The DIS Dad's Club Group W.I.S.H. Journal


DIS DAD #420
Jan 26, 2010
OK Guys - the longer we wait to get started, the less likely we are to take advantage of the push that our revered founder The Disney Fanatic gave us. So here it is - a group W.I.S.H. Journal for the DIS Dads. If you're wondering what to post here, here are some suggestions originally made by DDC member that's nice:

Current weight
Body fat (don't know if anyone has easy access to this info)
Desired weight
Exercise routine?
Eating habbits?
What we want to accomplish?
Daily updates... if you fell off the wagon?
Weekly weigh ins

So post away - here's to there being substantially less of us all in the not-too-distant future!
that's nice
I'll get us kicked off:

Height: 5' 11"
Current weight: 260
Body fat: Not sure, but we've got a scale that should give me a rough estimate tomorrow
Desired weight: 200 (but I'm not in a rush to get there)
Exercise routine: I'm shooting for using the treadmill 5x/week, for at least 40 minutes each time. I'll also be mixing in some work with free weights. The important thing for me right now is consistency and making it a real routine.
Eating habbits: Poor. My biggest issues are with managing portion sizes. I have a particular weakness of ice cream, especially super-premium ice cream. It's dangerous for Ben & Jerry's pints to find their way to our freezer, because I'll start and finish the entire pint in one sitting.

Tonight, I started my exercise program. After getting the kids to bed, I headed down to the basement and got the treadmill set back up. I did 40 minutes of the treadmill's "Weight Loss" program, which varied my incline and rate of speed. Speed varied between 1.8 mph and 4.5 mph. To keep it from getting boring, I watched an episode from Season Two of Mad Men on my iPad while I exercised.
ok let me give this a shot

I am 6' 1"
Weigh 225
no idea on my body fat
I would like to get to 200ish
My work out will be probably be just treadmill couple nights a week
Basically I will try to cut my meal portions.Believe me this will
be hard as I love to eat.So now instead of eating 8 slices of pizza I will cut back to 6.Instead of 3 dozen hot wings I Will cut back to 1 or 2 doz.My point is I will still eat poorly but hopefully
believe it or not this worked for me last yr doing just what i said above,the key for me will be the timing of my eating.I do allot of physical work so I burn allot of cals.So I need to eat and burn cals ,not eat then go to bed no food after 8 pm !.
Maybe with a push from the DDC I will get a better routine!!!
Just read DisneyDadC's post and it is so close to my situation that I considered just quoting it and saving myself from having to type this.

Ht: 6'2"
Wt: 232
Body Fat: 20.86% based on Rental01's website (21.5% on the scales at home)
My goal is 200, but honestly I would like to build more muscle so I'm going to shoot for about 210 and worry more about burning off the body fat.
My workout routine will be 3-5 days/week of 45-60 min on an elliptical and weight training on a bowflex. In a few weeks I will begin playing basketball 2 nights a week as well.
Like DisneyDadC... need to cut my portions back... way back. The pizza thing struck a cord with me. My wife brings home a pizza and she'll eat 2 slices... I clean out the box and then look for a snack. When I commit to doing it, I'm pretty good about watching what I eat, it is just hard to keep that commitment. It is especially hard at work when my lunch options are typically fast food or more fast food and we have all the popcorn I can eat all day long and it doesn't cost me a thing. popcorn::
What I want to accomplish is putting on jeans that fit more comfortably (without buying bigger jeans). I really don't like the gut hanging out over the belt either. I just want to burn some of the fat down and build some of the muscle back up. Like I said earlier, it isn't about losing weight to me so much as burning fat/building muscle and just making myself feel better. I know that right now I don't have any real problems to fix, but I also know my family and I know that if I go on eating like I do and don't work out the health issues will come.
Name: Tim

HT: 6'1''

Current weight: 207

Desired weight: 195

Body fat: not sure

Exercise routine? I haven't been to the gym since May. But am hoping to start 3 days a week next week. I will do a combination of walking/jogging and weights.

