later Security began checking all the restrooms and queue lines after park close and especially before a special event. I doubt that it was because of me (because I never told anyone about this story). I think I just got away with it for one lucky evening.

Ever since that evening I’ve wanted to be able to attend that party again, but the next time it would be as a Disney employee.

What a great story!!
You got to go to Club 33 and the Dream Suite???!! Woww...how special..
Be sure and buy the Photopass CD of the trip, On our ABD the guides took alot of great pictures in those restricted areas so we could have those memory refreshers...
I'd say the thugs ranged from mid-teens to mid-20's. Plenty old enough to know better and old enough to act better than that. We did keep reminding ourselves that we had already been in and would soon be in more exciting places than they would ever see! :)

You are right - they were old enough to know better. They knew exactly what they were doing! No excuse for that behavior at all. I hope that doesn't happen on next year's trip! :wizard:
Thanks for sharing that story again, Wayne! I'm so glad others got to hear/read it too - it's so amazing. Glad to have it in writing now too! ;)

Life's been busy the last few days, but I'll have the next installment up in a bit - not much more to go! :( But still lots of fun to share! :goodvibes
After the Dream Suite we headed next door to be sent to the head of the class and a ride on Pirates of the Caribbean. I don’t know what it is about Stacy, but she was splattered last night when we rode it, and again today, at the same spot! No one else got wet – I guess the ride really likes her!

Phew! We sure have done a lot today!

Michael and Dean handed out our World of Color Fast Passes, which were for the 9:00 pm show. The passes said to be in line between 7:30-8:30 and we all got the Blue section. Then they handed us each 5 regular FastPasses, to be used at either park for the rest of the evening – wow! :cool1: Before sending us off for some time on our own we were invited, if we chose, to meet for the parade at a special viewing area.

And we were off!

A few folks stepped right into Café Orleans, right next to the Pirates exit for dinner. I really wasn’t hungry, and was jonesing for some alone time, so I headed to the hub and found a bench. I called my kids and just hung out for awhile, which was nice.

Then I thought – gosh, I’m at Disneyland – let’s go do some rides! :banana:

So I headed to Tomorrowland and used a FP for Space Mountain. I haven’t yet been on the refurbished version at WDW (my daughter and I were in line for it in December when the ride went down and they emptied out the entire attraction). But I LOVED this version! The music, the lighting, the movement – it was fantastic. Fantastic!

Right next door is Michael Jackson’s 80’s movie “Captain EO” in 3D. Since I’ve never seen it, I decided to change that. OK, now I’ve seen it!

I was starting to get hungry, and I also wanted to get back to the room to drop off my bags before heading to California Adventure for WOC. Also, a friend from home and her family were, coincidentally, staying at the Grand Californian DVC area on vacation, and I at least wanted to say hello. I grabbed a slice of pizza and a soda in Napoli at Downtown Disney while furiously texting my friend who was at the GC pool. We finally found each other – I visited with her for maybe 10 minutes and then went to drop stuff off and meet Nichole to walk over to DCA.

We walked out the back entrance of the Grand California and right into California Adventure. Can I say how much I LOVE this!!! :love: Omygosh!

The lines were already super thick lining up for World of Color and we joined the throngs. We finally found the blue area, and even at 7:40 pm or so the place was mobbed. Definitely get there early if you want your choice of spots! We inched down as far as we could and then Rob and Mike called to us from the bridge – yahoo! :worship: So we made our way back through the crowds and around the corner to the bridge to join our fellow adventurers: Rob, Mike, Wayne, Christy, Lisa, Paul, Pete and Walter – did I miss anyone?

We waited a looooooong time. Standing on pavement for an hour and a half is way longer than standing on pavement for an hour and a half!

The view when we started waiting:


And darkness descended:



And finally the show began!


I had been very careful to stay away from any video of the show beforehand – I wanted to see it for the first time live. I’m so glad I waited! Writing words about the show pales in comparison to experiencing the show. It’s a show of video (from modern Disney classics), music, water and colored lights (a few explosions and fire thrown in for good measure). But oh, it is so much more than the sum of its parts. Best nighttime show Disney puts on, without question (just my opinion of course!).

I took a bazillion pictures with my “nice” camera (which I’m still not sure how to use for night shots), but realized while watching Pete and Walter take photos and video that the iPhone actually takes far better photos!

