~The Daily Grind~ 1/4/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005
“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ FlyLady
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

Flylady Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch and Dining Room (January 1)
Link to the Flylady plan: http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan.asp

~The Daily Grind~ 1/4/10

Welcome to Monday!! Everyone Caffeinate!

Kids back to school....

My List for today:

This repeats every day!!

Swish and Swipe... everyday!

Work till 3p



Dinner- Not a Clue

Have a Great Day Everyone!! :teeth:
SEND THE KIDS BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!! :woohoo::cheer2::yay:

go get my door handle fixed. It broke and I am not happy!!!

chiropractor didn't go, slept in instead! DH took the boys to school.



get kids

take DH to the airport



Monday - kids back to school!!:woohoo:

Moms birthday!
Rebecca - safe travels! to Mr. BAMB also!


DD up, fed, dressed, horse fed
DSIL to take kids to bus

Little one up and fed - oh yes up at 4:30 - its gonna be a long day - still no coffee pods
Habit - getting dressed to the socks -
Call school to confirm DDs ski class info was accepted
Also schedule 4H scrapbooking with school

Call county building dept and see if they can tell me what our house address will be - I am skeptical - gonna drive over during riding
Go through shoe bin and clean up that area - its a few days late but gonna do it
Go through book/puzzle/coloring bins
PU girls from bus
Take girls to riding lessons
Dinner on the run
4H meeting
Prep for next day
Morning everyone! I plugged the vaporizer in tonight - hopefully it will do something.

Go to store to get groceries
Target for photos

Scrapping with friend! (Kitting up stuff for crop on Saturday, work on gun, work on pages, sort gems, etc.)
Work 5-9
Kids back in school which means I need to get a new routine down, but...
DH is still home mostly for another week
I do much better getting things down when they all are not here!

Get a handle on January scrap pages challenge
Take down Village of Houses
Clean kitchen
Mt Washmore, 2 loads
and whatever else comes up

Safe jouneys for our travellers!:hippie:
Good Morning everyone - kids and hubby will be out of the house:cool1:

Up, dressed and in makeup
Coffee - breakfast
Feed the kids pack lunches
Make sure they have everything they need
Everyone out - whew
Call back Kirsten
Excercise for 30 (this is my new thing)
Stay on points
Pick up the bean
Snack and meds
Snack for kids
Homework duty
Finish Laundry
Call my Dad and Grand mother
Start clean out 3rd floor storage (we'll have many boxes going to the thrift)

Ok - enough for today

Good morning, everyone!! It's back to work for me today. . .yeesh! I am appreciative of having a job, but I'd like to sleep in another day! ;)

tinkryansmom--Happy birthday to your mom!
Rebecca & BAMB's DH--travel safely!!

Everyone, enjoy the day the kiddos go back to school!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. 30 min treadmill

3. Empty dishwasher
4. Caffeinate

5. Clean DH's bathroom
6. Clean my bathroom
7. Devotional
8. Order Mom's pics
9. Take DS's stuff to Mom's
10. Take my stuff to mom's

11. Call for hair appt
12. DS up
13. DS to mom's

14. Work
15. Pick up DS

16. Wash/fold/PUT AWAY laundry
17. Order P365 pics from 12/14 on
18. P365 2010 pic
19. 20-25 min Wii Fit
20. Dinner--Stouffer's "Grandma's" chicken & rice bake!

21. Collapse into bed--I figure I'll be ready to go to bed by 7:30!! :rotfl2:

Everyone have an awesome Monday!!
morning all

kiddos up and out
me dressed and ready for work YIPEEE it's so nice to have a new job
work till 1
run to grocery store and pic up pics
home everything away
flip laundry
knock a couple things off living room and kitchen lists
get boys from bus
snacks for them
swim and basketball
dinner in there somewhere
them to bed

check in somewhere along the line

safe travels and have a good day!!!

Get kiddos out the door.
Say good by to DH - he's going back to work after being off for two weeks.
Everything from yesterday's list.
Put Goodwill bags in minivan - got lots of stuff out of closets.
Dinner [left overs]
What ever needs done for school tomorrow.
Morning all
safe travels for those traveling
back to the normal routine- except for the one hour delay
supper menu
deposit $ into cu
watch my nieces kids tonight
laundry as always

ok that'll get me started
Mornin! Back to school here too! And DH has court everyday this week- blech. I hope y'all had fantastic holidays!

DD up, dressed, watered, fed
DS up,
dressed, watered, fed
play on Facebook
shine the sink
swish and swipe
wash DD's sheets
wash DS's sheets
gather Christmas decorations
DS down for early nap

pick up DD
find thank you cards
homework supervisor
dinner... no idea
Hey Ash is back with us!!!!
So nice to see you here!
Tough getting going this am.
Movin', movin', movin' today!

Kids went back to school this a.m . - finally!

Got lots to accomplish today - and I am driving again!!!! Still doing baby steps, short trips, daylight, etc. - but it feels good, since I got back behind the wheel last week for the first time since the crash three months ago! DH took the bus to work today, and left me the car so I can get all sorts of grocery shopping and errands done. No extra shopping here - just the necessities - still on the ban wagon and it feels good (surprisingly)!

Today, I have to send a snarky certified mail response letter back to the twit who hit me's insurance company - who called and left me a snarky voice mail then wrote me a snarky letter. Sigh....what a lovely way to begin a shiny new year!

Also, since I never seem to have enough time in each day, I'm really gonna try to start limiting my computer/online time dramatically! So, I probably won't be on nearly as much, but will post daily when I can do so quickly. We put these guidelines in effect for the kids (except the big old one :lmao:) and if it's good for them, it is good for me.

Gonna fly - !
I'm at work. Forgot my cell phone. I'm here and don't want to be. I did leave early this morning and do some returns, but I have to do a couple more on the way home since not all stores are open at 8:00 am.

Oh, I drove by the new Mike's in Framingham. Not sure when they are opening but the sign said "hard hat area" so I'm assuming not too soon.

Hope everyone is feeling well.

Good luck with the errands, Pam.

Christy, how was your first day?
Ashley is Back!!

Pam is driving!!

Christy's first day!!

And a snapfish code! 50 prints for 50 pennies!! code: NEWYEAR50

It's a good day!!
Oh, you're going to be there? Never mind then. :rotfl:

Yes, I'm coming! And seeing you makes it better! I have no idea what to expect though...

ha ha very funny!

What to expect?? Lots of people, loud people. LOL Good food, great company. Lots and lots of talking so don't pack to much!!


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