Eating habits? I don't think I eat all too bad but my wife would beg to differ. I drink primarily water but I do have about 1 soda a week. I used to eat chips everyday and we rarely buy them anymore. I love french fries and anything potatoes. I've also cut most fast food out of my diet, although I still eat it from time to time.

What we want to accomplish? My father had to have 5 vessel bypass at age 51. The doctor suggested that everyone in the family get checked. When I went my cholesterol was high. I was supposed to go back after 6 months and have it checked again but I didn't go. I was too scared that it would still be high and I would have to start on medication. I hate meds! LOL I hope that after getting into a solid routine again and eating smaller portions I will gain the confidence to get back to the doctor. I just need to get more active and when I was exercising I had more energy throughout the day.
I weighed myself properly this morning just before taking my shower. My wife's fancy-schmancy scale said I weighed 255 (apparently, I walked off several pounds, probably of water weight, last night + the clothing I was wearing last night). The scale also reported 35.3% body fat :scared1:

This morning, for breakfast, I had a bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal with skim milk. Right now, I'm sitting in a coffee shop enjoying a large cup of black coffee - no cream or sugar, and I passed on the really tasty-looking scone in the case next to the register. :)
Ok, here's my stats. I'll probably wreck these numbers after doing a week of free dining at Disney all next week:

Height: 5' 11"

Current weight: 175

Body fat: unsure

Desired weight: 160-165 (I have a thin build, but right now I have a little bit of a belly and no muscle tone. I also have high cholesterol)

Exercise routine: I would love to at least use my Wii Fit for a half-hour 5 times a week. I usually try to balance some cardio/running with simple strenght exercises like sit-ups and push-ups. On nice days, I would like to try and get out and run (although I really hate running).

Eating habits: Poor. I love meat, potatoes, deep-fried foods, pizza, meat covered with cheese, desserts, and drink way too much soda (even though I do more diet sodas). I hate vegetables and don't eat much fruit. I'm basically a nutrionist's worst nightmare, and my cholesterol tests way over 200 as a result.
OK guys, here goes. I'll throw this out there so no one feels self conscious about posting their weight.
Current weight 335:scared1:
Body fat There is a bunch of it
Desired weight 280
Exercise routine? walking (5k), hopefully getting up to 6x a week

Yes that is not a typo I'm around the 335 mark (I think, have to get back on the scale tomorrow morning), the only saving grace of that is that I'm 6'8".
I did the Expedition Everest Challenge at Animal Kingdom last June and managed to beat out a good portion of the field.

I've had type 2 diabetes for about 10 years now so I definitely am limited as far as what I can do for dieting so I don't mess up my blood sugar too much.
I know of at least one other Disdad with type 2 and if anyone needs to talk about it I'm more than happy to share what I know (I know quite a bit, just suck at actually applying it!).

So tonight I charge up the Ipod and set the alarm for 5:00am to hit the road in my neighborhood. It begins............................
Exercise routine: I would love to at least use my Wii Fit for a half-hour 5 times a week. I usually try to balance some cardio/running with simple strenght exercises like sit-ups and push-ups. On nice days, I would like to try and get out and run (although I really hate running).

If you can, try to get a copy of Active by EA Sports for the Wii. It basically sets up circuit training for you using cardio, strength (through resistance bands), and stretching. You can edit the workouts however you want. It has a 30 day challenge that is way tougher than you would expect from a Wii "game".
Name: Ian

Height: 5'9"

Current weight: 248

Body fat: 24% (according to the Body Fat Calculator)

Desired weight: 145-160

Exercise routine: We have a treadmill but we have weird power in our house so it's hard to use sometimes. I plan on using the treadmill when it's working well and Wii Fit daily. I try not to run as much as my calves tighten up really fast. I also have a step counter that I used to try to keep above 10,000 steps a day. In the summer that's kind of hard because I really hate walking in the humidity and heat. Let's see if I can boost that a bit more.