Here are a few from my iPhone:




I also took some video to share with my kids (don’t worry, I’ll spare you that!).

After the show we still had FP’s to use! A bunch of us decided to head to Tower of Terror – at night – woo hoo! :woohoo:

But we got there and found out it was a 70 minute wait, and because of some refurbishment, the FP machines/lines were down. :sad2: Major bummer! None of us wanted to wait, so we moved on.

To Soarin’ over California! I rode this for the first time in March 2001, shortly after DCA opened, and fell in love. :love: I think we rode it 6 or 7 times that day. I’ve ridden it many times since at WDW but my first time remains the most special.

We used our FP’s to ride, and for the first time ever I got to sit in the front row (back row as you load) so no feet were dangling in front of me!

Next we went across the (what is that area called between the parks, anyway?) area between the parks to Disneyland and rode Space Mountain as a group. We got a little nervous because we were stopped in the queue for an overly long time, but eventually it started moving again and we got on and rode!


Wayne knows where the cameras are on every attraction and always had a goofy look! He also bought the ride photo for all of us – so sweet! (the one above is the redneck version) As we were leaving the attraction it went down for real - we got on it just in time!

We checked out the Matterhorn, but for some bizarre reason this E-ticket ride does not have a FastPass! :confused3 We were tired and the line seemed too daunting to tackle, so we skipped it and headed to Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, which of course is exclusive (now) to this park. A classic! I had ridden it as a child, but remembered exactly nothing about it.




It was fun…but gosh, where is the happy ending!

Alice in Wonderland was down for what turned out to be the duration of our trip for a last minute, unplanned refurbishment. I’d never done this attraction, so had been looking forward to it. Oh well, another reason to come back!

After Mr. Toad, we decided to call it a night. It was close to midnight anyway. And we knew what time we’d be meeting for breakfast tomorrow!

Walt’s lamp in his apartment on the way out:


Next up: Our last full day of the tour – surprises, laughs and more than a few tears in store.
You got to meet Maynard! That's soo cool. I remember there being a interview with him in the old disney magazine. I think at that point he was working at HM.

So cool!
Hey! John Lasseter and I have practically the same handwriting!! How cool!

Love the trip report... I would LOVE to do this trip someday!
You have a wonderful memory Kristen! I've been struggling to remember the details while writing my next installment. You captured some great pictures before and during WOC. Such a WONDERFUL show!
You got to meet Maynard! That's soo cool. I remember there being a interview with him in the old disney magazine. I think at that point he was working at HM.

So cool!

Yes! I wish I'd known just how big a deal this was at the time!

I see you are going on this trip next year - several of the folks on our trip will be with you too - you will have an AMAZING time! I wish it weren't sold out already - I just wasn't ready to make a decision. The private lunch with Marty Sklar will be :cloud9:
What a great story!!
You got to go to Club 33 and the Dream Suite???!! Woww...how special..
Be sure and buy the Photopass CD of the trip, On our ABD the guides took alot of great pictures in those restricted areas so we could have those memory refreshers...

Yes, it was incredibly special!

Our guides told us on the first night we would all be getting a CD of the photos they took - mine hasn't arrived yet (anyone else get theirs?) but I can't wait! At the farewell dinner they gave us each a few they had printed out which I love!
You are right - they were old enough to know better. They knew exactly what they were doing! No excuse for that behavior at all. I hope that doesn't happen on next year's trip! :wizard:

I'm hoping that was an isolated incident! We never had to deal with that level of aggression again, so hopefully those lovely individuals won't be around next year. :)

You got to meet Maynard! That's soo cool. I remember there being a interview with him in the old disney magazine. I think at that point he was working at HM.

So cool!

I was so excited when I realized we were listening to THE Maynard! He lived up to every wonderful story and compliment he's gotten. :cool1:

Yes, it was incredibly special!

Our guides told us on the first night we would all be getting a CD of the photos they took - mine hasn't arrived yet (anyone else get theirs?) but I can't wait! At the farewell dinner they gave us each a few they had printed out which I love!

We haven't gotten our CD of photos yet - don't know how long that's going to take for them to finish producing and send to everyone. I do know I can't wait to see the other pictures!


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