Eating habbits: Not bad but I tend to order EXTRA things that I don't need. I also have a penchant for cookies. And ice cream. Oh! And CHEESE! Oh! And PIE! mmm... delicious pie.... Oh, wait. I, uh, probably should stop fantasizing... sorry

What I want to accomplish? I want to be able to run and play with my kids like I used to without running out of steam. I'd also like to burn my current clothes.
OK guys, here goes. I'll throw this out there so no one feels self conscious about posting their weight.
Current weight 335:scared1:
Body fat There is a bunch of it
Desired weight 280
Exercise routine? walking (5k), hopefully getting up to 6x a week

Yes that is not a typo I'm around the 335 mark (I think, have to get back on the scale tomorrow morning), the only saving grace of that is that I'm 6'8".
I did the Expedition Everest Challenge at Animal Kingdom last June and managed to beat out a good portion of the field.

This post reminded me of a story that might add a touch of levity to our challenge. A few years ago, DW befriended the then-8-year-old son of a co-worker. The boy was a big kid - tall for his age, but also a bit chubby, and kids at school were teasing him. DW told him not to worry, that he was eating healthy and exercising, so he'd likely have another growth spurt soon and he wouldn't be chubby anymore. He contemplated that explanation for a bit and then said, "[AJRitz] isn't going to get any taller, is he?"
If you can, try to get a copy of Active by EA Sports for the Wii. It basically sets up circuit training for you using cardio, strength (through resistance bands), and stretching. You can edit the workouts however you want. It has a 30 day challenge that is way tougher than you would expect from a Wii "game".

Thanks! I'll check that out.
If you can, try to get a copy of Active by EA Sports for the Wii. It basically sets up circuit training for you using cardio, strength (through resistance bands), and stretching. You can edit the workouts however you want. It has a 30 day challenge that is way tougher than you would expect from a Wii "game".

My wife and I have seen that one but I think the Wii Fit is enough for us for now. Maybe next month.
I've had type 2 diabetes for about 10 years now so I definitely am limited as far as what I can do for dieting so I don't mess up my blood sugar too much.
I know of at least one other Disdad with type 2 and if anyone needs to talk about it I'm more than happy to share what I know (I know quite a bit, just suck at actually applying it!).

I just found out a few days ago that a neighbor of ours has type 2 diabetes... 16 year old high school student, probably 1% body fat (I exaggerate only slightly). This kid is the picture of fitness... runs cross country and plays basketball.

Don't know much about it myself, but from what I'm hearing from his family sounds like a lot for a kid that age to have to go through for the rest of his life...
Ok, so here I am too. I've been battling this stupidity for 12 years now. Hopefully I can finally get the motivation I need. We just signed up for a High Adventure Trip with the Scout Troop last night for next summer, with miles of backpacking - so combined, I'm praying that the motivation will be there.

Height: 5'11"

Current weight: 245

Body fat: Too much, 27.7%

Desired weight: 190-200 (but the BSA tells me that the recommened weight range for my height is 136-193)

Exercise routine? We have a treadmill that broke 2 years ago. I've been walking around the neighborhood, probably 1 mile or 1.5 miles 3x per week, but need to up it to daily. Ideally I need to start running again too (used to be on the Cross Country and track team in Jr & Sr HS). I've been looking at doing the Couch to 5K routine. I have a desk job, that involves little movement all day, except for hitting the head, getting up to make lunch, going over to the scanner/copier, etc. Any exercise is going to come at home or away from work.

Eating habits? Bad, BAd, BAD I love pizza, junk food & fast food too much. I do like many fruits, but just don't get enough of them. I eat veggies when my wife cooks, but if I'm cooking, I usually don't incorporate them into the meal. I really do love some of the dark greens such as spinach, broccoli, zucchini and asparagus, but more often we'll have the light greens or yellows (salad, corn, summer squash) or the oranges (carrots, etc).

Unfortunately I love ice cream. Some times I will pass on it when the kids have some, other times I have it - and then have more after they've gone to bed.

I also love to snack. Having snacks at the office doesn't help.

And nearly worst of all, I love Coke. The real stuff, not that diet stuff. I have at least one per day, which I do know is very bad for me. I have cut back from 2 -4 per day, and need to reduce to only one or 2 per week, if not eliminate them altogether. I've tried going cold turkey and have failed miserably each time. I do NOT have any soft drinks while on campouts with the Scouts , but each time come home and see them and "have to" have one, jumping right back on the bad trail.
Here's the table that the BSA looks at for weight allowances that I refer to in my initial post. It's on all of the health (physical) forms that must be submitted annually. It's pretty fascinating to see how each person fits in according to the US Dept of Health & Human Services guidelines. By this table, I'm obese, and sadly I know it, but haven't done much about it. Sigh.

By this table, I'm obese, and sadly I know it, but haven't done much about it.
We weighed in on our Wii Fit two days ago (right after we got it) and my whole family was in lower end of the the "normal" range. Me? I topped it out on the very top of obese. I threw my hands up and said "I win!". My wife wasn't pleased.

This post reminded me of a story that might add a touch of levity to our challenge. A few years ago, DW befriended the then-8-year-old son of a co-worker. The boy was a big kid - tall for his age, but also a bit chubby, and kids at school were teasing him. DW told him not to worry, that he was eating healthy and exercising, so he'd likely have another growth spurt soon and he wouldn't be chubby anymore. He contemplated that explanation for a bit and then said, "[AJRitz] isn't going to get any taller, is he?"


I just found out a few days ago that a neighbor of ours has type 2 diabetes... 16 year old high school student, probably 1% body fat (I exaggerate only slightly). This kid is the picture of fitness... runs cross country and plays basketball.

Don't know much about it myself, but from what I'm hearing from his family sounds like a lot for a kid that age to have to go through for the rest of his life...

It is definitely a strange thing, but really no different than people who need medication because they don't produce enough of certain chemicals in the brain who need antidepressants. The cool thing is that I have no doubt this will be cured in the next 20 years or so. There was some really cool research presented by a pair of doctors from New Zealand and Canada, basically there are these things called islets in the body that produce insulin, they harvested these isolets from pigs and injected them into test subjects who had Type 1 diabetes that was so uncontrollable they had to use an insulin pump to monitor their blood sugar and constantly adjust the dosage of insulin. Within a few days of the transplant they were off the pump and their blood sugar remained normal for over 26 months.

The worst thing that happened to me after I found out that I had Type 2 was talking to older people who had it and those people talking to my parents. It sounds like that is what he might be hearing, that he can't ever have cake again, he'll have to monitor exactly what he eats for the rest of his life, an a bunch of other things that will make his life hell. There is so much new information that is out there that completely goes against what the previous generation was told. Just like anything else it is moderation, I can eat anything I want, I just need to know what the portion size I can handle. When I'm at Disney I can eat pretty much whatever I want because I'm walking all day so my body is taking care of the extra carbs. I scuba dive, I just know I have to test my blood before I dive and I normally down a candy bar before I go in to make sure my numbers don't drop too low while I'm down.

If you see him tell him it's no different than asthma or any other thing. It is actually kind of amazing to be able to monitor your blood sugar and get explanations for stuff that has happened. I've been in a crappy mood for apparently no reason before, tested my sugar, found it was low, ate something and after 30 minutes felt "normal".

OK, I'll stop rambling..........for now.
By this table, I'm obese, and sadly I know it, but haven't done much about it. Sigh.

When I was about 295 my doctor told me he would like to see me weigh 210. I told him "I would like a pony. Do you really think either of us will get our wish?"


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